U.S. Coastal Relief Model Vol.7 - Central Pacific
NGDC's U.S. Coastal Relief Model (CRM) provides the first comprehensive view of the U.S. coastal zone integrating offshore bathymetry with land topography into a seamless representation of the coast. The CRM spans the U.S. East and West Coasts, the northern coast of the Gulf of Mexico, Puerto Rico, and Hawaii, reaching out to, and in places even beyond, the continental slope. Bathymetric and topographic data sources include: NGDC's NOS hydrographic surveys, multibeam bathymetry, and trackline bathymetry; the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS); and other federal government agencies and academic institutions. Bathymetric contours from the International Bathymetric Chart of the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico project were also used. Digital elevation models (DEMs) of the Great Lakes, Southern Alaska, and high-resolution DEMs of U.S. coastal communities and territories are also available.
- Cite as: NOAA National Geophysical Data Center. 2003: U.S. Coastal Relief Model Vol.7 - Central Pacific. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. https://doi.org/10.7289/V50Z7152. Accessed [date].
- doi:10.7289/V50Z7152
- NCEI Metadata ID: gov.noaa.ngdc.mgg.dem:348
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Ordering Instructions | Contact NCEI for other distribution options and instructions. |
Distributor | NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information
ncei.info@noaa.gov |
Dataset Point of Contact | NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information
ncei.info@noaa.gov |
Dataset Point of Contact | DEM Information
NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information dem.info@noaa.gov |
Time Period | 1999-01-01 to Present |
Spatial Reference System | urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4269urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::5715 |
Spatial Bounding Box Coordinates |
N: 44.00
S: 37.00
E: -117.00
W: -128.00
Spatial Coverage Map |
General Documentation |
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Publication Dates |
Edition | First |
Dataset Progress Status | Ongoing - data is continually being updated
Historical archive - data has been stored in an offline storage facility |
Data Update Frequency | As needed |
Supplemental Information |
The vertical datum for the source bathymetric data was generally mean lower low water (MLLW). Source topographic data were in NAVD 88. The differences between these datums are less than the vertical accuracy of the CRM, so you can assign Mean Sea Level to the CRM if you like, just recognize that the elevation values may not be as accurate as you might like or need. Assume a vertical accuracy no better than 1 meter for any elevation values in the CRM. Because of its relatively large cell size (3 arc-seconds or roughly 90 m), no effort was made to establish a common vertical datum as the uncertainty in the elevation value of each cell exceeds the differences between vertical datums (typically sub-meter).
Purpose | To provide long-term scientific data stewardship for the Nation's geophysical data, ensuring quality, integrity, and accessibility. |
Use Limitations |
Dataset Citation |
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Publishers |
Theme keywords | Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Science Keywords
Data Center keywords | Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Data Center Keywords
Place keywords | Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Location Keywords
Project keywords | Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Project Keywords
Use Constraints |
Access Constraints |
Other Constraints | Cite as: NOAA National Geophysical Data Center. 2003: U.S. Coastal Relief Model Vol.7 - Central Pacific. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. https://doi.org/10.7289/V50Z7152. Accessed [date]. |
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Last Modified: 2020-05-21-06:00
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