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GOES-R Terrestrial Weather (ABI/GLM)

The primary GOES-R instrument for imaging Earth’s weather, oceans, and environment is the Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI), which is a significant upgrade from previous GOES Imagers. ABI captures visual data with 16 different spectral bands compared to five on the previous generation GOES satellites. The ABI includes two visible channels, four near-infrared channels, and ten infrared channels, providing three times more spectral information, four times greater spatial resolution, and more than five times the temporal coverage. In less than four years, the ABI instrument has produced more data than the total data production from the previous generations of GOES satellites in operation from 1975–2017.

The GOES-R Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM) instrument is a single-channel, near-infrared optical transient detector that can detect the momentary changes in an optical scene, indicating the presence of lightning. GLM measures total lightning (in-cloud, cloud-to-cloud, and cloud-to-ground) activity continuously over the Americas and adjacent ocean regions with near-uniform spatial resolution of approximately 10 km.


Products from the Advanced Baseline Images (ABI) and Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM) are available through the Archive Information Request System (AIRS) and the Comprehensive Large Array Data Stewardship System (CLASS).

Near real-time data subscriptions are also available through CLASS. Registered users, once logged in, will see a link to “subscriptions” on the left side navigation column. Follow the link to begin setting up your subscription.

GOES-R Space Weather Data

The GOES-R Space Weather product page provides access to level-2 and Level-1b data from the GOES-16 and GOES-17 missions.

Space Weather Satellites

Cloud Access

Many of the GOES-R datasets are available on several cloud platforms through the NOAA Open Data Dissemination (NODD) Program:

  • Advanced Baseline Imager Level 1b Radiance Data and the majority of the baseline Level 2 products
  • Geostationary Lightning Mapper Level 2 Data

More information about NODD


GOES R Series Documentation

Product Name Description/Metadata GOES-16 Documentation GOES-17 Documentation GOES-18 Documentation GOES-19 Documentation Access/Order
L1b Radiances (RAD) Level 1b data for 16 visible, near-infrared, and infrared spectral bands from .5km to 2km spatial resolution. Temporal frequency on average is 5 minutes. GOES-R products are generated using radiance data (see metadata). Please review GOES-17 ABI Performance due to cooling system issue.

Public from 2/28/2017


Public from 8/27/2018


Public from 5/11/2022


Public from 10/01/2024

Cloud and Moisture Imagery Products (CMIP) The Cloud and Moisture Imagery products are derived from the Radiance data into reflectance values within the visible bands and brightness values and brightness temperatures for the infrared bands.  These products are used to generate an array of products (see metadata).

Public from 2/28/2017


Public from 8/27/2018


Public from 5/11/2022


Public from 10/01/2024

Aerosol Detection Product (ADP) The Aerosol Detection product employs multiple spectral bands to detect presence of aerosols in the atmosphere.

Public from 5/24/2017


Public from 8/27/2018


Public from 5/11/2022


Public from 10/01/2024

Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) The Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) product utilizes several spectral bands to measure the reflectance properties of cloud-free pixels at the top of the atmosphere (TOA). These properties are fed into aerosol models to compute the surface reflectance and aerosol properties at the surface.

Public from 5/24/2017


Public from 8/27/2018


Public from 5/11/2022


Public from 10/25/2024

Clear Sky Masks (ACM) The Clear Sky Mask algorithm uses the high spatial and temporal resolution of the ABI visible, near-infrared, and infrared bands to produce a cloud classification for each pixel: cloudy, probably cloudy, clear, or probably clear. This information is used extensively by downstream level-2 product algorithms.

Public from 4/19/2017


Public from 8/27/2018


Public from 5/11/2022


Public from 10/01/2024


Cloud Cover Layers (CCL)

The Cloud Cover Layer (CCL) retrieval algorithm derives cloud fraction, including supercooled and convective clouds, at a predefined spatial resolution and between specified atmospheric levels. It also retrieves the total cloud fraction from surface to top of the atmosphere at the same resolution. It mainly utilizes cloud masks and cloud top products from upstream.
GOES- 16

Public from 5/16/2023

GOES -17



Public from 5/16/2023


Public from 10/01/2024

Cloud Optical Depth (COD) Cloud Optical Depth uses both the visible and the near-infrared bands during the daytime and a combination of infrared bands for night-time detection. This product, together with the Cloud Particle Size Distribution product, provides valuable information about the radiative properties of clouds.

Public from 6/8/2017


Public from 8/27/2018


Public from 5/11/2022


Public from 10/01/2024

Cloud Particle Size Distribution (CPS) The Cloud Effective Particle Size is  computed using the same algorithm that estimates the Cloud Optical Depth. The algorithm uses visible and near-infrared bands during the day and the infrared bands at night to retrieve cloud particle size.

Public from 6/8/2017


Public from 8/27/2018


Public from 5/11/2022


Public from 10/01/2024

Cloud Top Height (ACHA) The Cloud Top Height algorithm will use ABI infrared bands to simultaneously retrieve Cloud Top Height, Cloud Top Temperature, and Cloud Top Pressure for each cloudy pixel. These cloud products are a prerequisite for generating other downstream products that include the Cloud Layer product, Cloud Optical/Microphysical products, and the Derived Motion Wind products.

Public from 5/16/2017


Public from 8/27/2018


Public from 5/11/2022


Public from 10/01/2024

Cloud Top Phase (ACTP) The Cloud Type algorithm use four ABI infrared spectral bands to determine different cloud phases: warm (>0C) liquid water, supercooled liquid water, mixed, and ice. The Cloud Phase product is a prerequisite for generating other downstream products that include Cloud Height, Cloud Optical Properties, Fog Detection/Depth, and Aircraft Icing.

Public from 5/16/2017


Public from 8/27/2018


Public from 5/11/2022


Public from 10/01/2024

Cloud Top Pressure (CTP) The Cloud Top Height algorithm uses ABI infrared bands to simultaneously retrieve Cloud Top Height, Temperature, and Pressure for each cloudy pixel. These cloud products are a prerequisite for other downstream products that include the Cloud Layer, Cloud Optical/Microphysical, and the Derived Motion Wind products.

Public from 5/16/2017


Public from 8/27/2018


Public from 5/11/2022


Public from 10/01/2024

Cloud Top Temperature (ACHT) The Cloud Top Height algorithm uses ABI infrared bands to simultaneously retrieve Cloud Top Height, Temperature, and Pressure for each cloudy pixel. These cloud products are a prerequisite for other downstream products that include the Cloud Layer, Cloud Optical/Microphysical, and the Derived Motion Wind products.

Public from 5/16/2017


Public from 8/27/2018


Public from 5/11/2022


Public from 10/01/2024

Derived Motion Winds (DMW) The Derived Motion Winds product is derived from a sequence of visible or IR spectral bands to track the motion of cloud features and water vapor gradients. The resulting atmospheric motion estimates are assigned heights by using the Cloud Height product.

Public from 6/9/2017


Public from 8/27/2018


Public from 5/11/2022


Public from 10/25/2024

Derived Stability Indices (DSI) The Derived Stability Indices, which include Convective Available Potential Energy (CAPE), Lifted Index (LI), Totals Total (TT), Showalter Index (SI), and the K-Index (KI) are computed from retrieved atmospheric moisture and temperature profiles.

Public from 5/16/2017


Public from 8/27/2018


Public from 5/11/2022


Public from 10/15/2024

Downward Shortwave Radiation (DSR): Surface The Downward Shortwave Radiation (DSR) product is an estimate of the total amount of shortwave radiation (both direct and diffuse) that reaches the Earth’s surface. The product algorithm uses visible and infrared spectral channels, as well data regarding albedo and atmospheric composition, to compute the DSR at the Earth’s surface. DSR has many general and applied science applications.

Public from 6/23/2017


Public from 8/27/2018


Public from 5/11/2022


Public from 10/01/2024

Fire/Hot Spot Characterization (FDC) The Fire/Hot Spot Characterization product uses both visible and IR spectral bands to locate fires and retrieve sub-pixel fire characteristics.

Public from 5/24/2017


Public from 8/27/2018


Public from 5/11/2022


Public from 10/25/2024

Ice Thickness and Age (AITA) Ice thickness/age is an estimate of the thickness of sea and lake ice, and an age category based on thickness. The ice thickness and age products are made available to all subsequent algorithms that require knowledge of ice information.

Public from 1/15/2021


Public from 1/15/2021


Public from 5/11/2022


Public from 10/01/2024

Ice Concentration and Extent (AICE) Sea and lake ice influence the surface radiation budget and affect the energy and moisture exchange between the atmosphere and the underlying water. It is one of the key factors to consider in the atmospheric circulation, numerical weather forecasting, and climate models.

Public from 1/15/2021



Public from 1/15/2021


Public from 5/11/2022


Public from 10/01/2024

Land Surface Albedo (LSA) Land Surface Albedo (LSA) is defined as the ratio between outgoing and incoming irradiance at the earth surface. The LSA is a shortwave broadband blue-sky albedo over wavelengths between 0.4 and 3.0 µm. As the key component of surface energy budget, LSA can be used to drive/calibrate/validate climatic, mesoscale atmospheric, hydrological, and land surface models.

Public from 11/18/2021


Public from 11/18/2021


Public from 5/11/2022


Public from 10/01/2024

Land Surface Bidirectional Reflectance Factor (BRF) The land surface bidirectional reflectance factor (BRF), also referred to as surface reflectance (SR), is a ratio between outgoing radiance at one given direction and incoming radiance at another given direction (same or different from the incoming direction). BRF is produced at the following wavelengths: 0.47 µm, 0.64 µm, 0.86 µm, 1.61 µm, and 2.26 µm.

Public from 11/1/2021


Public from 11/1/2021


Public from 5/11/2022


Public from 10/01/2024

Land Surface (Skin) Temperature (LST) The Land Surface Temperature (LST) product will be derived from ABI longwave infrared spectral channels and is expected to be used in a number of applications in hydrology, meteorology, and climatology.

Public from 5/24/2017


Public from 8/27/2018


Public from 5/11/2022


Public from 10/01/2024

Legacy Vertical Moisture Profile (LVMP) The Legacy Vertical Moisture product estimates levels of moisture throughout the troposphere, providing a vertical profile of moisture.

Public from 5/16/2017


Public from 8/27/2018


Public from 5/11/2022


Public from 10/15/2024

Legacy Vertical Temperature Profile (LVTP) The Legacy Vertical Temperature Profile product will estimate levels of temperature throughout the troposphere. This product will be a continuation of the operational sounder product available on the current GOES satellites.

Public from 5/16/2017


Public from 8/27/2018


Public from 5/11/2022


Public from 10/15/2024

Rainfall Rate Quantitative Precipitation Estimation (RRQPE) The ABI Rainfall Rate algorithm generates the baseline Rainfall Rate product from ABI IR brightness temperatures and is calibrated in real time against microwave-derived rain rates to enhance accuracy. The algorithm generates estimates of the instantaneous rainfall rate at each ABI IR pixel.

Public from 9/13/2017


Public from 8/27/2018


Public from 5/11/2022


Public from 10/24/2024

Reflected Shortwave Radiation (RSR) The Reflected Shortwave Radiation product measures the total amount of shortwave radiation that exits the Earth through the top of the atmosphere. The algorithm will use several spectral channels in both the visible and infrared spectrum to measure the Reflected Shortwave Radiation.

Public from 6/23/2017


Public from 8/27/2018


Public from 5/11/2022


Public from 10/01/2024

Sea Surface Temperature (SST) Sea Surface Temperature (SST) for each cloud-free pixel over water The SST algorithm employed on GOES-R will use hybrid physical-regression retrieval in order to produce a more accurate product.

Public from 5/24/2017


Public from 8/27/2018


Public from 5/11/2022


Public from 10/29/2024

Snow Cover The fractional Snow Cover algorithm uses GOES-R ABI spectral information in the visible and near-visible portion of the energy spectrum to retrieve sub-pixel fractional Snow Cover and grain size estimates via computationally efficient spectral mixture modeling.

Public from 12/9/2022


Public from 10/23/2024

Total Precipitable Water (TPW) The Total Precipitable Water (TPW) product is computed from the retrieved atmospheric moisture profiles and represents the total integrated moisture in the atmospheric column from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. (See Metadata)

Public from 5/16/2017


Public from 8/27/2018


Public from 5/11/2022


Public from 10/15/2024

Volcanic Ash: Detection and Height The Volcanic Ash product algorithm utilizes five GOES-R ABI infrared channels to automatically determine the height and mass loading properties of any pixel found to contain volcanic ash.

Public from 9/13/2017





Cloud Cover Layers (CCL) The ABI L2+ Cloud Cover Layers product is a derived cloud fraction at a predefined spatial resolution and between specified cloud layers. It also retrieves the total cloud fraction from surface to top of the atmosphere at the same resolution.

Public from 05/16/2023

GOES - 17



Public from 05/16/2023


Public from 10/01/2024


Product Name Description/Metadata GOES-16 Documentation GOES-17 Documentation GOES-18 Documentation Access/Order
Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM) The GLM product contains cloud-to-ground and inter-cloud lightning data with a spatial resolution of 8 to 14 km and organized into a hierarchy of earth-located lightning radiant energy measures including events, groups, and flashes. Lightning events are detected by the instrument. Lightning groups are a collection of one or more lightning events that satisfy temporal and spatial coincidence thresholds. Similarly, lightning flashes are a collection of one or more lightning groups that satisfy temporal and spatial coincidence thresholds. The product includes the relationship among lightning events, groups, and flashes, and the area coverage of lightning groups and flashes (See metadata).

Public from 7/5/2017

Public from 8/27/2018

Public from 9/16/2022


How do I access real time data from GOES-16?

Publicly available access methods:

  • Global Telecommunications System (GTS)
  • NOAA satellite direct broadcast services and websites
  • The Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC), for data from space weather instruments have been declared provisional

Some GOES-R Series data is also available through cloud service providers that partner with NOAA through the NOAA Open Data Dissemination (NODD) Program to enable quick access to larger volumes of satellite data.

How do I set up a subscription to get near real-time GOES-16 data?

CLASS provides access to near real-time data (30 minutes to two hours after observation time) through an FTP subscription service. To subscribe, register with CLASS. After registering, use the “subscriptions” link on the left side of the user profile page to set up your subscriber preferences.

More Information

Can I access pre-operational GOES-16 test data?

No, it is restricted and will not show up in any search or access portals. To request access, email the CLASS Help Desk. Include your CLASS account identification and a brief summary of your work. The CLASS Support Team will notify you if your request is approved.

How do I access larger quantities of GOES-16 data?

CLASS maximum order limits have increased since the beginning of GOES-16 operations. All users can access up to 10,000 files per order for ABI and GLM products. The NCEI AIRS web access system is limited to 1,000 files per order. Some larger datasets are also available on cloud services through the NOAA Open Data Dissemination (NODD) Program. Data for space weather instruments (EXIS, MAG, SEISS, and SUVI) is available on the GOES-R Space Weather Page.

Is there a way to place a bulk order outside of using the web ordering system?

Yes. Manual bulk orders are available on a case by case basis, but we need to know the scope of your project and minimum data requirements. These types of inquiries can be submitted to the CLASS Help Desk. For large orders, consider using one of the cloud providers under the NOAA Open Data Dissemination (NODD) Program.

However, we encourage ABI and GLM users to place orders through the web ordering system at either CLASS or NCEI AIRS. The system may take days or weeks to process large orders. Also, take time to transfer your data after the order is fulfilled, because the files will expire after 96 hours. 

Why do some file names have the pattern “s20000011200000_e20000011200000? Are these files valid?

These files are valid for your date and time, but may indicate that you don’t have a complete scan. The time used on your search is the time of the creation of the files - usually within minutes of the actual observation time missing on the file. The problem that created these file patterns was resolved in 2017, but there are still affected files within the GOES-R archive.

Can I place a bulk order without using the web ordering system?

We encourage ABI and GLM users to place orders through the web ordering system at either CLASS or NCEI AIRS. There is no official limit to the number of orders you can place in a day, the system may take days or weeks to process large orders. Also, make time to transfer your data after the order is fulfilled, because the files will expire after 96 hours. 

Manual bulk orders are available on a case by case basis. We will need to know the scope of your project and minimum data requirements for successful completion of your project. These types of inquiries can be submitted to the CLASS Help Desk.

Data from space weather instruments (EXIS, MAG, SEISS, and SUVI) can be downloaded, aggregated, and/or tarred data from spinning disk once these instruments have been declared provisional.

How can I open/display GOES-R data?

Any GOES-R data can be opened with any netCDF application, including the NOAA Weather and Climate Toolkit.

How do I handle unsigned integers larger than 8 bits?

This is an issue that affects multiple instruments on GOES-R Series and a pilot fix is being developed. The classic model for NetCDF does not support unsigned integers larger than 8 bits. Many of the variables in GOES-R Series data files are unsigned integers that are either 16-bits or 32-bits. So, until a fix is achieved, we recommend using the following process to convert: Retrieve the variable data (using low level routines). If there is an attribute “_Unsigned” then cast the variable data to unsigned. This step must be completed before applying scale factor and add offset values to convert from scaled integer to science units. For example, when reading the NetCDF files, one has to manually read in the event lat/lon as an unsigned integer (using low level routines), and then manually take care of the scale and offset.

Why do there appear to be data dropouts on my images prior to September 2017?

The GOES ground system was experiencing intermittent spikes in the data volume as it was being processed before delivery to CLASS. These spikes resulted in random data dropouts. Direct readout users were exempt from this condition, as the data path is different.

Why do some Meso scan files only contain a single point?

These blank files usually occur near the spring and fall equinoxes when the angle of the sun allows it to enter the ABI viewing range. This area is called the Solar Avoidance Zone, where the ABI observation swaths are purposely truncated and all data values within this zone are given fill values. Occasionally, an entire Meso scan falls completely within the Solar Avoidance Zone. This makes the geolocation and other file metadata to be erroneous due to the lack of any valid observational data in the file.

How do I calculate Solar Zenith Angle (SZA) and Local Zenith Angle (LZA)?

The methodologies, provided by the GOES-R Program Office, are located in the following documentation: 

Selection advised for ABI L2+ Product Data searches only

*Mode 6 replaced Mode 3 as the operational flex mode.

Product Type Table
Data Type Name Data Type Description ABI Channel ABI Scan Sector ABI Mode Satellite
RAD ABI L1b Radiances C01—C16 M1,M2,C,F 3,4,6 G16,G17
CMIP ABI L2+ Cloud and Moisture Imagery (single-band) C01—C16 M1,M2,C,F 3,4,6 G16,G17
ACHA ABI L2+ Cloud Top Height N/A M1,M2,C,F 3,4,6 G16,G17
ACHT ABI L2+ Cloud Top Temperature N/A M1,M2,F 3,4,6 G16,G17
ACM ABI L2_ Clear Sky Masks N/A M1,M2,C,F 3,4,6 G16,G17
ACTP ABI L2+ Cloud Top Phase N/A M1,M2,C,F 3,4,6 G16,G17
ADP ABI L2+ Aerosol Detection N/A M1,M2,C,F 3,4,6 G16,G17
AOD ABI L2+ Aerosol Optical Depth N/A C,F 3,4,6 G16,G17
COD ABI L2+ Cloud Optical Depth N/A C,F 3,4,6 G16,G17
CPS ABI L2+ Cloud Particle Size Distribution N/A M1,M2,C,F 3,4,6 G16,G17
CTP ABI L2+ Cloud Top Pressure N/A C,F 3,4,6 G16,G17
DMW ABI L2+ Derived Motion from cloud topes (bands 2,4,8,9,10, and 14
  • C01,C07,C08,
  • C09,C10,C14
M1,M2,CF 3,4,6 G16,G17
DMWV ABI L2+ Derived Motion Winds from water vapor (band 8 only) C08 C,F 3,4,6 G16,G17
DSI ABI L2+ Derived Stability Indices N/A M1,M2,C,F 3,4,6 G16,G17
DSR ABI L2+ Downward Shortwave Radiation (Surface) N/A M1,M2,C,F 3,4,6 G16,G17
FDC ABI L2+ Fire/HotSpot Characterization N/A C,F 3,4,6 G16,G17
FSC ABI L2+ Snow Cover N/A M1,M2,C,F 3,4,6 G16,G17
HIE ABI L2+ Hurricane Intensity Estimate (Full Disk) 2km resolution N/A N/A 3,4,6 G16,G17
LST ABI L2+ Land Surface Temperature (Skin) N/A M1,M2,C,F 3,4,6 G16,G17
LVMP ABI L2+ Legacy Vertical Moisture Profile N/A M1,M2,C,F 3,4,6 G16,G17
LVTP ABI L2+ Legacy Vertical Temperature Profile N/A M1,M2,C,F 3,4,6 G16,G17
MCMIP ABI L2+ Cloud and Moisture Imagery (multi-band) N/A M1,M2,C,F 3,4,6 G16,G17
RRQPE ABI L2+ Rainfall Rate / QPE N/A F 3,4,6 G16,G17
RSR ABI L2+ Reflected Shortwave Radiation (TOA) N/A C,F 3,4,6 G16,G17
SST ABI L2+ Sea Surface Temperature (Skin) N/A F 3,4,6 G16,G17
TPW ABI L2+ Total Precipitable Water N/A M1,M2,C,F 3,4,6 G16,G17
VAA ABI L2+ Volcanic Ash (Detection and Height) N/A F 3,4,6 G16,G17

Selection advised

ABI Channel Central Wavelength Nominal Resolution KM) Channel Type Uses
C01 0.47 1 "Blue" Band Visible
C02 0.64 0.5 "Red" Band Visible
C03 0.86 1 "Veggie" Band Near-IR
C04 1.37 2 "Cirrus" Band Near-IR
C05 1.6 2 "Snow/Ice" Band Near-IR
C06 2.2 2 "Cloud Particle Size" Band Near-IR
C07 3.9 2 "Shortwave Window" Band IR (with reflected daytime Component)
C08 6.2 2 "Upper-Level Tropospheric Water Vapor" Band IR
C09 6.9 2 "Mid-Level Tropospheric Water Vapor" Band IR
C10 7.3 2 "Lower-Level Water Vapor" Band IR
C11 8.4 2 "Cloud-Top Phase" Band IR
C12 9.6 2 "Ozone" Band IR
C13 10.3 2 "Clean" Longwave Window Band IR
C14 11.2 2 Longwave Window Band IR
C15 12.3 2 "Dirty" Longwave Window Band IR
C16 13.3 2 "CO2" Longwave Window Band IR

Selection Advised

Scan Sector Description Files/day/satellite/channel by mode*
C Continental U.S. (CONUS) Scan 288 (Modes 3, 4, and 6)
F Full Disk Scan
  • 96 (in Mode 3)
  • 288 (in Mode 4)
  • 144 (in Mode 6)
M1 Mesoscale Region #1 1440 (in Mode 3 only)
M2 Mesoscale Region #2 1440 (in Mode 3 only)

Best to select all modes for all scans

M3, M6 Mode 3 or 6 (mostly in effect, includes meso)
M4 Mode 4 (FD scans every 5 minutes, no meso scans)