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griddap Subset tabledap Make A Graph wms files Title Summary Info Background Info RSS Institution Dataset ID ISCCP H Global Gridded (HGG) By time, latitude, longitude ISCCP H Global Gridded (HGG) Dimensioned By time, latitude, longitude.\n\ncdm_data_type = Grid\nVARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]):\neqheight (Equal-area cell mean topographic height, m)\nsatcode (Satellite code number, 1)\ncell_origin (Cell origin code, 1)\nfill_gmts (Number of missing GMTs in gap, 1)\nfill_days (Number of missing days in gap, 1)\nscene (Scene identification)\nsnoice (Snow/ice cover, percent)\nn_total (Total number of pixels, 1)\ncldamt (Cloud amount, percent)\ncldamt_ir (Cloud amount (using IR data), percent)\ncldamt_irmarg (Cloud amount uncertainty (using IR data), percent)\npc (Mean cloud-top pressure (PC) for cloudy pixels, hPa)\npc_ir (Mean cloud-top pressure (PC) for IR-cloudy pixels, hPa)\nsigma_pc_ir (Standard deviation of cloud-top pressure (PC) for IR-cloudy pixels, hPa)\ntc (Mean cloud-top temperature (TC) for cloudy pixels, K)\ntc_ir (Mean cloud-top temperature (TC) for IR-cloudy pixels, K)\nsigma_tc_ir (Standard deviation of cloud-top temperature (TC) for IR-cloudy pixels, K)\ntau (Mean cloud optical depth (TAU) for cloudy pixels, 1)\ntau_ir (Mean cloud optical depth (TAU) for IR-cloudy pixels, 1)\nsigma_tau_ir (Standard deviation of cloud optical depth (TAU) for IR-cloudy pixels, 1)\nwp (Mean cloud water path (WP) for cloudy pixels, cm)\nwp_ir (Mean cloud water path (WP) for IR-cloudy pixels, cm)\nsigma_wp_ir (Standard deviation of cloud water path (WP) for IR-cloudy pixels, cm)\n International Cloud Climatology Project (ISCPP) iscpp_hgg_by_time_lat_lon ISCCP H Gridded By Hour (HGH) By time, latitude, longitude ISCCP H Gridded By Hour (HGH) Dimensioned By time, latitude, longitude.\n\ncdm_data_type = Grid\nVARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]):\neqland (Equal-area cell land area, percent)\neqheight (Equal-area cell mean topographic height, m)\nscene (Scene identification)\nn_obs (Number of observations, 1)\nn_day (Number of day-time observations, 1)\nn_orig (Number of original data cells, 1)\nn_toplev (Number of satellite hierarchy top-level data cells, 1)\ncldamt (Mean cloud amount, percent)\npc (Mean cloud pressure, hPa)\nsigma_pc_time (cloud-top pressure (PC) standard deviation over time, hPa)\ntc (Mean cloud temperature, K)\nsigma_tc_time (cloud-top temperature (TC) standard deviation over time, K)\ntau (Mean cloud cloud optical depth (TAU), 1)\nsigma_tau_time (cloud optical depth (TAU) standard deviation over time, 1)\nwp (Mean cloud water path, cm)\nsigma_wp_time (cloud water path (WP) standard deviation over time, cm)\ncldamt_ir (Mean IR-cloud amount, percent)\npc_ir (Mean IR-cloud pressure, hPa)\nsigma_pc_space (cloud-top pressure (PC) IR-cloud mean standard deviation over space, hPa)\ntc_ir (Mean IR-cloud temperature, K)\nsigma_tc_space (cloud-top temperature (TC) IR-cloud mean standard deviation over space, K)\ntau_ir (Mean IR-cloud cloud optical depth (TAU), 1)\nsigma_tau_space (cloud optical depth (TAU) IR-cloud mean standard deviation over space, 1)\nwp_ir (Mean IR-cloud water path, cm)\nsigma_wp_space (cloud water path (WP) IR-cloud mean standard deviation over space, cm)\ncldamt_irmarg (Cloud amount uncertainty (using IR data), percent)\nsnoice (Mean snow/ice amount, percent)\n International Cloud Climatology Project (ISCPP) iscpp_hgh_by_time_lat_lon ISCCP H Gridded Monthly (HGM) By time, latitude, longitude ISCCP H Gridded Monthly (HGM) Dimensioned By time, latitude, longitude.\n\ncdm_data_type = Grid\nVARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]):\neqland (Equal-area cell land area, percent)\neqheight (Equal-area cell mean topographic height, m)\nscene (Scene identification)\nn_obs (Number of observations, 1)\nn_day (Number of day-time observations, 1)\nn_orig (Number of original data cells, 1)\nn_toplev (Number of satellite hierarchy top-level data cells, 1)\ncldamt (Mean cloud amount, percent)\npc (Mean cloud pressure, hPa)\nsigma_pc_time (cloud-top pressure (PC) mean standard deviation over time, hPa)\ntc (Mean cloud temperature, K)\nsigma_tc_time (cloud-top temperature (TC) mean standard deviation over time, K)\ntau (Mean cloud cloud optical depth (TAU), 1)\nsigma_tau_time (cloud optical depth (TAU) mean standard deviation over time, 1)\nwp (Mean cloud water path, cm)\nsigma_wp_time (cloud water path (WP) mean standard deviation over time, cm)\ncldamt_ir (Mean IR-cloud amount, percent)\npc_ir (Mean IR-cloud pressure, hPa)\nsigma_pc_space (cloud-top pressure (PC) IR-cloud mean standard deviation over space, hPa)\ntc_ir (Mean IR-cloud temperature, K)\nsigma_tc_space (cloud-top temperature (TC) IR-cloud mean standard deviation over space, K)\ntau_ir (Mean IR-cloud cloud optical depth (TAU), 1)\nsigma_tau_space (cloud optical depth (TAU) IR-cloud mean standard deviation over space, 1)\nwp_ir (Mean IR-cloud water path, cm)\nsigma_wp_space (cloud water path (WP) IR-cloud mean standard deviation over space, cm)\ncldamt_irmarg (Cloud amount uncertainty (using IR data), percent)\nsnoice (Mean snow/ice amount, percent)\n International Cloud Climatology Project (ISCPP) iscpp_hgm_by_time_lat_lon

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