Processing Steps |
- Parameter or Variable: Plant Belowground Biomass (measured); Units: kg/m^2; Observation Category: laboratory analysis; Sampling Instrument: balance; Sampling and Analyzing Method: Cores were collected from three locations per marsh to 25 cm depth using a metal t-corer (i.d.=7.9 cm). Cores were extruded onto a tray and subdivided into 5 cm increments by depth (i.e. 0-5 cm, 5-10 cm, 10-15 cm, 15-20 cm, 20-25 cm). Back at the lab, roots were separated from soil by rinsing with deionized water through a 2 mm sieve. The remaining plant material was oven dried at 60°C to a constant weight..
- Parameter or Variable: Sediment extractable ammonium (measured); Units: nmol N/g; Observation Category: laboratory analysis; Sampling Instrument: fluorometer; Sampling and Analyzing Method: Cores were collected from three locations per marsh to 25 cm depth using a metal t-corer (i.d.=7.9 cm). Cores were extruded onto a tray and subdivided into 5 cm increments by depth (i.e. 0-5 cm, 5-10 cm, 10-15 cm, 15-20 cm, 20-25 cm). Each 5 cm section was sub-sampled using a syringe corer (i.d.=1.3 cm). Soil extractable NH4+ was determined by mixing soil with 2 N potassium chloride (KCl) on a shaker table. After 24 hours, slurries were centrifuged and the supernatant was filtered (0.45 µm nylon membrane filter) and frozen until analysis. Soil extractable NH4+ was determined fluorometrically Turner Designs 7200-002 fluorometer equipped with a CDOM/NH4 UV module..
- Parameter or Variable: Sediment organic matter content (measured); Units: %; Observation Category: laboratory analysis; Sampling Instrument: muffle furnace, balance; Sampling and Analyzing Method: Cores were collected from three locations per marsh to 25 cm depth using a metal t-corer (i.d.=7.9 cm). Cores were extruded onto a tray and subdivided into 5 cm increments by depth (i.e. 0-5 cm, 5-10 cm, 10-15 cm, 15-20 cm, 20-25 cm). Each 5 cm section was sub-sampled using a syringe corer (i.d.=1.3 cm). Soil percent organic matter (%OM) was determined by loss-on-ignition (LOI). Samples were oven dried at 60°C and ground with a mortar and pestle. After re-drying in the oven, sub-samples were ashed in a muffle furnace (Lindberg/Blue M Moldatherm Box Furnace, Thermo Scientific) at 600°C for six hours. Sediment organic matter content was not measured on 2018-11-30..
- Parameter or Variable: Denitrification Rate (Ambient) (measured); Units: µmol N kg dry weight-1 h-1; Observation Category: laboratory analysis; Sampling Instrument: Membrane inlet mass spectrometer; Sampling and Analyzing Method: Cores were collected from three locations per marsh to 25 cm depth using a metal t-corer (i.d.=7.9 cm). Cores were extruded onto a tray and subdivided into 5 cm increments by depth (i.e. 0-5 cm, 5-10 cm, 10-15 cm, 15-20 cm, 20-25 cm). Sediment samples were stored in Ziploc bags and homogenized manually. Roughly one quarter of each sample was slurried with artificial sea water (ASW) adjusted to the salinity of the West Fowl River at the time of sampling (~10 PPT). Slurries were bubbled with N2 gas to produce anoxic conditions and siphoned into 12 mL Exetainer vials (Labco). Following an overnight incubation on a shaker table to remove residual NO3- and O2, slurries were spiked to ~50 µM Na15NO3 (99 atom %; Cambridge Isotope Laboratories, Inc.). One slurry tube for each sample was immediately spiked with zinc chloride (ZnCl2, 50% W/V) to stop biological activity (t0). Three slurry tubes per sample were incubated for ~6 hours at ambient water temperature then spiked with ZnCl2 (t6). Denitrification was measured based on the concentration of 29N2 and 30N2 concentrations in slurry water with a membrane inlet mass spectrometer (MIMS) outfitted with a copper reduction column to remove O2..
- Parameter or Variable: DNRA Rates (Ambient) (measured); Units: µmol N kg dry weight-1 h-1; Observation Category: laboratory analysis; Sampling Instrument: Membrane inlet mass spectrometer; Sampling and Analyzing Method: Cores were collected from three locations per marsh to 25 cm depth using a metal t-corer (i.d.=7.9 cm). Cores were extruded onto a tray and subdivided into 5 cm increments by depth (i.e. 0-5 cm, 5-10 cm, 10-15 cm, 15-20 cm, 20-25 cm). Sediment samples were stored in Ziploc bags and homogenized manually. Roughly one quarter of each sample was slurried with artificial sea water (ASW) adjusted to the salinity of the West Fowl River at the time of sampling (~10 PPT). Slurries were bubbled with N2 gas to produce anoxic conditions and siphoned into 12 mL Exetainer vials (Labco). Following an overnight incubation on a shaker table to remove residual NO3- and O2, slurries were spiked to ~50 µM Na15NO3 (99 atom %; Cambridge Isotope Laboratories, Inc.). One slurry tube for each sample was immediately spiked with zinc chloride (ZnCl2, 50% W/V) to stop biological activity (t0). Three slurry tubes per sample were incubated for ~6 hours at ambient water temperature then spiked with ZnCl2 (t6). DNRA tubes were bubbled with N2 to purge 29N2 and 30N2 produced by denitrification. Samples were then amended with 200 µL sodium hypobromite, which converts NH4+ to N2. The resulting 29N2 and 30N2 concentrations were measured on the MIMS..
- Parameter or Variable: Denitrification Rates (+C) (measured); Units: µmol N kg dry weight-1 h-1; Observation Category: laboratory analysis; Sampling Instrument: Membrane inlet mass spectrometer; Sampling and Analyzing Method: Denitrification rates were measured as described for Denitrification Rates (Ambient), but one t6 tube for each sample was amended with glucose solution (final concentration: ~50 µM C) at the beginning of the incubation..
- Parameter or Variable: DNRA Rates (+C) (measured); Units: µmol N kg dry weight-1 h-1; Observation Category: laboratory analysis; Sampling Instrument: Membrane inlet mass spectrometer; Sampling and Analyzing Method: DNRA rates were measured as described for DNRA Rates (Ambient), but one t6 tube for each sample was amended with glucose solution (final concentration: ~50 µM C) at the beginning of the incubation..
- Parameter or Variable: Percent denitrification (Ambient) (calculated); Units: %; Observation Category: other; Sampling Instrument: other (calculation); Sampling and Analyzing Method: To determine the percent of nitrate removed by denitrification out of total NO3- reduction was calculated on ambient rates: [Denitrification/(Denitrification+DNRA)] x 100.
- Parameter or Variable: Percent denitrification (+C) (calculated); Units: %; Observation Category: other; Sampling Instrument: other (calculation); Sampling and Analyzing Method: To determine the percent of nitrate removed by denitrification out of total NO3- reduction was calculated on +C rates: [Denitrification/(Denitrification+DNRA)] x 100.
- Parameter or Variable: Collection Date (measured); Units: yyyy-mm-dd; Observation Category: other; Sampling Instrument: calendar; Sampling and Analyzing Method: Date that samples were collected in the field..
- Parameter or Variable: Marsh (measured); Units: none; Observation Category: other; Sampling Instrument: none; Sampling and Analyzing Method: Refers to marsh type sampled. NAT = natural marsh, CON-2 = constructed marsh.
- Parameter or Variable: Replicate (measured); Units: none; Observation Category: other; Sampling Instrument: none; Sampling and Analyzing Method: Triplicate samples were collected from each marsh on each sampling date..
- Parameter or Variable: Depth Interval (measured); Units: cm; Observation Category: in situ; Sampling Instrument: ruler; Sampling and Analyzing Method: Sediment cores (25 cm) were divided into 5-5cm depth intervals (0-5 cm, 5-10 cm, 10-15 cm, 15-20 cm, 20-25 cm).