Format for the BEIN files, each containing 100 kyr of data: Line 1: Age in Kyears (0=1950 A.D.), Eccentricity, Longitude of Perihelion, Obliquity, Precession. Lines 2 to 20: Age, Latitude, Mid-month insolations for January to December. - Age is in thousands of years, negative in the past. - Latitude is in degrees, positive in the northern hemisphere. - Insolations are in langleys/day (cal/cm2/day). Multiply by .4843 to convert to Watts/m2 - Solar constant taken as 1.95 cal/cm2/min for 1978 solution, and 1360 W/m2 for the 1991 solution. - For other definitions, see papers listed in file CITATION.