README FILE FOR HOURLY PRECIPITATION DATA (HPD) NETWORK Version 2.0 This dataset is available here: This readme file (readme.csv.txt) is located in the doc/ subdirectory: The operational release of NCEI’s Hourly Precipitation Dataset (HPD), known historically as DSI-3240 (NCDC 2003). The new dataset combines the legacy data from DSI-3240 with a new source of data collected from the same Fischer-Porter gauges, but which were upgraded to digital recording beginning in the mid-2000s. As with the legacy DSI-3240 dataset, this new dataset provides observations of hourly precipitation amounts from 1948 to the present. Details are provided in the Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (CHPD-v2-ATBD-20181023.pdf) available on this ftp site. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How to cite: To acknowledge the specific version of the dataset used, please cite: Hourly Precipitation Data (HPD) Network, Version 2. [indicate subset used following decimal, e.g. Version 2.0], NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. [access date]. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: The engineered accuracy of the Fischer-Porter network (F&P) gauges is one tenth of an inch. However, the stations in the F&P network measure precipitation to one hundredth of an inch. The weighing gauge sensors are susceptible to noise at levels less than one tenth of an inch, but NCEI believes a true precipitation signal can be identified at lighter amounts. Although it can be challenging to always distinguish noise from the true precipitation signal, NCEI feels that in most cases it can determine an accurate precipitation amount at totals as low as one hundredth of an inch. However, users are cautioned that there is less confidence in hourly precipitation amounts less than one tenth of an inch. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. DOWNLOAD QUICK START Start by downloading "HPD_v02r01_stationinv_cYYYYMMDD.csv", where cYYYYMMDD is the creation date of the file, so each updated file will have a newer creation date. This file has metadata for all HPD precipitation stations. Then download the individual station data files desired from the access/ subdirectory: For each station desired: - Find the station's name in the metadata file (HPD_v02r01_stationinv_cYYYYMMDD.csv) and note its station identification code (e.g., FLAGSTAFF, AZ is "USC00023009"); and - Download the data file (i.e., ".csv" file) that corresponds to this code from the access/ subdirectory (e.g., "USC00023009.csv" has the data for FLAGSTAFF). ALTERNATIVELY, if the entire network of nearly 2000 HPD stations is desired, then you may download the most recent .tar.gz "archive file" containing all station data files from the archive/ subdirectory: The archive file has the naming convention HPD_v02r01_POR_sYYYYMMDD_eYYYYMMDD_cYYYYMMDD.tar.gz ... where sYYYYMMDD is the START date of the data contained in the file, eYYYYMMDD is the END date of the data contained in the file, and cYYYYMMDD is CREATION date of the archive file Then uncompress and untar the contents of the .tar.gz archive file, e.g., by using the following Linux command: tar xzvf HPD_v02r01_POR_sYYYYMMDD_eYYYYMMDD_cYYYYMMDD.tar.gz The station data files will be extracted into the directory where the tar command is issued. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II. CONTENTS OF access: Directory with ".csv" data files for all HPD stations archive: Directory containing the "archive files", i.e., a GZIP-compressed TAR file of all the station data files found in the access/ directory, and a GZIP-compressed version of the station inventory metadata file found in the station-inventory/ directory. doc: Directory containing all the documentation files related to the HPD dataset, including:: - readme.csv.txt: This file - hpd-states.txt: List of U.S. state/province codes used in HPD_v02r01_stationinv_cYYYYMMDD.csv - status.txt: Notes on the current status of HPD station-inventory: Directory containing the latest metadata file, HPD_v02r01_stationinv_cYYYYMMDD.csv -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- III. FORMAT OF station inventory metadata file: "HPD_v02r01_stationinv_cYYYYMMDD.csv" The fields are variable length and delimited (separated) by commas. The elements have the following definitions: StnID is the station identification code. Note that the first two characters denote the FIPS country code, the third character is a network code that identifies the station numbering system used, and the remaining eight characters contain the actual station ID. See "hpd-states.txt" for a list of state/territory codes. The network code has the following two values: C = U.S. Cooperative Network identification number (last six characters of the GHCN-Daily ID) W = WBAN identification number (last five characters of the GHCN-Daily ID) Lat is latitude of the station (in decimal degrees). Lon is the longitude of the station (in decimal degrees). Elev is the elevation of the station (in meters, missing = -999.9). State/Province is the U.S. postal code for the state (for U.S. stations only) or the US Territory. Name is the name of the station. WMO_ID is the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) number for the station. If the station has no WMO number (or one has not yet been matched to this station), then the field is blank. Sample_Interval is in units of minute and indicates the typical time between sampling of the level of water in the gauge. UTC_Offset is the number of hours the station's local time is offset from GMT. Negative values are earlier than GMT. POR_Date_Range is the first and last year-month-day of the station's Period Of Record (POR). PCT_POR_Good is the percentage of non-missing and non-flagged observations during the station's POR. Last_Half_POR is the first and last year-month-day of the last half of the station's POR. PCT_Last_Half_Good is the percentage of non-missing and non-flagged observations during the last half of the station's POR. Last_Qtr_POR is the first and last year-month-day of the last 25% of the station's POR. PCT_Last_Qtr_Good is the percentage of non-missing and non-flagged observations during the last quater of the station's POR. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IV. FORMAT OF HPD .csv DATA FILES: Each ".csv" file contains data for one station. The name of the file corresponds to a station's identification code. For example, "USC00313017.csv" contains the data for the station with the identification code USC00313017. Each record in a file contains one day of hourly data. The variables on each line include the following: StnID is the station identification code. Please see "hpd-stations-inventory.txt" for a complete list of stations and their metadata. Lat is latitude of the station (in decimal degrees). Lon is the longitude of the station (in decimal degrees). Elev is the elevation of the station (in meters, missing = -999.9). Year is the year of the data record. Month is the month of the data record. Day is the day of the data record (i.e., the day of month). Element is the element type. Currently there is only one element type: HPCP = Hourly Precipitation total (hundredths of in) HR00Val is the value on the first hour of the day (i.e., the precipitation total during the time of day 00:00-01:00; missing = -9999). The units are hundredths of inch. HR00MF is the measurement flag for the first hour of the day. The possible values are: Blank = no measurement information applicable g = a carry-over measurement flag from the DSI-3240 dataset which was used only on the very first hour of the month if there was zero precipitation during that hour. The purpose of this flag was mainly to indicate that the station was functional and reporting during the month. Normally in DSI-3240, zero precipitation amounts were not included in the data file in order to save space. This HPD dataset does include zero precipitation totals, both those assumed from the DSI-3240 dataset and those determined from the digital recordings of bucket level data. Z = represents an "assumed" zero precipitation total. Usually these are values from the DSI-3240 dataset. The rule in that dataset was to "assume" a zero total for any hour where nothing else was reported or indicated for that hour as long as the very first hour of the month had a non-zero amount or a zero amount with the "g" measurement flag. Zero amounts were omitted from the DSI-3240 dataset in order to save disk space. We are not concerned with that anymore. a = represents the beginning hour of an accumulation period. Sometimes multi-hour accumulations were reported in DSI-3240, so they were brought over for the period of record in which we have DSI-3240 data when that was the best information available. The data value for the beginning of an accumulation period is set to missing (-9999). . = represents an hour during an accumulation period, between the beginning and ending hours of the accumulation period. The data value during the midst of an accumulation period is set to missing (-9999). Accumulations across multiple hours exist only from the legacy DSI-3240 data source. A = designates the end of an accumulation period. The accumulation total for the period is given for the data value. T = trace of precipitation HR00QF is the quality flag for the first hour of the day. The possible values are: Blank = did not fail any quality assurance check X = failed global extreme exceedence check N = failed negative precipitation check Y = failed state extreme exceedence check (performed on daily totals) K = failed streak/frequent-value check G = failed gap check O = failed climatological outlier check Z = flagged as a result of an official Datzilla investigation A = The value is not an hourly precipitation total but rather an accumulation total for a period greater than an hour in duration and lasting through the end of this hour. (See measurement flags "a" and "." for the beginning time of the accumulation period and times during the accumulation period, respectively.) Accumulations across multiple hours exist only from the legacy DSI-3240 data source. M = represents the associated value at this observation time is missing in the DSI-3240 dataset and no alternate data source is available. This is a carry-over indicator from DSI-3240 to allow the user to distinguish between missing and deleted data in that older system. (See the "D" quality flag.) However, the most consistent way to identify hours of missing data across the entire dataset is to test if the precipitation value is equal to the special missing value of -9999. D = represents the associated value at this time was deleted by the DSI-3240 processing system. Usually this was done manually by a trained meteorological technician who made the decision using ancillary information and experience. Q = a carry-over quality flag the legacy DSI-3240 data source. Prior to 1996: Indicates value failed an extreme value test (value will be present); data are to be used with caution. Extremes tests were: 1) If the value was not an accumulated precipitation total, the value failed the one-hour statewide 100-year return period precipitation. 2) If the value was an accumulated precipitation total, the value failed the 24-hour statewide extreme precipitation total. This flag was assigned during a 1997 NCDC rehabilitation of the 1900-1995 DSI-3240 archive. Since January 1996: A single erroneous datum (value will be present). Lowest data resolution is hourly. This flag is rarely used in DSI-3240 since 1996. q = a carry-over quality flag the legacy DSI-3240 data source. Used since January 1996. An hourly value excludes one or more 15 minute periods. Lowest data resolution is 15 minutes. R = a carry-over quality flag the legacy DSI-3240 data source. Used since January 1996. Indicates data values are suspect with regard to the times or period of occurrence. HR00S1 is the primary source flag for the first hour of the day. The possible values are: Blank = No source (i.e., data value missing) 4 = DSI-3240 6 = DSI-3260 (not used in current version) H = derived from digital data from the NWS HPD network HR00S2 is the secondary source flag for the first hour of the day. The possible values are: Blank = No source (i.e., no secondary source code applies) C = hourly total is computed from high-temporal resolution totals (e.g., computed from 15-min precip totals) When data are available for the same time from more than one source, the highest priority source is chosen according to the following priority order (from highest to lowest): H,4,6 HR01Val is the value on the second hour of the day (i.e., time 01:00-02:00) HR01MF is the measurement flag for the second hour of the day. HR01QF is the quality flag for the second hour of the day. HR01S1 is the primary source flag for the second hour of the day. HR01S2 is the secondary source flag for the second hour of the day. ... and so on through the 24th hour of the day. DlySum is the sum of all the non-missing, non-quality-control-flagged hourly values in the day (i.e., daily sum). DlySumMF is the measurement flag placeholder that applies to the daily sum for consistency with the hourly value measurement flag. Currently this is always blank. DlySumQF is the quality flag for the daily sum. It is blank if all 24 hourly values in the day were used to compute the sum,i and set to "P" (for Partial daily sum) if fewer than all 24 hourly values were used. DlySumS1 is the primary source flag for the daily sum for consistency with the hourly value primary source flag. Currently this is always blank. DlySumS2 is the secondary source flag for the daily sum for consistency with the hourly value secondary source flag. It is always set to "C" to indicate the daily sum is Computed from the hourly values preceding it in the same daily data record ... as opposed to a daily sum that might be reported by an observer who examines a daily accumulation amount in a rain gauge. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V. FORMAT OF "hpd-states.txt" ------------------------------ Variable Columns Type ------------------------------ CODE 1-2 Character NAME 4-50 Character ------------------------------ These variables have the following definitions: CODE is the POSTAL code of the U.S. state/territory where the station is located NAME is the name of the state or territory. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VI. REFERENCES For additional information, please send an e-mail to