Turbidity, SOLAR RADIATION - ATMOSPHERIC and other data from unknown platforms from 1993-01-01 to 1993-12-31 (NCEI Accession 9600051)
The Hi resolution conductivity, temperature and depth (CTD); Ocean Station data (OSD); Zooplankton; Bacteria; and Assorted Radiochemical data in this accession was collected as part of Bering & Pacific Russian/US Cooperative (BERPAC) Research Program between January 1 to December 31, 1993. Oceanographic Station Data contain physical and chemical oceanographic data recorded at discrete depth levels. The Oceanographic Station Data observations were made using multi-bottle Nansen casts or other types of water samplers. The data was submitted to NODC by Dr. Clifford P. Rice, United States Department of Agriculture.
Dataset Citation
- Cite as: Rice, Clifford P.; USDA > Agriculture Research Service (2020). Turbidity, SOLAR RADIATION - ATMOSPHERIC and other data from unknown platforms from 1993-01-01 to 1993-12-31 (NCEI Accession 9600051). [indicate subset used]. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. Unpublished Dataset. https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/archive/accession/9600051. Accessed [date].
Dataset Identifiers
ISO 19115-2 Metadata
Other Access |
Distribution Formats |
Ordering Instructions | When requesting analog data from NCEI, the desired dataset should be referred to by the Accession Number listed in this metadata record. Because the contents of this archival information package are analog, you must contact NCEI for assistance in obtaining a copy of these data. |
Distributor |
NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information +1-301-713-3277 ncei.info@noaa.gov |
Dataset Point of Contact |
NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information ncei.info@noaa.gov |
Time Period | 1993-01-01 to 1993-12-31 |
Spatial Bounding Box Coordinates |
Spatial Coverage Map |
General Documentation |
Publication Dates |
Data Presentation Form | Hardcopy document - document archived in analog format |
Dataset Progress Status | Pending - committed to, but not yet addressed |
Data Update Frequency | As needed |
Supplemental Information | Note: Metadata for this accession were extracted from a legacy database maintained by the U.S. National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC). The design of the database did not exactly reflect the FGDC Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata (CSDGM). Principal Investigator (PI) and organization contact information accurately represents all available information from the legacy database at the time that this description was created. However, proper attribution of a PI to a specific institution or the role (submitting or collecting) taken by an institution may not be correct due to inexact mapping between fields in the legacy database and the CSDGM. Due to this uncertainty, the contact information was initially recorded in the Supplemental Information element of the CSDGM description. To develop more accurate metadata, NCEI reviews metadata for all accessions on an ongoing basis. Points of contact for this data set include: Contact info: Agency: US DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE; AGRICULTURE RESEARCH SERVICE PI: Rice, Dr. Clifford Address: address: NOT AVAILABLE city: NOT AVAILABLE state: NOT AVAILABLE postal: 20250 country: USA |
Purpose | This dataset is available to the public for a wide variety of uses including scientific research and analysis. |
Use Limitations |
Dataset Citation |
Cited Authors | |
Contributors | |
Resource Providers | |
Publishers |
Use Constraints |
Access Constraints |
Fees |
Acquisition Information (collection) | |
Instrument |
Last Modified: 2023-08-09T18:17:09Z
For questions about the information on this page, please email: ncei.info@noaa.gov
For questions about the information on this page, please email: ncei.info@noaa.gov