# North Atlantic Heinrich Layer 1 Geochemical and Stable Isotope Data #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program # National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 3.0 # Encoding: UTF-8 # NOTE: Please cite Publication, and Online_Resource and date accessed when using these data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigators, Title, and Online_Resource and date accessed. # # Online_Resource: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/24670 # Description: NOAA Landing Page # Online_Resource: https://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/contributions_by_author/hodell2017/hodell2017u1308foram.txt # Description: NOAA location of the template # # Original_Source_URL: # Description: # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Archive: Paloeceanography # # Dataset DOI: # # Parameter_Keywords: oxygen isotopes, carbon isotopes, geochemistry, physical properties #-------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2018-07-17 #-------------------- # File_Last_Modified_Date # Date: 2018-07-17 #-------------------- # Title # Study_Name: North Atlantic Heinrich Layer 1 Geochemical and Stable Isotope Data #-------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Hodell, D.A.; Nicholl, J.A.; Bontognali, T.R.R.; Danino, S.; Dorador, J.; Dowdeswell, J.A.; Einsle, J.; Kuhlmann, H.; Martrat, B.; Mleneck-Vautravers, M.J.; Rodríguez-Tovar, F.J.; Röhl , U. #-------------------- # Description_Notes_and_Keywords # Description: Sediment XRF, IRD, and stable isotope data from North Atlantic core U1308 through Heinrich Layer 1 (~16-14ka). #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: David A. Hodell, Joseph A. Nicholl, Tomaso R.R. Bontognali, Steffan Danino, Javier Dorador, Julian A. Dowdeswell, Joshua Einsle, Holger Kuhlmann, Belen Martrat, Maryline J. Mleneck-Vautravers, Francisco Javier Rodríguez-Tovar, Ursula Röhl # Published_Date_or_Year: 2017-03-01 # Published_Title: Anatomy of Heinrich Layer 1 and its role in the last deglaciation # Journal_Name: Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology # Volume: 32 # Edition: # Issue: 3 # Pages: 284-303 # Report_Number: # DOI: 10.1002/2016PA003028 # Online_Resource: https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/2016PA003028 # Full_Citation: # Abstract: X-ray fluorescence (XRF) core scanning and X-ray computed tomography data were measured every 1 mm to study the structure of Heinrich Event 1 during the last deglaciation at International Ocean Discovery Program Site U1308. Heinrich Layer 1 comprises two distinct layers of ice-rafted detritus (IRD), which are rich in detrital carbonate (DC) and poor in foraminifera. Each DC layer consists of poorly sorted, coarse-grained clasts of IRD embedded in a dense, fine-grained matrix of glacial rock flour that is partially cemented. The radiocarbon ages of foraminifera at the base of the two layers indicate a difference of 1400 14C years, suggesting that they are two distinct events, but the calendar ages depend upon assumptions made for surface reservoir ages. The double peak indicates at least two distinct stages of discharge of the ice streams that drained the Laurentide Ice Sheet through Hudson Strait during HE1 or, alternatively, the discharge of two independent ice streams containing detrital carbonate. Heinrich Event 1.1 was the larger of the two events and began at ~16.2 ka (15.5-17.1 ka) when the polar North Atlantic was already cold and Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) weakened. The younger peak (H1.2) at ~15.1 ka (14.3 to 15.9 ka) was a weaker event than H1.1 that was accompanied by minor cooling. Our results support a complex history for Heinrich Stadial 1 (HS1) with reduction in AMOC during the early part (~20-16.2 ka) possibly driven by melting of European ice sheets, whereas the Laurentide Ice Sheet assumed a greater role during the latter half (~16.2-14.7 ka). #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: UK Natural Environmental Research Council (NERC) # Grant: #------------------ # Site_Information # Site_Name: U1308 # Location: Ocean>Atlantic Ocean>North Atlantic Ocean # Country: # Northernmost_Latitude: 49.8778 # Southernmost_Latitude: 49.8778 # Easternmost_Longitude: -24.2383 # Westernmost_Longitude: -24.2383 # Elevation: -3883 m #------------------ # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: Hodell2017U1308foram # Earliest_Year: 17446 # Most_Recent_Year: 13705 # Time_Unit: Cal. Year BP # Core_Length: # Notes: #------------------ # Chronology_Information # Chronology: # # U1308A Radiocarbon dates # Laboratory Laboratory ID Hole-Core-Section Depth Species fraction ± D14C ± 14C years ± # (cm) (uncorrected) # KCCAMS 180648 U1308A-1H-1 78.25 N. pachyderma (s) 0.2000 0.0007 -800.0 0.7 12930 30 # KCCAMS 180649 U1308A-1H-1 78.25 G. bulloides 0.2135 0.0007 -786.5 0.7 12405 25 # KCCAMS 180650 U1308A-1H-1 80.25 N. pachyderma (s) 0.1874 0.0008 -812.6 0.8 13450 40 # KCCAMS 180651 U1308A-1H-1 80.25 G. bulloides 0.2065 0.0006 -793.5 0.6 12675 25 # KCCAMS 180652 U1308A-1H-1 81.75 N. pachyderma (s) 0.1827 0.0006 -817.3 0.6 13655 30 # KCCAMS 180653 U1308A-1H-1 81.75 G. bulloides 0.2028 0.0007 -797.2 0.7 12815 30 # SUERC 1517.1010 U1308A-1H-1 82.75 N. pachyderma (s) 0.1897 0.0010 13355 42 # KCCAMS 180655 U1308A-1H-1 85.25 G. bulloides 0.2036 0.0006 -796.4 0.6 12785 30 # KCCAMS 180654 U1308A-1H-1 85.75 N. pachyderma (s) 0.1927 0.0006 -807.3 0.6 13230 30 # KCCAMS 180656 U1308A-1H-1 86.75 N. pachyderma (s) 0.1769 0.0007 -823.1 0.7 13915 30 # SUERC 1517.1010 U1308A-1H-1 88.75 N. pachyderma (s) 0.1592 0.0009 14762 45 # KCCAMS 180657 U1308A-1H-1 91.25 N. pachyderma (s) 0.1374 0.0006 -862.6 0.6 15945 35 # # # Combined Radiocarbon dates # Depth in Section 1308A-1H-1 depth in 609 Radiocarbon age error Reference Reservoir Correction # (cm) (cm) 14C years (uncorrected) ± (years) # 69.6 64 12380 120 Bond et al. (1992) 360 # 70.184 65 11580 190 Bond et al. (1992) 390 # 72.965 69.5 11420 190 Bond et al. (1992) 390 # 78.25 12930 30 this study 230 # 79.258 74 12750 220 Bond et al. (1992) 130 # 80.25 13450 40 this study 130 # 81.75 13655 30 this study 245 # 82.056 76 13890 220 Bond et al. (1992) 150 # 82.75 13355 42 this study 150 # 85.75 13230 30 this study 180 # 86.75 13915 30 this study 150 # 88.75 14762 45 this study 720 # 91.25 15945 35 this study 750 # 91.603 84.5 14990 230 Bond et al. (1992) 720 # 94.305 87.5 16360 240 Bond et al. (1992) 440 # 94.305 90.5 16760 150 Bond et al. (1992) 320 # 104.87 98.5 17360 120 Bond et al. (1992) 260 # 112.08 106 19340 220 Bond et al. (1992) -130 # 117.35 110.5 20370 330 Bond et al. (1992) -340 # 118.585 111.5 20950 260 Bond et al. (1992) 40 # 119.82 112.5 21510 220 Bond et al. (1992) 230 # 123.26 115.5 21770 220 Bond et al. (1992) 230 # 127.05 119 22780 340 Bond et al. (1992) 190 # 142.5 139 25660 440 Bond et al. (1992) 300 # # #---------------- # Variables # # Data variables follow are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Data line variables format: one per line, shortname-tab-variable components (what, material, error, units, seasonality, data type,detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data, free text) # ## Site Site,,,,,,,,C, ## Hole Hole,,,,,,,,C, ## Core Core,,,,,,,,C, ## Type Type,,,,,,,,C, ## Section Section,,,,,,,,C, ## depth_top depth, , , m, , , Top Interval, ,N, ## depth_bot depth, , , m, , , bottom Interval, ,N, ## depth_m depth, , , m, , , , ,N, ## age_min age, , , calendar years before present, , , minimum age, ,N, ## age_max age, , , calendar years before present, , , maximum age, ,N, ## age_med age, , , calendar years before present, , , median age, ,N, ## age_mean age, , , calendar years before present, , , mean age, ,N, ## N.pachy(sin) N.pachyderma(sin), sediment, , count, ,paleoceanography, ,,N, ## N.pachy(dex) N.pachyderma(dex), sediment, , count, ,paleoceanography, ,,N, ## G.bulloides G. bulloides, sediment, , count, ,paleoceanography, ,,N, ## G.inflata G. inflata, sediment, , count, ,paleoceanography, ,,N, ## G.glutinata G. glutinata, sediment, , count, ,paleoceanography, ,,N, ## T.quinq T. quinqueloba, sediment, , count, ,paleoceanography, ,,N, ## G.scitula G. scitula, sediment, , count, ,paleoceanography, ,,N, ## G.falcon G. falconensis, sediment, , count, ,paleoceanography, ,,N, ## G.rubescens G. rubescens, sediment, , count, ,paleoceanography, ,,N, ## G.ruber G. ruber, sediment, , count, ,paleoceanography, ,,N, ## G.trunc G. truncatulinoides, sediment, , count, ,paleoceanography, ,,N, ## H.aequilat H. aequilateralis, sediment, , count, ,paleoceanography, ,,N, ## B.digitata B. digitata, sediment, , count, ,paleoceanography, ,,N, ## PFfragments PF fragments, sediment, , count, ,paleoceanography, ,,N, ## Benthic Benthic (including ostracodes, sediment, , count, ,paleoceanography, ,,N, ## Radiolaria Radiolaria, sediment, , count, ,paleoceanography, ,,N, ## TotalIRD Total IRD, sediment, , count, ,paleoceanography, ,,N, ## Plank Total plank foram, sediment, , count, ,paleoceanography, ,,N, ## %Plank Plank Foram, sediment, , percent, ,paleoceanography, ,,N, ## %IRD %IRD to total >150 particles, sediment, , percent, ,paleoceanography, ,,N, ## %N.pachy(sin) N.pachyderma(sin), sediment, , percent, ,paleoceanography, ,,N, %N. pachyderma sin (amongst whole pF only ) ## %rub+ % ruber+aeq+orb+rubes+falco+dig, sediment, , percent, ,paleoceanography, ,,N, ## %temperate other temperate species % in PF, sediment, , count, ,paleoceanography, ,,N, # #---------------- # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing Values: # Site Hole Core Type Section depth_top depth_bot depth_m age_min age_max age_med age_mean N.pachy(sin) N.pachy(dex) G.bulloides G.inflata G.glutinata T.quinq G.scitula G.falcon G.rubescens G.ruber G.trunc H.aequilat B.digitata PFfragments Benthic Radiolaria TotalIRD Plank %Plank %IRD %N.pachy(sin) %rub+ %temperate U1308 A 1 H 1 78 78.5 78.25 12757.3 14756.6 13663 13705.1 117 95 61 28 38 36 1 1 1 0 11 3 23 167 378 69.358 28.7 31 0.5 68.5 U1308 A 1 H 1 78.5 79 78.75 13699.1 15322.8 14505.1 14509 126 95 120 41 36 27 4 4 1 2 1 9 3 32 191 457 70.525 27.6 27.6 1.5 70.7 U1308 A 1 H 1 79 79.5 79.25 13778.4 15472.5 14620.2 14624 141 68 114 58 37 23 5 1 0 2 1 1 5 6 26 265 451 62.989 35.2 31.3 0.9 67.6 U1308 A 1 H 1 79.5 80 79.75 13833.7 15640.1 14732.6 14738.8 189 104 138 66 37 24 4 0 3 3 1 0 15 8 33 274 569 67.497 30.5 33.2 0.7 65.6 U1308 A 1 H 1 80 80.5 80.25 13954.1 15753 14838.5 14846.4 150 72 47 46 37 12 6 3 6 1 1 4 3 45 291 381 56.696 40.2 39.4 2.6 57.7 U1308 A 1 H 1 80.5 81 80.75 14113.3 15800.9 14939.5 14945.8 218 92 165 59 6 24 5 7 2 1 4 5 66 436 579 57.044 40 37.7 1.4 60.6 U1308 A 1 H 1 81 81.5 81.25 14244.6 15853.9 15042.2 15045.7 132 39 56 28 10 5 2 1 2 2 1 6 0 24 458 278 37.772 59.8 47.5 1.4 50.4 U1308 A 1 H 1 81.5 82 81.75 14363.7 15913.5 15150.5 15147.5 124 58 61 35 25 12 1 3 1 2 35 425 320 42.953 54.3 38.8 1.3 60 U1308 A 1 H 1 82 82.5 82.25 14460.8 15991.9 15258.2 15249.2 152 53 47 28 28 5 2 5 2 52 424 315 42.625 53.1 48.3 0.6 51.1 U1308 A 1 H 1 82.5 83 82.75 14541.5 16083.6 15368.3 15349.5 170 115 110 50 30 13 7 2 1 4 3 150 420 498 54.248 39.1 34.1 0.6 65.3 U1308 A 1 H 1 83 83.5 83.25 14617.1 16182.3 15472.9 15449.4 170 75 86 57 53 20 2 5 1 4 5 120 380 469 55.241 38.9 36.2 1.3 62.5 U1308 A 1 H 1 83.5 84 83.75 14675.5 16299.5 15573.5 15550.3 133 50 106 46 33 27 7 5 2 4 75 180 407 69.336 26.9 32.7 1.2 66.1 U1308 A 1 H 1 84 84.5 84.25 14729.4 16448.5 15670.9 15650.9 115 51 136 42 28 11 7 4 0 7 127 139 394 73.921 20.8 29.2 1 69.8 U1308 A 1 H 1 84.5 85 84.75 14782.7 16618.5 15765.1 15751.3 144 51 139 53 25 19 7 5 2 10 3 131 144 445 75.552 19.6 32.4 1.6 66.1 U1308 A 1 H 1 85 85.5 85.25 14885.7 16732.1 15859.4 15850.5 184 63 115 49 31 35 9 8 7 7 100 121 494 80.325 16.6 37.2 1.6 61.1 U1308 A 1 H 1 85.5 86 85.75 15032.3 16793.6 15949.9 15947.5 U1308 A 1 H 1 86 86.5 86.25 15183.2 16874.7 16044.2 16045.4 155 45 59 26 14 13 2 8 1 2 47 950 322 25.314 71.9 48.1 2.5 49.4 U1308 A 1 H 1 86.5 87 86.75 15307.6 16953.6 16140.7 16144 80 20 12 6 7 6 0 0 1 7 1845 131 6.6296 93 61.1 0 38.9 U1308 A 1 H 1 87 87.5 87.25 15404 17044 16234.2 16241.7 48 1 1 0 0 0 3 820 50 5.7471 93.9 96 0 4 U1308 A 1 H 1 87.5 88 87.75 15491.1 17143.8 16333.2 16340.7 131 3 2 1 0 9 1095 137 11.12 88.2 95.6 0 4.4 U1308 A 1 H 1 88 88.5 88.25 15576.4 17265.9 16428.8 16438.2 252 2 1 1 2 0 4 1 7 1990 258 11.477 88.1 97.7 0 2.3 U1308 A 1 H 1 88.5 89 88.75 15647 17409.7 16527.1 16535.5 371 5 2 0 1 0 7 4 1 421 379 47.375 51.8 97.9 0 2.1 U1308 A 1 H 1 89 89.5 89.25 15715.7 17562.7 16620.4 16633.6 458 8 3 0 1 4 1 0 4 5 5 599 475 44.227 55.1 96.4 0 3.6 U1308 A 1 H 1 89.5 90 89.75 15781.3 17731.4 16711.6 16731 576 4 1 0 0 0 0 155 3 10 672 581 46.369 47.3 99.1 0 0.9 U1308 A 1 H 1 90 90.5 90.25 15963.8 17864.4 16850.7 16874.7 415 14 2 0 2 1 1 0 111 3 503 435 46.375 47.8 95.4 0 4.6 U1308 A 1 H 1 90.5 91 90.75 16239.8 17962.3 17043.4 17064 693 10 1 0 2 10 3 0 3 3 13 608 719 54.182 45.2 96.4 0 3.6 U1308 A 1 H 1 91 91.5 91.25 16491.9 18069.9 17239.8 17254.3 570 7 7 1 0 4 2 0 14 428 591 57.998 41.4 96.4 0 3.6 U1308 A 1 H 1 91.5 92 91.75 16715.3 18197.4 17432.8 17446.1 810 15 10 0 25 0 5 0 0 5 20 540 865 61.566 37.8 93.6 0 6.4