Divisional Station Inventories March 2010 Filenames: div-stns-xxx-mmmYYYY.txt where xxx is either: nrt - near real-time (available first week of following month) con - conrice quality control has been performed on station data fin - final quality control has been performed on station data mmm is the 3-letter month YYYY is the 4-digit year The information contained within these files indicate which stations went into the calculation for each of the monthly divisional temperature and precipitation values. Data include: Coop ID, state, division, year, month, element, and level of quality control. The file formatting is as follows: format(i6,3x,a2,5x,i2.2,3x,i4,2x,i2,5x,i1,4x,i1) COOP-ID STATE DIV YEAR MONTH ELEM QC 111549 IL 02 2009 11 3 1 Element designation is as follows: ELEM = 1 (precip only station) ELEM = 2 (temp only station) ELEM = 3 (temp and precip station) QC designation is as follows: QC = 1 (station used in near real-time quality control run) QC = 2 (station used in conrice quality control run) QC = 3 (station used in final quality control run)