This dataset contains max/min temperature from multiple sources. These sources are formatted the same way and were provided by Russ Vose of NCDC ( Data was collected and uploaded to FTP on 3 Oct 2011 by Jared Rennie. Here are the sources: ak_hi_climat antarctica argentina australia_de australia australia_wwr brazil canada chile climat conus_climat cuba fao fwa ghcnd_nonconus ghcn greece griffiths griffiths_sa indonesia iran ish mexico new_zealand south_africa tdxx_merge wwr Below is a description of the data The files are in a header/data format. The content of the header lines is ID, NAME, LATITUDE, LONGITUDE, ELEVATION, FIRSTYEAR, LASTYEAR, COUNTRY, SOURCECODE (a12,a30,i5,i6,i4,i4,i4,a20,a10). You can ignore the SOURCECODE, and COUNTRY may or may not be accurate. Missing LATITUDES are -9999, LONGITUDES are -99999, and ELEVATIONS are -999. The content of the data lines is YEAR, JAN, FEB, ..., DEC (i4,12i5). Missing values are -9999.