# James Ross Island, Antarctica Ice Core 2000 Year Annual Deuterium Data #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program # National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 3.0 # Encoding: UTF-8 # NOTE: Please cite Publication, and Online_Resource and date accessed when using these data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigators, Title, and Online_Resource and date accessed. # # Online_Resource: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/22478 # Description: NOAA Landing Page # Online_Resource: https://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/icecore/antarctica/james-ross-island/james-ross-island2012-2013dd.txt # Description: NOAA location of the template # # Original_Source_URL: https://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/pages2k/pages2k-temperature-v2-2017/data-version-2.0.0/Ant-JamesRossIsland.Mulvaney.2013.txt # Description: # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Archive: Ice Core # # Parameter_Keywords: hydrogen isotopes # # Dataset_DOI: # #------------------ # Contribution_Date # Date: 2017-05-19 #------------------ # File_Last_Modified_Date # Modified_Date: 2017-05-19 #------------------ # Title # Study_Name: James Ross Island, Antarctica Ice Core 2000 Year Annual Deuterium Data #------------------ # Investigators # Investigators: Abram, N.J.; Mulvaney, R.; Wolff, E.W.; Triest, J.; Kipfstuhl, S.; Trusel, L.D.; Vimeux, F.; Fleet, L.; Arrowsmith, C. #------------------ # Description_Notes_and_Keywords # Description: James Ross Island ice core deuterium data at annual resolution for the past 2,000 years. Data for past 1000 years from # https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/14201; data for first millennium CE from https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/13954 (centennial resolution) # plus this study (annual resolution). JRI ice core also has a melt-layer record covering 1000 - 2007 CE http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/14201 #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: Nerilie J. Abram, Robert Mulvaney, Eric W. Wolff, Jack Triest, Sepp Kipfstuhl, Luke D. Trusel, Francoise Vimeux, Louise Fleet, and Carol Arrowsmith # Published_Date_or_YEAR: 2013-04-14 # Published_Title: Acceleration of snowmelt in an Antarctic Peninsula ice core during the 20th century # Journal_Name: Nature Geoscience # Volume: 6 # Edition: # Issue: # Pages: 404-411 # DOI: 10.1038/ngeo1787 # Online_Resource: doi.org # Full_Citation: # Abstract: Over the past 50 years, warming of the Antarctic Peninsula has been accompanied by accelerating glacier mass loss and the retreat and collapse of ice shelves. A key driver of ice loss is summer melting; however, it is not usually possible to specifically reconstruct the summer conditions that are critical for determining ice melt in Antarctic. Here we reconstruct changes in ice-melt intensity and mean temperature on the northern Antarctic Peninsula since AD 1000 based on the identification of visible melt layers in the James Ross Island ice core and local mean annual temperature estimates from the deuterium content of the ice. During the past millennium, the coolest conditions and lowest melt occurred from about AD 1410 to 1460, when mean temperature was 1.6C lower than that of 1981-2000. Since the late 1400s, there has been a nearly tenfold increase in melt intensity from 0.5 to 4.9%. The warming has occurred in progressive phases since about AD 1460, but intensification of melt is nonlinear, and has largely occurred since the mid-twentieth century. Summer melting is now at a level that is unprecedented over the past 1,000 years. We conclude that ice on the Antarctic Peninsula is now particularly susceptible to rapid increases in melting and loss in response to relatively small increases in mean temperature. # #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: Robert Mulvaney, Nerilie J. Abram, Richard C. A. Hindmarsh, Carol Arrowsmith, Louise Fleet, Jack Triest, Louise C. Sime, Olivier Alemany, and Susan Foord # Published_Date_or_YEAR: 2012-09-06 # Published_Title: Recent Antarctic Peninsula warming relative to Holocene climate and ice-shelf history # Journal_Name: Nature # Volume: 489 # Edition: # Issue: 7414 # Pages: 141-144 # Report: # DOI: 10.1038/nature11391 # Online_Resource: doi.org # Full_Citation: # Abstract: Rapid warming over the past 50 years on the Antarctic Peninsula is associated with the collapse of a number of ice shelves and accelerating glacier mass loss. In contrast, warming has been comparatively modest over West Antarctica and significant changes have not been observed over most of East Antarctica, suggesting that the ice-core palaeoclimate records available from these areas may not be representative of the climate history of the Antarctic Peninsula. Here we show that the Antarctic Peninsula experienced an early-Holocene warm period followed by stable temperatures, from about 9,200 to 2,500 years ago, that were similar to modern-day levels. Our temperature estimates are based on an ice-core record of deuterium variations from James Ross Island, off the northeastern tip of the Antarctic Peninsula. We find that the late-Holocene development of ice shelves near James Ross Island was coincident with pronounced cooling from 2,500 to 600 years ago. This cooling was part of a millennial-scale climate excursion with opposing anomalies on the eastern and western sides of the Antarctic Peninsula. Although warming of the northeastern Antarctic Peninsula began around 600 years ago, the high rate of warming over the past century is unusual (but not unprecedented) in the context of natural climate variability over the past two millennia. The connection shown here between past temperature and ice-shelf stability suggests that warming for several centuries rendered ice shelves on the northeastern Antarctic Peninsula vulnerable to collapse. Continued warming to temperatures that now exceed the stable conditions of most of the Holocene epoch is likely to cause ice-shelf instability to encroach farther southward along the Antarctic Peninsula. # #--------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: UK Natural Environment Research Council # Grant: #--------------------- # Funding_Agency_Name: Australian Research Council # Grant: DP110101161 #-------------------- # Funding_Agency_Name: Institut Polaire Francais - Paul Emile Victor (IPEV) # Grant: #-------------------- # Funding_Agency_Name: Institut National des Sciences de l'Univers in France (INSU/PNEDC) # Grant: "AMANCAY" project #-------------------- # Funding_Agency_Name: French National Center for Drilling and Coring (INSU/C2FN). # Grant: #-------------------- # Site_Information # Site_Name: James Ross Island # Location: Antarctica # Country: # Northernmost_Latitude: -64.2017 # Southernmost_Latitude: -64.2017 # Easternmost_Longitude: -57.685 # Westernmost_Longitude: -57.685 # Elevation: 1542 m #------------------ # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: JRI2012-2013dD # Earliest_Year: 0 # Most_Recent_Year: 2007 # Time_Unit: AD # Core_Length: # Notes: #------------------ # Chronology: # Chronology: #------------------ # Variables # # Data variables follow that are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Data line variables format: Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-longname-tab-longname components ( 10 components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, archive, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data, additional_information) # ## age_CE age, , , year CE, , , , ,N, ## dD delta D, ice, , per mil SMOW, annual, ice core, , isotope ratio mass spectrometry,N, # #------------------ # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header) # Missing_Values: # age_CE dD 2007 -159.8656 2006 -135.4879 2005 -147.5209 2004 -144.8555 2003 -148.6982 2002 -153.0802 2001 -135.9841 2000 -142.4262 1999 -137.4388 1998 -142.4478 1997 -144.9565 1996 -144.0399 1995 -140.2485 1994 -137.3352 1993 -142.366 1992 -141.5394 1991 -142.8111 1990 -155.8586 1989 -126.6913 1988 -153.5852 1987 -147.43 1986 -162.8816 1985 -137.9976 1984 -148.1801 1983 -141.727 1982 -151.2444 1981 -142.9228 1980 -161.9697 1979 -149.5757 1978 -145.498 1977 -151.253 1976 -133.0807 1975 -154.684 1974 -143.2311 1973 -134.4717 1972 -151.4425 1971 -141.2 1970 -156.6039 1969 -143.7436 1968 -161.3457 1967 -153.0764 1966 -147.135 1965 -153.0629 1964 -151.2236 1963 -147.31 1962 -151.4993 1961 -149.325 1960 -156.1825 1959 -154.5683 1958 -159.5788 1957 -148.3592 1956 -141.1367 1955 -140.8467 1954 -140.0556 1953 -155.1381 1952 -143.3481 1951 -161.3933 1950 -134.6871 1949 -158.9529 1948 -164.7621 1947 -161.8667 1946 -146.989 1945 -152.4457 1944 -152.7029 1943 -146.215 1942 -137.818 1941 -155.5737 1940 -163.5863 1939 -158.7033 1938 -160.011 1937 -151.483 1936 -140.9779 1935 -132.0567 1934 -146.1558 1933 -145.525 1932 -157.2007 1931 -150.8892 1930 -150.86 1929 -163.2675 1928 -145.41 1927 -164.538 1926 -162.5958 1925 -158.6258 1924 -146.0271 1923 -154.8633 1922 -161.438 1921 -147.93 1920 -152.104 1919 -153.2775 1918 -154.015 1917 -157.955 1916 -149.3707 1915 -144.45 1914 -152.09 1913 -142.692 1912 -157.074 1911 -159.6483 1910 -147.4208 1909 -141.378 1908 -147.6567 1907 -152.618 1906 -156.485 1905 -154.611 1904 -142.052 1903 -154.3192 1902 -138.866 1901 -162.444 1900 -154.4663 1899 -164.7038 1898 -145.2312 1897 -141.25 1896 -155.73 1895 -150.76 1894 -148.1887 1893 -134.618 1892 -144.452 1891 -136.794 1890 -135.213 1889 -138.52 1888 -140.711 1887 -144.842 1886 -147.145 1885 -145.06 1884 -148.595 1883 -153.254 1882 -154.345 1881 -160.0575 1880 -141.112 1879 -151.56 1878 -158.19 1877 -157.2475 1876 -145.28 1875 -144.608 1874 -143.008 1873 -164.512 1872 -137.828 1871 -158.51 1870 -145.226 1869 -139.1617 1868 -147.616 1867 -162.092 1866 -156.045 1865 -157.625 1864 -154.2085 1863 -150.792 1862 -145.76 1861 -136.5617 1860 -146.806 1859 -146.286 1858 -154.936 1857 -143.16 1856 -145.732 1855 -133.122 1854 -145.0325 1853 -155.5875 1852 -149.23 1851 -144.86 1850 -151.4125 1849 -150.2167 1848 -153.642 1847 -149.0225 1846 -155.218 1845 -161.356 1844 -166.4525 1843 -145.4588 1842 -161.63 1841 -132.2025 1840 -148.2467 1839 -152.794 1838 -149.4112 1837 -136.7 1836 -139.8638 1835 -144.0188 1834 -149.88 1833 -144.8487 1832 -145.2156 1831 -156.118 1830 -137.194 1829 -145.7858 1828 -148.7797 1827 -160.775 1826 -152.725 1825 -148.3925 1824 -145.9025 1823 -155.41 1822 -145.1 1821 -148.43 1820 -134.2175 1819 -138.74 1818 -138.278 1817 -148.5125 1816 -158.2025 1815 -156.41 1814 -139.608 1813 -147.9425 1812 -143.838 1811 -148.39 1810 -153.6925 1809 -148.7875 1808 -145.34 1807 -144.985 1806 -149.5767 1805 -151.5133 1804 -163.6175 1803 -146.94 1802 -144.2413 1801 -151.2075 1800 -142.9167 1799 -153.3625 1798 -147.2467 1797 -156.7125 1796 -164.1233 1795 -136.535 1794 -146.0183 1793 -142.51 1792 -141.1033 1791 -165.225 1790 -148.3887 1789 -149.6833 1788 -143.825 1787 -147.205 1786 -153.5958 1785 -143.3167 1784 -151.1681 1783 -145.2617 1782 -150.5492 1781 -158.1572 1780 -142.8 1779 -146.1287 1778 -145.8325 1777 -152.6742 1776 -151.6417 1775 -147.7267 1774 -149.4678 1773 -142.1164 1772 -132.9717 1771 -144.8656 1770 -142.8722 1769 -149.1256 1768 -145.815 1767 -155.6556 1766 -141.0711 1765 -130.1361 1764 -147.8244 1763 -129.0156 1762 -139.01 1761 -142.6922 1760 -153.14 1759 -179.5467 1758 -152.7175 1757 -145.8433 1756 -147.7133 1755 -154.3244 1754 -129.9778 1753 -123.6422 1752 -157.2289 1751 -161.565 1750 -148.2933 1749 -151.4944 1748 -140.6811 1747 -146.9711 1746 -160.7867 1745 -139.6822 1744 -146.95 1743 -141.4467 1742 -152.5117 1741 -152.6044 1740 -149.3206 1739 -157.535 1738 -139.4775 1737 -147.1383 1736 -151.8467 1735 -144.6417 1734 -151.41 1733 -150.5333 1732 -155.4067 1731 -145.7244 1730 -149.46 1729 -166.3133 1728 -155.5317 1727 -141.5967 1726 -143.5217 1725 -153.995 1724 -162.3217 1723 -153.2144 1722 -140.9233 1721 -147.795 1720 -160.0767 1719 -163.1283 1718 -142.3333 1717 -147.3883 1716 -150.3689 1715 -143.5983 1714 -138.3956 1713 -156.17 1712 -154.95 1711 -154.3144 1710 -159.0867 1709 -157.13 1708 -138.3867 1707 -154.9383 1706 -151.95 1705 -152.9383 1704 -150.6856 1703 -149.66 1702 -138.6756 1701 -140.7183 1700 -143.2689 1699 -148.325 1698 -153.3644 1697 -145.2867 1696 -150.7517 1695 -149.75 1694 -156.8567 1693 -165.7544 1692 -158.09 1691 -158.1233 1690 -151.3367 1689 -147.9533 1688 -169.8422 1687 -162.1817 1686 -154.2 1685 -155.3011 1684 -148.2567 1683 -161.7967 1682 -151.5956 1681 -155.1808 1680 -170.3133 1679 -140.1989 1678 -153.1367 1677 -145.7517 1676 -148.36 1675 -145.3425 1674 -140.72 1673 -156.365 1672 -150.7983 1671 -132.5125 1670 -135.025 1669 -151.9833 1668 -154.63 1667 -143.425 1666 -147.8375 1665 -148.855 1664 -154.375 1663 -146.5975 1662 -144.4525 1661 -148.14 1660 -148.1025 1659 -146.2275 1658 -154.4625 1657 -140.3 1656 -156.0725 1655 -151.99 1654 -158.4125 1653 -165.27 1652 -150.7217 1651 -136.965 1650 -175.8925 1649 -155.3675 1648 -151.0625 1647 -146.1533 1646 -140.685 1645 -160.935 1644 -147.835 1643 -160.105 1642 -167.57 1641 -151.32 1640 -168.145 1639 -146.565 1638 -153.125 1637 -151.625 1636 -140.32 1635 -158.3367 1634 -144.355 1633 -163.12 1632 -142.125 1631 -139.7 1630 -140.025 1629 -132.985 1628 -157.085 1627 -153.0733 1626 -156.965 1625 -152.54 1624 -154.39 1623 -142.05 1622 -146.7 1621 -123.435 1620 -147.64 1619 -151.41 1618 -144.16 1617 -140.3867 1616 -138.21 1615 -158.265 1614 -142.59 1613 -157.355 1612 -141.92 1611 -151.445 1610 -151.945 1609 -155.745 1608 -155.375 1607 -145.315 1606 -161.265 1605 -147.635 1604 -149.845 1603 -140.155 1602 -152.855 1601 -138.895 1600 -140.98 1599 -141.09 1598 -138.3375 1597 -148.48 1596 -152.5 1595 -152.1 1594 -138.8375 1593 -133.355 1592 -124.91 1591 -143.225 1590 -156.8875 1589 -160.91 1588 -147.505 1587 -147.32 1586 -159.71 1585 -170.075 1584 -156.495 1583 -144.925 1582 -162.905 1581 -174.69 1580 -148.955 1579 -156.35 1578 -170.19 1577 -164.83 1576 -144.84 1575 -155.27 1574 -150.42 1573 -136.315 1572 -137.61 1571 -155.04 1570 -143.855 1569 -162.18 1568 -156.05 1567 -145.39 1566 -131.32 1565 -137.34 1564 -139.05 1563 -152.735 1562 -140.645 1561 -148.94 1560 -157.995 1559 -167.85 1558 -173.005 1557 -156.51 1556 -156.35 1555 -147.605 1554 -146.12 1553 -168.335 1552 -174.905 1551 -158.75 1550 -147.58 1549 -144.065 1548 -148.575 1547 -153.43 1546 -154.085 1545 -148.3 1544 -165.815 1543 -154.31 1542 -150.225 1541 -159.76 1540 -153.765 1539 -155.095 1538 -147.14 1537 -148.135 1536 -153.99 1535 -140.69 1534 -153.135 1533 -140.46 1532 -145.175 1531 -159.22 1530 -158.25 1529 -156.17 1528 -164.02 1527 -157.38 1526 -154.335 1525 -150.92 1524 -142.915 1523 -153.37 1522 -144.69 1521 -147.585 1520 -152.37 1519 -155.085 1518 -163.1 1517 -178.15 1516 -149.55 1515 -142.99 1514 -152.56 1513 -155.03 1512 -158.1 1511 -163.535 1510 -144.75 1509 -147.97 1508 -149.175 1507 -137.29 1506 -147.76 1505 -160.49 1504 -147.25 1503 -142.515 1502 -139.35 1501 -160.465 1500 -164.96 1499 -162.48 1498 -157.635 1497 -145.37 1496 -160.935 1495 -152.52 1494 -159.845 1493 -142.4 1492 -154.365 1491 -150.13 1490 -153.29 1489 -155.87 1488 -145.15 1487 -139.28 1486 -140.8 1485 -150.48 1484 -149.25 1483 -155.575 1482 -167.88 1481 -168.56 1480 -159.35 1479 -136.115 1478 -140.69 1477 -154.22 1476 -160.01 1475 -140.07 1474 -154.05 1473 -147.135 1472 -135.08 1471 -159.495 1470 -170.87 1469 -143.02 1468 -125.75 1467 -146.69 1466 -153.645 1465 -146.89 1464 -147.355 1463 -139.81 1462 -148.695 1461 -150.78 1460 -147.685 1459 -146.74 1458 -160.47 1457 -162.6 1456 -154.865 1455 -152.52 1454 -157.19 1453 -158.425 1452 -174.05 1451 -151.92 1450 -156.15 1449 -157.74 1448 -152.2 1447 -155.945 1446 -159.44 1445 -151.17 1444 -150.105 1443 -141.44 1442 -146.775 1441 -142.42 1440 -137.86 1439 -151.86 1438 -138.06 1437 -157.73 1436 -164.95 1435 -158.45 1434 -154.99 1433 -159.79 1432 -163.51 1431 -153.72 1430 -151.72 1429 -148.13 1428 -150.395 1427 -177.49 1426 -180.05 1425 -165.75 1424 -140.6 1423 -164.29 1422 -182.62 1421 -146.93 1420 -153.115 1419 -127.68 1418 -146.43 1417 -149.09 1416 -150.31 1415 -152.37 1414 -164.51 1413 -151.31 1412 -161.325 1411 -166.3 1410 -170.655 1409 -165.24 1408 -139.27 1407 -151.08 1406 -140.83 1405 -137.21 1404 -146.69 1403 -149.59 1402 -147.95 1401 -155.11 1400 -145.47 1399 -149.315 1398 -140.91 1397 -151 1396 -162.905 1395 -150.6 1394 -150.625 1393 -153.4 1392 -165.13 1391 -146.08 1390 -148.21 1389 -148.13 1388 -164.02 1387 -160.93 1386 -146.57 1385 -150.2 1384 -164.99 1383 -149.55 1382 -165.805 1381 -171.96 1380 -155.09 1379 -157.375 1378 -148.07 1377 -157.13 1376 -154.04 1375 -152.19 1374 -158.34 1373 -151.33 1372 -167.39 1371 -153.705 1370 -165.94 1369 -161.36 1368 -158.48 1367 -156.38 1366 -138.45 1365 -140 1364 -145.08 1363 -171.63 1362 -156.585 1361 -155.89 1360 -158.3 1359 -147.975 1358 -146.58 1357 -149.94 1356 -150.045 1355 -154.88 1354 -158.44 1353 -146.19 1352 -170.18 1351 -144.71 1350 -152.31 1349 -139.3 1348 -151.96 1347 -157.455 1346 -142.88 1345 -142.69 1344 -140.415 1343 -143.88 1342 -150.68 1341 -156.155 1340 -154.65 1339 -144.5 1338 -159.795 1337 -153.53 1336 -146.11 1335 -138.565 1334 -143.18 1333 -144.05 1332 -153.805 1331 -161.35 1330 -165.53 1329 -173.71 1328 -151.295 1327 -155.91 1326 -147.54 1325 -159.295 1324 -136.04 1323 -149.87 1322 -153.19 1321 -125.12 1320 -146.16 1319 -155.305 1318 -155.07 1317 -128.48 1316 -131.09 1315 -151.93 1314 -151.81 1313 -146.44 1312 -157.87 1311 -141.04 1310 -171.56 1309 -160.645 1308 -156.35 1307 -142.425 1306 -150.96 1305 -149.49 1304 -165.24 1303 -151.56 1302 -155.81 1301 -148.75 1300 -162.675 1299 -159.52 1298 -144.17 1297 -147.985 1296 -166.92 1295 -132.45 1294 -138.92 1293 -138.835 1292 -139.24 1291 -159.75 1290 -156.78 1289 -147.46 1288 -155.69 1287 -158.92 1286 -156.07 1285 -155.55 1284 -152.03 1283 -161.66 1282 -170.18 1281 -153.16 1280 -154.29 1279 -142.37 1278 -130.31 1277 -155.46 1276 -147.42 1275 -138.64 1274 -137.23 1273 -147.74 1272 -158.68 1271 -155.64 1270 -153.48 1269 -153.03 1268 -145.91 1267 -150.7 1266 -151.82 1265 -161.77 1264 -140.92 1263 -163.02 1262 -148.83 1261 -154.52 1260 -149.69 1259 -154.92 1258 -162.6 1257 -150.2 1256 -147.4 1255 -143.5 1254 -142.3 1253 -144.6 1252 -135.8 1251 -137.1 1250 -152.9 1249 -147.2 1248 -160.6 1247 -163.6 1246 -155.3 1245 -147.6 1244 -151.5 1243 -154 1242 -142.8 1241 -147.1 1240 -148.7 1239 -152.9 1238 -146.9 1237 -157.5 1236 -153 1235 -162.2 1234 -148.8 1233 -162.3 1232 -142.6 1231 -156.8 1230 -153.2 1229 -147.5 1228 -155.8 1227 -167 1226 -153.3 1225 -155.1 1224 -147.8 1223 -141.9 1222 -153.5 1221 -147.5 1220 -153.3 1219 -164.9 1218 -163.6 1217 -151 1216 -152.9 1215 -144.9 1214 -149.1 1213 -154.9 1212 -147 1211 -144.5 1210 -156.9 1209 -155.2 1208 -147.3 1207 -144.9 1206 -166.1 1205 -153.6 1204 -149 1203 -153.9 1202 -169.3 1201 -160.1 1200 -142.9 1199 -149.6 1198 -154.4 1197 -148.6 1196 -162.3 1195 -154.1 1194 -154.9 1193 -153.8 1192 -157.4 1191 -161.5 1190 -168.7 1189 -153.6 1188 -152.8 1187 -152.5 1186 -151.6 1185 -144 1184 -149.1 1183 -157.4 1182 -165.4 1181 -157.1 1180 -153.5 1179 -156.6 1178 -149.1 1177 -149.3 1176 -156.1 1175 -157.9 1174 -145.5 1173 -151.4 1172 -151.3 1171 -150.4 1170 -146.7 1169 -157.6 1168 -154 1167 -146.1 1166 -152.1 1165 -148.9 1164 -155.2 1163 -147.6 1162 -150.9 1161 -156.8 1160 -153 1159 -160.8 1158 -162.2 1157 -147.1 1156 -163.3 1155 -154.4 1154 -159.9 1153 -153.6 1152 -147 1151 -148.8 1150 -168.5 1149 -154.2 1148 -150.3 1147 -140.4 1146 -166.9 1145 -148.7 1144 -151.7 1143 -152.5 1142 -147.8 1141 -147.5 1140 -133.7 1139 -147.5 1138 -143.1 1137 -151.9 1136 -148.8 1135 -160 1134 -155.3 1133 -159.2 1132 -161 1131 -153.1 1130 -135.2 1129 -154.4 1128 -142.6 1127 -144.9 1126 -151.2 1125 -156.8 1124 -155.3 1123 -145.8 1122 -148.7 1121 -145.1 1120 -143.7 1119 -149.9 1118 -145.5 1117 -151.6 1116 -155.1 1115 -128.6 1114 -151.4 1113 -164.1 1112 -170.1 1111 -146.3 1110 -156.6 1109 -166.9 1108 -146.8 1107 -155.7 1106 -161.7 1105 -165.7 1104 -138.9 1103 -159.4 1102 -136.5 1101 -132.9 1100 -147.4 1099 -145.5 1098 -157 1097 -150.6 1096 -151 1095 -158.05 1094 -165.1 1093 -154.2 1092 -147.2 1091 -139.9 1090 -145.8 1089 -146.8 1088 -150.4 1087 -154.9 1086 -160 1085 -165.1 1084 -147.3 1083 -152.7 1082 -140.7 1081 -143.1 1080 -142 1079 -138.6 1078 -135.2 1077 -138.3 1076 -144 1075 -157.6 1074 -158.1 1073 -158.6 1072 -162.9 1071 -157.7 1070 -164.8 1069 -159.25 1068 -153.7 1067 -163.5 1066 -142.5 1065 -146.3 1064 -150.1 1063 -158.6 1062 -165.5 1061 -163.9 1060 -162.3 1059 -157.9 1058 -152.7 1057 -147.8 1056 -142.9 1055 -146.5 1054 -153.1 1053 -155.45 1052 -157.8 1051 -163.4 1050 -156.95 1049 -150.5 1048 -142.5 1047 -144.2 1046 -147.7 1045 -151.2 1044 -155.9 1043 -148.8 1042 -153.4 1041 -158 1040 -153.6 1039 -148.1 1038 -142.6 1037 -166.8 1036 -159.1 1035 -151.4 1034 -157.7 1033 -163.7 1032 -159.15 1031 -154.6 1030 -142.6 1029 -149.45 1028 -156.3 1027 -147.7 1026 -151.5 1025 -155.3 1024 -157.1 1023 -159.25 1022 -161.4 1021 -149.7 1020 -145.85 1019 -142 1018 -152.8 1017 -158 1016 -147.55 1015 -137.1 1014 -147.6 1013 -143.1 1012 -138.6 1011 -140.4 1010 -145.4 1009 -150.4 1008 -150.3 1007 -150.2 1006 -150.4 1005 -151.75 1004 -153.1 1003 -148.6 1002 -143.6 1001 -138.6 1000 -151.6 999 -150.4 998 -149.2 997 -140.6 996 -151.9 995 -163.2 994 -163.2 993 -159.1 992 -155 991 -151.1 990 -147.2 989 -141.5 988 -144.05 987 -146.6 986 -138.9 985 -143 984 -147.1 983 -152.6 982 -158.1 981 -144.3 980 -144.85 979 -145.4 978 -144.8 977 -149.2 976 -153.6 975 -156.6 974 -159.6 973 -147.7 972 -149.15 971 -150.6 970 -161.1 969 -153.45 968 -145.8 967 -145.4 966 -145 965 -158.2 964 -157.75 963 -157.3 962 -159 961 -160.7 960 -158.2 959 -160.4 958 -162.6 957 -155.05 956 -147.5 955 -155.1 954 -156.05 953 -157 952 -154.6 951 -152.2 950 -155.8 949 -159.4 948 -153.5 947 -151.05 946 -148.6 945 -155.75 944 -162.9 943 -162.6 942 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763 -152.2333 762 -149.8667 761 -147.5 760 -155.35 759 -163.2 758 -155.8 757 -148.4 756 -147.65 755 -146.9 754 -149.6 753 -152.3 752 -155 751 -154.7 750 -154.4 749 -151.75 748 -149.1 747 -149.7 746 -150.3 745 -154 744 -157.7 743 -161.4 742 -159.2 741 -157 740 -154.15 739 -151.3 738 -148.1667 737 -145.0333 736 -141.9 735 -144.5 734 -147.1 733 -150.5 732 -153.9 731 -152.9333 730 -151.9667 729 -151 728 -148.5 727 -146 726 -147.15 725 -148.3 724 -148.9 723 -149.5 722 -150.1 721 -146.75 720 -143.4 719 -152.25 718 -161.1 717 -155.5667 716 -150.0333 715 -144.5 714 -148.5 713 -152.5 712 -152.8 711 -153.1 710 -153.7333 709 -154.3667 708 -155 707 -156.25 706 -157.5 705 -146.6 704 -146.1 703 -143.6 702 -149.3 701 -152.05 700 -154.8 699 -169.2 698 -161.3 697 -150.5 696 -146.3 695 -134.4 694 -157.2 693 -150.6 692 -146.7 691 -148.5 690 -153.35 689 -158.2 688 -157.9 687 -150.6 686 -148.3 685 -146.6 684 -143.7 683 -153 682 -160 681 -156.4 680 -152.8 679 -143.9 678 -148.5 677 -165.3 676 -159.3 675 -151.3 674 -144 673 -137.8 672 -141.75 671 -145.7 670 -160.6 669 -149.9 668 -142.9 667 -146.1 666 -157.8 665 -162.6 664 -160.25 663 -157.9 662 -140 661 -137.8 660 -162.4 659 -154.5 658 -158.7 657 -155 656 -151.3 655 -141.7 654 -165.8 653 -162.2 652 -142.2 651 -148 650 -154.25 649 -160.5 648 -158 647 -139 646 -153.3 645 -131.4 644 -157.8 643 -155.95 642 -154.1 641 -149.8 640 -160.3 639 -148.4 638 -148.2 637 -146.4 636 -144.6 635 -146.5 634 -154.7 633 -150.5 632 -144.5 631 -158.45 630 -172.4 629 -167.5 628 -157.5 627 -162.8 626 -160.1 625 -153.25 624 -146.4 623 -145.5 622 -160.3 621 -146.4 620 -151.45 619 -156.5 618 -146.5 617 -153 616 -162.2 615 -140.8 614 -144.8 613 -148.8 612 -148.5 611 -144.9 610 -151.7 609 -156.4 608 -161.1 607 -155.1 606 -143.9 605 -147.4 604 -157.1 603 -148.9 602 -146.4 601 -143.9 600 -141 599 -151.9 598 -147.7 597 -145.75 596 -143.8 595 -158.9 594 -144.7 593 -152.6 592 -151.35 591 -150.1 590 -148.85 589 -147.6 588 -145.7 587 -138.7 586 -155.8 585 -150.35 584 -144.9 583 -152.8 582 -145.5 581 -154.9 580 -150.85 579 -146.8 578 -150.7 577 -151.8 576 -148.9 575 -146 574 -149.9 573 -171.8 572 -163.1 571 -154.4 570 -152 569 -155.8 568 -150 567 -153.7 566 -157.4 565 -157.9 564 -148.6 563 -149.3 562 -150 561 -153.6 560 -152.5 559 -149.4 558 -146.3 557 -155.4 556 -150.5 555 -151.75 554 -153 553 -146.4 552 -147.1 551 -147.8 550 -148.5 549 -137.9 548 -162.1 547 -157.4 546 -152.7 545 -152.1 544 -145.8 543 -148.35 542 -150.9 541 -149.9 540 -149.85 539 -149.8 538 -142.5 537 -150 536 -152.25 535 -154.5 534 -153.2 533 -131.8 532 -140.1 531 -148.4 530 -155 529 -150.4 528 -152.25 527 -154.1 526 -141.5 525 -149.55 524 -157.6 523 -149.8 522 -146.2 521 -141.6 520 -137 519 -143.1 518 -147 517 -150.9 516 -148.4 515 -139.7 514 -144.1 513 -148.5 512 -146.2 511 -146.9 510 -147.6 509 -141.9 508 -152.6 507 -154.05 506 -155.5 505 -157.9 504 -159.2 503 -160.5 502 -137.9 501 -136.85 500 -135.8 499 -142.1 498 -137.9 497 -140.7 496 -143.5 495 -150.3 494 -151.6 493 -152.9 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-146.6 310 -149.55 309 -152.5 308 -150.25 307 -148 306 -149.9 305 -151.8 304 -148.3 303 -144.8 302 -149.3 301 -153.8 300 -152.5 299 -151.2 298 -152.55 297 -153.9 296 -150.35 295 -146.8 294 -148.7 293 -150.6 292 -152.35 291 -154.1 290 -153.2 289 -152.3 288 -144.45 287 -136.6 286 -146.4 285 -156.2 284 -156.6667 283 -157.1333 282 -157.6 281 -151.55 280 -145.5 279 -141.95 278 -138.4 277 -140.8 276 -143.2 275 -144.65 274 -146.1 273 -150.5 272 -154.9 271 -156.75 270 -158.6 269 -156.15 268 -153.7 267 -151.25 266 -148.8 265 -152.5 264 -156.2 263 -153.8 262 -151.4 261 -159.5 260 -154.5667 259 -149.6333 258 -144.7 257 -154.65 256 -164.6 255 -161 254 -157.4 253 -152.55 252 -147.7 251 -147.5 250 -147.3 249 -150.7 248 -154.1 247 -145.85 246 -137.6 245 -142.1 244 -146.6 243 -150.5333 242 -154.4667 241 -158.4 240 -153.2 239 -148 238 -145.25 237 -142.5 236 -149.15 235 -155.8 234 -152.05 233 -148.3 232 -152.4 231 -156.5 230 -156.7 229 -156.9 228 -154.3333 227 -151.7667 226 -149.2 225 -150 224 -150.8 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