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Row Type Variable Name Attribute Name Data Type Value
attribute NC_GLOBAL acknowledgment String No use constraints are applicable.
attribute NC_GLOBAL cdm_data_type String Point
attribute NC_GLOBAL contributor_name String Coral Reef Conservation Program
attribute NC_GLOBAL conventions String CF-1.6,ACDD-1.3
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_email String coralreef at
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_name String Coral Reef Conservation Program
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_url String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL date_created String 2020-07-15
attribute NC_GLOBAL defaultDataQuery String &time<=max(time)&time>=min(time)
attribute NC_GLOBAL Easternmost_Easting double -168.141526
attribute NC_GLOBAL featureType String Point
attribute NC_GLOBAL featuretype String point
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_max double -11.045273
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_min double -14.558073
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_resolution String point
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_units String degrees_north
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_max double -168.141526
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_min double -171.0922486
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_resolution String point
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_units String degrees_east
attribute NC_GLOBAL infoUrl String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL institution String Coral Reef Conservation Program
attribute NC_GLOBAL keywords String coral reef, corals, CoRIS, CRCP
attribute NC_GLOBAL keywords_vocabulary String None
attribute NC_GLOBAL license String No access constraints are applicable.
attribute NC_GLOBAL metadata_conventions String Unidata Dataset Discovery v1.0
attribute NC_GLOBAL naming_authority String gov.noaa.fisheries.www
attribute NC_GLOBAL ncei_template_version String NCEI_NetCDF_Point_Template_v2.0
attribute NC_GLOBAL Northernmost_Northing double -11.045273
attribute NC_GLOBAL processing_level String 4
attribute NC_GLOBAL program String Coral Reef Conservation Program
attribute NC_GLOBAL publisher_email String ncei_info at
attribute NC_GLOBAL publisher_name String NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)
attribute NC_GLOBAL publisher_url String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL references String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL sourceUrl String (local files)
attribute NC_GLOBAL Southernmost_Northing double -14.558073
attribute NC_GLOBAL standard_name_vocabulary String CF Standard Name Table v70
attribute NC_GLOBAL summary String Stratified random surveys (StRS) of coral demography (adult and juvenile corals) across American Samoa
attribute NC_GLOBAL time_coverage_end String 2018-07-18T00:00:00Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL time_coverage_start String 2015-02-15T00:00:00Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL title String CRCP_Coral_Demographic_Survey_Adult_American_Samoa
attribute NC_GLOBAL Westernmost_Easting double -171.0922486
variable time double
attribute time _CoordinateAxisType String Time
attribute time actual_range double 1.4239584E9, 1.531872E9
attribute time axis String T
attribute time calendar String julian
attribute time comment String Date the survey was conducted  (dates are presented as midnight UTC due to webservice field formatting requirements)
attribute time ioos_category String Time
attribute time long_name String Time
attribute time standard_name String time
attribute time summary String Date the survey was conducted  (dates are presented as midnight UTC due to webservice field formatting requirements)
attribute time time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute time units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
variable latitude double
attribute latitude _CoordinateAxisType String Lat
attribute latitude actual_range double -14.558073, -11.045273
attribute latitude axis String Y
attribute latitude comment String Latitude in decimal degrees, WGS84, for the given site
attribute latitude ioos_category String Location
attribute latitude long_name String Latitude
attribute latitude standard_name String latitude
attribute latitude summary String Latitude in decimal degrees, WGS84, for the given site
attribute latitude units String degrees_north
attribute latitude valid_max double -14.160672
attribute latitude valid_min double -14.554979
variable longitude double
attribute longitude _CoordinateAxisType String Lon
attribute longitude actual_range double -171.0922486, -168.141526
attribute longitude axis String X
attribute longitude comment String Longitude in decimal degrees, WGS84 for the given site
attribute longitude ioos_category String Location
attribute longitude long_name String Longitude
attribute longitude standard_name String longitude
attribute longitude summary String Longitude in decimal degrees, WGS84 for the given site
attribute longitude units String degrees_east
attribute longitude valid_max double -168.14392
attribute longitude valid_min double -170.833775
variable roundid int
attribute roundid actual_range int 96, 122
attribute roundid comment String Unique Identifier for ROUND record
attribute roundid ioos_category String Identifier
attribute roundid summary String Unique Identifier for ROUND record
variable missionid String
attribute missionid comment String Mission Identifier
attribute missionid ioos_category String Identifier
attribute missionid summary String Mission Identifier
variable region String
attribute region comment String Region Code for the LIST_OF_REGIONS record, this is used by other tables to join on the LIST_OF_REGIONS table
attribute region ioos_category String Location
attribute region summary String Region Code for the LIST_OF_REGIONS record, this is used by other tables to join on the LIST_OF_REGIONS table
variable region_name String
attribute region_name comment String One of the five Pacific Island regions ESD surveys
attribute region_name ioos_category String Location
attribute region_name summary String One of the five Pacific Island regions ESD surveys
variable island String
attribute island comment String Island or Atoll surveyed
attribute island ioos_category String Location
attribute island summary String Island or Atoll surveyed
variable islandcode String
attribute islandcode comment String 3-letter island code
attribute islandcode ioos_category String Location
attribute islandcode summary String 3-letter island code
variable site String
attribute site comment String The 5- to 6-character code for the site surveyed. Combines a 3-letter island code with a site number
attribute site ioos_category String Identifier
attribute site summary String The 5- to 6-character code for the site surveyed. Combines a 3-letter island code with a site number
variable reef_zone_code String
attribute reef_zone_code comment String 3-letter reef zone code
attribute reef_zone_code ioos_category String Biology
attribute reef_zone_code summary String 3-letter reef zone code
variable reef_zone String
attribute reef_zone comment String The reef zone for the given site (Forereef, Backreef or Lagoon)
attribute reef_zone ioos_category String Biology
attribute reef_zone summary String The reef zone for the given site (Forereef, Backreef or Lagoon)
variable depth_bin String
attribute depth_bin comment String Classification of depth (shallow, mid, deep) based on midpoint between minimum and maximum depths of replicates at this site
attribute depth_bin ioos_category String Physical Oceanography
attribute depth_bin summary String Classification of depth (shallow, mid, deep) based on midpoint between minimum and maximum depths of replicates at this site
variable depth_code String
attribute depth_code comment String Depth zone code
attribute depth_code ioos_category String Physical Oceanography
attribute depth_code summary String Depth zone code
variable sitevisitid int
attribute sitevisitid actual_range int 8058, 12181
attribute sitevisitid comment String Unique Identifier for SITE_VISIT record
attribute sitevisitid ioos_category String Identifier
attribute sitevisitid summary String Unique Identifier for SITE_VISIT record
variable date_ double
attribute date_ actual_range double 1.4239584E9, 1.531872E9
attribute date_ comment String Date the survey was conducted  (dates are presented as midnight UTC due to webservice field formatting requirements)
attribute date_ ioos_category String Time
attribute date_ long_name String Date 
attribute date_ summary String Date the survey was conducted  (dates are presented as midnight UTC due to webservice field formatting requirements)
attribute date_ time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute date_ units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
variable obs_day int
attribute obs_day actual_range int 1, 30
attribute obs_day comment String Observation Day
attribute obs_day ioos_category String Time
attribute obs_day summary String Observation Day
attribute obs_day units String days
variable obs_month int
attribute obs_month actual_range int 2, 7
attribute obs_month comment String Observation Month
attribute obs_month ioos_category String Time
attribute obs_month summary String Observation Month
attribute obs_month units String months
variable obs_year int
attribute obs_year actual_range int 2015, 2018
attribute obs_year comment String Observation Year
attribute obs_year ioos_category String Time
attribute obs_year summary String Observation Year
attribute obs_year units String years
variable site_min_depth float
attribute site_min_depth _FillValue float -9999.0
attribute site_min_depth actual_range float 3.0, 86.0
attribute site_min_depth comment String Minimum site depth (ft)
attribute site_min_depth ioos_category String Physical Oceanography
attribute site_min_depth summary String Minimum site depth (ft)
attribute site_min_depth units String ft
variable site_max_depth float
attribute site_max_depth _FillValue float -9999.0
attribute site_max_depth actual_range float 4.0, 88.0
attribute site_max_depth comment String Maximum site depth (ft)
attribute site_max_depth ioos_category String Physical Oceanography
attribute site_max_depth summary String Maximum site depth (ft)
attribute site_max_depth units String ft
variable habitat_code String
attribute habitat_code comment String Habitat code
attribute habitat_code ioos_category String Bottom Character
attribute habitat_code summary String Habitat code
variable habitat_type String
attribute habitat_type comment String Habitat type
attribute habitat_type ioos_category String Bottom Character
attribute habitat_type summary String Habitat type
variable photos_taken byte
attribute photos_taken _FillValue byte 127
attribute photos_taken actual_range byte -15, -15
attribute photos_taken comment String Flag to indicate that benthic photographs (also known as photoquads) were captured for the transect (yes/no, 1/0). Photoquads are typically analyzed for benthic cover post-mission. Added in 2018.
attribute photos_taken ioos_category String Bottom Character
attribute photos_taken summary String Flag to indicate that benthic photographs (also known as photoquads) were captured for the transect (yes/no, 1/0). Photoquads are typically analyzed for benthic cover post-mission. Added in 2018.
variable diver String
attribute diver comment String Initials of diver conducting survey
attribute diver ioos_category String Other
attribute diver summary String Initials of diver conducting survey
variable belttransectrun int
attribute belttransectrun _FillValue int -9999
attribute belttransectrun actual_range int 19815272, 19820470
attribute belttransectrun comment String Primary key for CORAL_BELT_TRANSECTRUN and unique identifier for TRANSECT and SEGMENT. Deprecated in 2018.
attribute belttransectrun ioos_category String Other
attribute belttransectrun summary String Primary key for CORAL_BELT_TRANSECTRUN and unique identifier for TRANSECT and SEGMENT. Deprecated in 2018.
variable transectid int
attribute transectid _FillValue int -9999
attribute transectid actual_range int 841, 1268
attribute transectid comment String Primary key for CORAL_BELT_TRANSECT and unique identifier for TRANSECTNUM. Added in 2018.
attribute transectid ioos_category String Other
attribute transectid summary String Primary key for CORAL_BELT_TRANSECT and unique identifier for TRANSECTNUM. Added in 2018.
variable methodname String
attribute methodname comment String References the coral belt survey method
attribute methodname ioos_category String Other
attribute methodname summary String References the coral belt survey method
variable transect int
attribute transect _FillValue int -9999
attribute transect actual_range int 1, 2
attribute transect comment String Transect number (1-4). Deprecated in 2018 and replaced by TRANSECTNUM.
attribute transect ioos_category String Other
attribute transect summary String Transect number (1-4). Deprecated in 2018 and replaced by TRANSECTNUM.
variable transectnum int
attribute transectnum _FillValue int -9999
attribute transectnum actual_range int 1, 2
attribute transectnum comment String Transect number (1-2). Added in 2018, replaces TRANSECT.
attribute transectnum ioos_category String Other
attribute transectnum summary String Transect number (1-2). Added in 2018, replaces TRANSECT.
variable segment int
attribute segment _FillValue int -9999
attribute segment actual_range int 1, 7
attribute segment comment String Segment number (1-7). Segments are within a TRANSECT and are typically 1 x 2.5 m in size and situated 2.5 m apart, numbered 1, 3, 5 and 7.
attribute segment ioos_category String Other
attribute segment summary String Segment number (1-7). Segments are within a TRANSECT and are typically 1 x 2.5 m in size and situated 2.5 m apart, numbered 1, 3, 5 and 7.
variable segmentid long
attribute segmentid _FillValue long -9999
attribute segmentid actual_range long 1222, 4246
attribute segmentid comment String Unique identifier for SEGMENT. Added in 2018. NULL if NO_SURVEY_YN = -1.
attribute segmentid ioos_category String Other
attribute segmentid summary String Unique identifier for SEGMENT. Added in 2018. NULL if NO_SURVEY_YN = -1.
variable segwidth float
attribute segwidth _FillValue float -9999.0
attribute segwidth actual_range float 0.0, 1.0
attribute segwidth comment String Segment Length (m)
attribute segwidth ioos_category String Other
attribute segwidth summary String Segment Length (m)
attribute segwidth units String m
variable seglength float
attribute seglength _FillValue float -9999.0
attribute seglength actual_range float 0.8, 2.5
attribute seglength comment String Segment Width (m)
attribute seglength ioos_category String Other
attribute seglength summary String Segment Width (m)
attribute seglength units String m
variable no_colony_observed byte
attribute no_colony_observed _FillValue byte 127
attribute no_colony_observed actual_range byte -15, 0
attribute no_colony_observed comment String Flag to indicate the SEGMENT was surveyed and no adult colonies were found (1). Added in 2018.
attribute no_colony_observed ioos_category String Biology
attribute no_colony_observed summary String Flag to indicate the SEGMENT was surveyed and no adult colonies were found (1). Added in 2018.
variable no_survey_yn byte
attribute no_survey_yn actual_range byte -1, 0
attribute no_survey_yn comment String Flag to indicate transect was not surveyed
attribute no_survey_yn ioos_category String Other
attribute no_survey_yn summary String Flag to indicate transect was not surveyed
variable colonyid int
attribute colonyid _FillValue int -9999
attribute colonyid actual_range int 408853, 585305
attribute colonyid comment String Colony Identifier
attribute colonyid ioos_category String Identifier
attribute colonyid summary String Colony Identifier
variable taxoncode String
attribute taxoncode comment String Species observed
attribute taxoncode ioos_category String Taxonomy
attribute taxoncode summary String Species observed
variable morph_code String
attribute morph_code comment String 4-letter morphology code
attribute morph_code ioos_category String Biology
attribute morph_code summary String 4-letter morphology code
variable morphology String
attribute morphology comment String Definition of morphology code
attribute morphology ioos_category String Biology
attribute morphology summary String Definition of morphology code
variable fragment_yn byte
attribute fragment_yn _FillValue byte 127
attribute fragment_yn actual_range byte -15, 0
attribute fragment_yn comment String Flag to indicate observation is a coral fragment (1), as opposed to a whole coral colony (0). Added in 2018.
attribute fragment_yn ioos_category String Biology
attribute fragment_yn summary String Flag to indicate observation is a coral fragment (1), as opposed to a whole coral colony (0). Added in 2018.
variable colonylength float
attribute colonylength _FillValue float -9999.0
attribute colonylength actual_range float -9.0, 1015.0
attribute colonylength comment String Colony Length (cm)
attribute colonylength ioos_category String Biology
attribute colonylength summary String Colony Length (cm)
attribute colonylength units String cm
variable olddead int
attribute olddead _FillValue int -9999
attribute olddead actual_range int 0, 99
attribute olddead comment String Percentage of older dead coral (0-100%), as opposed to recently dead coral recorded in RECENTDEAD. Required. Value -9 is a placeholder and represents a missing value. Sum of OLDDEAD + RECENTDEAD_1 + RECENTDEAD_2 + RECENTDEAD_3 should not exceed 100.
attribute olddead ioos_category String Ecology
attribute olddead summary String Percentage of older dead coral (0-100%), as opposed to recently dead coral recorded in RECENTDEAD. Required. Value -9 is a placeholder and represents a missing value. Sum of OLDDEAD + RECENTDEAD_1 + RECENTDEAD_2 + RECENTDEAD_3 should not exceed 100.
attribute olddead units String percentage
variable recentdead_1 int
attribute recentdead_1 _FillValue int -9999
attribute recentdead_1 actual_range int -9, 100
attribute recentdead_1 comment String Percentage of recently dead (freshly denuded skeleton not fouled by algae) coral (0-100%), as opposed to older dead coral recorded in OLDDEAD. Required as of 2014. Replaces RECENTDEAD. Sum of OLDDEAD + RECENTDEAD_1 + RECENTDEAD_2 + RECENTDEAD_3 should not exceed 100.
attribute recentdead_1 ioos_category String Ecology
attribute recentdead_1 summary String Percentage of recently dead (freshly denuded skeleton not fouled by algae) coral (0-100%), as opposed to older dead coral recorded in OLDDEAD. Required as of 2014. Replaces RECENTDEAD. Sum of OLDDEAD + RECENTDEAD_1 + RECENTDEAD_2 + RECENTDEAD_3 should not exceed 100.
attribute recentdead_1 units String percentage
variable recent_general_cause_code_1 String
attribute recent_general_cause_code_1 comment String Code for RECENT_GENERAL_CAUSE_DESC_1. Replaces RECENT_GENERAL_CAUSE_CODE.
attribute recent_general_cause_code_1 ioos_category String Ecology
attribute recent_general_cause_code_1 summary String Code for RECENT_GENERAL_CAUSE_DESC_1. Replaces RECENT_GENERAL_CAUSE_CODE.
variable recent_general_cause_desc_1 String
attribute recent_general_cause_desc_1 comment String General cause of recently dead (freshly denuded skeleton not fouled by algae) coral recorded in RECENTDEAD_1. Required if RECENTDEAD_1 &gt; 0. Physical Damage - General (DAMG) added in 2018 and used in place of previous physical damage codes.
attribute recent_general_cause_desc_1 ioos_category String Ecology
attribute recent_general_cause_desc_1 summary String General cause of recently dead (freshly denuded skeleton not fouled by algae) coral recorded in RECENTDEAD_1. Required if RECENTDEAD_1 > 0. Physical Damage - General (DAMG) added in 2018 and used in place of previous physical damage codes.
variable recent_specific_cause_code_1 String
attribute recent_specific_cause_code_1 comment String Specific cause code of recently dead coral captured in RECENTDEAD_1 field
attribute recent_specific_cause_code_1 ioos_category String Ecology
attribute recent_specific_cause_code_1 summary String Specific cause code of recently dead coral captured in RECENTDEAD_1 field
variable recent_specific_cause_desc_1 String
attribute recent_specific_cause_desc_1 comment String Specific cause of recently dead (freshly denuded skeleton not fouled by algae) coral recorded in RECENTDEAD_1. Required if RECENTDEAD_1 &gt; 0.
attribute recent_specific_cause_desc_1 ioos_category String Ecology
attribute recent_specific_cause_desc_1 summary String Specific cause of recently dead (freshly denuded skeleton not fouled by algae) coral recorded in RECENTDEAD_1. Required if RECENTDEAD_1 > 0.
variable recentdead_2 int
attribute recentdead_2 _FillValue int -9999
attribute recentdead_2 actual_range int -9, 8
attribute recentdead_2 comment String Percentage of recently dead (freshly denuded skeleton not fouled by algae) coral (0-100%). Only used if more than one cause of coral mortality was observed. Sum of OLDDEAD + RECENTDEAD_1 + RECENTDEAD_2 + RECENTDEAD_3 should not exceed 100.
attribute recentdead_2 ioos_category String Ecology
attribute recentdead_2 summary String Percentage of recently dead (freshly denuded skeleton not fouled by algae) coral (0-100%). Only used if more than one cause of coral mortality was observed. Sum of OLDDEAD + RECENTDEAD_1 + RECENTDEAD_2 + RECENTDEAD_3 should not exceed 100.
attribute recentdead_2 units String percentage
variable recent_general_cause_code_2 String
attribute recent_general_cause_code_2 comment String General cause code of recently dead coral captured in RECENTDEAD_2 field
attribute recent_general_cause_code_2 ioos_category String Ecology
attribute recent_general_cause_code_2 summary String General cause code of recently dead coral captured in RECENTDEAD_2 field
variable recent_general_cause_desc_2 String
attribute recent_general_cause_desc_2 comment String General cause of recently dead (freshly denuded skeleton not fouled by algae) coral recorded in RECENTDEAD_2. Required if RECENTDEAD_2 &gt; 0. Physical Damage - General (DAMG) added in 2018 and used in place of previous physical damage codes.
attribute recent_general_cause_desc_2 ioos_category String Ecology
attribute recent_general_cause_desc_2 summary String General cause of recently dead (freshly denuded skeleton not fouled by algae) coral recorded in RECENTDEAD_2. Required if RECENTDEAD_2 > 0. Physical Damage - General (DAMG) added in 2018 and used in place of previous physical damage codes.
variable recent_specific_cause_code_2 String
attribute recent_specific_cause_code_2 comment String Specific cause code of recently dead coral captured in RECENTDEAD_2 field
attribute recent_specific_cause_code_2 ioos_category String Ecology
attribute recent_specific_cause_code_2 summary String Specific cause code of recently dead coral captured in RECENTDEAD_2 field
variable recent_specific_cause_desc_2 String
attribute recent_specific_cause_desc_2 comment String Specific cause of recently dead (freshly denuded skeleton not fouled by algae) coral recorded in RECENTDEAD_2. Required if RECENTDEAD_2 &gt; 0.
attribute recent_specific_cause_desc_2 ioos_category String Ecology
attribute recent_specific_cause_desc_2 summary String Specific cause of recently dead (freshly denuded skeleton not fouled by algae) coral recorded in RECENTDEAD_2. Required if RECENTDEAD_2 > 0.
variable recentdead_3 int
attribute recentdead_3 _FillValue int -9999
attribute recentdead_3 actual_range int 0, 0
attribute recentdead_3 comment String Percentage of recently dead (freshly denuded skeleton not fouled by algae) coral (0-100%). Only used if more than two causes of coral mortality were observed. Added in 2018. Sum of OLDDEAD + RECENTDEAD_1 + RECENTDEAD_2 + RECENTDEAD_3 should not exceed 100.
attribute recentdead_3 ioos_category String Ecology
attribute recentdead_3 summary String Percentage of recently dead (freshly denuded skeleton not fouled by algae) coral (0-100%). Only used if more than two causes of coral mortality were observed. Added in 2018. Sum of OLDDEAD + RECENTDEAD_1 + RECENTDEAD_2 + RECENTDEAD_3 should not exceed 100.
attribute recentdead_3 units String percentage
variable recent_general_cause_code_3 String
attribute recent_general_cause_code_3 comment String Code for RECENT_GENERAL_CAUSE_DESC_3.
attribute recent_general_cause_code_3 ioos_category String Ecology
attribute recent_general_cause_code_3 summary String Code for RECENT_GENERAL_CAUSE_DESC_3.
variable recent_general_cause_desc_3 String
attribute recent_general_cause_desc_3 comment String General cause of recently dead (freshly denuded skeleton not fouled by algae) coral recorded in RECENTDEAD_3. Required if RECENTDEAD_3 &gt; 0. Physical Damage - General (DAMG) added in 2018 and used in place of previous physical damage codes.
attribute recent_general_cause_desc_3 ioos_category String Ecology
attribute recent_general_cause_desc_3 summary String General cause of recently dead (freshly denuded skeleton not fouled by algae) coral recorded in RECENTDEAD_3. Required if RECENTDEAD_3 > 0. Physical Damage - General (DAMG) added in 2018 and used in place of previous physical damage codes.
variable recent_specific_cause_code_3 String
attribute recent_specific_cause_code_3 comment String Code for RECENT_SPECIFIC_CAUSE_DESC_3
attribute recent_specific_cause_code_3 ioos_category String Ecology
attribute recent_specific_cause_code_3 summary String Code for RECENT_SPECIFIC_CAUSE_DESC_3
variable recent_specific_cause_desc_3 String
attribute recent_specific_cause_desc_3 comment String Specific cause of recently dead (freshly denuded skeleton not fouled by algae) coral recorded in RECENTDEAD_3. Required if RECENTDEAD_3 &gt; 0.
attribute recent_specific_cause_desc_3 ioos_category String Ecology
attribute recent_specific_cause_desc_3 summary String Specific cause of recently dead (freshly denuded skeleton not fouled by algae) coral recorded in RECENTDEAD_3. Required if RECENTDEAD_3 > 0.
variable condition_1 String
attribute condition_1 comment String Code for CONDITION_1_DESC.
attribute condition_1 ioos_category String Ecology
attribute condition_1 summary String Code for CONDITION_1_DESC.
variable condition_1_desc String
attribute condition_1_desc comment String Condition/disease observed affecting the coral colony (e.g., bleaching, infection, infestation, pigmentation response, growth anomaly, etc.), but which does not cause RECENT DEAD. Replaced COND_DESCRIPTION in 2018.
attribute condition_1_desc ioos_category String Ecology
attribute condition_1_desc summary String Condition/disease observed affecting the coral colony (e.g., bleaching, infection, infestation, pigmentation response, growth anomaly, etc.), but which does not cause RECENT DEAD. Replaced COND_DESCRIPTION in 2018.
variable extent_1 float
attribute extent_1 _FillValue float -9999.0
attribute extent_1 actual_range float -9.0, 100.0
attribute extent_1 comment String Extent of condition/disease observed on coral colony (1-100). Required when CONDITION_1 is recorded. Extent = 0 applies if TAXONCODE = 'CALG'. Added in 2018, replaces EXTENT. Sum of EXTENT_1, EXTENT_2 and EXTENT_3 must not exceed 100.
attribute extent_1 ioos_category String Ecology
attribute extent_1 summary String Extent of condition/disease observed on coral colony (1-100). Required when CONDITION_1 is recorded. Extent = 0 applies if TAXONCODE = 'CALG'. Added in 2018, replaces EXTENT. Sum of EXTENT_1, EXTENT_2 and EXTENT_3 must not exceed 100.
variable severity_1 float
attribute severity_1 _FillValue float -9999.0
attribute severity_1 actual_range float -9.0, 5.0
attribute severity_1 comment String Severity of condition/disease observed on coral colony (scale of 1-5 from least to most severe). Required only when CONDITION_1 = Environmental / Thermal Bleaching (condition code = BLE). Added in 2018, replaces SEVERITY.
attribute severity_1 ioos_category String Ecology
attribute severity_1 summary String Severity of condition/disease observed on coral colony (scale of 1-5 from least to most severe). Required only when CONDITION_1 = Environmental / Thermal Bleaching (condition code = BLE). Added in 2018, replaces SEVERITY.
variable condition_2 String
attribute condition_2 comment String Code for CONDITION_2_DESC.
attribute condition_2 ioos_category String Ecology
attribute condition_2 summary String Code for CONDITION_2_DESC.
variable condition_2_desc String
attribute condition_2_desc comment String Condition/disease observed affecting the coral colony (e.g., bleaching, infection, infestation, pigmentation response, growth anomaly, etc.), but which does not cause RECENT DEAD. Only used if more than one coral condition/disease was observed. Added in 2018.
attribute condition_2_desc ioos_category String Ecology
attribute condition_2_desc summary String Condition/disease observed affecting the coral colony (e.g., bleaching, infection, infestation, pigmentation response, growth anomaly, etc.), but which does not cause RECENT DEAD. Only used if more than one coral condition/disease was observed. Added in 2018.
variable extent_2 float
attribute extent_2 _FillValue float -9999.0
attribute extent_2 actual_range float 1.0, 20.0
attribute extent_2 comment String Extent of condition/disease observed on coral colony (1-100). Required when CONDITION_2 is recorded. Added in 2018. Sum of EXTENT_1, EXTENT_2 and EXTENT_3 must not exceed 100.
attribute extent_2 ioos_category String Ecology
attribute extent_2 summary String Extent of condition/disease observed on coral colony (1-100). Required when CONDITION_2 is recorded. Added in 2018. Sum of EXTENT_1, EXTENT_2 and EXTENT_3 must not exceed 100.
variable severity_2 float
attribute severity_2 _FillValue float -9999.0
attribute severity_2 comment String Severity of condition/disease observed on coral colony (scale of 1-5 from least to most severe). Required only when CONDITION_2 = Environmental / Thermal Bleaching (condition code = BLE). Added in 2018.
attribute severity_2 ioos_category String Ecology
attribute severity_2 summary String Severity of condition/disease observed on coral colony (scale of 1-5 from least to most severe). Required only when CONDITION_2 = Environmental / Thermal Bleaching (condition code = BLE). Added in 2018.
variable condition_3 String
attribute condition_3 comment String Code for CONDITION_3_DESC.
attribute condition_3 ioos_category String Ecology
attribute condition_3 summary String Code for CONDITION_3_DESC.
variable condition_3_desc String
attribute condition_3_desc comment String Condition/disease observed affecting the coral colony (e.g., bleaching, infection, infestation, pigmentation response, growth anomaly, etc.), but which does not cause RECENT DEAD. Only used if more than two coral conditions/diseases were observed. Added in 2018.
attribute condition_3_desc ioos_category String Ecology
attribute condition_3_desc summary String Condition/disease observed affecting the coral colony (e.g., bleaching, infection, infestation, pigmentation response, growth anomaly, etc.), but which does not cause RECENT DEAD. Only used if more than two coral conditions/diseases were observed. Added in 2018.
variable extent_3 float
attribute extent_3 _FillValue float -9999.0
attribute extent_3 comment String Extent of condition/disease observed on coral colony (1-100). Required when CONDITION_3 is recorded. Added in 2018. Sum of EXTENT_1, EXTENT_2 and EXTENT_3 must not exceed 100.
attribute extent_3 ioos_category String Ecology
attribute extent_3 summary String Extent of condition/disease observed on coral colony (1-100). Required when CONDITION_3 is recorded. Added in 2018. Sum of EXTENT_1, EXTENT_2 and EXTENT_3 must not exceed 100.
variable severity_3 float
attribute severity_3 _FillValue float -9999.0
attribute severity_3 comment String Severity of condition/disease observed on coral colony (scale of 1-5 from least to most severe). Required only when CONDITION_3 = Environmental / Thermal Bleaching (condition code = BLE). Added in 2018.
attribute severity_3 ioos_category String Ecology
attribute severity_3 summary String Severity of condition/disease observed on coral colony (scale of 1-5 from least to most severe). Required only when CONDITION_3 = Environmental / Thermal Bleaching (condition code = BLE). Added in 2018.
variable taxonname String
attribute taxonname comment String Taxonomic Name
attribute taxonname ioos_category String Taxonomy
attribute taxonname summary String Taxonomic Name
variable phylum String
attribute phylum comment String Phylum Taxonomic Rank
attribute phylum ioos_category String Taxonomy
attribute phylum summary String Phylum Taxonomic Rank
variable class String
attribute class comment String Class Taxonomic Rank
attribute class ioos_category String Taxonomy
attribute class summary String Class Taxonomic Rank
variable s_order String
attribute s_order comment String Order Taxonomic Rank
attribute s_order ioos_category String Taxonomy
attribute s_order summary String Order Taxonomic Rank
variable family String
attribute family comment String Family Taxonomic Rank
attribute family ioos_category String Taxonomy
attribute family summary String Family Taxonomic Rank
variable genus_code String
attribute genus_code comment String 4-letter genus code
attribute genus_code ioos_category String Taxonomy
attribute genus_code summary String 4-letter genus code
variable genus String
attribute genus comment String Genus Taxonomic Rank
attribute genus ioos_category String Taxonomy
attribute genus summary String Genus Taxonomic Rank
variable scientific_name String
attribute scientific_name comment String Scientific Name Taxonomic Rank
attribute scientific_name ioos_category String Taxonomy
attribute scientific_name summary String Scientific Name Taxonomic Rank
variable rank String
attribute rank comment String Rank from WoRMS
attribute rank ioos_category String Taxonomy
attribute rank summary String Rank from WoRMS
variable aphiaid int
attribute aphiaid _FillValue int -9999
attribute aphiaid actual_range int 206948, 762421
attribute aphiaid comment String Aphia ID from WoRMS
attribute aphiaid ioos_category String Identifier
attribute aphiaid summary String Aphia ID from WoRMS
variable accession_url String
attribute accession_url comment String url of the landing page of the accession pertaining to the data set
attribute accession_url ioos_category String Other
attribute accession_url summary String url of the landing page of the accession pertaining to the data set

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