ADCP, CTD, underway, water chemistry, and mahi-mahi satellite tagging data and tracks from the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico from 2016-09-29 to 2018-03-26 (NCEI Accession 0241708)
This data package contains ADCP, CTD casts, near-surface data from ship’s continuous flow-through system and meteorological conditions, water chemistry data, and mahi-mahi (Coryphaena hippurus) tagging data derived from a research and fishing vessels. Mahi-mahi were tagged over a period of 2 years in the Florida Straits and the Gulf of Mexico including day trips aboard Miss Britt and Triple Threat (2016-09-29 to 2018-03-26) and as part of a research cruise on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith cruise WS17177 (2017-06-26 to 2017-06-28). Satellite tagging data and tracks were derived from mahi-mahi tagged with Wildlife Computers pop-up satellite archival tags (PSATs) programmed to collect light, pressure (depth), temperature, and acceleration for up to 96-days and then transmitted via the Argos satellite network. Oceanographic data were derived from CTD profiles conducted once-daily and underway ADCP and near surface water (environmental and meteorological) data collected for the duration of the cruise. The dataset also includes water chemistry data (temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, pH, ammonia, and PAHs) derived from two identical 5,000L onboard recovery tanks holding mahi-mahi in control seawater for up to 16 hours. Tagging data includes all the tagging information such as catch and releases location, fish size and condition, and associated tag number. All the raw PSATs data for each tagged Mahi-Mahi is included in the dataset. PSATs data includes temperatures, depths, light levels, and acceleration, as well as fish tracks.
Dataset Citation
- Cite as: Schlenker, Lela; Grosell, Martin (2021). ADCP, CTD, underway, water chemistry, and mahi-mahi satellite tagging data and tracks from the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico from 2016-09-29 to 2018-03-26 (NCEI Accession 0241708). [indicate subset used]. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. Dataset. Accessed [date].
Dataset Identifiers
ISO 19115-2 Metadata
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Ordering Instructions | Contact NCEI for other distribution options and instructions. |
Distributor |
NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information +1-301-713-3277 |
Dataset Point of Contact |
NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information |
Time Period | 2016-09-29 to 2018-03-26 |
Spatial Bounding Box Coordinates |
West: -90.02166
East: -50.3091
South: 25.29879
North: 41.39515
Spatial Coverage Map |
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Publication Dates |
Data Presentation Form | Digital table - digital representation of facts or figures systematically displayed, especially in columns |
Dataset Progress Status | Complete - production of the data has been completed Historical archive - data has been stored in an offline storage facility |
Data Update Frequency | As needed |
Supplemental Information | Data parameters and units: 1. GRIIDC dataset R4.x258.000:0049; CTD, ADCP, and underway data. Data parameters and units included are: CTD data - time(sec), latitude and longitude (decimal degrees), pressure (dBar), depth (m), temperature (degrees Celsius), temperature 2 (degrees Celsius), salinity (PSU), salinity 2 (PSU), dissolved oxygen (ml/l), oxygen saturation (ml/l), conductivity (S/m), conductivity 2 (S/m), sigmat (kg/m^3), altimeter (m), sound velocity (m/s). ADCP data - time (decimal days), latitude and longitude (decimal degrees), depth(m), ship zonal velocity (m/s), zonal velocity (m/s), ship meridional velocity (m/s), meridional velocity (ms), percent good (%), internal transducer temp (degrees Celsius), signal strength (counts), heading (degrees), pflag. Underway data - Date (MM/DD/YYYY), time (hh:mm:ss), barometric pressure (mB), pump outflow (m3/s), raw voltage (Volts), depth (depth below transducer in feet, meter and Fathoms), DisOrgMat (dissolved organic matter fluorometer), concentration (micrograms/L), gain (dimensionless), thermopile out (Volts), case temperature (K), dome temperature (K), long-wave radiation (W/m2), short-wave radiation (W/m2), ultraviolet radiation (W/m2), chlorophyll-a concentration (micrograms/L), GPS time (seconds of the week), latitude and longitude (degrees, minutes, direction), altitude (m), geoid height (m), true Heading (degrees East of North), speed over the ground (SOG, Knots), course over the ground (COG, degrees true), gyroscope bottom speed (Knots), water speed (Knots), precision infrared radiometer (PIR, W/m2), precision spectral pyranometer (PSP, W/m2), total ultraviolet radiation (TUV, W/m2), rain gauge precipitation (mm/hr), accumulative precipitation (mm), fluorometer chlorophyll-a concentration (mg/L), gain (dimensionless), dissolved organic matter concentration (micrograms/L), raw voltage (Volts), Sea-bird shipboard temperature (degrees C), debubbler pump flow (LPM, Liter/minute), output pressure (PSI/in2), pre-strainer pressure (PSI/in2), post-strainer pressure (PSI/in2), POSMV latitude and longitude (degrees, minutes, direction), barometric pressure (mb), relative wind speed (Knots), relative wind direction (degrees East of North), true wind speed (Knots), true wind direction (degrees East of North), Port RM young meteorological instrument: air temperature (degrees Celsius), relative humidity (%), conductivity (Seimens), salinity (PSU), Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM, micrograms/L), turbidity (NTU), Crude Oil, phycoerythrin, phycocyanin (micrograms/L), remote temperature (degrees Celsius), raw temperature (degrees Celsius), raw conductivity (Seimens), raw remote temperature (degrees Celsius), ThermoSalinoGraph (TSG) instrument flow (m2/s), temperature frequency (Hz), conductivity frequency (Hz), remote temperature frequency (Hz), instantaneous precipitation (mm/hr), accumulated precipitation (mm), signal strength: raw Average (dB), adaptive baseline (dB), chlorophyll-a fluorescence raw and calibrated (micrograms/L), CDOM raw and calibrated (micrograms/L), turbidity raw and calibrated (NTU), Crude Oil, phycoerythrin, phycocyanin raw and calibrated (micrograms/L), depth (m), temperature (degrees Celsius). 2. GRIIDC dataset R4.x258.000:0052; Water chemistry data derived from recovery tank on board research vessel. Data parameters and units included are: Tank ID [Two identical 5,000L revcovery tanks were used to hold Mahi in control seawater for up to 16 hours], sample ID [Sample ID assigned to water sample collected for ammonia analysis], ammonia [Total ammonia measured from seawater in recovery tanks using the colorimetric indophenol blue method, micrograms/L], date [MM/DD/YYYY], time [24-hr time of day in eastern standard time, EST], tank number [Two identical 5,000L revcovery tanks were used to hold Mahi in control seawater for up to 16 hours], number of fish held in tank, temperature [Temperature of seawater in recovery tank; degrees C), pH [pH of seawater in recovery tank], dissolved oxygen [Disolved oxygen in recovery tank measured in mg/L], dissolved oxygen [Disolved oxygen in recovery tank measured in percent saturation], salinity [Salinity in recovery tank measured in parts per thousand], ammonia sample ID [Sample ID assigned to water sample collected for ammonia analysis], initials of scientist taking the water measurements, tank flushed or static [tanks were either held static or were flushed with clean seawater]. 3. GRIIDC dataset R4.x258.000:0053; Mahi-mahi tagging data. Data parameters and units included are: Station number, latitude (decimal degrees), longitude (decimal degrees), fish number, catch station id (station number), date (mm/dd/yy), time hooked (EST; HH:MM:SS), time boasted (EST; HH:MM:SS), time in tank (EST; HH:MM:SS), angling time (MM:SS), handling time (MM:SS), sex (female or male), fork length (cm), hook location, Samples collected (fin clips were non-lethal, heart samples were lethal), eye condition (1-3, excellent-poor), color (1-3, excellent-poor), activity (1-3, excellent-poor), initial condition score (3-9, excellent-poor), wounds (wounds present on mahi-mahi brought in for sampling), tank number (1-2, both tanks were 5,000 L recover tanks filled with oxygenated seawater), fate (released or died in the recovery tank), tag number, vessel captured (the R/V F.G. Walton Smith is the research vessel where fish were tagged, recovered, and released, the F/V Miss Britt was a small fishing vessel that caught additional mahi-mahi and transferred those fish to the R/V F.G. Walton Smith), comments, release station id, release notes. 4. GRIIDC dataset R4.x258.000:0054; Mahi-mahi pop-up satellite archival tags (PSATs) data. Data parameters and units included are: Complete Argos transmitted datasets for 16 satellite-tagged mahi-mahi. Data is organized by tag. Each folder is named after the satellite tag number and contains all of the data collected by that tag. Time in 24-hour (UTC), fish latitude and longitude (degrees and decimal minutes), temperature (Celsius), depth (meters), light (Wcm-2 at 440nm), and acceleration (g). The dataset also includes all the fish tagging information with the Argos ID, PSAT number, capture vessel, location for capture and release (latitude/longitude in degrees and decimal minutes), sex of mahi-mahi tagged, fork length of tagged mahi-mahi (cm), angling and handling time (mm:ss) and all the tagging information. A full description of the PSAT data is provided in “Explanation of PSAT folders and variables.csv”. Cruise Name/ID: Research Vessel F.G. Walton Smith cruise WS17177; Fishing Vessels Miss Britt and Triple Threat Chief scientists: Martin Grosell and Lela Schlenker from the University of Miami |
Purpose | The purpose of these data collection is to characterize the vertical habitat and surface water conditions where adult mahi-mahi was captured; understand the migrations, habitat use, and acceleration behavior of wild mahi-mahi not exposed to oil; and to provide information about the conditions and water chemistry in the recovery tank. |
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Last Modified: 2024-09-17T19:16:12Z
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