Hypothesized Climate Forcing Time Series for the Last 500 Years: Readme file --------------------------------------------------------------------- World Data Center for Paleoclimatology, Boulder and NOAA Paleoclimatology Program --------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: PLEASE CITE ORIGINAL REFERENCE WHEN USING THIS DATA!!!!! NAME OF DATA SET: Hypothesized Climate Forcing Time Series for the Last 500 Years LAST UPDATE: 10/2002 Correction to data file VAI.txt: Corrected value for 1784, Lat=-76, from -0.0027 to 0.0027 CONTRIBUTOR: Alex Robertson IGBP PAGES/WDCA CONTRIBUTION SERIES NUMBER: 2001-057 SUGGESTED DATA CITATION: Robertson, A. et al., 2001, Hypothesized Climate Forcing Time Series for the Last 500 Years, IGBP PAGES/World Data Center for Paleoclimatology Data Contribution Series #2001-057. NOAA/NGDC Paleoclimatology Program, Boulder CO, USA. ORIGINAL REFERENCE: Robertson, A., Overpeck, J., Rind, D., Mosley-Thompson, E., Zielinski, G., Lean, J., Koch, D., Penner, J., Tegen, I., and Healy, R. 2001. Hypothesized climate forcing time series for the last 500 years J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. Vol. 106 , No. D14 , p. 14,783, 27 July 2001 (2000JD900469) GEOGRAPHIC REGION: Global PERIOD OF RECORD: 1500-1997 AD LIST OF FILES: Readme.Robertson2000.txt (this file), modern_tropo_aerosols.xls (Microsoft Excel format), 1990.anthro.sulfate.txt, 1990.natural.sulfate.txt 1990.total.dust.txt, 1990.total.carbon.txt, regional_definitions.txt, regional_emissions.txt, trace_gas.txt, vai.txt (Tab-delimited ASCII format). DESCRIPTION: Modern_tropo_aerosols.xls A MSExcel file with arrays of optical depth as a function of modern tropospheric aerosols from four sources: natural mineral dust (Tegen et al., 1997), natural sulfate (Koch et al. 1999), anthropogenic sulfate (Koch et al. 1999) and anthropogenic carbon (Liousse et al. 1996). Also presented as tab-delimited text files: 1990.anthro.sulfate.txt, 1990.natural.sulfate.txt, 1990.total.dust.txt, and 1990.total.carbon.txt. Dimensions: 90oN to 90oS, at 7.83o latitude resolution; 170oW to 180oE at 10o longitude resolution; optical depth plotted within the grid regional_definitions.txt A tab-delimited text file defining nine different regions of the world (modified from Marland et al. 1994) for the regional scaling of tropospheric aerosols Dimensions: 90oN to 90oS, at 7.83o latitude resolution; 170oW to 180oE at 10o longitude resolution; regional name plotted within the grid regional_emissions.txt A tab-delimited text file containing the time series of CO2-emissions-based scaling ratios for each of the 9 regions defined in regional_definitions.txt, standardized to 1990 values of 1.0 (the year for which the maps of tropospheric optical depths are based on in modern_tropo_aerosols.xls). Dimensions: AD1850 to AD1996 at one year resolution; 9 regions (region 1 through 9); scaling ratio relative to AD1990 values plotted within the grid. trace_gas.txt A tab-delimited text file containing time series of annually and globally -averaged atmospheric volumetric concentrations of CO2, CH4, and N2O. Dimensions: AD1500 to AD1997 at one year resolution; three trace gases (CO2, CH4, N2O); annual and globally averaged volumetric concentration (in ppmv, ppbv, and ppbv, respectively) of trace gases plotted within the grid. vai.txt A tab-delimited text file containing the gridded array of zonal stratospheric optical depths, from AD1500 to AD1983, spanning 88oS to 88oN, at a latitudinal resolution of 4o. Dimensions: AD1500 to AD1983 at one year resolution; 88oS to 88oN, at 4o latitude resolution; annually averaged volcanic (stratospheric) optical depth plotted within the grid.