# Foraminiferal Shell Weight and Measurement Data from the Gulf Alaska over the past 20,000 years #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 4.0 # Encoding: UTF-8 # NOTE: Please cite original publication, NOAA Landing Page URL, dataset and publication DOIs (where available), and date accessed when using downloaded data. # If there is no publication information, please cite investigator, study title, NOAA Landing Page URL, and date accessed. # # Description/Documentation lines begin with '#' followed by a space # Data lines have no '#' # # NOAA_Landing_Page: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/35033 # Landing_Page_Description: NOAA Landing Page of this file's parent study, which includes all study metadata. # # Study_Level_JSON_Metadata: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/metadata/published/paleo/json/noaa-ocean-35033.json # Study_Level_JSON_Description: JSON metadata of this data file's parent study, which includes all study metadata. # # Data_Type: Paleoceanography # # Dataset_DOI: https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.b8gtht7c3 # # Science_Keywords: #--------------------------------------- # Resource_Links # # Data_Download_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/contributions_by_author/payne2021/payne2021_SNW.txt # Data_Download_Description: NOAA Template File; Shell Weight Data # #--------------------------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2021-12-10 #--------------------------------------- # File_Last_Modified_Date # Date: 2021-12-10 #--------------------------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Foraminiferal Shell Weight and Measurement Data from the Gulf Alaska over the past 20,000 years #--------------------------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Payne, Calie; Belanger, Christina #--------------------------------------- # Description_Notes_and_Keywords # Description: Data was generated from 4 sites: IODP_U1419, IODP_U1418, EW0408-85JC, EW0408-87JC. Data are archived DRYAD at https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.b8gtht7c3. CT images are archived at https://www.morphosource.org/projects/000346774. # Provided Keywords: benthic foraminifera, planktonic foraminifera, dissolution, organic matter respiration, deglacial, dysoxia #--------------------------------------- # Publication # Authors: Calie R. Payne, Christina L. Belanger # Published_Date_or_Year: 2021 # Published_Title: Enhanced carbonate dissolution associated with deglacial dysoxic events in the subpolar North Pacific # Journal_Name: Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology # Volume: 36 # Edition: # Issue: 4 # Pages: # Report_Number: e2020PA004206 # DOI: 10.1029/2020PA004206 # Online_Resource: https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1029/2020PA004206 # Full_Citation: # Abstract: Here we use volume density (?V) measurements as a metric of size-normalized weights for Neogloboquadrina pachyderma, a planktonic foraminifer, from upper OMZ and abyssal depth sites in the Gulf of Alaska over the past ~20,000 years to test for covariation between carbonate preservation and OMZ intensity. We find that dissolution of N. pachyderma is most intense at the upper OMZ site where oxygenation is generally lower than at the abyssal site. We also examine Uvigerina peregrina, a benthic foraminifer, at the upper OMZ site and find that the lowest ?V measurements in both taxa occur during deglacial and early Holocene dysoxic events. We use computed tomography images to confirm that changes in ?V are related to shell thickness, observe dissolution features, and test for growth influences on ?V. Further, we use stepwise selection of multiple regression models in which co-registered environmental proxies are potential predictors of ?V and find that the best supported models retain negative associations between ?V and the concentration of redox sensitive metals and the relative abundance of dysoxia-tolerant and opportunistic benthic foraminifera, indicating that low ?V is associated with low-oxygen conditions and pulsed availability of organic matter at the seafloor. Taken together, our results suggest the primary driver of carbonate dissolution here is related to organic carbon respiration at the seafloor. This highlights the importance of metabolic dissolution in understanding the inorganic carbon cycle and the role regions with high organic carbon export, such as OMZs, can have as CO2 sources as metabolic dissolution intensifies. #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: National Science Foundation # Grant: 1502746 #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: National Science Foundation # Grant: 1801511 #--------------------------------------- # Site_Information # Site_Name: IODP_U1419, IODP_U1418, EW0408-85JC, EW0408-87JC # Location: Gulf of Alaska # Northernmost_Latitude: 59.55 # Southernmost_Latitude: 58.8 # Easternmost_Longitude: -144.13 # Westernmost_Longitude: -144.5 # Elevation_m: #--------------------------------------- # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: ShellWeight_belanger2021 # First_Year: 20405 # Last_Year: 5784 # Time_Unit: cal yr BP # Core_Length_m: # Parameter_Keywords: # Notes: Data from IODP_U1419, EW0408-85JC, IODP_U1418, EW0408-87JC #--------------------------------------- # Chronology_Information # Chronology: # Chronology from Walczak et al., 2020; https://science.sciencemag.org/cgi/doi/10.1126/science.aba7096 and Du et al., 2018; https://doi.org/10.1038/s41561-018-0205-6 #--------------------------------------- # Variables # PaST_Thesaurus_Download_Resource: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/skos/past-thesaurus.rdf # PaST_Thesaurus_Download_Description: Paleoenvironmental Standard Terms (PaST) Thesaurus terms, definitions, and relationships in SKOS format. # # Data variables follow that are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-var components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, data type, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) # ## sampleID sample identification,,,,,Paleoceanography,,,C,Notation:Site-Hole-Core-Interval in centimeters ## Depth depth,,,meter,,Paleoceanography,,,N,ccsf_b ## age age,,,calendar year before present,,Paleoceanography,,,N, ## Mo_Al molybdenum/aluminum,sediment,,parts per million,,Paleoceanography,,inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry,N,parts per million/weight % ## U_Al uranium/aluminum,sediment,,parts per million,,Paleoceanography,,inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry,N,parts per million/weight % ## d13CNpachy delta 13C,Neogloboquadrina pachyderma,,per mil VPDB,,Paleoceanography,,,N,0.02 permil standard deviation ## d18ONpachy delta 18O,Neogloboquadrina pachyderma,,per mil VPDB,,Paleoceanography,,,N,0.03 permil standard deviation ## Foram_per_gram total benthic foraminifers,benthic foraminifer,,count per gram,,Paleoceanography,,,N,Number of benthic foraminifera per gram of sediment ## OppoForam foraminiferal index,benthic foraminifer,,fraction,,Paleoceanography,,,N,proportional abundance of opportunistic foraminifera ## DysoxForam foraminiferal index,benthic foraminifer,,fraction,,Paleoceanography,,,N,proportional abundance of dysoxia-tolerant foraminifera ## SST sea surface temperature,alkenone,,degree Celsius,,paleoceanography; climate reconstructions,,,N,sea surface temperature interpolated from Praetorius et al. 2015: https://doi.org/10.1038/nature15753 ## Num_Npachy number of samples,Neogloboquadrina pachyderma,,count,,Paleoceanography,,,N,total number of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma weighed ## Weight_Npachy weight,Neogloboquadrina pachyderma,,microgram,,Paleoceanography,,,N,total weight of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma ## Ave_Dia_Npachy diameter,Neogloboquadrina pachyderma,,micrometer,,Paleoceanography,,,N,average diameter of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma ## Ave_Vol_Npachy volume,Neogloboquadrina pachyderma,,cubic micrometer,,Paleoceanography,,,N,average volume of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma ## Vol_Den_Npachy density,Neogloboquadrina pachyderma,,microgram per cubic micrometer,,Paleoceanography,,,N,volume density of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma; Note: unit (microgram per cube micrometer) is mutipled by 10^-7; full unit is ug/um^3 x10^-7 ## CT_Avail_Npachy number of samples,Neogloboquadrina pachyderma,,count,,Paleoceanography,,,N,number of computed tomography scans available on MorphoSource ## Num_Uvi number of samples,Uvigerina peregrina,,count,,Paleoceanography,,,N,total number of Uvigerina peregrina weighed ## Weight_Uvi weight,Uvigerina peregrina,,microgram,,Paleoceanography,,,N,total weight of Uvigerina peregrina ## Ave_Length_Uvi length,Uvigerina peregrina,,micrometer,,Paleoceanography,,,N,average length of Uvigerina peregrina ## Ave_Width_Uvi width,Uvigerina peregrina,,micrometer,,Paleoceanography,,,N,average width of Uvigerina peregrina ## Ave_vol_Uvi volume,Uvigerina peregrina,,cubic micrometer,,Paleoceanography,,,N,average volume of Uvigerina peregrina ## Vol_Den_Uvi density,Uvigerina peregrina,,microgram per cubic micrometer,,Paleoceanography,,,N,volume density of Uvigerina peregrina; Note: unit (microgram per cube micrometer) is multiplied by 10^-7; full unit is ug/um^3 x10^-7 ## CT_Avail_Uvi number of samples,Uvigerina peregrina,,count,,Paleoceanography,,,N,number of computed tomography scans available on MorphoSource #------------------------ # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing_Values: NA sampleID depth age Mo_Al U_Al d13CNpachy d18ONpachy Foram_per_gram OppoForam DysoxForam SST Num_Npachy Weight_Npachy Ave_Dia_Npachy Ave_Vol_Npachy Vol_Den_Npachy CT_Avail_Npachy Num_Uvi Weight_Uvi Ave_Length_Uvi Ave_Width_Uvi Ave_vol_Uvi Vol_Den_Uvi CT_Avail_Uvi U1419.B.1.H.3.83.86 3.28759035 5784.012015 0.083394443 0.230469307 0.894963682 1.823894501 718.7039764 0.637295082 0 10.12644226 8 11.6 174.44375 22235907.13 5.169753958 0 7 68.3 415.7675 244.36 77993901.15 3.786928804 0 U1419.B.1.H.3.95.98 3.37309335 6030.970715 0.078843356 0.214188868 0.750310957 1.729598403 301.6122365 0.539473684 0.026315789 8.74893225 8 22.03 210.4625 39049257.82 5.42908904 0 8 71.9 422.01 240.64 76772954.24 4.639537241 0 U1419.B.1.H.3.116.119 3.54409935 6861.359795 0.091947715 0.232766116 0.852284372 1.916928172 1230.582401 0.473684211 0.005263158 8.739420357 10 29.5 205.689 36452037.6 6.37055475 0 10 93.93 489.222 236.836 86208737.79 4.041478212 0 U1419.B.1.H.3.135.138 3.71510535 7829.037285 0.119542952 0.315478107 0.540305257 2.021207094 572.3215836 0.40776699 0 9.521258397 10 25.3 213.4 40707258.45 4.912941546 3 9 110.93 496.1155556 266.7933333 110938595.5 4.36166679 2 U1419.B.1.H.3.140.143 3.80060835 8187.277535 0.11933314 0.276134599 0.498843879 2.156848431 1104.093567 0.451977401 0.005649718 9.813747171 10 25.033 214.476 41326127.72 4.757275479 0 8 100.93 495.53 259.235 104618164.9 4.437557008 0 U1419.B.1.H.4.10.13 3.94596345 8471.330555 0.118378509 0.283324937 0.267318606 1.671081066 872.0980534 0.232804233 0.018518519 9.964565031 10 30.8 194.946 31033559.76 7.610530212 0 8 100.1 480.505 255.4575 98511084.29 4.934705095 0 U1419.B.1.H.4.22.24 4.0442919 8873.15461 0.095707105 0.231369913 0.460128248 1.587894082 1314.231137 0.320930233 0.013953488 9.70998821 10 41 225.648 48126366.6 6.704677738 0 10 83.8 414.112 238.728 74143726.06 4.783535611 0 U1419.B.1.H.4.34.36 4.1468955 9044.0328 0.128243171 0.244632599 0.361503631 1.819006205 1483.234714 0.291793313 0.018237082 9.601727826 10 44.5 219.799 44480099.08 7.660930006 0 8 91.2 436.8925 252.0125 87170317.4 4.829178806 0 U1419.B.1.H.4.46.48 4.2494991 9259.64577 0.096150731 0.21260874 0.369904011 1.806486964 1257.086027 0.272151899 0.012658228 10.3187824 9 27.9 191.0955556 29230777.61 8.31273636 4 10 227.1 569.158 284.85 145082544.9 5.962892595 3 U1419.B.1.H.4.58.60 4.3521027 9585.04648 0.09276981 0.250932757 0.378693759 1.923921585 99.74895397 0.308724832 0.013422819 10.45567795 10 46.2 224.27 47250037.6 7.670721081 0 10 343.4 658.852 333.83 230668592.8 5.862861297 0 U1419.B.1.H.4.70.72 4.4547063 9831.29512 0.092833965 0.246141793 0.285310417 1.859957933 1404.70508 0.452427184 0.005825243 9.912937 10 37.6 210.592 39121384.56 7.336889611 0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA U1419.B.1.H.4.82.83 4.5573099 10282.1693 0.109292966 0.237074002 0.141911954 1.888848305 246.6294547 0.295264624 0 10.01035225 10 39.7 208.637 38041934.84 8.243529422 0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA EW0408.85JC.589.591 4.77600002 10715.34267 0.175088399 0.292400432 0.460326254 1.8939116 848.5623003 0.178714859 0.078313253 9.731383864 8 20.36 197.3525 32197081.44 5.891709734 0 9 493.4 782.3422222 400.5244444 394279952.4 5.664970638 0 EW0408.85JC.603.605 4.85540009 10996.31965 0.286623171 0.255676246 0.666372299 2.20122838 2604.019247 0.11826087 0.540869565 11.38553154 11 22.4 200.827 33927738.45 3.661006201 0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA U1419.B.1.H.4.118.120 4.8651207 11007.67592 0.47190373 0.374395988 0.468331784 1.845412135 1700.16331 0.151639344 0.385245902 11.41694584 12 25.4 227.3458333 49220906.36 3.070236711 0 3 64.9 641.4666667 397.44 318322337 2.433199829 0 EW0408.85JC.608.610 4.88993216 11248.97544 0.275684319 0.262815848 0.486451119 2.232464075 1744.645341 0.12244898 0.336734694 12.26496722 13 27.867 205.4341667 36316721.32 5.072818091 0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA EW0408.85JC.619.621 4.91084099 11818.81928 0.200674952 0.227789362 0.448306233 2.56358242 15487.47934 0.469008264 0.02892562 7.579410246 NA NA NA NA NA NA 2 29.96 567.52 279.86 139640920.6 4.335184575 0 U1419.B.1.H.4.130.132 4.9677243 12215.41825 0.185437847 0.290511809 0.461244047 2.353546381 1028.51131 0.203278689 0.216393443 7.580053027 10 61.6 249.851 65332892.36 7.431442767 0 10 280.4 677.994 314.652 210880642.6 5.084320675 0 U1419.B.1.H.4.136.138 5.0190261 12847.51499 0.278460271 0.320950334 0.422793478 2.484066725 4043.362768 0.211711712 0.387387387 6.678452223 10 50.8 238.833 57065235.11 6.964419464 0 4 54.4 544.08 256.21 112203082.3 4.598232201 0 U1419.B.1.H.4.142.144 5.0703279 13544.37756 0.263488296 0.351935828 0.198597699 2.660864115 4334.293948 0.224669604 0.440528634 8.405465 10 54.6 242.154 59478985.34 7.278811908 0 10 54.6 250.066 234.242 43105635.77 5.119671395 0 U1419.B.1.H.5.4.6 5.1729315 14012.2767 0.382581447 0.545844693 0.18953827 1.543552876 2228.128763 0.030995106 0.83360522 9.857125 8 25.1 232.46375 52620422.09 4.659699663 2 4 116.1 832.4 363.26 345077864.3 3.266556634 4 U1419.B.1.H.5.11.14 5.22850845 14193.21014 0.258103035 0.478961061 -0.143070325 1.873550534 1600 0.013114754 0.918032787 9.612174346 10 23.1 198.113 32570733.03 5.411450767 0 2 52.6 633.01 401.07 319890099.9 2.911396493 0 U1419.B.1.H.5.18.20 5.2926357 14277.95355 0.332349502 0.422194905 0.122687921 2.586816549 1254.545455 0.024813896 0.893300248 9.8 10 15.3 185.014 26527870.41 4.456316469 2 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA U1419.B.1.H.5.32.35 5.4123399 14876.48521 0.151112015 0.299345939 0.181221068 2.554286242 2489.154824 0.094230769 0.021153846 7.035784658 10 53.9 222.184 45943804.23 9.033292812 0 10 425.8 728.284 341.704 267147286.3 6.257194061 0 U1419.B.1.H.5.36.38 5.4465411 15126.82537 0.159755882 0.300945777 0.147800758 3.218161821 666.9278383 0.128978224 0.010050251 7.412949354 10 61.9 232.509 52651156.4 9.189180955 3 9 110.1 629.3333333 246.6244444 120254918.4 3.862534774 3 U1419.B.1.H.5.43.45 5.5063932 15421.45824 0.137723248 0.298500991 -0.096016467 3.356228113 1190.784584 0.082706767 0.015037594 6.487262224 9 64.5 261.3955556 74814057.07 7.557569524 0 10 141.4 631.97 258.524 132693017.1 4.425117962 0 U1419.B.1.H.5.58.60 5.6346477 15939.71816 0.140575544 0.273551255 0.00710206 3.536484957 831.1688312 0.124463519 0.030042918 6.057006817 10 64.3 237.9 56399069.06 8.936552004 0 10 221.6 675.738 292.102 181132873.1 4.186245729 0 U1419.D.2.H.1.130.134 6.035156577 16508.43842 0.133465966 0.253418799 -0.170130849 3.803013563 473.9754525 0.098484848 0.03030303 3.925556503 10 74.7 253.785 68467813.3 8.555211508 0 10 126.3 587.652 245.62 111377520.5 4.849296612 0 U1419.D.2.H.4.16.20 8.942258577 17573.8723 0.100744843 0.198697539 -0.20104076 3.742062807 39.69655041 0.163461538 0.048076923 4.593423243 10 89.7 264.702 77689133.46 9.115296921 0 10 292.7 657.298 325.954 219394033.9 4.616932586 0 U1419.D.2.H.4.102.104 9.626282577 17746.31413 0.126600913 0.216922865 -0.056917407 3.783704042 22.75789789 0.015037594 0.015037594 4.5 10 80.2 252.668 67567731.36 9.244800932 0 10 150.5 646.382 257.526 134673234.6 4.096846374 0 EW0408.87JC.177.179 1.22108 7234.344 0.06185524 0.196606557 0.82518363 1.986570716 12.2007722 0.240506329 0 NA 10 29.4 191.035 29202997.92 7.872543841 0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA EW0408.87JC.208.210 1.4135 8551.6 0.056547249 0.192178786 0.693555176 1.734999299 13.26725124 0.24137931 0 NA 10 28.4 204.358 35748970.58 6.210037241 0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA EW0408.87JC.224.226 1.564 10062.4 0.053731633 0.186607278 0.591759682 1.794080257 3.752605976 0.092592593 0 NA 10 45.3 208.334 37876432.45 9.392534751 0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA EW0408.87JC.236.238 1.637 10796.7 0.058003632 0.220553765 0.33511436 2.330202579 20.71591775 0.367647059 0.025735294 NA 7 13.3 172.4542857 21483774.44 6.51799507 0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA EW0408.87JC.240.242 1.658 11007 0.085184899 0.245188365 0.626762211 2.69592905 49.31506849 0.176245211 0.021072797 NA 10 35.9 219.244 44144007.83 6.300750812 0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA EW0408.87JC.246.248 1.688 11330 0.094330156 0.284976505 0.64 2.47 NA NA NA NA 10 60.6 228.368 49887800.26 9.421223548 0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA EW0408.87JC.252.254 1.718 11548.2 0.090986213 0.280012588 0.502633572 3.00346446 39.01734104 0.182716049 0 NA 10 42.3 220.988 45205854.58 7.258267487 0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA EW0408.87JC.271.273 1.932 12343.8 0.088426388 0.279646437 0.463830203 2.495503187 18.14580032 0.161572052 0.087336245 NA 10 32.7 217.419 43050786.6 5.931143325 0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA EW0408.87JC.280.282 2.0035 12702 0.095519015 0.29421937 0.285275578 2.929047823 37.0998843 0.249480249 0.008316008 NA 10 57 222.855 46361316.14 9.518564122 0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA EW0408.87JC.288.290 2.048 12996.6 0.104011766 0.286011679 0.42354396 2.796940565 39.31247245 0.219730942 0.031390135 NA 10 47.1 238.3 56684032.24 6.262848576 0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA EW0408.87JC.312.314 2.2125 13779.75 0.112443511 0.292530327 0.295918226 2.562800407 39.21568627 0.131481481 0.02037037 NA 10 68.7 267.626 80292229.73 6.746574344 0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA EW0408.87JC.328.330 2.3305 14196.45 0.112329781 0.277049718 0.427716553 2.541244984 26.36971047 0.158783784 0.040540541 NA 10 51.8 254.737 69241218.02 5.816664019 0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA EW0408.87JC.347.349 2.464 14797.8 0.121582109 0.265666972 0.26135236 3.321062088 27.93594306 0.076433121 0.003184713 NA 10 61.3 249.265 64874274.8 7.376966469 0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA EW0408.87JC.368.370 2.624 15228.8 0.141431806 0.249619277 0.289393336 3.682163 103.3255994 0.110778443 0 NA 10 61.6 262.82 76043805.47 6.390465203 0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA EW0408.87JC.397.399 2.791 15698.3 0.132271288 0.253801777 0.04566288 3.591198444 31.58723907 0.06234414 0 NA 10 52.2 256.407 70611955.93 5.794334097 3 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA EW0408.87JC.458.460 3.1725 16483.75 0.122033348 0.231155785 0.203094721 3.733737946 20.16616314 0.138576779 0 NA 10 55.1 242.332 59610245.32 7.15997793 0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA EW0408.87JC.538.540 3.8695 17047.85 0.073640726 0.209966112 0.36060527 3.873736143 22.18141755 0.033112583 0 NA 10 51.5 248.644 64390613.16 6.307991718 0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA U1418.D.2.H.5.116.120 10.68971475 17448 0.095978471 0.166868337 0.008683216 3.654343128 5.206896552 0.013245033 0 NA 10 68.5 236.951 55726818.18 9.468242171 0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA U1418.C.2.H.5.16.20 14.22071 17614.07065 0.07295198 0.177904727 -0.11 3.75 0.697722142 0.11 0 NA 9 29.8 184.7122222 26398272.57 9.751263806 3 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA U1418.D.3.H.3.6.10 16.09305555 17815.30556 0.087764799 0.165738311 -0.050343968 3.675127983 9.636363636 0.079245283 0 NA 10 86.9 275.842 87916378.15 7.829000553 0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA U1418.C.3.H.5.46.50 22.98794355 18099.58871 0.086860917 0.183929111 -0.106031679 3.597278595 10.50919148 0.040247678 0 NA 10 26.6 191.281 29315959.29 7.165777849 0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA U1418.D.4.H.2.86.90 24.75915585 18271.74676 0.081443908 0.183239806 0.13435109 3.743895769 32.33898305 0.07442348 0.002096436 NA 10 77.6 275.677 87758706.07 6.965838547 0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA U1418.D.4.H.3.136.140 26.51805585 18540.80559 0.090857287 0.167533384 -0.187425762 3.703043222 3 0.009259259 0.009259259 NA 10 90.8 263.784 76883643.81 9.189261457 0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA U1418.D.4.H.5.36.40 28.27695585 18812.08676 0.081903757 0.159581363 -0.194245502 3.653113842 6.136805867 0.004878049 0 NA 10 37.3 204.673 35914537.26 7.922263818 0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA U1418.C.4.H.5.6.10 31.91787885 19730.15154 0.08206076 0.191347702 -0.015085238 3.172437191 10.12987013 0.143589744 0 NA 10 69.5 257.474 71497153.14 7.684214334 0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA U1418.D.5.H.2.26.30 33.5457408 20405.01856 0.245208368 0.184971431 -0.068769604 3.549006939 16.92537313 0.084656085 0 NA 10 83.7 270.576 82976751.02 7.995242044 0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA