NOAA/WDS Paleoclimatology - Margolis fire data from Cerro de la Olla East, Northern New Mexico - IMPD USCDE002
This archived Paleoclimatology Study is available from the NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI), under the World Data Service (WDS) for Paleoclimatology. The associated NCEI study type is Fire. The data include parameters of fire history|tree ring with a geographic location of New Mexico, United States Of America. The time period coverage is from 851 to 176 in calendar years before present (BP). See metadata information for parameter and study location details. Please cite this study when using the data.
Dataset Citation
- Cite as: Margolis, E.Q. (2024-12-12): NOAA/WDS Paleoclimatology - Margolis fire data from Cerro de la Olla East, Northern New Mexico - IMPD USCDE002. [indicate subset used]. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. Accessed [date].
- Please refer to Credit tab for full citation information.
Dataset Identifiers
- doi:10.25921/qv4f-4q90
- noaa-fire-40383
- NCEI DSI 1200_02
- NCEI DSI 1200_01
ISO 19115-2 Metadata
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Ordering Instructions | Contact NCEI for other distribution options and instructions. |
Distributor |
NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information |
Dataset Point of Contact |
NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information |
Dataset Point of Contact | Data Center Contact NOAA World Data Service for Paleoclimatology 828-271-4800 |
Coverage Description | Date Range: 1099 CE to 1774 CE; Date Range: 851 cal yr BP to 176 cal yr BP; |
Time Period | 1099 to 1774 |
Spatial Bounding Box Coordinates |
West: -105.77373
East: -105.77373
South: 36.76669
North: 36.76669
Spatial Coverage Map |
General Documentation |
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Publication Dates |
Data Presentation Form | Digital table - digital representation of facts or figures systematically displayed, especially in columns |
Dataset Progress Status | Complete - production of the data has been completed |
Data Update Frequency | Data update frequency not available |
Supplemental Information | STUDY NOTES: This dataset was contributed as part of the North American Tree-ring Fire Scar Synthesis (NAFSS) project ( Data were contributed to the project from the original data generators. Sample Storage Location: Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research Archive Dating Method: crossdated Related ITRDB_Chronology: Not Applicable Fire scar data from this site are available in FHX2 format at: along with associated metadata at: Extended supplemental information file descriptions (where applicable): uscde002-CDE.csv: TreeID, species, tree condition, latitude, longitude, and sample date ABSTRACT SUPPLIED BY ORIGINATOR: Records of past fire occurrence from tree rings, charcoal found in lake sediments, and other proxies. Parameter keywords describe what was measured in this data set. Additional summary information can be found in the abstracts of papers listed in the data set citations. Additional information on the International Multiproxy Database (IMPD) data set procedures are also available. |
Purpose | Records of past fire occurrence from tree rings, charcoal found in lake sediments, and other proxies. Parameter keywords describe what was measured in this dataset. Additional summary information can be found in the abstracts of papers listed in the dataset citations. Additional information on the International Multiproxy Database (IMPD) dataset procedures are also available. |
Dataset Citation |
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Theme keywords |
Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Science Keywords
Data Center keywords |
Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Data Center Keywords
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Last Modified: 2024-12-27
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