# North Alaska Continental Margin Late Pleistocene Physical Properties Data #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program # National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # NOTE: Please cite Publication, and Online_Resource and date accessed when using these data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigators, Title, and Online_Resource and date accessed. # # Online_Resource: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/19500 # Online_Resource: http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/contributions_by_author/nam2015/nam2015-4b03.txt # # Original_Source_URL: # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Archive: Paleoceanography # # Parameter_Keywords: physical properties, sea ice, ice extent, sea surface temperature, reconstruction #-------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2015-11-02 #-------------------- # Title # Study_Name: North Alaska Continental Margin Late Pleistocene Physical Properties Data #-------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Nam, S.-I. #-------------------- # Description_and_Notes # Description: Sediment physical properties data for 7 cores collected in 2013 by RV Araon on the North Alaskan Continental Margin, # US EEZ waters. Parameters measured include velocity, density, impedance, magnetic susceptibility, porosity, and resistivity. # Provided_keywords: North Alaskan Continental Margin, recent sedimentary history #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: Niessen, F., Stein, R., Matthiessen, J.,  Jensen, L., Nam, S.-I., Schrek, M. # Published_Date_or_Year: 2015 # Published_Title: Pleistocene glaciations in the western Arctic Ocean: tentative age model of marine glacial landforms # Journal_Name: EGU Geophysical Research Abstracts # Volume: 17 # Edition: # Issue: # Pages: # Report_Number: EGU2015-10670 # DOI: # Online_Resource: # Full_Citation: # Abstract: Recently glacial landforms were presented and interpreted as complex pattern of Pleistocene glaciations in the western Arctic Ocean along the continental margin of the East Siberian and Chukchi seas, (Niessen et al. 2013, Dove et al. 2014). These landforms include moraines, drumlins, glacigenic debris flows, till wedges and mega-scale glacial lineations. Orientations of some of the landforms suggest the presence of former ice sheets on the Chukchi Borderland and the East Siberian shelf. Here we present a tentative age model for some of the younger glacial events by correlation of sediment cores with glacial landforms as seen in subbottom profiles. The database was obtained during RV "Polarstern" cruise ARK-XIII/3 (2008) and RV "Araon" cruise ARA03B (2012), which investigated an area between the Chukchi Borderland and the East Siberian Sea between 165W and 170E. The stratigraphic correlation of sediment cores is based on physical properties (wet-bulk density and magnetic susceptibility), lithology and color. The chronology of the area has been proposed by Stein et al. (2010) for a core from the Chukchi Abyssal Plain (PS72/340-5) and includes brown layers B1 to B9 (marine isotope stages MIS 1 to MIS 7), which are used as marker horizons for lateral core correlation. Our tentative age model suggests that the youngest and shallowest (480 m below present water level; mbpwl) grounding event of an ice sheet on the Chukchi Borderland is younger than B2 (interpreted as Last Glacial Maximum; LGM). There is no clear evidence for a LGM glaciation along the East Siberian margin because intensive post LGM iceberg scouring occurred above 350 m present water level. On the slopes of the East Siberian Sea two northerly directed ice advances occurred, both of which are older and younger than B2 and B3, respectively. The younger advance grounded to about 700 m present water depth along the continental slope and the older to 900 m and 1100 m on the Arlis Plateau and the East Siberian continental margin, respectively. We interpret these advances as Middle Weichselian glaciations on the Beringian shelf (MIS 4 to 3). Two older glaciations can be dated as Early Weichselian (MIS 5b to 5d), of which the younger event is older and younger than B3 and B4, respectively. This glaciation can be traced by glacial wedges, streamlined lineations in up to 1200 mbpsl and subglacial diamicton along the East Siberian margin, the Arlis Plateau, and the Mendeleev Ridge. There are at least three older glaciation visible in acoustic images from the East Siberian continental margin, which probably predate the Weichselian. The available cores did not penetrate these events and the ages remain speculative. #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Korea Polar Research Institute # Grant: K-POLAR program #------------------ # Site_Information # Site_Name: ARA04B-03GC # Location: Ocean>Arctic Ocean # Country: # Northernmost_Latitude: 73.367 # Southernmost_Latitude: 73.367 # Easternmost_Longitude: -152.4005 # Westernmost_Longitude: -152.4005 # Elevation: m #------------------ # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: Nam2015-4B03 # Earliest_Year: 30000 # Most_Recent_Year: 0 # Time_Unit: Cal. Year BP # Core_Length: 0.17 m # Notes: #------------------ # Chronology_Information # Chronology: Age dating has not been conducted yet # #---------------- # Variables # # Data variables follow are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Data line variables format: Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-longname-tab-longname components (9 components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, archive, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) # ## depth_m depth, , , m, , , MBSF, ,N ## sectnum section number, , , , , , , ,N ## depth_sec depth in section, , , cm, , , , ,N ## pwave velocity - compressional wave, , , m/s, , paleoceanography, , ,N ## wbd Wet Bulk Density, , , g/cm3, , paleoceanography, , ,N ## susc_si_vs Magnetic susceptibility Volume specific, , , SI x10-6, , paleoceanography, , ,N ## impedance impedance, , , , ,paleoceanography, , ,N ## porosity porosity, , , fraction, ,paleoceanography, , ,N ## ncr noncontact resistivity, , , ohm.m, ,paleoceanography, , ,N # #---------------- # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing Values: # depth_m sectnum depth_sec pwave wbd susc_si_vs impedance porosity ncr Depth (mbsf) Sect no. Depth (cm section) Vp (m/s) Density (g/ccm) Vol.spec. MS (10e-6 SI) Impedance Fractional Porosity NCR (ohm.m) 0.014 1 0.4 14.7 117.3 0.024 1 1.4 15.702 125.29 0.034 1 2.4 1.2055 17.004 135.68 0.89491 0.044 1 3.4 1.2295 18.707 149.27 0.88054 0.054 1 4.4 1.2734 20.209 161.25 0.85425 0.064 1 5.4 1486.8 1.3096 21.011 167.65 1943 0.83257 0.074 1 6.4 1484.1 1.3277 22.213 177.25 1967 0.82174 0.084 1 7.4 1484.9 1.3264 23.015 183.65 1965.1 0.82251 0.094 1 8.4 1484.7 1.3329 23.418 186.86 1974.5 0.81862 0.104 1 9.4 1484.4 1.334 24.12 192.46 1976 0.81796 0.114 1 10.4 1483.7 1.3227 23.822 190.08 1959 0.82473 0.124 1 11.4 1482.7 1.3168 24.024 191.7 1949 0.82826 0.134 1 12.4 1483.2 1.3157 24.326 194.11 1947.3 0.82892 0.144 1 13.4 1484.5 1.3316 24.629 196.52 1972 0.8194 0.154 1 14.4 1483 1.3355 24.831 198.13 1976.3 0.81707 0.164 1 15.4 1482.9 1.3443 25.133 200.54 1989.1 0.8118 0.174 1 16.4 1483.2 1.3477 25.335 202.16 1994.2 0.80976 0.184 1 17.4 1483.5 1.3528 25.537 203.77 2002.9 0.80671 0.194 1 18.4 1483.3 1.3507 25.74 205.38 1999.8 0.80796 0.204 1 19.4 1484 1.3457 25.942 207 1992.4 0.81096 0.214 1 20.4 1485.7 1.3429 26.144 208.61 1989.6 0.81263 0.224 1 21.4 1486.4 1.3379 26.346 210.23 1982.2 0.81563 0.234 1 22.4 1485.9 1.3367 26.548 211.84 1980.6 0.81635 0.244 1 23.4 1487 1.3522 26.851 214.25 2004.9 0.80707 0.254 1 24.4 1486.7 1.3624 26.953 215.07 2020 0.80096 0.264 1 25.4 1484.2 1.3616 27.155 216.68 2016.1 0.80144 0.274 1 26.4 1484.4 1.3546 27.357 218.29 2005.7 0.80563 0.284 1 27.4 1484.8 1.3509 27.459 219.11 2000.3 0.80784 0.294 1 28.4 1484.7 1.3527 27.562 219.92 2002.9 0.80677 0.304 1 29.4 1485.6 1.3505 27.764 221.54 2001.4 0.80808 0.314 1 30.4 1486.3 1.3675 27.766 221.55 2026.4 0.7979 0.324 1 31.4 1485.1 1.3524 27.768 221.57 2004 0.80695 0.334 1 32.4 1485.8 1.3734 27.87 222.39 2035.3 0.79437 0.344 1 33.4 1484.9 1.3647 27.873 222.4 2021.2 0.79958 0.354 1 34.4 1484.7 1.3576 28.075 224.02 2010.9 0.80383 0.364 1 35.4 1486.1 1.3599 28.177 224.83 2015.9 0.80246 0.374 1 36.4 1486.1 1.3524 28.279 225.65 2004.8 0.80695 0.384 1 37.4 1487 1.3824 28.381 226.46 2050.8 0.78898 0.394 1 38.4 1487.1 1.3733 28.484 227.28 2037.5 0.79443 0.404 1 39.4 1487.4 1.3833 28.686 228.89 2052.3 0.78844 0.414 1 40.4 1487.4 1.3883 28.988 231.3 2059.9 0.78545 0.424 1 41.4 1487.3 1.3821 29.19 232.92 2050.7 0.78916 0.434 1 42.4 1487.1 1.4153 29.692 236.93 2098.8 0.76928 0.444 1 43.4 1488.1 1.4231 29.995 239.34 2111.8 0.76461 0.454 1 44.4 1489 1.4012 30.297 241.75 2081.1 0.77772 0.464 1 45.4 1488.7 1.4214 30.499 243.36 2110.8 0.76563 0.474 1 46.4 1490.1 1.4169 30.601 244.18 2105.6 0.76832 0.484 1 47.4 1490.1 1.4389 30.603 244.19 2138.4 0.75515 0.494 1 48.4 1489.6 1.4123 30.705 245.01 2098.1 0.77108 0.504 1 49.4 1489.2 1.4203 30.508 243.43 2109.9 0.76629 0.514 1 50.4 1489.5 1.4333 30.31 241.85 2128.9 0.7585 0.524 1 51.4 1488.4 1.3916 30.012 239.48 2065.5 0.78347 0.534 1 52.4 1487.6 1.3918 30.014 239.49 2064.2 0.78335 0.544 1 53.4 1487.1 1.4253 30.116 240.31 2113.9 0.76329 0.554 1 54.4 1487 1.416 30.219 241.13 2099.9 0.76886 0.564 1 55.4 1487.1 1.4315 30.321 241.94 2122.7 0.75958 0.574 1 56.4 1487 1.4249 30.523 243.55 2112.7 0.76353 0.584 1 57.4 1487.3 1.4146 30.825 245.97 2097.8 0.7697 0.594 1 58.4 1488.4 1.4209 31.127 248.38 2108.8 0.76593 0.604 1 59.4 1488.9 1.4301 31.43 250.79 2123.7 0.76042 0.614 1 60.4 1489.4 1.4621 31.632 252.4 2171 0.74126 0.624 1 61.4 1491.4 1.453 31.834 254.02 2160.3 0.74671 0.634 1 62.4 1491.7 1.4744 32.036 255.63 2192.1 0.73389 0.644 1 63.4 1491.9 1.4862 32.238 257.24 2209.6 0.72683 0.654 1 64.4 1490.4 1.4355 32.541 259.65 2132.8 0.75719 0.664 1 65.4 1490.2 1.4595 32.643 260.47 2168.3 0.74281 0.674 1 66.4 1489.3 1.4444 32.345 258.09 2144.6 0.75186 0.684 1 67.4 1488.5 1.4651 32.247 257.31 2174 0.73946 0.694 1 68.4 1487.6 1.4735 32.049 255.73 2184.8 0.73443 0.704 1 69.4 1487.5 1.4667 31.952 254.95 2174.7 0.7385 0.714 1 70.4 1485.1 1.4708 31.854 254.17 2177.8 0.73605 0.724 1 71.4 1485.4 1.4768 31.556 251.8 2186.7 0.73246 0.734 1 72.4 1486 1.4832 31.6 252.15 2196.4 0.72862 0.744 1 73.4 1486.1 1.4821 31.66 252.63 2196.2 0.72928 0.754 1 74.4 1485.4 1.4779 30.863 246.26 2188.5 0.7318 0.764 1 75.4 1484.6 1.4776 30.465 243.09 2186.6 0.73198 0.774 1 76.4 1483.2 1.473 29.967 239.12 2178.1 0.73473 0.784 1 77.4 1484.4 1.484 29.569 235.94 2195.7 0.72814 0.794 1 78.4 1484.8 1.4818 29.171 232.77 2193.2 0.72946 0.804 1 79.4 1483.4 1.4807 28.774 229.59 2189.9 0.73012 0.814 1 80.4 1483.6 1.4747 28.276 225.62 2180.8 0.73371 0.824 1 81.4 1482.6 1.4975 27.878 222.45 2214.3 0.72006 0.834 1 82.4 1482.8 1.4969 27.38 218.48 2213.1 0.72042 0.844 1 83.4 1482.9 1.4861 26.882 214.5 2197.1 0.72689 0.854 1 84.4 1481.9 1.4743 26.385 210.53 2178 0.73395 0.864 1 85.4 1480.6 1.4748 25.887 206.56 2177 0.73365 0.874 1 86.4 1478.4 1.4507 25.389 202.59 2138.8 0.74808 0.884 1 87.4 1481.1 1.4687 24.991 199.41 2168.2 0.73731 0.894 1 88.4 1481.2 1.4769 24.493 195.44 2180.5 0.7324 0.904 1 89.4 1481 1.481 24.296 193.86 2186.4 0.72994 0.914 1 90.4 1482.7 1.5058 24.098 192.28 2226 0.71509 0.924 1 91.4 1484.2 1.5129 23.8 189.91 2238.4 0.71084 0.934 1 92.4 1485.3 1.5188 23.702 189.13 2248.5 0.70731 0.944 1 93.4 1485.2 1.5157 23.704 189.15 2244.1 0.70916 0.954 1 94.4 1483.7 1.5134 23.507 187.57 2239 0.71054 0.964 1 95.4 1483.4 1.5077 23.509 187.58 2229 0.71395 0.974 1 96.4 1484 1.5347 23.411 186.8 2270.5 0.69778 0.984 1 97.4 1485.7 1.5513 23.413 186.82 2298.2 0.68784 0.994 1 98.4 1486.6 1.5489 23.315 186.04 2294.8 0.68928 1.004 1 99.4 1486.4 1.5504 23.218 185.26 2297 0.68838 1.014 1 100.4 1487.5 1.5618 23.12 184.48 2315.5 0.68156 1.024 1 101.4 1487.1 1.5645 23.122 184.5 2319.5 0.67994 1.034 1 102.4 1488.3 1.5626 23.024 183.72 2318.3 0.68108 1.044 1 103.4 1488.3 1.562 22.926 182.94 2317.4 0.68144 1.054 1 104.4 1488.8 1.577 22.929 182.96 2341.2 0.67246 1.064 1 105.4 1488.2 1.5665 22.831 182.17 2323.8 0.67874 1.074 1 106.4 1486.2 1.5566 22.733 181.39 2306 0.68467 1.084 1 107.4 1485.4 1.5593 22.535 179.82 2308.4 0.68305 1.094 1 108.4 1482.9 1.557 22.337 178.24 2301.9 0.68443 1.104 1 109.4 1479.5 1.6308 22.14 176.66 2406.1 0.64024 1.114 1 110.4 1480.9 1.4941 21.942 175.08 2207.2 0.7221 1.124 1 111.4 1482 1.4623 21.944 175.1 2161.7 0.74114 1.134 1 112.4 1483 1.5342 21.146 168.73 2269.3 0.69808 1.144 1 113.4 1482.7 1.5514 22.148 176.73 2294.1 0.68778 1.154 1 114.4 1483.4 1.5366 22.251 177.54 2273.4 0.69665 1.164 1 115.4 1481.9 1.5404 22.353 178.36 2276.9 0.69437 1.174 1 116.4 1480.2 1.558 22.655 180.77 2300.3 0.68383 1.184 1 117.4 1489.4 1.5489 23.357 186.37 2301 0.68928 1.194 1 118.4 1500.6 1.627 24.159 192.78 2435 0.64252 1.204 1 119.4 1496.5 1.5767 24.962 199.18 2353.3 0.67263 1.214 1 120.4 1491.5 1.6052 25.664 204.78 2387.6 0.65557 1.224 1 121.4 1497.7 1.5898 26.266 209.59 2374.7 0.66479 1.234 1 122.4 1512.3 1.6548 26.868 214.39 2495.7 0.62587 1.244 1 123.4 1511.9 1.6702 27.27 217.6 2518.9 0.61665 1.254 1 124.4 1513.7 1.6909 27.373 218.42 2552.2 0.60425 1.264 1 125.4 1517 1.6949 27.075 216.04 2563.8 0.60186 1.274 1 126.4 1515.6 1.6869 26.477 211.27 2550.4 0.60665 1.284 1 127.4 1510.6 1.6565 25.779 205.7 2496 0.62485 1.294 1 128.4 1501.4 1.6194 25.381 202.53 2425.2 0.64707 1.304 1 129.4 1496.4 1.5565 24.984 199.35 2323.7 0.68473 1.314 1 130.4 1501.8 1.6313 24.286 193.78 2443.9 0.63994 1.324 1 131.4 1505.5 1.6553 23.388 186.62 2485.5 0.62557 1.334 1 132.4 1505.6 1.6541 22.79 181.85 2485.6 0.62629 1.344 1 133.4 1501.4 1.6192 21.992 175.48 2425 0.64719 1.354 1 134.4 1499.8 1.6346 21.695 173.11 2446.6 0.63796 1.364 1 135.4 1500.7 1.6252 21.597 172.33 2432.8 0.64359 1.374 1 136.4 1498.9 1.6237 21.799 173.94 2429.1 0.64449 1.384 1 137.4 1500.3 1.6396 22.101 176.35 2454.8 0.63497 1.394 1 138.4 1500.7 1.6428 22.803 181.96 2459.8 0.63305 1.404 1 139.4 1498.8 1.6494 23.506 187.56 2466.8 0.6291 1.414 1 140.4 1493.3 1.6524 24.408 194.76 2461.6 0.62731 1.424 1 141.4 1495.9 1.6469 25.01 199.56 2458.6 0.6306 1.434 1 142.4 1.7909 25.412 202.77 0.54437 1.444 1 143.4 1498 1.6978 25.614 204.39 2530.2 0.60012 1.454 1 144.4 1481.6 1.614 25.516 203.6 2386.4 0.6503 1.464 1 145.4 1483.6 1.5793 25.319 202.03 2337.9 0.67108 1.474 1 146.4 1486.3 1.5983 25.121 200.45 2371.3 0.6597 1.484 1 147.4 1488.3 1.5926 24.923 198.87 2366.3 0.66311 1.494 1 148.4 1485 1.6026 24.825 198.09 2375.1 0.65713 1.504 1 149.4 1493.5 1.5863 24.927 198.91 2365.5 0.66689 1.514 1 150.4 1.5703 24.93 198.92 0.67647 1.524 1 151.4 1.5763 24.832 198.14 0.67287 1.534 1 152.4 1.6059 24.734 197.36 0.65515 1.544 1 153.4 1.5065 24.436 194.99 0.71467 1.554 2 0 24.338 194.21 1.564 2 1 1.6098 24.441 195.02 0.65281 1.574 2 2 1.6069 24.743 197.43 0.65455 1.584 2 3 1.5735 25.045 199.84 0.67455 1.594 2 4 1.6053 25.447 203.05 0.65551 1.604 2 5 1.6268 26.049 207.86 0.64263 1.614 2 6 1509.2 1.6843 27.052 215.85 2535.5 0.6082 1.624 2 7 1523.2 1.7121 28.254 225.45 2601.3 0.59156 1.634 2 8 1506.2 1.6493 29.356 234.24 2478 0.62916 1.644 2 9 1502.3 1.635 30.058 239.85 2449.8 0.63772 1.654 2 10 1503.1 1.6705 30.36 242.26 2504.5 0.61647 1.664 2 11 1.9226 30.063 239.88 0.46551 1.674 2 12 1529.7 1.7067 29.565 235.91 2603.3 0.59479 1.684 2 13 1537.7 1.7431 27.667 220.76 2673.5 0.57299 1.694 2 14 1530.8 1.7368 27.469 219.19 2650.8 0.57677 1.704 2 15 1514.8 1.6916 26.371 210.43 2556.3 0.60383 1.714 2 16 1511.8 1.691 25.474 203.26 2550.1 0.60419 1.724 2 17 1501.7 1.6457 24.876 198.49 2465.9 0.63132 1.734 2 18 1492.7 1.6251 24.278 193.72 2421.3 0.64365 1.744 2 19 1498.1 1.6447 23.88 190.55 2458.5 0.63192 1.754 2 20 1508.5 1.6798 23.782 189.77 2528.1 0.6109 1.764 2 21 1511.2 1.6808 23.785 189.79 2534.6 0.6103 1.774 2 22 1510.4 1.6888 23.787 189.8 2544.6 0.60551 1.784 2 23 1.6611 23.389 186.63 0.6221 1.794 2 24 1.6384 22.991 183.45 0.63569 1.804 2 25 1.587 22.293 177.89 0.66647 1.814 2 26 1.572 21.596 172.32 0.67545 1.824 2 27 1.567 21.098 168.35 0.67844 1.834 2 28 1.562 20.7 165.17 0.68144 1.844 2 29 1.5801 20.302 162 0.6706 1.854 2 30 1486.8 1.5797 20.104 160.42 2343.7 0.67084 1.864 2 31 1486 1.5873 19.807 158.04 2353.4 0.66629 1.874 2 32 1484.3 1.5783 19.409 154.87 2338.2 0.67168 1.884 2 33 1486.8 1.5828 19.211 153.29 2348.3 0.66898 1.894 2 34 1484.9 1.5739 18.913 150.91 2331.9 0.67431 1.904 2 35 1485.4 1.5793 18.615 148.54 2341.5 0.67108 1.914 2 36 1485.6 1.5826 18.418 146.96 2346.4 0.6691 1.924 2 37 1484.7 1.5772 18.22 145.38 2336.8 0.67234 1.934 2 38 1483.7 1.565 18.122 144.6 2317.4 0.67964 1.944 2 39 1490.8 1.6028 18.124 144.62 2384.7 0.65701 1.954 2 40 1492 1.6053 18.126 144.64 2390.1 0.65551 1.964 2 41 1492.2 1.6009 18.129 144.65 2383.7 0.65814 1.974 2 42 1487.9 1.5708 18.031 143.87 2332.7 0.67617 1.984 2 43 1487.5 1.5745 18.233 145.49 2336.9 0.67395 1.994 2 44 1500.6 1.6224 18.235 145.5 2428.3 0.64527 2.004 2 45 1509.2 1.6435 18.337 146.32 2474.6 0.63263 2.014 2 46 1496.6 1.5893 18.14 144.74 2372.1 0.66509 2.024 2 47 1488.1 1.5847 17.942 143.16 2352.8 0.66784 2.034 2 48 1487 1.5839 17.744 141.59 2350 0.66832 2.044 2 49 1486.2 1.5897 17.646 140.8 2356.8 0.66485 2.054 2 50 1483.3 1.5664 17.648 140.82 2317.5 0.6788 2.064 2 51 1481.8 1.5569 17.551 140.04 2301.7 0.68449 2.074 2 52 1482.7 1.5638 17.653 140.86 2313.4 0.68036 2.084 2 53 1482.5 1.5655 17.655 140.88 2315.8 0.67934 2.094 2 54 1482.9 1.5737 17.657 140.89 2327.9 0.67443 2.104 2 55 1484.5 1.5772 17.659 140.91 2336 0.67234 2.114 2 56 1485.2 1.5805 17.762 141.73 2342.5 0.67036 2.124 2 57 1487 1.5888 17.864 142.54 2357.4 0.66539 2.134 2 58 1489.2 1.5888 17.966 143.36 2360.6 0.66539 2.144 2 59 1490 1.5929 18.168 144.97 2368.3 0.66293 2.154 2 60 1489.3 1.5925 18.37 146.58 2366.5 0.66317 2.164 2 61 1487.7 1.5792 18.473 147.4 2343.5 0.67114 2.174 2 62 1491.4 1.5987 18.675 149.01 2378.7 0.65946 2.184 2 63 1497 1.5994 18.677 149.03 2387.9 0.65904 2.194 2 64 1488.3 1.5963 18.779 149.85 2370.1 0.6609 2.204 2 65 1492.2 1.6045 18.781 149.86 2388.8 0.65599 2.214 2 66 1492.7 1.5854 18.684 149.08 2360.6 0.66743 2.224 2 67 1490.7 1.5983 18.586 148.3 2376.5 0.6597 2.234 2 68 1492.5 1.5856 18.288 145.93 2360.9 0.66731 2.244 2 69 1483.9 1.5744 18.19 145.15 2331.4 0.67401 2.254 2 70 1.5736 17.992 143.57 0.67449 2.264 2 71 1.5646 17.995 143.58 0.67988 2.274 2 72 1.5827 17.697 141.21 0.66904 2.284 2 73 1.643 17.399 138.83 0.63293 2.294 2 74 1.5936 17.001 135.66 0.66251 2.304 2 75 1479.9 1.5557 16.603 132.48 2297.7 0.68521 2.314 2 76 1483.7 1.5557 16.506 131.7 2302.4 0.68521 2.324 2 77 1481 1.5639 16.308 130.12 2311.4 0.6803 2.334 2 78 1478.2 1.5337 16.11 128.55 2262.2 0.69838 2.344 2 79 1479.1 1.5509 16.112 128.56 2289.1 0.68808 2.354 2 80 1479.3 1.5405 16.014 127.78 2273.5 0.69431 2.364 2 81 1478.1 1.5414 16.016 127.8 2273.1 0.69377 2.374 2 82 1478.8 1.5544 16.019 127.82 2293.8 0.68599 2.384 2 83 1480.1 1.5565 16.121 128.63 2298.5 0.68473 2.394 2 84 1478.2 1.5453 16.223 129.45 2278.8 0.69144 2.404 2 85 1477.7 1.5474 16.225 129.47 2281.7 0.69018 2.414 2 86 1478.6 1.5387 16.227 129.48 2270.7 0.69539 2.424 2 87 1479.3 1.5544 16.23 129.5 2295.4 0.68599 2.434 2 88 1479.8 1.5438 16.232 129.52 2279.7 0.69234 2.444 2 89 1479.7 1.5573 16.134 128.74 2299.9 0.68425 2.454 2 90 1480.1 1.5539 16.336 130.35 2294.8 0.68629 2.464 2 91 1480.1 1.5535 16.238 129.57 2294.3 0.68653 2.474 2 92 1479.7 1.5567 16.341 130.39 2299 0.68461 2.484 2 93 1478.9 1.5543 16.443 131.2 2294.1 0.68605 2.494 2 94 1480 1.5608 16.445 131.22 2305.5 0.68216 2.504 2 95 1480.2 1.5587 16.447 131.24 2302.4 0.68341 2.514 2 96 1480.8 1.5624 16.349 130.46 2309.4 0.6812 2.524 2 97 1480.3 1.5642 16.352 130.48 2311.8 0.68012 2.534 2 98 1479.7 1.5619 16.354 130.49 2306.9 0.6815 2.544 2 99 1479.2 1.5494 16.356 130.51 2288.4 0.68898 2.554 2 100 1479.3 1.5592 16.458 131.33 2302.7 0.68311 2.564 2 101 1479.8 1.5644 16.46 131.34 2310.4 0.68 2.574 2 102 1480.1 1.549 16.563 132.16 2287.6 0.68922 2.584 2 103 1479.5 1.548 16.665 132.97 2286.1 0.68982 2.594 2 104 1479.1 1.5617 16.667 132.99 2306.4 0.68162 2.604 2 105 1479.6 1.5609 16.769 133.81 2305.2 0.6821 2.614 2 106 1478.8 1.5501 16.771 133.83 2289.2 0.68856 2.624 2 107 1479.7 1.5686 16.774 133.84 2318.1 0.67748 2.634 2 108 1479.9 1.5567 16.676 133.06 2300.5 0.68461 2.644 2 109 1478.7 1.5499 16.578 132.28 2288.7 0.68868 2.654 2 110 1479.4 1.5605 16.58 132.3 2305.7 0.68234 2.664 2 111 1479.1 1.5545 16.682 133.11 2296.7 0.68593 2.674 2 112 1478 1.5537 16.685 133.13 2293.7 0.68641 2.684 2 113 1479.2 1.5499 16.687 133.15 2289.6 0.68868 2.694 2 114 1479.9 1.5677 16.689 133.17 2316.9 0.67802 2.704 2 115 1479.5 1.5488 16.691 133.19 2288.9 0.68934 2.714 2 116 1479.8 1.5605 16.693 133.2 2306.4 0.68234 2.724 2 117 1479.9 1.5565 16.696 133.22 2300.7 0.68473 2.734 2 118 1482.1 1.5592 16.698 133.24 2307.9 0.68311 2.744 2 119 1482.4 1.5588 16.7 133.26 2307.5 0.68335 2.754 2 120 1481.1 1.5641 16.802 134.07 2314 0.68018 2.764 2 121 1481.4 1.566 16.804 134.09 2316.8 0.67904 2.774 2 122 1481.2 1.5639 16.707 133.31 2313.9 0.6803 2.784 2 123 1481.5 1.5651 16.709 133.33 2315.9 0.67958 2.794 2 124 1482 1.5507 16.611 132.54 2295 0.6882 2.804 2 125 1481.4 1.5607 16.513 131.76 2310 0.68222 2.814 2 126 1482.5 1.5584 16.615 132.58 2306.8 0.68359 2.824 2 127 1482.1 1.5539 16.618 132.6 2300.6 0.68629 2.834 2 128 1483.9 1.5673 16.72 133.41 2322.6 0.67826 2.844 2 129 1483.1 1.5633 16.622 132.63 2315.6 0.68066 2.854 2 130 1483.2 1.5775 16.724 133.45 2337.2 0.67216 2.864 2 131 1483.8 1.5768 16.726 133.47 2336.6 0.67257 2.874 2 132 1483.3 1.5802 16.529 131.89 2342.1 0.67054 2.884 2 133 1483.1 1.5737 16.531 131.9 2331.1 0.67443 2.894 2 134 1482 1.5592 16.433 131.12 2308.3 0.68311 2.904 2 135 1482.5 1.5725 16.435 131.14 2328.6 0.67515 2.914 2 136 1483 1.5787 16.437 131.16 2338.6 0.67144 2.924 2 137 1483.3 1.5701 16.44 131.18 2326.3 0.67659 2.934 2 138 1484.1 1.5698 16.442 131.19 2326.7 0.67677 2.944 2 139 1483.1 1.5749 16.444 131.21 2333.1 0.67371 2.954 2 140 1485.8 1.5808 16.446 131.23 2345.7 0.67018 2.964 2 141 1486.6 1.5916 16.448 131.25 2363.7 0.66371 2.974 2 142 1485 1.5747 16.451 131.26 2336.3 0.67383 2.984 2 143 1484.1 1.5814 16.453 131.28 2345.3 0.66982 2.994 2 144 1481.9 1.5587 16.255 129.7 2307.6 0.68341 3.004 2 145 1483.6 1.5639 16.257 129.72 2318 0.6803 3.014 2 146 1485.7 1.5718 16.359 130.54 2333.9 0.67557 3.024 2 147 1493.5 1.5438 15.562 124.17 2304.2 0.69234 3.034 2 148 1.5241 14.864 118.6 0.70413 3.044 2 149 1.5143 14.166 113.04 0.71 3.054 2 150 13.268 105.87 3.064 2 151 13.07 104.29 3.074 3 0.4 13.473 107.5 3.084 3 1.4 1.4876 14.375 114.7 0.72599 3.094 3 2.4 1.5289 15.177 121.1 0.70126 3.104 3 3.4 1.5192 15.779 125.91 0.70707 3.114 3 4.4 1.5288 16.181 129.12 0.70132 3.124 3 5.4 1485.1 1.5384 16.384 130.73 2280.8 0.69557 3.134 3 6.4 1484.1 1.563 16.586 132.34 2315 0.68084 3.144 3 7.4 1484.1 1.5655 16.588 132.36 2318.6 0.67934 3.154 3 8.4 1483.3 1.5598 16.59 132.38 2308.6 0.68275 3.164 3 9.4 1481.7 1.5415 16.492 131.6 2279 0.69371 3.174 3 10.4 1482.3 1.5512 16.395 130.82 2293.6 0.6879 3.184 3 11.4 1482.4 1.5494 16.397 130.84 2291.3 0.68898 3.194 3 12.4 1479.3 1.5356 16.499 131.65 2266.7 0.69725 3.204 3 13.4 1480.4 1.5322 16.501 131.67 2263.5 0.69928 3.214 3 14.4 1482.7 1.5466 16.403 130.89 2288 0.69066 3.224 3 15.4 1485 1.5653 16.506 131.7 2319.1 0.67946 3.234 3 16.4 1483.9 1.5437 16.508 131.72 2285.7 0.6924 3.244 3 17.4 1484.9 1.5418 16.61 132.54 2284.7 0.69353 3.254 3 18.4 1486.9 1.5598 16.512 131.76 2314.3 0.68275 3.264 3 19.4 1489.6 1.5665 16.514 131.77 2327.6 0.67874 3.274 3 20.4 1490.4 1.5683 16.516 131.79 2331.9 0.67766 3.284 3 21.4 1492.7 1.5954 16.519 131.81 2377.3 0.66144 3.294 3 22.4 1493.5 1.5867 16.621 132.62 2364.3 0.66665 3.304 3 23.4 1498.2 1.6168 16.723 133.44 2417.2 0.64862 3.314 3 24.4 1502.5 1.6354 16.825 134.25 2452 0.63748 3.324 3 25.4 1507.3 1.642 16.927 135.07 2470.1 0.63353 3.334 3 26.4 1524.2 1.7126 17.33 138.28 2605.2 0.59126 3.344 3 27.4 1521.2 1.6823 17.132 136.7 2553.7 0.6094 3.354 3 28.4 1518.2 1.6574 17.334 138.31 2510.7 0.62431 3.364 3 29.4 1540.1 1.7237 17.536 139.93 2648.2 0.58461 3.374 3 30.4 1553 1.792 17.638 140.74 2776.4 0.54371 3.384 3 31.4 1541.6 1.7465 17.541 139.96 2686.8 0.57096 3.394 3 32.4 1535.3 1.7422 17.343 138.38 2669.1 0.57353 3.404 3 33.4 1544 1.755 17.1 136.45 2703.9 0.56587 3.414 3 34.4 1538.5 1.7485 16.947 135.23 2684.4 0.56976 3.424 3 35.4 1505.5 1.5936 16.549 132.05 2394 0.66251 3.434 3 36.4 1485.5 1.539 16.352 130.48 2282.3 0.69521 3.444 3 37.4 1487.8 1.5586 16.254 129.7 2314.5 0.68347 3.454 3 38.4 1493.3 1.5912 16.556 132.11 2371.2 0.66395 3.464 3 39.4 1492.8 1.6032 16.858 134.52 2389.3 0.65677 3.474 3 40.4 1487.8 1.5755 17.46 139.32 2340 0.67335 3.484 3 41.4 1485.6 1.5765 18.063 144.13 2338.3 0.67275 3.494 3 42.4 1487.3 1.5936 18.965 151.33 2365.3 0.66251 3.504 3 43.4 1494.4 1.6184 19.667 156.93 2415.3 0.64766 3.514 3 44.4 1501.4 1.6679 20.269 161.74 2499.9 0.61802 3.524 3 45.4 1510.2 1.6973 20.271 161.75 2558 0.60042 3.534 3 46.4 1503.7 1.6479 19.874 158.58 2473.3 0.63 3.544 3 47.4 1490.3 1.5929 19.376 154.61 2369.8 0.66293 3.554 3 48.4 1489.4 1.5968 18.878 150.63 2373.9 0.6606 3.564 3 49.4 1489.3 1.6067 18.58 148.26 2388.7 0.65467 3.574 3 50.4 1490.3 1.5939 18.382 146.68 2371.3 0.66234 3.584 3 51.4 1487.9 1.5764 18.185 145.1 2342 0.67281 3.594 3 52.4 1485.4 1.5661 18.087 144.32 2322 0.67898 3.604 3 53.4 1484 1.5586 17.889 142.74 2309.1 0.68347 3.614 3 54.4 1483.5 1.5677 17.891 142.76 2322.3 0.67802 3.624 3 55.4 1485.7 1.5707 17.993 143.58 2329.7 0.67623 3.634 3 56.4 1486.1 1.5641 18.296 145.99 2319.7 0.68018 3.644 3 57.4 1486.6 1.5881 18.698 149.2 2357.1 0.66581 3.654 3 58.4 1489.5 1.5908 19.3 154 2366 0.66419 3.664 3 59.4 1492.9 1.6116 19.902 158.81 2401.8 0.65174 3.674 3 60.4 1495.9 1.6326 20.504 163.61 2438.4 0.63916 3.684 3 61.4 1496.6 1.6279 21.007 167.62 2432.8 0.64198 3.694 3 62.4 1493.4 1.6167 21.409 170.83 2410.7 0.64868 3.704 3 63.4 1494.9 1.6255 21.711 173.24 2425.7 0.64341 3.714 3 64.4 1498.2 1.6408 22.213 177.25 2453.8 0.63425 3.724 3 65.4 1501.7 1.6505 22.515 179.66 2475.1 0.62844 3.734 3 66.4 1505.9 1.6783 22.618 180.47 2523.5 0.6118 3.744 3 67.4 1509.3 1.6965 22.42 178.9 2555.9 0.6009 3.754 3 68.4 1507.9 1.6885 22.322 178.11 2541.9 0.60569 3.764 3 69.4 1495.1 1.5878 22.724 181.32 2370.8 0.66599 3.774 3 70.4 1488.8 1.5897 23.326 186.13 2363.5 0.66485 3.784 3 71.4 1493.9 1.6195 24.629 196.52 2415.8 0.64701 3.794 3 72.4 1502.2 1.6725 25.631 204.52 2508.6 0.61527 3.804 3 73.4 1511.8 1.6991 26.733 213.31 2566.2 0.59934 3.814 3 74.4 1515.1 1.7193 27.535 219.71 2601.9 0.58725 3.824 3 75.4 1515 1.7141 28.037 223.72 2593.8 0.59036 3.834 3 76.4 1512.9 1.7103 28.24 225.33 2584.5 0.59263 3.844 3 77.4 1514.9 1.7105 28.442 226.95 2588.4 0.59251 3.854 3 78.4 1515.5 1.7137 28.544 227.76 2593.2 0.5906 3.864 3 79.4 1513 1.7203 28.646 228.58 2599.8 0.58665 3.874 3 80.4 1513.9 1.7111 28.648 228.6 2587.2 0.59216 3.884 3 81.4 1513.3 1.7098 28.751 229.41 2585 0.59293 3.894 3 82.4 1511.6 1.7081 28.853 230.23 2578.9 0.59395 3.904 3 83.4 1512 1.6882 28.7 229.01 2549.8 0.60587 3.914 3 84.4 1515.6 1.7136 29.557 235.85 2594.6 0.59066 3.924 3 85.4 1525.3 1.7266 30.159 240.65 2630.8 0.58287 3.934 3 86.4 1547.4 1.7788 30.862 246.26 2749.1 0.55162 3.944 3 87.4 1566.8 1.8312 31.564 251.86 2865.2 0.52024 3.954 3 88.4 1578.2 1.8615 32.166 256.66 2933.1 0.5021 3.964 3 89.4 1583.9 1.8633 32.768 261.47 2946.6 0.50102 3.974 3 90.4 1572.2 1.8421 33.37 266.27 2891.8 0.51371 3.984 3 91.4 1564.9 1.8361 33.873 270.28 2870 0.51731 3.994 3 92.4 1571 1.8356 34.175 272.69 2879.5 0.5176 4.004 3 93.4 1575.7 1.8575 34.277 273.51 2922.6 0.50449 4.014 3 94.4 1575.9 1.8441 34.179 272.73 2901.8 0.51251 4.024 3 95.4 1575.7 1.853 34.081 271.95 2915.5 0.50719 4.034 3 96.4 1574.2 1.8433 34.084 271.96 2898.1 0.51299 4.044 3 97.4 1581.4 1.8465 34.486 275.17 2915.8 0.51108 4.054 3 98.4 1599.3 1.8908 35.088 279.98 3018.6 0.48455 4.064 3 99.4 1598.4 1.8994 36.19 288.77 3032.1 0.4794 4.074 3 100.4 1590.3 1.8747 38.392 306.35 2977.1 0.49419 4.084 3 101.4 1578.6 1.8508 42.295 337.48 2917.8 0.5085 4.094 3 102.4 1579.7 1.8534 48.397 386.17 2924.3 0.50695 4.104 3 103.4 1591.8 1.8739 56.099 447.63 2979.6 0.49467 4.114 3 104.4 1586.3 1.8622 61.101 487.55 2950.5 0.50168 4.124 3 105.4 1567.4 1.8322 58.303 465.22 2869 0.51964 4.134 3 106.4 1561.8 1.8227 51.706 412.58 2843.6 0.52533 4.144 3 107.4 1569.3 1.8477 47.208 376.69 2896.9 0.51036 4.154 3 108.4 1575.7 1.8488 45.41 362.34 2910.7 0.5097 4.164 3 109.4 1577.1 1.8427 46.212 368.74 2902.9 0.51335 4.174 3 110.4 1576.7 1.8523 49.314 393.5 2917.5 0.5076 4.184 3 111.4 1572.1 1.8478 55.416 442.19 2902.5 0.5103 4.194 3 112.4 1582 1.8466 65.619 523.59 2918.6 0.51102 4.204 3 113.4 1590.7 1.8575 80.921 645.7 2950.8 0.50449 4.214 3 114.4 1589.9 1.8808 101.02 806.1 2987.8 0.49054 4.224 3 115.4 1577.5 1.8536 121.23 967.3 2921.1 0.50683 4.234 3 116.4 1574 1.8533 131.43 1048.7 2914.3 0.50701 4.244 3 117.4 1575.2 1.8524 122.83 980.1 2915 0.50754 4.254 3 118.4 1578.6 1.8417 102.13 814.95 2904.5 0.51395 4.264 3 119.4 1585.6 1.854 82.134 655.38 2936.7 0.50659 4.274 3 120.4 1594.5 1.8617 66.536 530.92 2965.9 0.50198 4.284 3 121.4 1595.6 1.8959 55.238 440.77 3022.9 0.4815 4.294 3 122.4 1583.8 1.8778 47.941 382.54 2970.3 0.49234 4.304 3 123.4 1595.1 1.8599 43.543 347.44 2963.6 0.50305 4.314 3 124.4 1593.7 1.9035 40.645 324.32 3030.3 0.47695 4.324 3 125.4 1590.9 1.8716 38.847 309.98 2975.4 0.49605 4.334 3 126.4 1589.1 1.8795 37.749 301.22 2983.9 0.49132 4.344 3 127.4 1571.9 1.8478 37.152 296.45 2903.8 0.5103 4.354 3 128.4 1572.7 1.8508 36.754 293.27 2908.6 0.5085 4.364 3 129.4 1574.3 1.8337 36.656 292.49 2885.9 0.51874 4.374 3 130.4 1579.5 1.857 36.658 292.51 2931.3 0.50479 4.384 3 131.4 1594.9 1.8845 36.86 294.12 3003 0.48832 4.394 3 132.4 1607.1 1.9162 37.063 295.74 3076.7 0.46934 4.404 3 133.4 1612.1 1.9194 37.565 299.74 3091.2 0.46743 4.414 3 134.4 1606.3 1.8921 37.867 302.15 3037.1 0.48377 4.424 3 135.4 1602.8 1.8917 37.969 302.97 3030.1 0.48401 4.434 3 136.4 1599 1.9059 37.271 297.4 3045 0.47551 4.444 3 137.4 1588.6 1.8565 35.974 287.05 2947.4 0.50509 4.454 3 138.4 1568.2 1.8303 34.776 277.49 2868.9 0.52078 4.464 3 139.4 1575.4 1.8633 33.978 271.12 2934.4 0.50102 4.474 3 140.4 1585 1.862 33.28 265.55 2949.9 0.5018 4.484 3 141.4 1574.7 1.7698 32.482 259.19 2786.7 0.55701 4.494 3 142.4 1548.4 1.7444 31.485 251.23 2701.1 0.57222 4.504 3 143.4 1.7754 30.087 240.07 0.55365 4.514 3 144.4 1.8232 28.889 230.52 0.52503 4.524 3 145.4 1.8071 26.891 214.57 0.53467 4.534 3 146.4 24.293 193.85 4.544 3 147.4 21.296 169.93