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Brought to you by NOAA NMFS SWFSC ERD    
Row Type Variable Name Attribute Name Data Type Value
attribute NC_GLOBAL cdm_data_type String Grid
attribute NC_GLOBAL Conventions String CF 1.0
attribute NC_GLOBAL data String VIIRS observations
attribute NC_GLOBAL division String Marine Science
attribute NC_GLOBAL Easternmost_Easting double -79.0125
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_max double 30.99
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_min double 14.988899999999997
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_resolution double 0.006900000000000001
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_units String degrees_north
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_max double -79.0125
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_min double -99.0
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_resolution double 0.007499999999999999
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_units String degrees_east
attribute NC_GLOBAL infoUrl String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL institution String University of Southern Mississippi
attribute NC_GLOBAL license String The data may be used and redistributed for free but is not intended\nfor legal use, since it may contain inaccuracies. Neither the data\nContributor, ERD, NOAA, nor the United States Government, nor any\nof their employees or contractors, makes any warranty, express or\nimplied, including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a\nparticular purpose, or assumes any legal liability for the accuracy,\ncompleteness, or usefulness, of this information.
attribute NC_GLOBAL Northernmost_Northing double 30.99
attribute NC_GLOBAL processed_by String Ocean Weather Lab
attribute NC_GLOBAL sourceUrl String
attribute NC_GLOBAL Southernmost_Northing double 14.988899999999997
attribute NC_GLOBAL standard_name_vocabulary String CF-1.0
attribute NC_GLOBAL summary String Data from USM VIIRS DAP
attribute NC_GLOBAL time_coverage_end String 2018-10-24T00:00:00Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL time_coverage_start String 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL title String USM VIIRS Dynamic Anomaly Properties
attribute NC_GLOBAL Westernmost_Easting double -99.0
dimension time double nValues=222, evenlySpaced=false, averageSpacing=7 days 22h 48m 20s
attribute time _ChunkSizes int 524288
attribute time _CoordinateAxisType String Time
attribute time actual_range double 1.3885344E9, 1.5403392E9
attribute time axis String T
attribute time ioos_category String Time
attribute time long_name String Time
attribute time standard_name String time
attribute time time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute time units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
dimension longitude double nValues=2666, evenlySpaced=true, averageSpacing=0.007499999999999999
attribute longitude _ChunkSizes int 2666
attribute longitude _CoordinateAxisType String Lon
attribute longitude actual_range double -99.0, -79.0125
attribute longitude axis String X
attribute longitude ioos_category String Location
attribute longitude long_name String Longitude
attribute longitude standard_name String longitude
attribute longitude units String degrees_east
dimension latitude double nValues=2320, evenlySpaced=true, averageSpacing=-0.006900000000000001
attribute latitude _ChunkSizes int 2320
attribute latitude _CoordinateAxisType String Lat
attribute latitude actual_range double 14.988899999999997, 30.99
attribute latitude axis String Y
attribute latitude ioos_category String Location
attribute latitude long_name String Latitude
attribute latitude standard_name String latitude
attribute latitude units String degrees_north
variable CHL_Weekly double time, longitude, latitude
attribute CHL_Weekly _ChunkSizes int 1, 667, 580
attribute CHL_Weekly ioos_category String Ocean Color
attribute CHL_Weekly long_name String 8-day chlorophyll-a
attribute CHL_Weekly standard_name String chlor_a
attribute CHL_Weekly units String mg/m3
variable CHL_8wkAvg double time, longitude, latitude
attribute CHL_8wkAvg _ChunkSizes int 1, 667, 580
attribute CHL_8wkAvg ioos_category String Ocean Color
attribute CHL_8wkAvg long_name String 8-week chlorophyll-a
attribute CHL_8wkAvg standard_name String chlor_a
attribute CHL_8wkAvg units String mg/m3
variable CHL_Anomaly double time, longitude, latitude
attribute CHL_Anomaly _ChunkSizes int 1, 667, 580
attribute CHL_Anomaly ioos_category String Ocean Color
attribute CHL_Anomaly long_name String chlorophyll-a anomaly
attribute CHL_Anomaly standard_name String chlor_a
attribute CHL_Anomaly units String mg/m3
variable CHL_StDev double time, longitude, latitude
attribute CHL_StDev _ChunkSizes int 1, 667, 580
attribute CHL_StDev ioos_category String Statistics
attribute CHL_StDev long_name String 8-week chlorophyll-a std dev
attribute CHL_StDev standard_name String chlor_a
attribute CHL_StDev units String mg/m3
variable CHL_StDevMask1 double time, longitude, latitude
attribute CHL_StDevMask1 _ChunkSizes int 1, 667, 580
attribute CHL_StDevMask1 ioos_category String Other
attribute CHL_StDevMask1 long_name String 8-week chlorophyll-a 1 std dev mask
attribute CHL_StDevMask1 standard_name String chlor_a_1_std_dev_mask
attribute CHL_StDevMask1 units String unitless
variable CHL_StDevMask2 double time, longitude, latitude
attribute CHL_StDevMask2 _ChunkSizes int 1, 667, 580
attribute CHL_StDevMask2 ioos_category String Other
attribute CHL_StDevMask2 long_name String 8-week chlorophyll-a 2 std dev mask
attribute CHL_StDevMask2 standard_name String chlor_a_2_std_dev_mask
attribute CHL_StDevMask2 units String unitless
variable CHL_StDevMask3 double time, longitude, latitude
attribute CHL_StDevMask3 _ChunkSizes int 1, 667, 580
attribute CHL_StDevMask3 ioos_category String Other
attribute CHL_StDevMask3 long_name String 8-week chlorophyll-a 3 std dev mask
attribute CHL_StDevMask3 standard_name String chlor_a_3_std_dev_mask
attribute CHL_StDevMask3 units String unitless
variable CHL_StDevMask4 double time, longitude, latitude
attribute CHL_StDevMask4 _ChunkSizes int 1, 667, 580
attribute CHL_StDevMask4 ioos_category String Other
attribute CHL_StDevMask4 long_name String 8-week chlorophyll-a 4 std dev mask
attribute CHL_StDevMask4 standard_name String chlor_a_4_std_dev_mask
attribute CHL_StDevMask4 units String unitless
variable BB551_Weekly double time, longitude, latitude
attribute BB551_Weekly _ChunkSizes int 1, 667, 580
attribute BB551_Weekly ioos_category String Other
attribute BB551_Weekly long_name String 8-day backscattering coefficient at 551nm
attribute BB551_Weekly standard_name String bb_551
attribute BB551_Weekly units String 1/m
variable BB551_8wkAvg double time, longitude, latitude
attribute BB551_8wkAvg _ChunkSizes int 1, 667, 580
attribute BB551_8wkAvg ioos_category String Other
attribute BB551_8wkAvg long_name String 8-week backscattering coefficient at 551nm
attribute BB551_8wkAvg standard_name String bb_551
attribute BB551_8wkAvg units String 1/m
variable BB551_StDev double time, longitude, latitude
attribute BB551_StDev _ChunkSizes int 1, 667, 580
attribute BB551_StDev ioos_category String Statistics
attribute BB551_StDev long_name String 8-week backscattering coefficient at 551nm std dev
attribute BB551_StDev standard_name String bb_551
attribute BB551_StDev units String 1/m
variable BB551_Anomaly double time, longitude, latitude
attribute BB551_Anomaly _ChunkSizes int 1, 667, 580
attribute BB551_Anomaly ioos_category String Other
attribute BB551_Anomaly long_name String backscattering coefficient at 551nm anomaly
attribute BB551_Anomaly standard_name String bb_551
attribute BB551_Anomaly units String 1/m
variable BB551_StDevMask1 double time, longitude, latitude
attribute BB551_StDevMask1 _ChunkSizes int 1, 667, 580
attribute BB551_StDevMask1 ioos_category String Other
attribute BB551_StDevMask1 long_name String backscattering coefficient at 551nm 1 std dev mask
attribute BB551_StDevMask1 standard_name String bb_551
attribute BB551_StDevMask1 units String unitless
variable BB551_StDevMask2 double time, longitude, latitude
attribute BB551_StDevMask2 _ChunkSizes int 1, 667, 580
attribute BB551_StDevMask2 ioos_category String Other
attribute BB551_StDevMask2 long_name String backscattering coefficient at 551nm 2 std dev mask
attribute BB551_StDevMask2 standard_name String bb_551
attribute BB551_StDevMask2 units String unitless
variable BB551_StDevMask3 double time, longitude, latitude
attribute BB551_StDevMask3 _ChunkSizes int 1, 667, 580
attribute BB551_StDevMask3 ioos_category String Other
attribute BB551_StDevMask3 long_name String backscattering coefficient at 551nm 3 std dev mask
attribute BB551_StDevMask3 standard_name String bb_551
attribute BB551_StDevMask3 units String unitless
variable BB551_StDevMask4 double time, longitude, latitude
attribute BB551_StDevMask4 _ChunkSizes int 1, 667, 580
attribute BB551_StDevMask4 ioos_category String Other
attribute BB551_StDevMask4 long_name String backscattering coefficient at 551nm 4 std dev mask
attribute BB551_StDevMask4 standard_name String bb_551
attribute BB551_StDevMask4 units String unitless
variable A443_Weekly double time, longitude, latitude
attribute A443_Weekly _ChunkSizes int 1, 667, 580
attribute A443_Weekly ioos_category String Other
attribute A443_Weekly long_name String 8-day absorption coefficient at 443nm
attribute A443_Weekly standard_name String a_443
attribute A443_Weekly units String 1/m
variable A443_8wkAvg double time, longitude, latitude
attribute A443_8wkAvg _ChunkSizes int 1, 667, 580
attribute A443_8wkAvg ioos_category String Other
attribute A443_8wkAvg long_name String 8-week absorption coefficient at 443nm
attribute A443_8wkAvg standard_name String a_443
attribute A443_8wkAvg units String 1/m
variable A443_StDev double time, longitude, latitude
attribute A443_StDev _ChunkSizes int 1, 667, 580
attribute A443_StDev ioos_category String Statistics
attribute A443_StDev long_name String 8-week absorption coefficient at 443nm std dev
attribute A443_StDev standard_name String a_443
attribute A443_StDev units String 1/m
variable A443_Anomaly double time, longitude, latitude
attribute A443_Anomaly _ChunkSizes int 1, 667, 580
attribute A443_Anomaly ioos_category String Other
attribute A443_Anomaly long_name String absorption coefficient at 443nm anomaly
attribute A443_Anomaly standard_name String a_443
attribute A443_Anomaly units String 1/m
variable A443_StDevMask1 double time, longitude, latitude
attribute A443_StDevMask1 _ChunkSizes int 1, 667, 580
attribute A443_StDevMask1 ioos_category String Other
attribute A443_StDevMask1 long_name String absorption coefficient at 443nm 1 std dev mask
attribute A443_StDevMask1 standard_name String a_443
attribute A443_StDevMask1 units String unitless
variable A443_StDevMask2 double time, longitude, latitude
attribute A443_StDevMask2 _ChunkSizes int 1, 667, 580
attribute A443_StDevMask2 ioos_category String Other
attribute A443_StDevMask2 long_name String absorption coefficient at 443nm 2 std dev mask
attribute A443_StDevMask2 standard_name String a_443
attribute A443_StDevMask2 units String unitless
variable A443_StDevMask3 double time, longitude, latitude
attribute A443_StDevMask3 _ChunkSizes int 1, 667, 580
attribute A443_StDevMask3 ioos_category String Other
attribute A443_StDevMask3 long_name String absorption coefficient at 443nm 3 std dev mask
attribute A443_StDevMask3 standard_name String a_443
attribute A443_StDevMask3 units String unitless
variable A443_StDevMask4 double time, longitude, latitude
attribute A443_StDevMask4 _ChunkSizes int 1, 667, 580
attribute A443_StDevMask4 ioos_category String Other
attribute A443_StDevMask4 long_name String absorption coefficient at 443nm 4 std dev mask
attribute A443_StDevMask4 standard_name String a_443
attribute A443_StDevMask4 units String unitless
variable KD486_Weekly double time, longitude, latitude
attribute KD486_Weekly _ChunkSizes int 1, 667, 580
attribute KD486_Weekly ioos_category String Other
attribute KD486_Weekly long_name String 8-day diffuse attenuation coefficient
attribute KD486_Weekly standard_name String kd_443
attribute KD486_Weekly units String 1/m
variable KD486_8wkAvg double time, longitude, latitude
attribute KD486_8wkAvg _ChunkSizes int 1, 667, 580
attribute KD486_8wkAvg ioos_category String Other
attribute KD486_8wkAvg long_name String 8-week diffuse attenuation coefficient
attribute KD486_8wkAvg standard_name String kd_443
attribute KD486_8wkAvg units String 1/m
variable KD486_StDev double time, longitude, latitude
attribute KD486_StDev _ChunkSizes int 1, 667, 580
attribute KD486_StDev ioos_category String Statistics
attribute KD486_StDev long_name String 8-week diffuse attenuation coefficient std dev
attribute KD486_StDev standard_name String kd_443
attribute KD486_StDev units String 1/m
variable KD486_Anomaly double time, longitude, latitude
attribute KD486_Anomaly _ChunkSizes int 1, 667, 580
attribute KD486_Anomaly ioos_category String Other
attribute KD486_Anomaly long_name String diffuse attenuation coefficient anomaly
attribute KD486_Anomaly standard_name String kd_443
attribute KD486_Anomaly units String 1/m
variable KD486_StDevMask1 double time, longitude, latitude
attribute KD486_StDevMask1 _ChunkSizes int 1, 667, 580
attribute KD486_StDevMask1 ioos_category String Other
attribute KD486_StDevMask1 long_name String diffuse attenuation coefficient 1 std dev mask
attribute KD486_StDevMask1 standard_name String kd_443
attribute KD486_StDevMask1 units String unitless
variable KD486_StDevMask2 double time, longitude, latitude
attribute KD486_StDevMask2 _ChunkSizes int 1, 667, 580
attribute KD486_StDevMask2 ioos_category String Other
attribute KD486_StDevMask2 long_name String diffuse attenuation coefficient 2 std dev mask
attribute KD486_StDevMask2 standard_name String kd_443
attribute KD486_StDevMask2 units String unitless
variable KD486_StDevMask3 double time, longitude, latitude
attribute KD486_StDevMask3 _ChunkSizes int 1, 667, 580
attribute KD486_StDevMask3 ioos_category String Other
attribute KD486_StDevMask3 long_name String diffuse attenuation coefficient 3 std dev mask
attribute KD486_StDevMask3 standard_name String kd_443
attribute KD486_StDevMask3 units String unitless
variable KD486_StDevMask4 double time, longitude, latitude
attribute KD486_StDevMask4 _ChunkSizes int 1, 667, 580
attribute KD486_StDevMask4 ioos_category String Other
attribute KD486_StDevMask4 long_name String diffuse attenuation coefficient 4 std dev mask
attribute KD486_StDevMask4 standard_name String kd_443
attribute KD486_StDevMask4 units String unitless
variable ZEU_Weekly double time, longitude, latitude
attribute ZEU_Weekly _ChunkSizes int 1, 667, 580
attribute ZEU_Weekly ioos_category String Location
attribute ZEU_Weekly long_name String 8-day euphotic zone depth
attribute ZEU_Weekly standard_name String z_depth_qaa
attribute ZEU_Weekly units String m
variable ZEU_8wkAvg double time, longitude, latitude
attribute ZEU_8wkAvg _ChunkSizes int 1, 667, 580
attribute ZEU_8wkAvg ioos_category String Location
attribute ZEU_8wkAvg long_name String 8-week euphotic zone depth
attribute ZEU_8wkAvg standard_name String z_depth_qaa
attribute ZEU_8wkAvg units String m
variable ZEU_StDev double time, longitude, latitude
attribute ZEU_StDev _ChunkSizes int 1, 667, 580
attribute ZEU_StDev ioos_category String Location
attribute ZEU_StDev long_name String 8-week euphotic zone depth std dev
attribute ZEU_StDev standard_name String z_depth_qaa
attribute ZEU_StDev units String m
variable ZEU_Anomaly double time, longitude, latitude
attribute ZEU_Anomaly _ChunkSizes int 1, 667, 580
attribute ZEU_Anomaly ioos_category String Location
attribute ZEU_Anomaly long_name String euphotic zone depth anomaly
attribute ZEU_Anomaly standard_name String z_depth_qaa
attribute ZEU_Anomaly units String m
variable ZEU_StDevMask1 double time, longitude, latitude
attribute ZEU_StDevMask1 _ChunkSizes int 1, 667, 580
attribute ZEU_StDevMask1 ioos_category String Other
attribute ZEU_StDevMask1 long_name String euphotic zone depth 1 std dev mask
attribute ZEU_StDevMask1 standard_name String z_depth_qaa
attribute ZEU_StDevMask1 units String unitless
variable ZEU_StDevMask2 double time, longitude, latitude
attribute ZEU_StDevMask2 _ChunkSizes int 1, 667, 580
attribute ZEU_StDevMask2 ioos_category String Other
attribute ZEU_StDevMask2 long_name String euphotic zone depth 2 std dev mask
attribute ZEU_StDevMask2 standard_name String z_depth_qaa
attribute ZEU_StDevMask2 units String unitless
variable ZEU_StDevMask3 double time, longitude, latitude
attribute ZEU_StDevMask3 _ChunkSizes int 1, 667, 580
attribute ZEU_StDevMask3 ioos_category String Other
attribute ZEU_StDevMask3 long_name String euphotic zone depth 3 std dev mask
attribute ZEU_StDevMask3 standard_name String z_depth_qaa
attribute ZEU_StDevMask3 units String unitless
variable ZEU_StDevMask4 double time, longitude, latitude
attribute ZEU_StDevMask4 _ChunkSizes int 1, 667, 580
attribute ZEU_StDevMask4 ioos_category String Other
attribute ZEU_StDevMask4 long_name String euphotic zone depth 4 std dev mask
attribute ZEU_StDevMask4 standard_name String z_depth_qaa
attribute ZEU_StDevMask4 units String unitless
variable MCSST_Weekly double time, longitude, latitude
attribute MCSST_Weekly _ChunkSizes int 1, 667, 580
attribute MCSST_Weekly ioos_category String Temperature
attribute MCSST_Weekly long_name String 8-day sea surface temperature
attribute MCSST_Weekly standard_name String sea_surface_temperature
attribute MCSST_Weekly units String degC
variable MCSST_8wkAvg double time, longitude, latitude
attribute MCSST_8wkAvg _ChunkSizes int 1, 667, 580
attribute MCSST_8wkAvg ioos_category String Temperature
attribute MCSST_8wkAvg long_name String 8-week sea surface temperature
attribute MCSST_8wkAvg standard_name String sea_surface_temperature
attribute MCSST_8wkAvg units String degC
variable MCSST_StDev double time, longitude, latitude
attribute MCSST_StDev _ChunkSizes int 1, 667, 580
attribute MCSST_StDev ioos_category String Temperature
attribute MCSST_StDev long_name String 8-week sea surface temperature std dev
attribute MCSST_StDev standard_name String sea_surface_temperature
attribute MCSST_StDev units String degC
variable MCSST_Anomaly double time, longitude, latitude
attribute MCSST_Anomaly _ChunkSizes int 1, 667, 580
attribute MCSST_Anomaly ioos_category String Temperature
attribute MCSST_Anomaly long_name String sea surface temperature anomaly
attribute MCSST_Anomaly standard_name String sea_surface_temperature
attribute MCSST_Anomaly units String degC
variable MCSST_StDevMask1 double time, longitude, latitude
attribute MCSST_StDevMask1 _ChunkSizes int 1, 667, 580
attribute MCSST_StDevMask1 ioos_category String Other
attribute MCSST_StDevMask1 long_name String sea surface temperature 1 std dev mask
attribute MCSST_StDevMask1 standard_name String sea_surface_temperature
attribute MCSST_StDevMask1 units String unitless
variable MCSST_StDevMask2 double time, longitude, latitude
attribute MCSST_StDevMask2 _ChunkSizes int 1, 667, 580
attribute MCSST_StDevMask2 ioos_category String Other
attribute MCSST_StDevMask2 long_name String sea surface temperature 2 std dev mask
attribute MCSST_StDevMask2 standard_name String sea_surface_temperature
attribute MCSST_StDevMask2 units String unitless
variable MCSST_StDevMask3 double time, longitude, latitude
attribute MCSST_StDevMask3 _ChunkSizes int 1, 667, 580
attribute MCSST_StDevMask3 ioos_category String Other
attribute MCSST_StDevMask3 long_name String sea surface temperature 3 std dev mask
attribute MCSST_StDevMask3 standard_name String sea_surface_temperature
attribute MCSST_StDevMask3 units String unitless
variable MCSST_StDevMask4 double time, longitude, latitude
attribute MCSST_StDevMask4 _ChunkSizes int 1, 667, 580
attribute MCSST_StDevMask4 ioos_category String Other
attribute MCSST_StDevMask4 long_name String sea surface temperature 4 std dev mask
attribute MCSST_StDevMask4 standard_name String sea_surface_temperature
attribute MCSST_StDevMask4 units String unitless
variable SAL_Weekly double time, longitude, latitude
attribute SAL_Weekly _ChunkSizes int 1, 667, 580
attribute SAL_Weekly ioos_category String Salinity
attribute SAL_Weekly long_name String 8-day sea surface salinity
attribute SAL_Weekly standard_name String sea_surface_salinity
attribute SAL_Weekly units String psu
variable SAL_8wkAvg double time, longitude, latitude
attribute SAL_8wkAvg _ChunkSizes int 1, 667, 580
attribute SAL_8wkAvg ioos_category String Salinity
attribute SAL_8wkAvg long_name String 8-week sea surface salinity
attribute SAL_8wkAvg standard_name String sea_surface_salinity
attribute SAL_8wkAvg units String psu
variable SAL_StDev double time, longitude, latitude
attribute SAL_StDev _ChunkSizes int 1, 667, 580
attribute SAL_StDev ioos_category String Statistics
attribute SAL_StDev long_name String sea surface salinity std dev
attribute SAL_StDev standard_name String sea_surface_salinity
attribute SAL_StDev units String psu
variable SAL_Anomaly double time, longitude, latitude
attribute SAL_Anomaly _ChunkSizes int 1, 667, 580
attribute SAL_Anomaly ioos_category String Salinity
attribute SAL_Anomaly long_name String sea surface salinity anomaly
attribute SAL_Anomaly standard_name String sea_surface_salinity
attribute SAL_Anomaly units String psu
variable SAL_StDevMask1 double time, longitude, latitude
attribute SAL_StDevMask1 _ChunkSizes int 1, 667, 580
attribute SAL_StDevMask1 ioos_category String Other
attribute SAL_StDevMask1 long_name String sea surface salinity 1 std dev mask
attribute SAL_StDevMask1 standard_name String sea_surface_salinity
attribute SAL_StDevMask1 units String unitless
variable SAL_StDevMask2 double time, longitude, latitude
attribute SAL_StDevMask2 _ChunkSizes int 1, 667, 580
attribute SAL_StDevMask2 ioos_category String Other
attribute SAL_StDevMask2 long_name String sea surface salinity 2 std dev mask
attribute SAL_StDevMask2 standard_name String sea_surface_salinity
attribute SAL_StDevMask2 units String unitless
variable SAL_StDevMask3 double time, longitude, latitude
attribute SAL_StDevMask3 _ChunkSizes int 1, 667, 580
attribute SAL_StDevMask3 ioos_category String Other
attribute SAL_StDevMask3 long_name String sea surface salinity 3 std dev mask
attribute SAL_StDevMask3 standard_name String sea_surface_salinity
attribute SAL_StDevMask3 units String unitless
variable SAL_StDevMask4 double time, longitude, latitude
attribute SAL_StDevMask4 _ChunkSizes int 1, 667, 580
attribute SAL_StDevMask4 ioos_category String Other
attribute SAL_StDevMask4 long_name String sea surface salinity 4 std dev mask
attribute SAL_StDevMask4 standard_name String sea_surface_salinity
attribute SAL_StDevMask4 units String unitless

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