The Climate Services Committee of the American Meteorological Society—in conjunction with NCEI, the Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites–North Carolina (CICS-NC), and The Collider—is hosting “The Climate Resilient Grid: A Forum on Energy, Climate, and the Grid.”
The event, which takes place on June 14–15, 2017, at The Collider in Asheville, North Carolina, will bring together thought leaders from industry, government, and academia to work side by side with climate experts. Participants will explore how climate science and environmental data can inform challenges related to integrating renewables into the nation’s energy grid.
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Climate, weather, and other environmental factors have significant impacts on all aspects of the energy sector, including production, transmission, and consumption. NCEI’s data holdings are an invaluable resource for decision makers working to build a more resilient grid. The forum will allow experts from NCEI and CICS-NC to share ideas about how environmental data inform decisions. And, it will provide energy-sector stakeholders with the opportunity to give us feedback about the types of information and services they need.
On the Agenda
The forum will facilitate the exchange of ideas and information among various areas of expertise:
Utilities executives will share their perspectives on the current state of their grid, their climate risks and vulnerabilities, and the future of renewables in their portfolio.
Solution providers will demonstrate how environmental data and intelligence have been used for asset management and load planning in a changing climate.
Thought leaders will discuss the critical role of renewables and the right mix of energy to build an adaptive infrastructure while reducing carbon dioxide emissions.
Scientific experts from NCEI will interact with forum participants to facilitate the development of climate-science based solutions for real energy sector challenges.
Speakers include:
Keynote: Dr. Alexander (Sandy) MacDonald, Spire Global; Former Deputy Assistant Administrator NOAA Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research and Former Director NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory
Dr. Margarita Gregg, Acting Director NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information
Dr. Bryan Hannegan, Associate Laboratory Director, Energy Systems Integration, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Gregory Stunder, Vice President - Regulatory and Legislative Affairs at Philadelphia Gas Works
Dr. Ria Persad, Chief Executive Officer, Statweather
Dr. Michael Legatt, Chief Executive Officer, ResilientGrid
Dr. Stephanie Herring, American Meteorological Society Climate Services Chair, NOAA Climate Scientist and Senior Advisor
Dr. Anthony Smith, PhD, President and CEO, Secure Futures, LLC
Who Should Attend?
Energy industry executives, solution providers, environmental data experts, and others interested in the expanding role of renewables and the development of a more resilient energy grid.