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OCADSAccess DataNDP-076NDP-076 - mld1x1.dat (File 9)

mld1x1.dat (File 9)

This file provides a mixed layer depths (1° × 1° grid) calculated for each month of the year. The file is sorted by longitude and latitude and can be read by using the following FORTRAN 77 code [contained in mld1x1.for (File 4)]:

REAL lon, lat, max, jan, feb, mar, apr, may, jun, jul REAL aug, sep, oct, nov, dec read (1, 10, end=999) lon, lat, max, jan, feb, mar, 1 apr, may, jun, jul, aug, sep, oct, nov, dec 10 format (F8.2, 1X, F7.2, 1X, F8.4, 1X, F8.4, 1X, F8.4, 1 1X, F8.4, 1X, F8.4, 1X, F8.4, 1X, F8.4, 1X, F8.4, 1X, 2 F8.4, 1X, F8.4, 1X, F8.4, 1X, F8.4, 1X, F8.4)

Stated in tabular form, the contents include the following:

Variable Variable type Variable width Starting column Ending column
lon Numeric 8 1 8
lat Numeric 7 10 16
max Numeric 8 18 25
jan Numeric 8 27 34
feb Numeric 8 36 43
mar Numeric 8 45 52
apr Numeric 8 54 61
may Numeric 8 63 70
jun Numeric 8 72 79
jul Numeric 8 81 88
aug Numeric 8 90 97
sep Numeric 8 99 106
oct Numeric 8 108 115
nov Numeric 8 117 124
dec Numeric 8 126 133

The variables are defined as follows:

lon  -  is the longitude for which MLDs were calculated;
lat  -  is the latitude for which MLDs were calculated;
max  -  is the year maximum MLD;
jan-dec  -  is the calculated MLD for each month of the year.
Last modified: 2021-03-17T18:30:28Z