Since 1989, the NOAA Paleoclimatology Program has worked hard to catalyze the international effort to utilize paleoenvironmental data to improve our understanding of earth climate variability. Recognition and achievements 2010: CIRES-NOAA Bronze Medal (Shah) 2010: NOAA Bronze Medal (Gross) 2008: NOAA Administrator's Award (Anderson and 33 others) 2006: NOAA Administrator's Award (Woodhouse) 2006: CIRES Outstanding Award for Service (Hartman) 2005: NOAA Bronze Medal (Woodhouse and 13 others) 2004: NOAA Administrator's Award (Anderson) 2000: NOAA Bronze Medal (Gross) 1997: NOAA Gold Medal (Overpeck and two others) 1994: NOAA Silver Medal (Anderson and five others) Milestones 2009: Paleo Climate Network v1.0 2008: Data Descriptions from PANGAEA now available 2007: Data Sets from Fourth IPCC Assessment Report archived 2007: Adopted data sharing via Open Architecture Initiative protocol for data set sharing (OAI-PMH) 2006: Abrupt Climate Change presentations for White House, Dept. of Commerce 2004: Paleoceanography Database v. 1.0 created 2004: Abrupt Climate Change Web site created 2003: International Multi-proxy Paleofire Database (IMPD) online 2002: Became part of NOAA's National Climatic Data Center 2002: Applied Research Center for Paleoclimatology established 2001: Paleo Perspective on North American Drought created 2001: Climate Timeline educational web pages created 1999: First Workshop on PAGES/CLIVAR Data Management 1998: Second Workshop on Global Paleoenvironmental Data, Boulder, Colorado 1997: Number of data sites in global network reaches 10,000 1996: PAGES Data Management Plan published 1995: Became data source for Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) assessments 1995: Became paleoclimate data center for World Climate Research Program 1994: Became paleoclimate data center for Paleoclimate Model Intercomparison Project 1993-99: Sponsored over 15 data coordination mtgs. 1993: Workshop on Global Paleoenvironmental Data, Bern, Switzerland 1993: Became Data Coordination Center for International Geosphere-Biosphere Program 1992: Began formal coordination with WDC for Glaciology (Snow and Ice) 1992: WDC for Paleoclimatology sanctioned by ICSU