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Row Type Variable Name Attribute Name Data Type Value
attribute NC_GLOBAL cdm_data_type String Other
attribute NC_GLOBAL date_created String 2024-03-25
attribute NC_GLOBAL Easternmost_Easting double 179.999
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_max double 74.35
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_min double -78.9167
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_units String degrees_north
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_max double 179.999
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_min double -179.995
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_units String degrees_east
attribute NC_GLOBAL infoUrl String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL institution String National Marine Fisheries Service
attribute NC_GLOBAL license String The data may be used and redistributed for free but is not intended\nfor legal use, since it may contain inaccuracies. Neither the data\nContributor, ERD, NOAA, nor the United States Government, nor any\nof their employees or contractors, makes any warranty, express or\nimplied, including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a\nparticular purpose, or assumes any legal liability for the accuracy,\ncompleteness, or usefulness, of this information.
attribute NC_GLOBAL Northernmost_Northing double 74.35
attribute NC_GLOBAL product_version String 20240325-0
attribute NC_GLOBAL program String Deep Sea Corals Research and Technology Program
attribute NC_GLOBAL sourceUrl String (local files)
attribute NC_GLOBAL Southernmost_Northing double -78.9167
attribute NC_GLOBAL summary String The Deep Sea Coral Research and Technology Program's mission is to provide scientific information needed to conserve and manage deep-sea coral and sponge ecosystems. The program supports new research and curates existing information into a comprehensive deep-sea coral resource.
attribute NC_GLOBAL title String Deep Sea Corals Research and Technology Program National Database
attribute NC_GLOBAL Westernmost_Easting double -179.995
variable ShallowFlag int
attribute ShallowFlag actual_range int 0, 1
attribute ShallowFlag description String A value of 1 denotes a coral or sponge record where [DepthInMeters] is correct but it is less than 50 meters. A value of 0 denotes a coral that has a correct [DepthInMeters] greater than or equal to 50 meters.
attribute ShallowFlag ioos_category String Location
attribute ShallowFlag missing_value int -999
variable DatabaseVersion String
attribute DatabaseVersion description String Version of the entire database indicated as a date-based version in the format YYYYMMDD-<iteration>.  Example: '20190226-0' for the version created on February 26, 2019.  The zero on the end indicates the iteration number on that day.  If another version of the database was created on that same day, it would be indicated as '20190226-1'.
attribute DatabaseVersion ioos_category String Identifier
variable DatasetID String
attribute DatasetID description String Standardized identifier for each dataset within the larger database.  This field is used as the primary grouping variable for associating records together and for creating the dataset dashboards.
attribute DatasetID ioos_category String Identifier
variable CatalogNumber int
attribute CatalogNumber actual_range int 1, 1580636
attribute CatalogNumber description String Unique record identifier controlled by the DSCRTP. It is persistent and the numbers are retired if records are deleted from the database.
attribute CatalogNumber ioos_category String Identifier
variable SampleID String
attribute SampleID description String The primary identification label or code of the specimen or catch record exactly as reported by the [DataProvider]. This field, along with [TrackingID], is used to establish record provenance at the [DataProvider] institution. Image-based records should also have a SampleID that is a filename or other identifier chosen by the [DataProvider].  SampleID should be the primary link back to the original database owned by the [DataProvider].  An individual SampleID can be repeated.  For example, there may be multiple taxa in an single image that would require separate records, so that the same SampleID (ID of the image) may be listed multiple times.
attribute SampleID ioos_category String Identifier
variable TrackingID String
attribute TrackingID description String Additional ID of the sample or observation provided by the [DataProvider] (e.g., an additional ID of the occurrence used during field activities or other sample tracking).  May be used to indicate transects within an [EventID].
attribute TrackingID ioos_category String Identifier
variable ImageURL String
attribute ImageURL description String URL that points to the image on the DSC portal or appropriate archive that displays the specimen of record. In the case of records submitted to the Program, this record is based on an image file provided by the [DataProvider]. This value is created by the Program.
attribute ImageURL ioos_category String Other
variable HighlightImageURL String
attribute HighlightImageURL description String URL that points to the highlight image hosted on the DSC portal or appropriate archive that displays the specimen of record. A highlight image is one that is an especially good representative image of the taxa as determined by the [DataProvider]. In the case of records submitted to the Program, this record is based on an image file provided by the [DataProvider]. This value is created by the Program.  If this image is null, then it is assumed that the imagery associated with this record is not particularly notable. This image URL may be the same as that reported in 'ImageURL', but does not necessarily have to be the same image.
attribute HighlightImageURL ioos_category String Other
variable Citation String
attribute Citation _Encoding String ISO-8859-1
attribute Citation description String A list (concatenated and separated) of identifiers (publication, bibliographic reference, global unique identifier, URI) of literature associated with the Occurrence. Equivalent to the term associatedReferences in Darwin Core. Multiple citations should be separated by the pipe character with a leading a trailing space: ' | '.  The preferred style guide is Chicago/Turabian. Michigan State University Libraries publishes a helpful guide on how to cite data at the following link:
attribute Citation ioos_category String Other
variable Repository String
attribute Repository _Encoding String ISO-8859-1
attribute Repository description String Location where the physical sample, or image is stored. This may be a museum, if samples are physical (e.g., 'Smithsonian NMNH') or it may be an institution (e.g., 'NOAA Central Library') that maintains master copies of images or video.
attribute Repository ioos_category String Other
variable ScientificName String
attribute ScientificName _Encoding String ISO-8859-1
attribute ScientificName description String Taxonomic identification of the sample as a Latin binomial (e.g., Primnoa pacifica), or lowest practical taxonomic level (e.g., Primnoidae).
attribute ScientificName ioos_category String Taxonomy
variable VerbatimScientificName String
attribute VerbatimScientificName _Encoding String ISO-8859-1
attribute VerbatimScientificName description String The [ScientificName] exactly as reported by the [DataProvider].
attribute VerbatimScientificName ioos_category String Taxonomy
variable VernacularNameCategory String
attribute VernacularNameCategory _Encoding String ISO-8859-1
attribute VernacularNameCategory description String Common (vernacular) name category of the organism. (This is assigned by DSCRTP data management processes.)
attribute VernacularNameCategory ioos_category String Taxonomy
variable VernacularName String
attribute VernacularName _Encoding String ISO-8859-1
attribute VernacularName description String Common name(s) of the observed species.
attribute VernacularName ioos_category String Taxonomy
variable TaxonRank String
attribute TaxonRank _Encoding String ISO-8859-1
attribute TaxonRank description String The TaxonRank term is a companion to the [ScientificName] term. TaxonRank identifies the level in the taxonomic hierarchy of the [ScientificName] term.
attribute TaxonRank ioos_category String Taxonomy
variable AphiaID int
attribute AphiaID actual_range int 558, 1720118
attribute AphiaID description String AphiaID of [ScientificName] from the World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS). These numeric codes may be accessed here:
attribute AphiaID ioos_category String Identifier
attribute AphiaID missing_value int -999
variable LifeScienceIdentifier String
attribute LifeScienceIdentifier _Encoding String ISO-8859-1
attribute LifeScienceIdentifier description String Life Science Identifiers are a way to name and locate pieces of information on the web. Essentially, an LSID is a unique identifier for some data, and the LSID protocol specifies a standard way to locate the data (as well as a standard way of describing that data). They are a little like DOIs used by many publishers. An LSID is represented as a uniform resource name (URN) with the following format: 'urn:lsid:Authority:Namespace:ObjectID[:Version]'. An example using WoRMS where genus = 'Thesea':  ''. When searched on common web search services, this LSID provides a clear link to this resource. This value is assigned by DSCRTP and uses the WoRMS database as the primary authority.
attribute LifeScienceIdentifier ioos_category String Identifier
variable Phylum String
attribute Phylum description String The Phylum in which the taxon is classified.
attribute Phylum ioos_category String Taxonomy
variable Class String
attribute Class description String The Class in which the taxon is classified.
attribute Class ioos_category String Taxonomy
variable Subclass String
attribute Subclass description String The Subclass in which the taxon is classified.
attribute Subclass ioos_category String Taxonomy
variable Order String
attribute Order description String The Order in which the taxon is classified.
attribute Order ioos_category String Taxonomy
variable Suborder String
attribute Suborder description String The Suborder in which the taxon is classified.
attribute Suborder ioos_category String Taxonomy
variable Family String
attribute Family description String The Family in which the taxon is classified.
attribute Family ioos_category String Taxonomy
variable Subfamily String
attribute Subfamily description String The Subfamily in which the taxon is classified.
attribute Subfamily ioos_category String Taxonomy
variable Genus String
attribute Genus description String The Genus in which the taxon is classified.
attribute Genus ioos_category String Taxonomy
variable Subgenus String
attribute Subgenus description String The Subgenus in which the taxon is classified.
attribute Subgenus ioos_category String Taxonomy
variable Species String
attribute Species description String The specific epithet in which the taxon is classified.
attribute Species ioos_category String Taxonomy
variable Subspecies String
attribute Subspecies description String The Subspecies in which the taxon is classified.
attribute Subspecies ioos_category String Taxonomy
variable ScientificNameAuthorship String
attribute ScientificNameAuthorship _Encoding String ISO-8859-1
attribute ScientificNameAuthorship description String Author who originally described the species or subspecies. The author should be consistent with [AphiaID] and [TaxonRank].
attribute ScientificNameAuthorship ioos_category String Taxonomy
variable TypeStatus String
attribute TypeStatus description String The type status (e.g., holotype, paratype, etc.), if any, of the specimen. Additional information (e.g., typified scientific name, publication) should be included in [IdentificationComments].
attribute TypeStatus ioos_category String Taxonomy
variable OperationalTaxonomicUnit int
attribute OperationalTaxonomicUnit actual_range int 1, 30
attribute OperationalTaxonomicUnit description String An operational identifier used to classify groups of closely related individuals. OTU is a pragmatic identifier to group individuals by similarity, equivalent to, but not necessarily in line with classical Linnaean taxonomy or modern evolutionary taxonomy. This field does not currently have a recommended set of valid values and may be used differently by separate research groups.  See related variables [Morphospecies] and [CombinedNameID].
attribute OperationalTaxonomicUnit ioos_category String Taxonomy
attribute OperationalTaxonomicUnit missing_value int -999
variable Morphospecies String
attribute Morphospecies _Encoding String ISO-8859-1
attribute Morphospecies description String A taxonomic species characteristic determined based wholly on observed morphological differences from related species. This field allows the [DataProvider] to record the the extra detail needed to distinguish among different looking organisms of the same [ScientificName]. For example, it is common within a given survey that a coral or sponge is clearly identifiable to the [TaxonRank] of 'genus'.  By visual inspection the analyst may also notice morphological differences that are evident, but not diagnostic enough to assigned to [TaxonRank] of 'species'. These morphological notations, e.g. 'msp1', 'msp2', 'msp3', or in the case of sponges encrusting, 'vase', 'fig', 'sponge', 'massive globose', etc., may be placed in [Morphospecies].  This field does not currently have a recommended set of valid values and may be used differently by separate research groups. See related variables [OperationalTaxonomicUnit] and [CombinedNameID].
attribute Morphospecies ioos_category String Taxonomy
variable CombinedNameID String
attribute CombinedNameID _Encoding String ISO-8859-1
attribute CombinedNameID description String A simple concatenation of [ScientificName] + [Morphospecies].
attribute CombinedNameID ioos_category String Taxonomy
variable Synonyms String
attribute Synonyms _Encoding String ISO-8859-1
attribute Synonyms description String Other scientific names used for the specimen or observation, including outdated or synonymized names for the taxon, alternate spellings, or previous identifications.
attribute Synonyms ioos_category String Taxonomy
variable IdentificationComments String
attribute IdentificationComments _Encoding String ISO-8859-1
attribute IdentificationComments description String Comments and other info about the taxonomy of the species of the sampled or observed organism. If the record is of a type specimen (e.g., holotype), this should be identified in this field along with the associated scientific name and citation.
attribute IdentificationComments ioos_category String Taxonomy
variable IdentifiedBy String
attribute IdentifiedBy _Encoding String ISO-8859-1
attribute IdentifiedBy description String Name of individual or institution that assigned the [ScientificName]. Desired format is 'LastName, FirstName' or a list of names delimited by the pipe character with a leading and trailing space: ' | '.
attribute IdentifiedBy ioos_category String Other
variable IdentificationDate String
attribute IdentificationDate description String UTC date (YYYY-DD-MM). Date on which the sample was identified.  If day or month is unknown, use YYYY-MM or YYYY.
attribute IdentificationDate ioos_category String Time
variable IdentificationQualifier String
attribute IdentificationQualifier description String Taxonomic identification method and level of expertise. Desired format would be along the following lines: 'genetic ID'; 'morphological ID from sample by taxonomic expert'; 'ID by expert from image'; 'ID by non-expert from video'; etc. An additional qualifier may be included (e.g., 'ID Uncertain').
attribute IdentificationQualifier ioos_category String Other
variable IdentificationVerificationStatus String
attribute IdentificationVerificationStatus description String Score of the quality of the identification. 1 = identified from image only, 2 = identified from image and physical specimens sampled from the same region, 3 = identified from image and that specific physical specimen.
attribute IdentificationVerificationStatus ioos_category String Other
variable AssociatedSequences String
attribute AssociatedSequences description String Additional ID of samples where genetic sequences have been submitted to GenBank, for example. Multiple sequences may be separated by the pipe character with a leading a trailing space: ' | '.
attribute AssociatedSequences ioos_category String Identifier
variable Ocean String
attribute Ocean description String Ocean basin where the observation or sample was collected.
attribute Ocean ioos_category String Location
variable LargeMarineEcosystem String
attribute LargeMarineEcosystem description String Large Marine Ecosystem using designations set forth at  NA = outside of LME boundary.  This field is calculated by the Program based on occurrence location.
attribute LargeMarineEcosystem ioos_category String Location
variable Country String
attribute Country description String Country in whose Exclusive Economic Zone the observation or sample was collected, based on Exclusive Economic Zones Boundaries (EEZ) [World EEZ v7 (2012-11-20)] from (NA = outside of EEZ)
attribute Country ioos_category String Location
variable FishCouncilRegion String
attribute FishCouncilRegion description String U.S. Fisheries Management Council (FMC) region where the occurrence is located. In cases of boundary overlap, two councils may be listed separated by the pipe character with a leading a trailing space: ' | '. If the occurrence is in state waters, the adjacent FMC region will be listed. For a map, see:
attribute FishCouncilRegion ioos_category String Location
variable Locality String
attribute Locality _Encoding String ISO-8859-1
attribute Locality description String A specific named place or named feature of origin for the specimen or observation (e.g., Dixon Entrance, Diaphus Bank, or Sur Ridge). Multiple locality names may be separated by the pipe symbol (' | ') arranged in a list from largest to smallest area (e.g., Gulf of Mexico; West Florida Shelf, Pulley Ridge).
attribute Locality ioos_category String Location
variable latitude double
attribute latitude _CoordinateAxisType String Lat
attribute latitude actual_range double -78.9167, 74.35
attribute latitude axis String Y
attribute latitude description String Latitude in decimal degrees where the sample or observation was collected.
attribute latitude ioos_category String Location
attribute latitude long_name String Latitude
attribute latitude missing_value double -999.0
attribute latitude standard_name String latitude
attribute latitude units String degrees_north
variable longitude double
attribute longitude _CoordinateAxisType String Lon
attribute longitude actual_range double -179.995, 179.999
attribute longitude axis String X
attribute longitude description String Longitude in decimal degrees where the sample or observation was collected.
attribute longitude ioos_category String Location
attribute longitude long_name String Longitude
attribute longitude missing_value double -999.0
attribute longitude standard_name String longitude
attribute longitude units String degrees_east
variable DepthInMeters int
attribute DepthInMeters actual_range int 0, 6369
attribute DepthInMeters description String Best single depth value for sample as a positive value in meters.
attribute DepthInMeters ioos_category String Location
attribute DepthInMeters missing_value int -999
attribute DepthInMeters units String m
variable DepthMethod String
attribute DepthMethod description String Method by which best singular depth in meters (DepthInMeters) was determined. 'averaged' = start and stop depths were averaged. 'assigned' = depth was derived from bathymetry at the location. 'reported' = depth was reported based on instrumentation or described in literature.
attribute DepthMethod ioos_category String Other
variable MinimumDepthInMeters int
attribute MinimumDepthInMeters actual_range int 0, 6364
attribute MinimumDepthInMeters description String Positive integer used to express the minimum depth of the observation. If [DataProvider] gives a single depth, the [MinimumDepthInMeters] and [MaximumDepthInMeters] will be equal. If no depth information was provided, both the min and max terms will be -999.
attribute MinimumDepthInMeters ioos_category String Location
attribute MinimumDepthInMeters missing_value int -999
attribute MinimumDepthInMeters units String m
variable MaximumDepthInMeters int
attribute MaximumDepthInMeters actual_range int 0, 6373
attribute MaximumDepthInMeters description String Positive integer used to express the maximum depth of the observation. If [DataProvider] gives a single depth, the [MinimumDepthInMeters] and [MaximumDepthInMeters] will be equal. If no depth information was provided, both the min and max terms will be -999.
attribute MaximumDepthInMeters ioos_category String Location
attribute MaximumDepthInMeters missing_value int -999
attribute MaximumDepthInMeters units String m
variable LocationComments String
attribute LocationComments _Encoding String ISO-8859-1
attribute LocationComments description String Comments and other info about how the location (including depth) was determined. Also may include any uncertainty regarding the geographic or depth coordinates.
attribute LocationComments ioos_category String Other
variable ObservationDate String
attribute ObservationDate description String Date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. In some rare cases, [ObservationDate] is unknown, as for some museum records.
attribute ObservationDate ioos_category String Time
variable ObservationYear int
attribute ObservationYear actual_range int 1833, 2023
attribute ObservationYear description String Year the observation was made in YYYY format (or beginning year of a range, if exact year is unknown).
attribute ObservationYear ioos_category String Time
attribute ObservationYear missing_value int -999
variable ObservationTime String
attribute ObservationTime description String Time as hh:mm:ss when the sample or observation occurred. Use UTC.
attribute ObservationTime ioos_category String Time
variable SurveyID String
attribute SurveyID _Encoding String ISO-8859-1
attribute SurveyID description String Name or ID of the cruise or project in which the sample or observation was collected (e.g, 'EX1202L2' or 'Lophelia II: Reefs, Rigs, and Wrecks').  Many events [EventID] can be associated with one survey [SurveyID]
attribute SurveyID ioos_category String Identifier
variable Vessel String
attribute Vessel _Encoding String ISO-8859-1
attribute Vessel description String Name of the vessel used for collecting the sample or observation.
attribute Vessel ioos_category String Other
variable PI String
attribute PI _Encoding String ISO-8859-1
attribute PI description String Principal Investigator or Chief scientist of the cruise during which the sample was collected, or individual who collected the sample.
attribute PI ioos_category String Other
variable PIAffiliation String
attribute PIAffiliation _Encoding String ISO-8859-1
attribute PIAffiliation description String Affiliation of the Principal Investigator.
attribute PIAffiliation ioos_category String Other
variable Purpose String
attribute Purpose _Encoding String ISO-8859-1
attribute Purpose description String Purpose of the cruise during which the sample or observation was collected (e.g. 'deep-sea coral survey', 'exploration', or 'groundfish survey').
attribute Purpose ioos_category String Other
variable SurveyComments String
attribute SurveyComments _Encoding String ISO-8859-1
attribute SurveyComments description String Comments and other info about the cruise/survey or programs sponsoring the cruise/survey.
attribute SurveyComments ioos_category String Other
variable Station String
attribute Station _Encoding String ISO-8859-1
attribute Station description String Reference ID of the station where the sample or observation was collected.
attribute Station ioos_category String Location
variable EventID String
attribute EventID description String ID of the survey event (e.g., dive number or trawl haul number) on which the sample was made.
attribute EventID ioos_category String Identifier
variable SamplingEquipment String
attribute SamplingEquipment _Encoding String ISO-8859-1
attribute SamplingEquipment description String Method of data collection.
attribute SamplingEquipment ioos_category String Other
variable VehicleName String
attribute VehicleName _Encoding String ISO-8859-1
attribute VehicleName description String Name or ID of the AUV, ROV, submersible, etc. used to collect sample.
attribute VehicleName ioos_category String Other
variable SampleAreaInSquareMeters float
attribute SampleAreaInSquareMeters actual_range float 0.1, 9903.0
attribute SampleAreaInSquareMeters description String The area in square meters, if projected vertically to a plane representing the seafloor surface, of the sample space in which the observation was made.
attribute SampleAreaInSquareMeters ioos_category String Location
attribute SampleAreaInSquareMeters missing_value float -999.0
attribute SampleAreaInSquareMeters units String m^2
variable footprintWKT String
attribute footprintWKT description String A Well-Known Text (WKT) representation of the shape (footprint, geometry) that defines the sample area. As an example, for downward looking or oblique still images, this would be a polygon representing the footprint of the viewable area (an orthogonal projection using the sea floor as the projection plane).   For a video transect, this would be a polygon that represents the footprint of the entire viewable area throughout the length of the video.
attribute footprintWKT ioos_category String Location
variable footprintSRS String
attribute footprintSRS description String A Well-Known Text (WKT) representation of the Spatial Reference System (SRS) for the footprintWKT of the Location.
attribute footprintSRS ioos_category String Location
variable IndividualCount short
attribute IndividualCount actual_range short 0, 22780
attribute IndividualCount description String Number of individuals (e.g., sponges or non-colonial corals), colonies (e.g., octocorals, black corals) or patches (e.g., framework forming corals where individual colonies cannot be distinguished) as a positive integer.
attribute IndividualCount ioos_category String Ecology
attribute IndividualCount missing_value short -999
variable CategoricalAbundance String
attribute CategoricalAbundance description String Abundance category of corals/sponges of the same ScientificName at the sample location.
attribute CategoricalAbundance ioos_category String Ecology
variable Density short
attribute Density actual_range short 0, 4069
attribute Density description String Number of individuals (or colonies) per square meter for an observation.
attribute Density ioos_category String Ecology
attribute Density missing_value short -999
variable Cover String
attribute Cover description String Percent of sampled area (e.g., in field of view or on transect) covered by organism of interest.  This field is generally used for framework-forming stony corals for which individual counts for which individual counts are difficult.
attribute Cover ioos_category String Ecology
attribute Cover units String percent
variable VerbatimSize String
attribute VerbatimSize description String The originally reported Size value if not in our required format.
attribute VerbatimSize ioos_category String Ecology
variable MinimumSize float
attribute MinimumSize actual_range float 0.0, 762.0
attribute MinimumSize description String Minimum size of the taxon observed. Methods for determining size (e.g., height or maximum diameter) may be noted in [OccurrenceComments].
attribute MinimumSize ioos_category String Ecology
attribute MinimumSize missing_value float -999.0
attribute MinimumSize units String cm
variable MaximumSize float
attribute MaximumSize actual_range float -9991.0, 762.0
attribute MaximumSize description String Maximum size of the taxon observed. Methods for determining size (e.g., height or maximum diameter) may be noted in [OccurrenceComments].
attribute MaximumSize ioos_category String Ecology
attribute MaximumSize missing_value float -999.0
attribute MaximumSize units String cm
variable WeightInKg double
attribute WeightInKg actual_range double 0.0, 6999.1
attribute WeightInKg description String The recorded weight in kilograms of the individuals in the observation. [OccurrenceComments] may contain remarks regarding weight methods (e.g., dry weight), calculation or estimation procedures, or other details applied in determining weight.
attribute WeightInKg ioos_category String Ecology
attribute WeightInKg missing_value double -999.0
attribute WeightInKg units String kg
variable Condition String
attribute Condition description String Condition of the organism (coral or sponge) when collected or observed.
attribute Condition ioos_category String Ecology
variable AssociatedTaxa String
attribute AssociatedTaxa description String Notable organisms that co-occur with the coral or sponge observation. Commercially fished species are of particular interest to regional fishery management councils. Methods for determining association (e.g., 'touching' or 'fish within one meter') may be noted in [OccurrenceComments].
attribute AssociatedTaxa ioos_category String Ecology
variable OccurrenceComments String
attribute OccurrenceComments description String Biological or other detail about the observation event that is not addressed elsewhere (e.g. fishing debris). May be remarks from a corresponding column in original data, or [IndividualCount] values reported as text 'few scattered', or 'pieces' when integers are expected.
attribute OccurrenceComments ioos_category String Ecology
variable StartLatitude double
attribute StartLatitude actual_range double -51.047, 71.58583
attribute StartLatitude description String Starting latitude in decimal degrees for observations or samples collected over a distance (e.g., trawls, transects).
attribute StartLatitude ioos_category String Location
attribute StartLatitude missing_value double -999.0
attribute StartLatitude units String degrees_north
variable StartLongitude double
attribute StartLongitude actual_range double -179.99117, 179.9875
attribute StartLongitude description String Starting longitude in decimal degrees for observations or samples collected over a distance (e.g., trawls, transects).
attribute StartLongitude ioos_category String Location
attribute StartLongitude missing_value double -999.0
attribute StartLongitude units String degrees_east
variable EndLatitude double
attribute EndLatitude actual_range double -51.0525, 71.59783
attribute EndLatitude description String Ending latitude in decimal degrees for observations or samples collected over a distance (e.g., trawls, transects).
attribute EndLatitude ioos_category String Location
attribute EndLatitude missing_value double -999.0
attribute EndLatitude units String degrees_north
variable EndLongitude double
attribute EndLongitude actual_range double -179.99747, 179.9981
attribute EndLongitude description String Ending longitude in decimal degrees for observations or samples collected over a distance (e.g., trawls, transects).
attribute EndLongitude ioos_category String Location
attribute EndLongitude missing_value double -999.0
attribute EndLongitude units String degrees_east
variable LocationAccuracy String
attribute LocationAccuracy description String The horizontal distance (in meters) from the given Latitude and Longitude that describes the range of error in the position.
attribute LocationAccuracy ioos_category String Other
attribute LocationAccuracy units String m
variable NavType String
attribute NavType description String Navigation type used to determine coordinates (e.g., USBL or ship GPS). Further detail on [NavType] may be captured in [LocationComments].
attribute NavType ioos_category String Other
variable OtherData String
attribute OtherData description String Other data types collected on the same event where this sample was taken. List of data types separated by a comma (e.g.'CTD, push cores').
attribute OtherData ioos_category String Other
variable Habitat String
attribute Habitat description String A description of the geological and biotic environment in which the organism was sampled or observed (e.g.,sandy plain, steep ledge) described in plain language, preferably in a manner consistent with Coastal and Marine Classification Standard (CMECS) or other regional habitat classification standards.
attribute Habitat ioos_category String Bottom Character
variable Substrate String
attribute Substrate description String Attachment or contact substrate (e.g., dropstone, outcrop, or boulder) of the organism observed. The purpose is to distinguish habitat (like a sandy plain) from attachment point (for instance, a dropstone in a sandy plain).
attribute Substrate ioos_category String Bottom Character
variable CMECSGeoForm String
attribute CMECSGeoForm description String Tectonic or geologic features, such as shelf, canyon, or seamount. See the  Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard catalog for description:
attribute CMECSGeoForm ioos_category String Bottom Character
variable CMECSSubstrate String
attribute CMECSSubstrate description String Geologic or biogenic substrate. See the  Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard catalog for description:
attribute CMECSSubstrate ioos_category String Bottom Character
variable CMECSBiotic String
attribute CMECSBiotic description String Biotic community present at the observation site. See the  Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard catalog for description:
attribute CMECSBiotic ioos_category String Biology
variable Temperature double
attribute Temperature actual_range double -2.1, 30.8
attribute Temperature description String Temperature in degrees Celsius for [EventID].
attribute Temperature ioos_category String Temperature
attribute Temperature missing_value double -999.0
attribute Temperature units String degrees_Celsius
variable Salinity double
attribute Salinity actual_range double 0.0, 1645.3
attribute Salinity description String Salinity in PSU for [EventID].
attribute Salinity ioos_category String Salinity
attribute Salinity missing_value double -999.0
attribute Salinity units String PSU
variable Oxygen double
attribute Oxygen actual_range double -49.6, 207.4
attribute Oxygen description String Dissolved oxygen in mg/L for [EventID].
attribute Oxygen ioos_category String Dissolved O2
attribute Oxygen missing_value double -999.0
attribute Oxygen units String mg/L
variable pH double
attribute pH description String pH value in units of total pH.
attribute pH ioos_category String Other
attribute pH missing_value double -999.0
variable pHscale String
attribute pHscale description String Scale used to measure pH.
attribute pHscale ioos_category String Other
variable pCO2 double
attribute pCO2 description String Partial pressure of CO2 in seawater, units = microatmospheres.
attribute pCO2 ioos_category String Other
attribute pCO2 missing_value double -999.0
attribute pCO2 units String microatmosphere
variable TA double
attribute TA description String Total alkalinity, units should be micromoles/kilogram.
attribute TA ioos_category String Other
attribute TA missing_value double -999.0
attribute TA units String micromole/kg
variable DIC double
attribute DIC description String Dissolved inorganic carbon, units should be micromoles/kilogram.
attribute DIC ioos_category String Other
attribute DIC missing_value double -999.0
attribute DIC units String micromole/kg
variable RecordType String
attribute RecordType description String Denotes the origin and type of record. The options are: published literature ('literature'); a collected specimen, including those from literature ('specimen'); observation from a still image ('still image'); observation from video ('video observation'); cumulative observation from a video transect ('video transect'); notation without a specimen or image ('notation'); or observation from trawl surveys, longline surveys, and/or observer records ('catch record').
attribute RecordType ioos_category String Other
variable DataProvider String
attribute DataProvider _Encoding String ISO-8859-1
attribute DataProvider description String Identifies the originator of the data. This is the institution or person who ultimately deserves credit for acquiring or aggregating the data and making it available.
attribute DataProvider ioos_category String Other
variable DataContact String
attribute DataContact _Encoding String ISO-8859-1
attribute DataContact description String The name and e-mail of the individual who is the primary representative of the [DataProvider].
attribute DataContact ioos_category String Other
variable Modified String
attribute Modified description String The most recent date the [DataProvider] updated or verified the record. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. If the [DataProvider] does not record or provide this information, the date the record became available to NOAA will be used.
attribute Modified ioos_category String Other
variable WebSite String
attribute WebSite description String World Wide Web link (URL) to an online resource for the [SurveyEvent] (e.g., a web page devoted to this dataset or expedition).
attribute WebSite ioos_category String Other
variable gisCRMDepth int
attribute gisCRMDepth actual_range int -105, 99999
attribute gisCRMDepth description String GIS-derived depth (bathymetry is Coastal Relief Model) .
attribute gisCRMDepth ioos_category String Location
attribute gisCRMDepth missing_value int -999
attribute gisCRMDepth units String m
variable gisGEBCODepth int
attribute gisGEBCODepth actual_range int -1837, 6807
attribute gisGEBCODepth description String GIS-derived depth at the reported [Latitude] and [Longitude]. The GEBCO_2020 grid is used.
attribute gisGEBCODepth ioos_category String Location
attribute gisGEBCODepth missing_value int -999
attribute gisGEBCODepth units String m
variable gisEtopoDepth int
attribute gisEtopoDepth actual_range int -1929, 6619
attribute gisEtopoDepth description String GIS derived depth (bathymetry is ETOPO1).
attribute gisEtopoDepth ioos_category String Location
attribute gisEtopoDepth missing_value int -999
attribute gisEtopoDepth units String m
variable gisMEOW String
attribute gisMEOW description String GIS-derived Marine Ecoregions of the World, MEOW (Spalding et al., 2007). See:
attribute gisMEOW ioos_category String Location
variable SynonymSearchProxy String
attribute SynonymSearchProxy description String A combination of the fields ScientificName and Synonym to create a single field to search both.
attribute SynonymSearchProxy ioos_category String Other

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