2,000 Year Cosmic Ray Induced Ionization (CRII) Rate Reconstruction ----------------------------------------------------------------------- World Data Center for Paleoclimatology, Boulder and NOAA Paleoclimatology Program ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: PLEASE CITE ORIGINAL REFERENCE WHEN USING THIS DATA!!!!! NAME OF DATA SET: 2,000 Year Cosmic Ray Induced Ionization (CRII) Rate Reconstruction LAST UPDATE: 3/2008 (Original receipt by WDC Paleo) CONTRIBUTOR: Ilya Usoskin, Sodankyla Geophysical Observatory, University of Oulu. IGBP PAGES/WDCA CONTRIBUTION SERIES NUMBER: 2008-029 WDC PALEO CONTRIBUTION SERIES CITATION: Usoskin, I.G., et al. 2008. 2,000 Year Cosmic Ray Induced Ionization (CRII) Rate Reconstruction. IGBP PAGES/World Data Center for Paleoclimatology Data Contribution Series # 2008-029. NOAA/NCDC Paleoclimatology Program, Boulder CO, USA. ORIGINAL REFERENCE: Usoskin, I.G., M. Korte, and G.A. Kovaltsov. 2008. Role of centennial geomagnetic changes in local atmospheric ionization. Geophys. Res. Lett., Vol. 35, L05811, doi:10.1029/2007GL033040. ABSTRACT: Many studies of solar-terrestrial relation are based on globally (or hemispherically) averaged quantities, including the average cosmic ray flux. However, regional effects of cosmic ray induced ionization due to geomagnetic changes may be comparable to or even dominate over the solar signal at mid-latitudes on centennial-to- millennial time scales. We show that local changes of the tropospheric ionization due to fast migration of the geomagnetic axis are crucial on centennial time scale, and the use of global averages may smear an important effect. We conclude that changes of the regional tropospheric ionization at mid-latitudes are defined by both geomagnetic changes and solar activity, and none of the two processes can be neglected. This substantiates a necessity for a careful analysis of the regional, not global, indices at mid-latitudes and offers a new possibility to disentangle direct (solar radiation) and indirect (via cosmic rays) effects in the solar-terrestrial relations. GEOGRAPHIC REGION: Northern mid-latitudes (~45 deg N) PERIOD OF RECORD: 5 - 2005 AD DESCRIPTION: Decadal averages of Cosmic Ray Induced Ionization (CRII) rate, in units of ion pairs per gram of air per second, at the atmospheric depth 700 g/cm^2 (atmospheric pressure of 686.6 hPa or about 3.2 km altitude), averaged over Northern mid-latitudes (about 45 deg N) for the period of 1-2007 AD. Computations were done using the CRII model by Usoskin and Kovaltsov (JGR, 111, D21206, 2006), solar activity reconstruction by Usoskin, Solanki and Kovaltsov (Astron. Astrophys., 471, 301–309, 2007) and paleomagnetic reconstruction CALS7K.2 by Korte and Constable (Geophys. J. Int., 167, 43–52, 2006). ADDITIONAL NOTE: This dataset is an example of potentially 4D (geographic grid x altitude x time) CRII data matrix. The authors (contact: ilya.usoskin@oulu.fi) may provide, upon request, computed data for CRII at any location (geographical and altitude) for the last few millennia. DATA: The tabulated data correspond to the grey curve in Fig.2b in Usoskin et al. 2008. ==================================== Year AD CRII, g^{-1} sec^{-1} ------------------------------------ 5 4850.6 15 4910 25 4913.2 35 4949.8 45 4935.4 55 4853.4 65 4889.6 75 4932.4 85 4971.3 95 5021.9 105 4970.9 115 4849.7 125 4829.8 135 4954.6 145 5049.5 155 5005.5 165 4907.5 175 4863.5 185 4866.5 195 4839.8 205 4766.2 215 4749.5 225 4795.1 235 4819.1 245 4864.9 255 4922.7 265 4980.9 275 5011.3 285 4903.1 295 4789.4 305 4748 315 4664.7 325 4715.7 335 4824.4 345 4858.5 355 4884.5 365 4873.7 375 4809.5 385 4781 395 4836.9 405 4872.6 415 4883.4 425 4932.6 435 5007.8 445 5061.8 455 5025.6 465 4948.3 475 4935.9 485 4921.1 495 4866.3 505 4834.6 515 4816.7 525 4781.1 535 4794.4 545 4928.8 555 4995.9 565 4962.7 575 4948.6 585 4921.9 595 4870.9 605 4898.8 615 4962.4 625 4973.5 635 4948.3 645 4949.9 655 5015.6 665 5101.6 675 5153.6 685 5145.5 695 5156.9 705 5156.8 715 5085.5 725 5079.3 735 5104.5 745 5044.8 755 4914.6 765 4846.6 775 4932.1 785 5081.9 795 5112.9 805 5013.4 815 4973.4 825 4978.7 835 4962.7 845 4927.3 855 4866.6 865 4858.3 875 4876.8 885 4885.3 895 4964.2 905 5085.2 915 5114.1 925 4996.5 935 4857.3 945 4861.3 955 4905.1 965 4925.1 975 4948.7 985 4985.8 995 5045.7 1005 5082.2 1015 5069.1 1025 5094.8 1035 5179.2 1045 5221 1055 5208 1065 5163.4 1075 5132.6 1085 5095.9 1095 5002.8 1105 4913 1115 4886.7 1125 4936.8 1135 4990.6 1145 4895.2 1155 4788.4 1165 4939.7 1175 5042 1185 4985.6 1195 4969.2 1205 4968.1 1215 4948.3 1225 5011.6 1235 5041.3 1245 4993.3 1255 4965 1265 4977.2 1275 5000.1 1285 5047.1 1295 5118.6 1305 5183.6 1315 5205.6 1325 5174.7 1335 5168.5 1345 5148.3 1355 5033.6 1365 4930.7 1375 4866.5 1385 4841.7 1395 4953.5 1405 5069.5 1415 5128.1 1425 5150.5 1435 5161.7 1445 5202.5 1455 5246.9 1465 5243.2 1475 5210.7 1485 5210.8 1495 5234.5 1505 5233.1 1515 5205 1525 5216.2 1535 5262.4 1545 5263 1555 5208 1565 5154.8 1575 5124.1 1585 5107.4 1595 5084.1 1605 5021.7 1615 4984.4 1625 5049.5 1635 5139.5 1645 5231.5 1655 5312.2 1665 5356.8 1675 5401 1685 5447.8 1695 5469.9 1705 5461.3 1715 5433.2 1725 5374 1735 5244 1745 5105.3 1755 5080.4 1765 5088.8 1775 5057.4 1785 4956.8 1795 4864.9 1805 4997.6 1815 5215 1825 5289.1 1835 5225.3 1845 5109.9 1855 5045.3 1865 4961.4 1875 4808.9 1885 4881 1895 5057.4 1905 5080.8 1915 4979.4 1925 4949.4 1935 4827.4 1945 4803.5 1955 4705.6 1965 4648.3 1975 4720.9 1985 4751.6 1995 4587.9 2005 4718.8 ========================