Indian Ocean Pliocene Paired Foraminiferal d18O and Mg/Ca Data ----------------------------------------------------------------------- World Data Center for Paleoclimatology, Boulder and NOAA Paleoclimatology Program ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: PLEASE CITE ORIGINAL REFERENCE WHEN USING THIS DATA!!!!! NAME OF DATA SET: Indian Ocean Pliocene Paired Foraminiferal d18O and Mg/Ca Data LAST UPDATE: 5/2011 (Original receipt by WDC Paleo) CONTRIBUTORS: Karas, C., D. Nürnberg, R. Tiedemann, and D. Garbe-Schönberg. IGBP PAGES/WDCA CONTRIBUTION SERIES NUMBER: 2011-065 WDC PALEO CONTRIBUTION SERIES CITATION: Karas, C., et al. 2011. Indian Ocean Pliocene Paired Foraminiferal d18O and Mg/Ca Data. IGBP PAGES/World Data Center for Paleoclimatology Data Contribution Series # 2011-065. NOAA/NCDC Paleoclimatology Program, Boulder CO, USA. ORIGINAL REFERENCE: Karas, C., D. Nürnberg, R. Tiedemann, and D. Garbe-Schönberg. 2011. Pliocene Indonesian Throughflow and Leeuwin Current dynamics: Implications for Indian Ocean polar heat flux. Paleoceanography, 2010PA001949, in press. ABSTRACT: Understanding the gradual global cooling during the mid-Pliocene (3.5-2.5 Ma ago) needs to consider the tectonical constriction of tropical seaways, which affected ocean circulation and the evolution of climate. Here, we use paired measurements of d18O and Mg/Ca ratios of planktonic foraminifera to reconstruct the Pliocene hydrography of the western tropical Indian Ocean (Site 709C) and changes in the Leeuwin Current in the eastern subtropical Indian Ocean (Site 763A) in response to Indonesian Gateway dynamics. Today, the Indonesian Throughflow (ITF), and subsequently, the warm southward flowing Leeuwin Current off western Australia are essential for the polar heat transport in the Indian Ocean. During 3.5-3 Ma, sea surface temperatures significantly drop in the Leeuwin Current area, becoming since ~3.3 Ma 2-3°C cooler than the rather unchanged sea surface temperatures from the eastern and western tropical Indian Ocean. We refer this drop in sea surface temperatures to a weakened Leeuwin Current with severe climatic effects on western Australia induced by a tectonically reduced surface ITF. We suggest that this reduced surface ITF led to a diminished poleward heat transport in the Indian Ocean resulting in a weakened Leeuwin Current and possibly, to cooling of the Benguela upwelling system. ADDITIONAL REFERENCE: Shackleton, N.J. and M.A. Hall. 1990. in Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Science Results, v. 115, Duncan, R.A., J. Backman, and L.C. Peterson, eds. College Station, Texas. GEOGRAPHIC REGION: Indian Ocean PERIOD OF RECORD: Pliocene, 6-2 Ma FUNDING SOURCES: German Science Foundation (DFG) within project Nu60/14-2, Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre (BIK-F). DESCRIPTION: Combined planktonic foraminiferal Mg/Ca and d18O data spanning the time period from 6-2 Ma, from 2 Indian Ocean ODP sites. Core ODP 763A is located in the subtropical eastern Indian Ocean within the present influence of the Leeuwin Current, and Core ODP 709C is located in the tropical western Indian Ocean. The ODP 709C isotope data are from Shackleton and Hall, 1990. Core Locations: ODP 763A: 20°35.20'S, 112°12.50'E, 1367 m water depth ODP 709C: 03°54.90'S, 60°33.10'E, 3041 m water depth DATA: 1. Karas et al. 2011 ODP 763A planktonic and benthic d18O and planktonic Mg/Ca data Column 1: Depth (mbsf) Column 2: Age (Ma) Column 3: d18O G. sacculifer (per mil) Column 4: d18O C. wuellerstorfi (per mil) Column 5: Mg/Ca G. sacculifer (mmol/mol) Depth Age d18OG.sac d18OC.wuel Mg/Ca G.sac 38.93 2.004 -0.98 3.15 39.19 2.008 -0.99 3.47 39.4 2.012 -0.89 3.32 39.65 2.017 -0.99 3.39 40.17 2.026 40.43 2.031 40.9 2.039 41.15 2.044 3.27 42.9 2.076 -0.37 3.68 42.91 2.076 -0.49 2.99 43.15 2.08 -1.05 3.52 43.41 2.085 -0.77 3.27 43.67 2.089 -0.42 3.1 43.93 2.094 -0.92 3.21 44.19 2.099 -1.02 3.3 44.4 2.103 -1.13 3.03 44.65 2.107 -1.03 3.18 44.91 2.112 3.16 45.17 2.117 -0.95 3.19 45.43 2.121 -0.5 3.99 45.69 2.126 -0.72 2.77 45.9 2.135 -0.8 3.23 46.09 2.148 -0.98 2.9 46.29 2.162 -1.15 3.2 46.49 2.176 -1.03 3.29 46.69 2.19 -0.71 3.18 46.89 2.204 -0.81 3.07 47.09 2.218 -1.29 3.42 47.29 2.232 -1.13 3.07 47.4 2.24 -1.35 3.14 47.59 2.253 -1.34 3.24 47.79 2.267 -1.3 3.43 47.99 2.281 -0.96 3.34 48.19 2.295 3.18 48.39 2.309 -0.92 3.59 48.59 2.322 3.32 48.79 2.336 -0.56 3.71 48.9 2.344 -0.51 3.3 49.09 2.357 -1.24 3.33 49.29 2.371 -0.65 3.13 49.49 2.385 -0.8 3.37 49.69 2.399 -0.73 3.09 49.89 2.413 -1.34 3.3 50.09 2.427 -1.26 3.24 50.29 2.441 -1.31 3.3 50.4 2.449 -1.03 3.22 50.59 2.462 -0.91 3.21 50.79 2.476 -1.38 3.23 50.99 2.49 -1.05 3.66 51.19 2.504 -1.01 3.35 51.39 2.518 -1.04 3.28 51.59 2.532 -0.68 3.62 51.79 2.546 -0.76 3.21 51.9 2.553 -0.85 3.27 52.09 2.566 -0.52 2.85 52.29 2.58 -0.7 3.03 52.4 2.585 -0.91 3.24 52.87 2.605 -0.96 3.25 53.11 2.615 -1.39 3.44 53.35 2.625 -0.64 3.04 53.6 2.634 2.78 53.8 2.644 -0.94 3.29 53.9 2.647 -0.97 2.74 54.13 2.657 -0.85 2.84 54.37 2.667 -1.15 3 54.61 2.677 -1.11 3.52 54.85 2.687 3.2 55.09 2.697 -0.71 3.01 55.33 2.707 -0.54 3.13 55.63 2.719 3.14 55.87 2.729 -1.16 3.24 56.11 2.739 -0.77 3 56.35 2.749 -1.42 3.71 56.59 2.759 -1.1 3.22 56.83 2.769 -1.3 3.59 56.9 2.772 -0.87 3.33 57.13 2.781 -1.23 3.59 57.37 2.791 -0.96 3.44 57.61 2.801 -1.18 3.11 57.85 2.811 -1.03 3.13 58.4 2.834 -1.15 3.27 58.63 2.843 -1.15 3.25 58.87 2.853 -1.22 3.05 59.11 2.863 -1.18 3.32 59.35 2.873 -1.01 59.59 2.883 3.26 59.83 2.893 -1.36 3.16 59.9 2.896 -1.22 3.24 60.13 2.905 -1.59 3.37 60.37 2.915 -1.33 3.35 60.61 2.925 -1.5 3.33 60.85 2.935 -1.52 3.5 61.09 2.945 -1.34 3.31 61.33 2.955 -1.26 3.51 61.4 2.958 -1.35 3.35 61.63 2.968 -1 3.3 61.87 2.978 -1.3 3.36 61.9 2.979 -1.29 3.25 62.11 2.987 -1.13 3.19 62.13 2.988 -1.36 3.36 62.37 2.998 -1.34 3.43 62.61 3.008 -1.37 3.32 62.85 3.018 -1.17 3.34 63.09 3.028 -1.12 3.36 63.33 3.038 -1.16 3.47 63.4 3.041 -1.29 3.57 63.63 3.05 -1.2 3.44 63.87 3.06 -1.21 3.12 64.11 3.07 -1.46 3.39 64.48 3.086 -1.07 3.39 64.8 3.099 -1.37 3.33 64.9 3.103 -1.31 3.49 65.21 3.116 -1.48 3.32 65.53 3.129 -1.36 3.44 65.85 3.142 -1.4 2.6 3.35 66.17 3.155 -1.29 2.21 3.46 66.4 3.169 -1.53 2.32 3.36 66.71 3.187 -1.32 2.26 3.37 67.03 3.206 -1.24 2.31 3.34 67.35 3.225 -1.48 2.42 3.38 67.67 3.231 -1.32 2.37 3.3 67.9 3.236 -1.52 3.29 68.12 3.24 -0.92 2.33 3.17 68.35 3.245 -1.4 3.25 68.58 3.249 -1.27 2.35 3.34 68.81 3.254 -1.24 2.44 2.84 69.04 3.259 -0.87 2.44 3.75 69.27 3.263 -0.96 3.24 69.4 3.266 -1.18 2.62 3.42 69.62 3.27 -0.8 2.35 3.28 69.85 3.287 -1.25 2.57 3.18 70.08 3.303 -0.98 2.66 3.17 70.31 3.32 -1.16 2.27 3.45 70.54 3.325 -1.07 3.35 70.77 3.33 -1.33 2.63 3.35 70.9 3.333 -1.12 2.29 3.48 71.12 3.338 -1.32 2.64 3.37 71.35 3.343 -1.24 2.38 3.47 71.4 3.345 -1.16 2.51 3.26 71.58 3.349 -1.17 2.51 3.35 71.85 3.355 -1.07 2.25 4.02 72.08 3.36 -1.23 2.14 3.47 72.31 3.365 -1.01 2.26 3.39 72.54 3.371 -1.05 2.12 3.2 72.77 3.378 -1 2.5 3.03 72.9 3.381 -0.78 2.31 3.1 73.12 3.388 -1.22 2.35 3.5 73.35 3.394 -1.56 2.28 3.37 73.58 3.4 -1.45 2.06 3.43 73.81 3.407 -1.52 2.17 3.57 74.04 3.413 -1.32 2.13 3.45 74.27 3.42 2.25 3.28 74.4 3.423 2.34 3.38 74.62 3.429 2.12 3.34 74.85 3.436 2.19 3.38 75.08 3.442 -1.31 2.29 3.53 75.31 3.449 -1.3 2.07 75.54 3.455 -1.42 2.14 3.85 75.77 3.461 -1.4 2.27 3.71 75.9 3.465 -0.79 2.47 3.75 76.12 3.477 -1.33 2.32 3.95 76.35 3.489 -1.5 2.11 3.9 76.58 3.501 -1.49 2.29 3.67 76.81 3.513 -1.37 2.11 3.27 77.04 3.525 -1.26 2.24 3.87 77.27 3.537 -1.35 2.27 3.68 77.4 3.544 -1.4 3.94 77.62 3.555 -1.13 2.49 3.43 77.85 3.565 -1.5 2.2 3.47 78.08 3.575 -1.53 2.12 3.73 78.31 3.577 -1.32 2.28 3.51 78.54 3.579 -1.07 2.51 78.77 3.581 -1.44 2.33 3.54 78.9 3.583 -1.38 2.33 3.64 79.12 3.585 -1.4 2.2 3.77 79.35 3.587 -1.24 2.4 3.36 79.58 3.589 -1.38 2.51 3.91 79.81 3.591 -1.56 2.37 3.86 80.04 3.593 -1.25 2.3 3.69 80.27 3.595 -1.37 2.23 3.84 80.4 3.596 -1.59 2.29 3.46 80.62 3.598 -1.08 2.44 3.59 80.85 3.6 -1.44 2.47 3.9 81.08 3.603 -1.19 3.78 81.12 3.603 -1.26 2.28 3.98 81.35 3.605 -1.63 2.1 3.92 81.45 3.613 -1.11 2.24 4.1 81.55 3.622 -1.23 2.21 3.77 81.65 3.63 -1.2 2.52 3.77 81.75 3.632 -1.26 2.47 81.85 3.634 -1.28 2.37 3.71 81.95 3.636 -1.16 2.44 3.8 82.05 3.638 -1.26 2.14 3.93 82.15 3.64 -1.31 2.46 82.25 3.642 -1.35 2.29 3.54 82.35 3.644 -1.22 2.3 3.87 82.4 3.644 -1.02 2.25 3.53 82.49 3.646 -1.36 2.08 3.79 82.59 3.648 -1.38 3.83 82.69 3.65 -1.35 2.11 3.84 82.79 3.654 -1.24 2.09 3.88 82.89 3.658 -0.77 2.38 4 82.99 3.662 -1.04 2.34 4.17 83.09 3.666 -1.37 2.36 3.95 83.19 3.67 -1.08 2.41 3.37 83.29 3.672 -0.94 83.39 3.674 -1.05 2.33 3.81 83.49 3.676 -1.04 2.39 3.92 83.59 3.677 -1.71 2.21 3.88 83.69 3.679 -1.16 2.25 3.79 83.79 3.681 -1.17 2.3 83.99 3.685 -1.13 2.38 3.81 84.19 3.688 -1.47 3.75 84.29 3.69 -1.09 2.02 3.6 84.39 3.693 -1.23 2.21 3.91 84.49 3.697 -1.56 2.25 3.81 84.59 3.7 -1.25 2.09 3.89 84.69 3.703 -1.36 2.27 3.62 84.79 3.707 -1.25 2.27 3.61 84.89 3.71 -1.26 2.35 3.36 84.99 3.713 -1.37 3.65 85.09 3.717 -1.43 2.34 3.53 85.19 3.72 -1.29 2.12 3.53 85.29 3.731 -1.16 3.38 85.4 3.744 -0.85 3.59 85.49 3.754 -0.97 3.75 85.59 3.765 -1.27 3.78 85.69 3.777 -0.95 3.88 85.79 3.788 -1.48 3.67 85.89 3.799 -1.12 3.82 85.99 3.811 -1.05 3.66 86.09 3.822 -1.46 3.57 86.19 3.834 -1.02 3.85 86.29 3.845 4.05 86.39 3.856 -0.96 3.99 86.49 3.868 3.58 86.9 3.914 -1.17 3.83 86.99 3.924 -1.25 3.72 87.09 3.936 -1.38 3.79 87.19 3.947 -1.64 4.08 87.29 3.958 -1.05 4.28 87.39 3.97 -1.27 3.78 87.49 3.981 -1.19 4.01 87.69 4.004 -1.01 3.84 87.79 4.015 -1.22 3.82 87.89 4.027 -1.27 4.05 87.99 4.038 -1.37 3.91 88.09 4.049 -1.21 3.91 88.19 4.061 -1.46 4.05 88.29 4.072 -1.25 3.76 88.4 4.084 -1.17 3.72 88.49 4.095 -1.36 3.79 88.59 4.106 -1.4 3.73 88.69 4.117 -1.14 3.46 88.79 4.129 -1.03 3.89 88.89 4.14 -1.09 3.77 88.99 4.151 -1.24 4.02 89.09 4.163 -1.51 3.92 89.19 4.174 -1.39 3.87 89.29 4.185 -0.99 3.96 89.39 4.197 -1.01 3.65 89.49 4.208 -1.08 3.82 89.59 4.219 -1.17 4.01 89.69 4.231 -0.82 3.95 89.79 4.242 -0.99 3.78 89.9 4.255 -1 3.58 89.99 4.265 -0.93 3.62 90.09 4.276 -1.26 3.7 90.19 4.288 -1.51 4.04 90.29 4.299 -0.52 3.85 90.58 4.333 -1.25 3.64 90.77 4.356 -1.23 3.86 91.15 4.401 -1.28 3.66 91.34 4.424 -1.09 3.83 91.53 4.446 -0.9 3.77 91.72 4.469 -1.23 3.88 92.08 4.512 -0.93 3.86 92.27 4.534 -1.21 3.73 92.46 4.557 -0.99 3.64 92.65 4.579 -1.12 4.15 92.84 4.602 -0.93 3.72 93.03 4.624 -1.29 3.78 93.22 4.647 -1.45 4.42 93.58 4.69 -1.18 3.77 93.77 4.712 -0.98 3.5 93.96 4.735 -1.27 3.6 94.15 4.757 -1.26 3.64 94.34 4.78 -1.12 3.67 94.61 4.809 -1.28 3.73 94.83 4.829 3.29 95.01 4.846 -0.78 3.25 95.13 4.857 -0.98 3.48 95.25 4.868 -0.81 3.57 95.37 4.879 -0.98 3.61 95.49 4.89 -1.41 3.62 95.61 4.901 -1.02 3.94 95.73 4.912 -1.29 3.85 95.85 4.923 -1.04 3.77 95.97 4.934 -0.96 3.77 96.09 4.945 -1.13 3.75 96.21 4.957 -0.89 3.61 96.33 4.968 -1.05 3.47 96.51 4.984 -0.93 3.51 96.63 4.995 -0.89 3.93 96.75 5.006 -0.97 3.82 96.87 5.017 -1.18 96.99 5.028 -1.49 3.34 97.11 5.039 3.75 97.23 5.05 -1.19 3.62 97.35 5.062 -0.86 3.61 97.47 5.073 -1.11 97.59 5.084 -0.91 3.93 97.71 5.095 -0.99 3.55 97.83 5.106 -1.25 3.36 98.01 5.122 -1.33 3.22 98.13 5.133 -1.09 98.25 5.144 -0.71 3.48 98.37 5.155 -1.05 3.92 98.49 5.166 -1.22 4.12 98.73 5.189 -0.93 3.7 98.85 5.2 -0.92 3.74 99.09 5.222 -1.18 3.35 99.21 5.233 -1.23 3.92 99.33 5.244 -1.06 3.99 99.51 5.26 -0.97 3.86 99.98 5.304 -0.79 3.21 100.07 5.312 -1.03 3.06 100.16 5.32 -0.8 3.63 100.25 5.329 -0.78 3.42 100.34 5.337 -0.87 3.69 100.43 5.345 -0.86 3.28 100.52 5.353 -1.02 3.38 100.61 5.362 3.07 100.7 5.37 -0.8 100.79 5.378 -0.88 3.12 100.88 5.387 2.88 100.97 5.395 -0.93 3.03 101.06 5.403 -0.86 3.71 101.15 5.411 -0.84 3.07 101.24 5.42 3.07 101.33 5.428 -0.92 3.36 101.48 5.442 -1.14 3.46 101.57 5.45 -0.83 3.02 101.66 5.458 -0.66 3.09 101.75 5.467 -0.64 3.03 101.84 5.475 -0.63 3.06 101.93 5.483 -1.19 3.44 102.02 5.492 -0.97 2.95 102.11 5.5 -1.17 3.71 102.2 5.508 -1.07 3.52 102.29 5.516 -0.91 3.11 102.38 5.525 -0.94 3.03 102.47 5.533 -0.79 2.9 102.56 5.541 -1.15 3.07 102.65 5.55 -1.09 3.24 102.98 5.58 -0.96 3.18 103.07 5.588 -1 3.56 103.16 5.597 -1.01 3.07 103.25 5.605 -1.16 3.17 103.34 5.613 -0.92 3.21 103.43 5.621 -1.27 3.44 103.52 5.63 -1.31 3.6 103.61 5.638 -1.46 3.51 103.7 5.646 -1.17 3.62 103.79 5.655 -1.1 3.34 103.88 5.663 -1.08 3.39 103.97 5.671 -1.08 3.22 104.06 5.679 -0.95 3.15 104.24 5.696 -1.2 3.32 104.33 5.704 -0.98 3.13 104.48 5.718 -1.02 3.38 104.57 5.726 -0.85 3.42 104.66 5.735 -0.97 3.06 104.75 5.743 -1.1 2.9 104.84 5.751 -1.17 3.62 104.93 5.76 -0.81 3.39 105.11 5.776 -1.18 3.48 105.2 5.784 -1.42 3.28 105.29 5.793 -1.16 3.42 105.38 5.801 -1.16 3.53 105.47 5.809 -0.88 3.4 105.56 5.818 -1.16 105.65 5.826 -0.93 3.21 105.74 5.834 -0.69 3.13 105.83 5.842 -1.11 3.56 105.98 5.856 -1.26 3.82 106.07 5.865 -1.1 2.97 106.16 5.873 -1.11 3.37 106.25 5.881 -1.07 3.52 106.34 5.889 -0.84 3.18 106.43 5.898 -0.97 106.52 5.906 -1.01 106.61 5.914 -1.26 3.14 106.7 5.923 -0.73 3.28 106.79 5.931 -1.08 3.21 106.88 5.939 -1.09 3.24 106.97 5.947 3.65 107.06 5.956 -1.29 3.23 107.15 5.964 -0.88 3.08 107.24 5.972 -0.86 3.2 107.33 5.981 -0.98 3.4 107.48 5.994 3.13 2. Karas et al. 2011 ODP 709C Mg/Ca data Column 1: Depth (mbsf) Column 2: Age (Ma) Column 3: Mg/Ca G. sacculifer (mmol/mol) (not corrected for dissolution) Depth Age Mg/Ca G.sacc 19.37 2.192 3.61 19.49 2.206 3.82 19.59 2.218 3.5 19.74 2.236 3.47 19.88 2.253 3.58 19.97 2.264 3.77 20.09 2.278 3.57 20.21 2.293 3.45 20.33 2.307 3.41 20.43 2.319 3.36 20.57 2.336 3.74 20.69 2.351 3.48 20.83 2.367 3.5 20.94 2.381 3.5 21.07 2.396 3.58 21.18 2.409 3.19 21.29 2.419 3.27 21.41 2.429 3.42 21.54 2.441 3.16 21.67 2.453 3.24 21.77 2.462 3.4 21.88 2.471 3.39 22.01 2.483 3.23 22.14 2.492 3.47 22.27 2.496 3.18 22.38 2.5 3.3 22.49 2.503 3.22 22.58 2.506 3.39 22.7 2.509 3.63 22.83 2.513 3.34 22.97 2.518 3.15 23.09 2.523 3.47 23.21 2.532 2.97 23.33 2.541 3.45 23.45 2.55 3.51 23.57 2.559 3.01 23.69 2.568 3.24 23.8 2.576 3.7 23.93 2.586 3.35 24.05 2.595 3.26 24.17 2.604 3.7 24.29 2.613 3.74 24.41 2.622 3.34 24.53 2.631 3.28 24.65 2.64 3.31 24.77 2.649 3.54 24.89 2.658 3.54 25.01 2.667 3.16 25.1 2.674 3.1 25.22 2.683 3.39 25.34 2.692 3.04 25.46 2.701 3.49 25.58 2.71 3.02 25.7 2.719 3.66 25.82 2.728 3.38 25.94 2.737 3.32 26.02 2.743 3.3 26.07 2.747 3.48 26.12 2.751 2.98 26.17 2.755 3.26 26.2 2.758 3.52 26.3 2.766 3.37 26.4 2.77 3.08 26.42 2.773 3.17 26.47 2.777 3.07 26.52 2.781 3.23 26.57 2.785 3.15 26.62 2.789 3.42 26.68 2.793 2.92 26.72 2.796 2.8 26.77 2.8 3.31 26.82 2.804 3.23 26.87 2.81 3.25 26.92 2.816 3.62 26.97 2.822 3.48 27.02 2.828 3.28 27.07 2.834 2.96 27.12 2.839 2.88 27.18 2.846 3.44 27.21 2.85 3.29 27.28 2.858 2.97 27.32 2.863 3.28 27.37 2.869 3.19 27.43 2.876 3.33 27.48 2.881 2.84 27.51 2.885 3.01 27.56 2.891 3.07 27.63 2.898 3.79 27.67 2.904 3.54 27.72 2.91 3.51 27.78 2.916 3.55 27.82 2.921 3.33 27.87 2.927 3.32 27.92 2.933 3.47 27.97 2.939 3.55 28.02 2.945 3.34 28.07 2.95 3.47 28.12 2.956 3.28 28.17 2.962 3.27 28.22 2.968 3.37 28.27 2.974 3.26 28.32 2.98 3.12 28.37 2.985 3.03 28.42 2.991 3.38 28.46 2.996 3.43 28.52 3.003 3.27 28.62 3.015 3.43 28.67 3.021 3.22 28.72 3.026 3.23 28.76 3.031 3.28 28.82 3.038 3.45 28.86 3.043 3.44 28.92 3.05 3.32 28.97 3.056 3.42 29.02 3.061 3.29 29.07 3.067 3.43 29.12 3.073 3.61 29.17 3.079 3.42 29.21 3.084 3.43 29.27 3.091 3.4 29.32 3.096 3.57 29.37 3.102 3.5 29.42 3.108 3.47 29.5 3.114 3.45 29.5 3.12 3.24 29.57 3.126 3.28 29.6 3.129 3.45 29.66 3.139 3.39 29.72 3.166 3.48 29.77 3.188 3.37 29.82 3.21 3.39 29.87 3.232 3.46 29.92 3.254 3.17 29.97 3.276 3.39 30.02 3.296 3.12 30.07 3.312 2.8 30.12 3.328 3.23 30.17 3.343 3.08 30.2 3.358 3.4 30.27 3.376 3.13 30.32 3.394 2.96 30.37 3.41 3.06 30.42 3.423 3.11 30.47 3.429 3.31 30.52 3.435 3.17 30.57 3.442 3.2 30.62 3.448 3.45 30.67 3.454 3.65 30.72 3.461 3.45 30.77 3.467 3.37 30.82 3.474 3.46 30.87 3.48 3.49 30.92 3.486 3.1 30.97 3.493 3.3 31.02 3.499 3.42 31.07 3.505 3.4 31.12 3.512 3.1 31.17 3.518 3.13 31.22 3.526 3.33 31.27 3.537 3.35 31.32 3.547 3.37 31.37 3.558 3.33 31.42 3.568 3.36 31.47 3.578 3.37 31.52 3.589 3.39 31.57 3.599 3.34 31.62 3.61 3.12 31.67 3.62 3.36 31.72 3.631 3.56 31.77 3.641 3.2 31.82 3.651 3.51 31.86 3.66 3.49 31.92 3.671 3.61 31.97 3.683 3.08 32.02 3.693 3.58 32.07 3.704 3.22 32.12 3.716 3.18 32.17 3.731 3.24 32.22 3.746 3.37 32.27 3.761 3.36 32.32 3.775 3.27 32.37 3.79 3.49 32.42 3.805 3.24 32.47 3.82 3.32 32.52 3.835 3.28 32.57 3.85 3.2 32.62 3.865 3.35 32.67 3.88 3.69 32.72 3.894 3.25 32.8 3.909 3.22 32.8 3.923 3.3 32.86 3.936 3.26 32.92 3.949 3.59 32.95 3.95 3.37 33.02 3.953 3.53 33.2 3.96 3.55 33.4 3.969 3.48 33.57 3.976 3.29 33.78 3.984 3.25 33.97 3.992 3.79 34.16 4 3.7 34.35 4.008 3.34 34.54 4.016 3.16 34.7 4.022 3.44 34.88 4.03 3.28 35.08 4.038 2.71 35.27 4.046 3.29 35.46 4.054 3.54 35.65 4.061 3.57 35.84 4.069 3.5 36.03 4.077 3.15 36.22 4.085 3.09 36.41 4.093 3.4 36.6 4.101 3.03 36.78 4.108 3.28 36.98 4.116 3.2 37.17 4.124 3.48 37.37 4.132 3.3 37.54 4.139 3.25 37.74 4.148 3.22 37.93 4.155 2.64 38.12 4.163 2.82 38.3 4.171 3.05 38.5 4.179 2.96 38.69 4.187 3.34 38.88 4.195 3.05 39.07 4.202 3.31 39.26 4.214 3.17 39.45 4.228 3.32 39.64 4.241 3.72 39.85 4.256 3.04 40.02 4.269 3.03 40.16 4.279 3.29 40.37 4.295 3.5 40.59 4.311 3.17 40.78 4.325 3.51 40.97 4.338 3.37 41.16 4.352 3.08 41.35 4.366 3.55 41.54 4.38 3.41 41.73 4.394 3.13 41.92 4.408 3.15 42.11 4.422 2.91 42.3 4.435 3.16 42.49 4.449 3.11 42.68 4.463 3.05 42.87 4.476 3.05 43.06 4.485 3.04 43.25 4.495 3.38 43.44 4.504 2.98 43.63 4.514 3.18 43.82 4.524 3.15 43.98 4.532 3.07 44.14 4.54 3.3 44.28 4.547 3.41 44.3 4.548 3.22 44.5 4.558 3.17 44.68 4.567 3.06 44.88 4.577 3.29 45.07 4.587 3.19 45.25 4.596 3.2 45.44 4.606 2.98 45.63 4.615 3.05 45.82 4.625 3.05 46.01 4.635 3.2 46.2 4.644 2.71 46.39 4.654 2.94 46.58 4.663 2.61 46.77 4.673 3.17 46.96 4.683 3.22 47.15 4.692 2.74 47.53 4.712 2.83 47.72 4.721 3.02 47.91 4.731 3 48.1 4.74 2.89 48.48 4.76 3.12 48.67 4.769 2.85 48.86 4.779 2.51 49.05 4.788 2.93 49.43 4.808 2.56 49.62 4.817 2.76 49.81 4.827 2.93 50 4.837 2.91 50.19 4.846 3.11 50.57 4.866 2.87