Regional Ocean Climatologies / Northern North Pacific / Salinity / Temperature
Northern North Pacific - Data Access: Statistical mean of salinity on 1° grid for all decades

The salinity climatological fields can be downloaded as an individual file or a compressed file of all climatological fields and related statistics.
The WOA documentation includes information on downloading and reading the data.

Statistical mean data links (1° grid)
All fields climatology.tar.gz (3.1 MB)

Annual Seasonal Monthly
s00mn01.csv s13mn01.csv - Winter
s14mn01.csv - Spring
s15mn01.csv - Summer
s16mn01.csv - Autumn
s01mn01.csv - January
s02mn01.csv - February
s03mn01.csv - March
s04mn01.csv - April
s05mn01.csv - May
s06mn01.csv - June
s07mn01.csv - July
s08mn01.csv - August
s09mn01.csv - September
s10mn01.csv - October
s11mn01.csv - November
s12mn01.csv - December

File naming conventions: [V][TT][FF][GG].[EXT]
[V] - variable
[TT] - time period
[FF] - field type
[GG] - grid (01- 1°, 04 - 1/4° 10 - 1/10°)
[EXT] - file extention
Note: '.dat' - ASCII; '.csv' - comma separated value; '.dbf', '.shp', '.shx' - ArcGIS shape files; '.nc' - netCDF files