1951-80 NORMAL GROWING DEGREE UNITS TO SELECTED BASE TEMPERATURES TD-9641 This data set contains daily 30-year average growing degree units (GDU) for the period 1951-1980. These units are used as in indicator of crop development and for classifying regional agroclimates. Data from the NCDC Summary of the Day (SOD) file were used in producing the growing degree units. The SOD temperature data were put through extensive validation and interpolation procedures based on the departure from normal in conjunction with those from surrounding stations. As a result, the growing degree units were produced from high quality, serially complete station records of daily maximum and minimum temperatures. This alleviated the many possible problems associated with developing growing degree unit statistics from an incomplete and poor quality data set. Station values of average daily GDU were computed for 10 base temperatures (degrees F): 40, 45, 50, 55, 57, 60, 65, 70, and the truncated bases 48/86 and 50/86. The bases correspond to many of the common phenological cycles in the United States. The truncated bases represent adjustments of the daily maximum and minimum temperatures, which better describe specific growth patterns. Here, minimum temperatures below the lower bases are set to the lower bases (48 or 50) and maximum and/or minimum temperatures above the upper base are set to the upper base (86). Average daily station values of GDU were computed for each base temperature by using: ___ GDU = (1/N) SUM (GDUi) = (1/N) SUM [(TMAXi + TMINi)/2 - BASE] where GDUi = growing degree units for the date from year i TMAXi = maximum temperature for the date from year i TMINi = minimum temperature for the date from year i BASE = base temperature N = 30 years In the above equation, when the average of TMAXi and TMINi was less than the base temperature, the value for GDUi was set to zero, and the average was always rounded up to the nearest degree. The values of the average GDU for each base temperature were then summed to produce monthly and accumulated monthly totals produced in the publication of "Climatography of the United States No. 20". The data are in station number, month, and base temperature sort. ELEMENT WIDTH COLUMNS STATION IDENTIFICATION 6 001-006 DIVISION 2 007-008 MONTH 2 009-010 BASE TEMPERATURES 4 011-014 DAY 1 GDU VALUE (IMPLIED DECIMAL TO TENTHS) 4 015-018 . . . DAY 31 GDU VALUE (IMPLIED DECIMAL TO TENTHS) 4 135-138 BASE TEMPERATURES ARE CODED WITH 2 LEADING ZEROES TRUNCATED BASE TEMPERATURES ARE CODED EITHER 4886 OR 5086 GDU VALUES = -999 ARE FOR IMPOSSIBLE DATES (E.G., APRIL 31) = -111 REPRESENTS A VALUE GREATER THAN ZERO AND LESS THAN .05