Baltic Sea Data
Platform/Vessel | Country | Location/Area | Type of Measurements | Dates of Operation | Frequency | PI(s) | Measurements | Data | Project Link |
SOOP cruises: M/V Tavastland 2021 | Germany, Sweeden | See map | Surface, underway | 2021-05-01 to 2021-12-06 | Continuous | Anna Willstrand Wranne /SMHI, Sweeden; Tobias Steinhoff /GEOMAR, Germany. | PCO2_WAT, SSS, SST, Atm. Pressure |
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SOOP cruises: M/V Tavastland 2020 | Germany, Sweeden | See map | Surface, underway | 2020-01-07 to 2020-06-15 | Continuous | Anna Willstrand Wranne /SMHI, Sweeden; Tobias Steinhoff /GEOMAR, Germany. | PCO2_WAT, SSS, SST, Atm. Pressure |
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SOOP cruises: M/V Tavastland 2019 | Germany, Sweeden | See map | Surface, underway | 2019-10-02 to 2020-01-02 | Continuous | Anna Willstrand Wranne /SMHI, Sweeden; Tobias Steinhoff /GEOMAR, Germany. | PCO2_WAT, SSS, SST, Atm. Pressure |
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SOOP cruises: A. V. Humboldt: 1995-10 to 2001-8, except: 1999-11 and 2000-03 (Aranda); VOS Finnpartner: 2003 - 2006; VOS Finnmaid: 2007 - 2011 |
Germany | See map | Surface, underway | 1995 - 2011 | Continuous | Bernd Schneider / Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research, Germany | PCO2_WAT, SSS, SST |
Data files Metadata |
Platform/Vessel | Country | Location/Area | Type of Measurements | Dates of Operation | Frequency | PI(s) | Measurements | Data | Project Link |
Mooring Ostergarnsholm (57.4233N; 18.9945E) | Sweeden | Baltic Sea | Surface time series | from 2005-05-31 to 2022-10-20 | Continuous | Anna Rutgersson / Uppsala University, Sweeden | PCO2_WAT, SST |
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Last modified: 2024-09-03T18:00:59Z