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Brought to you by NOAA NMFS SWFSC ERD    
Row Type Variable Name Attribute Name Data Type Value
attribute NC_GLOBAL cdm_data_type String Other
attribute NC_GLOBAL Easternmost_Easting double 179.9997
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_max double 75.34333
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_min double 51.91333
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_units String degrees_north
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_max double 179.9997
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_min double -179.9997
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_units String degrees_east
attribute NC_GLOBAL infoUrl String
attribute NC_GLOBAL institution String NCEI
attribute NC_GLOBAL license String The data may be used and redistributed for free but is not intended\nfor legal use, since it may contain inaccuracies. Neither the data\nContributor, ERD, NOAA, nor the United States Government, nor any\nof their employees or contractors, makes any warranty, express or\nimplied, including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a\nparticular purpose, or assumes any legal liability for the accuracy,\ncompleteness, or usefulness, of this information.
attribute NC_GLOBAL Northernmost_Northing double 75.34333
attribute NC_GLOBAL sourceUrl String (local files)
attribute NC_GLOBAL Southernmost_Northing double 51.91333
attribute NC_GLOBAL summary String Marine mammal sighting and census data recovered from old files that were derived from punched cards.  The recovery is part of the Big Earth Data Initiative Project.  Dataset ID F127
attribute NC_GLOBAL title String BEDI Data Recovery: F127 Marine Mammal Sighting and Census
attribute NC_GLOBAL Westernmost_Easting double -179.9997
variable air_temperature float
attribute air_temperature actual_range float -25.0, 20.0
attribute air_temperature ioos_category String Temperature
variable animal_or_group_heading int
attribute animal_or_group_heading actual_range int 0, 360
attribute animal_or_group_heading description String Degrees toward
attribute animal_or_group_heading ioos_category String Other
attribute animal_or_group_heading units String angular_degree
variable animal_sighted_code String
attribute animal_sighted_code ioos_category String Identifier
attribute animal_sighted_code units String NODC CODE 0117
variable bearing_to_animals int
attribute bearing_to_animals actual_range int 0, 355
attribute bearing_to_animals description String Degrees true
attribute bearing_to_animals ioos_category String Location
attribute bearing_to_animals units String angular_degree
variable begin_date_time double
attribute begin_date_time description String Date and time in iso 8601 form YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM
attribute begin_date_time ioos_category String Time
attribute begin_date_time long_name String Begin Date Time
attribute begin_date_time time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute begin_date_time units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
variable begin_latitude float
attribute begin_latitude actual_range float 52.02833, 74.86
attribute begin_latitude ioos_category String Location
attribute begin_latitude units String degreeN
variable begin_longitude float
attribute begin_longitude actual_range float -179.9997, 179.9997
attribute begin_longitude ioos_category String Location
attribute begin_longitude units String degreeE
variable behavior_i String
attribute behavior_i ioos_category String Biology
attribute behavior_i units String NODC CODE 0139
variable behavior_ii String
attribute behavior_ii ioos_category String Biology
attribute behavior_ii units String NODC CODE 0139
variable behavior_iii String
attribute behavior_iii ioos_category String Biology
attribute behavior_iii units String NODC CODE 0139
variable characteristics_of_heavy_ice String
attribute characteristics_of_heavy_ice ioos_category String Ice Distribution
attribute characteristics_of_heavy_ice units String NODC CODE 0065
variable characteristics_of_moderate_ice String
attribute characteristics_of_moderate_ice ioos_category String Ice Distribution
attribute characteristics_of_moderate_ice units String NODC CODE 0066
variable characteristics_of_thin_ice String
attribute characteristics_of_thin_ice ioos_category String Ice Distribution
attribute characteristics_of_thin_ice units String NODC CODE 0066
variable cloud_amount String
attribute cloud_amount ioos_category String Meteorology
attribute cloud_amount units String NODC CODE 0105
variable cloud_type String
attribute cloud_type ioos_category String Meteorology
attribute cloud_type units String NODC CODE 0053
variable completeness String
attribute completeness ioos_category String Other
attribute completeness units String NODC CODE 0002
variable cruise_header_record String
attribute cruise_header_record ioos_category String Identifier
variable cruise_header_text_sequence_number int
attribute cruise_header_text_sequence_number actual_range int 0, 14
attribute cruise_header_text_sequence_number ioos_category String Identifier
variable cruise_header_text_sighting_number String
attribute cruise_header_text_sighting_number ioos_category String Identifier
variable cruise_header_text_station_number String
attribute cruise_header_text_station_number ioos_category String Identifier
variable cruise_header_text_text String
attribute cruise_header_text_text ioos_category String Other
variable cruise_header_text_text_record String
attribute cruise_header_text_text_record ioos_category String Identifier
variable cruise_id String
attribute cruise_id ioos_category String Identifier
variable current_direction int
attribute current_direction description String Degrees toward
attribute current_direction ioos_category String Currents
attribute current_direction units String angular_degree
variable current_speed int
attribute current_speed ioos_category String Currents
attribute current_speed units String knots
variable debris String
attribute debris ioos_category String Contaminants
variable decomposition String
attribute decomposition ioos_category String Biology
attribute decomposition units String NODC CODE 0004
variable deformation String
attribute deformation ioos_category String Biology
attribute deformation units String NODC CODE 0067
variable detail_sighting__author_and_date String
attribute detail_sighting__author_and_date ioos_category String Other
variable detail_sighting__code_level String
attribute detail_sighting__code_level ioos_category String Identifier
variable detail_sighting__collection_method String
attribute detail_sighting__collection_method ioos_category String Other
attribute detail_sighting__collection_method units String NODC CODE 0001
variable detail_sighting__confidence String
attribute detail_sighting__confidence ioos_category String Quality
attribute detail_sighting__confidence units String NODC CODE 0003
variable detail_sighting__control_code String
attribute detail_sighting__control_code ioos_category String Identifier
variable detail_sighting__identification_reliability String
attribute detail_sighting__identification_reliability ioos_category String Quality
attribute detail_sighting__identification_reliability units String NODC CODE 0141
variable detail_sighting__nodc_code String
attribute detail_sighting__nodc_code ioos_category String Identifier
variable detail_sighting__number_of_adults int
attribute detail_sighting__number_of_adults actual_range int 0, 1000
attribute detail_sighting__number_of_adults ioos_category String Biology
variable detail_sighting__number_of_juveniles int
attribute detail_sighting__number_of_juveniles actual_range int 0, 19
attribute detail_sighting__number_of_juveniles ioos_category String Biology
variable detail_sighting__number_of_subadults int
attribute detail_sighting__number_of_subadults actual_range int 0, 35
attribute detail_sighting__number_of_subadults ioos_category String Biology
variable detail_sighting__rank String
attribute detail_sighting__rank ioos_category String Identifier
variable detail_sighting__record String
attribute detail_sighting__record ioos_category String Identifier
variable detail_sighting__sequence_number int
attribute detail_sighting__sequence_number actual_range int 0, 99
attribute detail_sighting__sequence_number ioos_category String Identifier
variable detail_sighting__sighting_number String
attribute detail_sighting__sighting_number ioos_category String Identifier
variable detail_sighting__station_number String
attribute detail_sighting__station_number ioos_category String Identifier
variable detail_sighting__taxon_serial_number String
attribute detail_sighting__taxon_serial_number ioos_category String Taxonomy
variable detail_sighting__taxonomic_name String
attribute detail_sighting__taxonomic_name ioos_category String Taxonomy
variable detail_sighting__type String
attribute detail_sighting__type ioos_category String Identifier
variable distance_of_animals_from_platform int
attribute distance_of_animals_from_platform actual_range int 0, 9999
attribute distance_of_animals_from_platform ioos_category String Location
attribute distance_of_animals_from_platform units String meters
variable distance_of_animals_to_ice_edge float
attribute distance_of_animals_to_ice_edge actual_range float 0.8, 0.8
attribute distance_of_animals_to_ice_edge ioos_category String Location
attribute distance_of_animals_to_ice_edge units String kilometers
variable distance_of_animals_to_shore float
attribute distance_of_animals_to_shore actual_range float 0.4, 40.2
attribute distance_of_animals_to_shore ioos_category String Location
attribute distance_of_animals_to_shore units String kilometers
variable dive_time int
attribute dive_time ioos_category String Time
attribute dive_time units String minutes
variable end_date_of_survey double
attribute end_date_of_survey description String Date in iso 8601 form YYYY-MM-DD
attribute end_date_of_survey ioos_category String Time
attribute end_date_of_survey long_name String End Date Of Survey
attribute end_date_of_survey time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute end_date_of_survey units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
variable end_latitude float
attribute end_latitude actual_range float 51.91333, 75.04333
attribute end_latitude ioos_category String Location
attribute end_latitude units String degreeN
variable end_longitude float
attribute end_longitude actual_range float -179.9167, 179.9997
attribute end_longitude ioos_category String Location
attribute end_longitude units String degreeE
variable end_time String
attribute end_time ioos_category String Time
attribute end_time units String HH:MM
variable environment_record String
attribute environment_record ioos_category String Identifier
variable environment_sequence_number int
attribute environment_sequence_number actual_range int 0, 99
attribute environment_sequence_number ioos_category String Identifier
variable environment_sighting_number String
attribute environment_sighting_number ioos_category String Identifier
variable environment_station_number String
attribute environment_station_number ioos_category String Identifier
variable glare_amount String
attribute glare_amount ioos_category String Optical Properties
attribute glare_amount units String NODC CODE 0035
variable glare_location String
attribute glare_location ioos_category String Optical Properties
attribute glare_location units String NODC CODE 0116
variable group_size String
attribute group_size ioos_category String Biology
attribute group_size units String NODC CODE 0356
variable human_activity String
attribute human_activity ioos_category String Biology
attribute human_activity units String NODC CODE 0354
variable ice_type String
attribute ice_type ioos_category String Ice Distribution
attribute ice_type units String NODC CODE 0064
variable institution_or_agency String
attribute institution_or_agency ioos_category String Identifier
variable investigator_scientist_or_data_source String
attribute investigator_scientist_or_data_source ioos_category String Identifier
variable leg_made_good String
attribute leg_made_good ioos_category String Other
attribute leg_made_good units String NODC CODE 0117
variable location__record String
attribute location__record ioos_category String Identifier
variable location__sequence_number int
attribute location__sequence_number actual_range int 1, 2424
attribute location__sequence_number ioos_category String Identifier
variable location__sighting_number String
attribute location__sighting_number ioos_category String Identifier
variable location__station_number String
attribute location__station_number ioos_category String Identifier
variable nodc_file_number String
attribute nodc_file_number ioos_category String Identifier
variable nodc_track_number String
attribute nodc_track_number ioos_category String Identifier
variable number_of_adult_females int
attribute number_of_adult_females actual_range int 0, 133
attribute number_of_adult_females ioos_category String Biology
variable number_of_adult_males int
attribute number_of_adult_males actual_range int 0, 7
attribute number_of_adult_males ioos_category String Biology
variable number_of_groups int
attribute number_of_groups actual_range int 0, 78
attribute number_of_groups ioos_category String Biology
variable number_of_individuals int
attribute number_of_individuals actual_range int 0, 10400
attribute number_of_individuals ioos_category String Biology
variable number_of_unknown int
attribute number_of_unknown actual_range int -1, 10400
attribute number_of_unknown ioos_category String Biology
variable octas_of_heavy_ice String
attribute octas_of_heavy_ice ioos_category String Ice Distribution
attribute octas_of_heavy_ice units String NODC CODE 0065
variable octas_of_moderate_ice String
attribute octas_of_moderate_ice ioos_category String Ice Distribution
attribute octas_of_moderate_ice units String NODC CODE 0065
variable octas_of_thin_ice String
attribute octas_of_thin_ice ioos_category String Ice Distribution
attribute octas_of_thin_ice units String NODC CODE 0065
variable photos_taken String
attribute photos_taken ioos_category String Other
attribute photos_taken units String NODC CODE 0117
variable platform_activity String
attribute platform_activity ioos_category String Other
attribute platform_activity units String NODC CODE 0005
variable platform_altitude int
attribute platform_altitude actual_range int 1, 2895
attribute platform_altitude ioos_category String Location
attribute platform_altitude units String meters
variable platform_altitude_observer_height int
attribute platform_altitude_observer_height actual_range int 10, 351
attribute platform_altitude_observer_height ioos_category String Location
attribute platform_altitude_observer_height units String meters
variable platform_direction int
attribute platform_direction actual_range int 0, 359
attribute platform_direction description String Degrees toward
attribute platform_direction ioos_category String Location
attribute platform_direction units String angular_degree
variable platform_id String
attribute platform_id ioos_category String Identifier
attribute platform_id units String NODC CODE 0063
variable platform_speed int
attribute platform_speed actual_range int 0, 197
attribute platform_speed ioos_category String Other
attribute platform_speed units String knots
variable platform_type String
attribute platform_type ioos_category String Identifier
attribute platform_type units String NODC CODE 0100
variable sea_state String
attribute sea_state ioos_category String Surface Waves
attribute sea_state units String NODC CODE 0052
variable sea_surface_temperature float
attribute sea_surface_temperature actual_range float -0.9, 8.6
attribute sea_surface_temperature ioos_category String Temperature
variable sighting_date_time double
attribute sighting_date_time description String Date and GMT time in iso 8601 form YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM
attribute sighting_date_time ioos_category String Time
attribute sighting_date_time long_name String Sighting Date Time
attribute sighting_date_time time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute sighting_date_time units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
variable latitude float
attribute latitude _CoordinateAxisType String Lat
attribute latitude actual_range float 51.91333, 75.34333
attribute latitude axis String Y
attribute latitude ioos_category String Location
attribute latitude long_name String Latitude
attribute latitude standard_name String latitude
attribute latitude units String degrees_north
variable longitude float
attribute longitude _CoordinateAxisType String Lon
attribute longitude actual_range float -179.9997, 179.9997
attribute longitude axis String X
attribute longitude ioos_category String Location
attribute longitude long_name String Longitude
attribute longitude standard_name String longitude
attribute longitude units String degrees_east
variable special_marks_or_tags String
attribute special_marks_or_tags ioos_category String Biology
attribute special_marks_or_tags units String NODC CODE 0062
variable start_date_of_survey double
attribute start_date_of_survey description String Date in iso 8601 form YYYY-MM-DD
attribute start_date_of_survey ioos_category String Time
attribute start_date_of_survey long_name String Start Date Of Survey
attribute start_date_of_survey time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute start_date_of_survey units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
variable station_identifier String
attribute station_identifier ioos_category String Identifier
variable summary_sighting__author_and_date String
attribute summary_sighting__author_and_date ioos_category String Other
variable summary_sighting__code_level String
attribute summary_sighting__code_level ioos_category String Identifier
variable summary_sighting__collection_method String
attribute summary_sighting__collection_method ioos_category String Other
attribute summary_sighting__collection_method units String NODC CODE 0001
variable summary_sighting__confidence String
attribute summary_sighting__confidence ioos_category String Quality
attribute summary_sighting__confidence units String NODC CODE 0003
variable summary_sighting__control_code String
attribute summary_sighting__control_code ioos_category String Identifier
variable summary_sighting__identification_reliability String
attribute summary_sighting__identification_reliability ioos_category String Quality
attribute summary_sighting__identification_reliability units String NODC CODE 0141
variable summary_sighting__nodc_code String
attribute summary_sighting__nodc_code ioos_category String Identifier
variable summary_sighting__number_of_adults int
attribute summary_sighting__number_of_adults actual_range int 0, 1000
attribute summary_sighting__number_of_adults ioos_category String Biology
variable summary_sighting__number_of_juveniles int
attribute summary_sighting__number_of_juveniles actual_range int 0, 19
attribute summary_sighting__number_of_juveniles ioos_category String Biology
variable summary_sighting__number_of_subadults int
attribute summary_sighting__number_of_subadults actual_range int 0, 15
attribute summary_sighting__number_of_subadults ioos_category String Biology
variable summary_sighting__rank String
attribute summary_sighting__rank ioos_category String Other
variable summary_sighting__record String
attribute summary_sighting__record ioos_category String Identifier
variable summary_sighting__sequence_number int
attribute summary_sighting__sequence_number actual_range int 0, 99
attribute summary_sighting__sequence_number ioos_category String Identifier
variable summary_sighting__sighting_number String
attribute summary_sighting__sighting_number ioos_category String Identifier
variable summary_sighting__station_number String
attribute summary_sighting__station_number ioos_category String Identifier
variable summary_sighting__taxon_serial_number String
attribute summary_sighting__taxon_serial_number ioos_category String Taxonomy
variable summary_sighting__taxonomic_name String
attribute summary_sighting__taxonomic_name ioos_category String Taxonomy
variable summary_sighting__type String
attribute summary_sighting__type ioos_category String Identifier
variable surface_visibility String
attribute surface_visibility ioos_category String Meteorology
attribute surface_visibility units String NODC CODE 0006
variable text_record String
attribute text_record ioos_category String Identifier
variable text_sequence_number int
attribute text_sequence_number actual_range int 0, 99
attribute text_sequence_number ioos_category String Identifier
variable text_sighting_number String
attribute text_sighting_number ioos_category String Identifier
variable text_station_number String
attribute text_station_number ioos_category String Identifier
variable text_text String
attribute text_text ioos_category String Other
variable total_number_of_individuals int
attribute total_number_of_individuals actual_range int 0, 10400
attribute total_number_of_individuals ioos_category String Biology
variable transect_width_ice String
attribute transect_width_ice ioos_category String Ice Distribution
attribute transect_width_ice units String NODC CODE 0068
variable transit__record String
attribute transit__record ioos_category String Identifier
variable transit__sequence_number int
attribute transit__sequence_number actual_range int 1, 2402
attribute transit__sequence_number ioos_category String Identifier
variable transit__station_number String
attribute transit__station_number ioos_category String Identifier
variable transit__text_sequence_number int
attribute transit__text_sequence_number actual_range int 0, 99
attribute transit__text_sequence_number ioos_category String Identifier
variable transit__text_sighting_number String
attribute transit__text_sighting_number ioos_category String Identifier
variable transit__text_station_number String
attribute transit__text_station_number ioos_category String Identifier
variable transit__text_text String
attribute transit__text_text ioos_category String Other
variable transit__text_text_record String
attribute transit__text_text_record ioos_category String Identifier
variable vessel_platform_name String
attribute vessel_platform_name ioos_category String Identifier
variable water_color String
attribute water_color ioos_category String Ocean Color
attribute water_color units String NODC CODE 0051
variable water_depth int
attribute water_depth actual_range int 1, 3493
attribute water_depth ioos_category String Bathymetry
attribute water_depth units String meters
variable weather String
attribute weather ioos_category String Meteorology
attribute weather units String NODC CODE 0159
variable width_of_track float
attribute width_of_track actual_range float 10.0, 200.0
attribute width_of_track ioos_category String Other
attribute width_of_track units String kilometers
variable wind_direction int
attribute wind_direction actual_range int 0, 355
attribute wind_direction description String Degrees from
attribute wind_direction ioos_category String Wind
attribute wind_direction units String angular_degrees
variable wind_speed int
attribute wind_speed actual_range int 0, 50
attribute wind_speed ioos_category String Wind
attribute wind_speed units String knots

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