# South Pole Ice Core (SPICEcore) SP19 Age Model #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program # National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 3.0 # Encoding: UTF-8 # NOTE: Please cite Publication, and Online_Resource and date accessed when using these data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigators, Title, and Online_Resource and date accessed. # # Online_Resource: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/27690 # Description: NOAA Landing Page # Online_Resource: https://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/icecore/antarctica/sp19d15n.txt # Description: NOAA location of the template # # Original_Source_URL: # Description: # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Archive: Ice Core # # Dataset DOI: # # Parameter_Keywords: age control, chemistry, accumulation, nitrogen isotopes #-------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2019-09-19 #-------------------- # File_Last_Modified_Date # Date: 2019-09-19 #-------------------- # Title # Study_Name: South Pole Ice Core (SPICEcore) SP19 Age Model #-------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Winski, D.A.; Fudge, T.J.; Ferris, D.G.; Osterberg, E.C.; Fegyveresi, J.M.; Cole-Dai, J.; Thundercloud, Z.; Cox, T.S.; Kreutz, K.J.; Ortman, N.; Buizert, C.; Epifanio, J.; Brook, E.J.; Beaudette, R.; Severinghaus, J.; Sowers, T.; Steig, E.J.; Kahle, E.C.; Jones, T.R.; Morris, V.; Aydin, M.; Nicewonger, M.R.; Casey, K.A.; Alley, R.B.; Waddington, E.D.; Iverson, N.A.; Dunbar, N.W.; Bay, R.C.; Souney, J.M.; Sigl, M.; McConnell, J.R. #-------------------- # Description_Notes_and_Keywords # Description: The SP19 timescale: depth-age relationship and associated uncertainties for the South Pole Ice Core (SPICEcore), with supporting data. #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: Dominic A. Winski, Tyler J. Fudge, David G. Ferris, Erich C. Osterberg, John M. Fegyveresi, Jihong Cole-Dai, Zayta Thundercloud, Thomas S. Cox, Karl J. Kreutz, Nikolas Ortman, Christo Buizert, Jenna Epifanio, Edward J. Brook, Ross Beaudette, Jeffrey Severinghaus, Todd Sowers, Eric J. Steig, Emma C. Kahle, Tyler R. Jones, Valerie Morris, Murat Aydin, Melinda R. Nicewonger, Kimberly A. Casey, Richard B. Alley, Edwin D. Waddington, Nels A. Iverson, Nelia W. Dunbar, Ryan C. Bay, Joseph M. Souney, Michael Sigl, and Joseph R. McConnell # Published_Date_or_Year: 2019-10-08 # Published_Title: The SP19 Chronology for the South Pole Ice Core - Part 1: volcanic matching and annual layer counting # Journal_Name: Climate of the Past # Volume: 15 # Edition: # Issue: 5 # Pages: # Report_Number: # DOI: 10.5194/cp-15-1793-2019 # Online_Resource: https://www.clim-past.net/15/1793/2019/ # Full_Citation: # Abstract: The South Pole Ice Core (SPICEcore) was drilled in 2014-2016 to provide a detailed multi-proxy archive of paleoclimate conditions in East Antarctica during the Holocene and late Pleistocene. Interpretation of these records requires an accurate depth-age relationship. Here, we present the SPICEcore (SP19) timescale for the age of the ice of SPICEcore. SP19 is synchronized to the WD2014 chronology from the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide (WAIS Divide) ice core using stratigraphic matching of 251 volcanic events. These events indicate an age of 54302±519BP (years before 1950) at the bottom of SPICEcore. Annual layers identified in sodium and magnesium ions to 11341BP were used to interpolate between stratigraphic volcanic tie points, yielding an annually resolved chronology through the Holocene. Estimated timescale uncertainty during the Holocene is less than 18 years relative to WD2014, with the exception of the interval between 1800 to 3100 BP when uncertainty estimates reach ±25 years due to widely spaced volcanic tie points. Prior to the Holocene, uncertainties remain within 124 years relative to WD2014. Results show an average Holocene accumulation rate of 7.4cm yr-1 (water equivalent). The time variability of accumulation rate is consistent with expectations for steady-state ice flow through the modern spatial pattern of accumulation rate. Time variations in nitrate concentration, nitrate seasonal amplitude and d15N of N2 in turn are as expected for the accumulation rate variations. The highly variable yet well-constrained Holocene accumulation history at the site can help improve scientific understanding of deposition-sensitive climate proxies such as d15N of N2 and photolyzed chemical compounds. #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: US National Science Foundation # Grant: 1443105, 1141839 (Steig), 1443336 (Osterberg), 1443397 (Kreutz), 1443663 (Cole-Dai), 1443232 (Waddington, Fudge), 1142517, 1443470 (Aydin), 1443464 (Sowers), 1443710 (Severinghaus), 1542778 (Alley, Fegyveresi), 1443472, 1643722 (Brook), 1543454 (Dunbar) #------------------ # Site_Information # Site_Name: South Pole Ice Core (SPICEcore) # Location: Antarctica # Country: # Northernmost_Latitude: -89.99 # Southernmost_Latitude: -89.99 # Easternmost_Longitude: -99.16 # Westernmost_Longitude: -99.16 # Elevation: 2835 m #------------------ # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: SP19d15N2 # Earliest_Year: 52516 # Most_Recent_Year: 68 # Time_Unit: Cal. years BP # Core_Length: 1751 # Notes: SPICE d15N of N2 data from Scripps Institution of Oceanography (Severinghaus, Beaudette) #------------------ # Chronology_Information # Chronology: Chronology is constrained by volcanic events linked with the WAIS-Divie ice core and annual layer counting of sodium and magnesium. # #---------------- # Variables # # Data variables follow are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Data line variables format: one per line, shortname-tab-variable components (what, material, error, units, seasonality, data type,detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data, free text) # ## depth_m depth, , , meter, , , , ,N, ## age_calBP age, ice, , calendar year before present, , ice core, , ,N, Years Before 1950 CE ## d15N-N2 delta 15N, ice, , per mil, , ice core, , ,N, delta 15N of N2 # #---------------- # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing Values: # depth_m age_calBP d15N-N2 125.3 68.7 0.579 130.56 131.1 0.579 135.52 192.2 0.567 140.3 251.2 0.554 165.52 575.5 0.561 175.3 700.6 0.58 195.49 968.7 0.572 230.38 1423.1 0.564 245.29 1620.7 0.56 255.5 1759.2 0.582 275.03 2042 0.579 285.55 2198.4 0.554 295.31 2350.5 0.532 305.3 2497.9 0.554 315.27 2646.3 0.57 326.04 2810.3 0.582 335.04 2943 0.591 346.14 3103.2 0.581 355.32 3234.9 0.59 370.14 3448.5 0.59 395.04 3811.7 0.593 405.26 3963.2 0.595 415.3 4111.9 0.595 426.27 4273.9 0.575 435.26 4404.9 0.585 465.6 4838.5 0.594 475.3 4978.4 0.608 480.75 5055.9 0.594 485.43 5121.8 0.588 490.89 5200.2 0.598 495.74 5269.8 0.601 500.74 5342.9 0.593 505.04 5404.2 0.587 511.18 5487.8 0.593 515.26 5545.9 0.594 522 5643.5 0.599 525.26 5686.6 0.603 551.03 6043.8 0.6 557.7 6136.6 0.598 561.04 6187.3 0.608 565.26 6251.1 0.6 569.3 6310.9 0.6 577.52 6436.2 0.602 581.04 6493.1 0.592 585.3 6559.9 0.605 597.24 6745.3 0.575 601.28 6807.7 0.571 605.3 6880 0.573 609.75 6957.1 0.575 613.04 7018 0.578 617.04 7086.1 0.569 621.19 7159.8 0.565 625.28 7230.9 0.576 629.04 7294.3 0.57 633.31 7370.7 0.574 637.54 7441.2 0.571 645.74 7586 0.578 649.26 7645.6 0.58 653.16 7712.5 0.583 657.24 7781.4 0.574 661.41 7849.4 0.577 669.2 7977.1 0.591 673.51 8049.1 0.588 677.22 8107.2 0.599 685.26 8233.8 0.593 694.04 8371.1 0.601 697.27 8420.4 0.605 705.1 8537 0.6 713.24 8669.3 0.603 721.29 8802.6 0.604 730.04 8950 0.597 735.07 9043.4 0.6 740.15 9140.1 0.584 745.12 9231.4 0.595 751 9346.5 0.592 755.15 9430.3 0.604 760.07 9530 0.598 765.09 9626.8 0.594 770.16 9725.9 0.595 775.04 9826.8 0.587 776.98 9865 0.594 779.97 9925.6 0.602 785.32 10032.1 0.604 791.09 10145.1 0.595 795.13 10225.5 0.609 800.08 10320.5 0.612 805.15 10420 0.609 810.14 10518.5 0.627 815.18 10621.9 0.627 820.15 10717.9 0.62 825.14 10813.9 0.628 830.16 10907.9 0.626 835.14 10996.6 0.614 840.17 11085.2 0.62 845.16 11168.4 0.616 850.86 11262.1 0.621 855.14 11333.7 0.62 860.15 11419.9 0.617 865.21 11506.9 0.618 871.09 11607.5 0.622 875.17 11680 0.625 880.25 11767.8 0.616 885.15 11853.3 0.616 890.17 11945.9 0.602 895.82 12059.9 0.611 900.24 12158.1 0.611 905.22 12276.7 0.601 910.18 12402.1 0.595 915.21 12533.4 0.59 920.24 12673.4 0.575 926.07 12844.6 0.584 930.27 12972.3 0.591 935.23 13127.4 0.575 940.25 13276.4 0.572 946.01 13449.7 0.569 950.34 13579.4 0.569 955.22 13730.2 0.576 960.29 13890.1 0.57 966.01 14065.2 0.566 970.28 14186.4 0.579 975.29 14313.7 0.583 980.17 14439.9 0.592 985.24 14581.2 0.592 990.23 14721.2 0.578 995.3 14869.1 0.581 1000.17 15012.4 0.571 1005.15 15160.8 0.578 1010.15 15306.3 0.578 1015.22 15453.2 0.559 1020.27 15599.6 0.573 1025.21 15734.3 0.583 1030.25 15870.9 0.572 1035.17 15996.3 0.576 1040.2 16132.8 0.572 1045.2 16278.7 0.565 1050.6 16436.5 0.565 1055.22 16570.7 0.564 1060.21 16725.6 0.551 1065.21 16893.2 0.526 1070.29 17078.1 0.527 1076.22 17318.9 0.521 1078.07 17403.4 0.518 1080.008 17492.7 0.52 1082.09 17586.9 0.525 1086.07 17765.9 0.521 1090.09 17952.8 0.517 1092.09 18037.3 0.518 1094.11 18128.8 0.518 1096.05 18220 0.532 1098.08 18313.6 0.53 1101.08 18449.9 0.528 1102.14 18494.3 0.524 1103.08 18532.6 0.532 1104.07 18572.2 0.532 1105.08 18613.9 0.541 1106.1 18658.9 0.546 1107.1 18703.7 0.546 1108.14 18745.4 0.542 1109.11 18786.3 0.538 1111.11 18875.3 0.543 1112.13 18921.1 0.546 1113.11 18961.6 0.548 1114.08 18999.2 0.541 1115.08 19039 0.546 1117.08 19132.2 0.547 1118.07 19178.8 0.543 1119.08 19223.7 0.552 1120.13 19272.5 0.56 1121.11 19319.9 0.538 1122.1 19367.3 0.548 1124.06 19460.1 0.552 1125.07 19507 0.554 1126.09 19551.5 0.547 1128.07 19638.5 0.541 1129.05 19681.6 0.545 1130.08 19723.7 0.544 1131.08 19763.9 0.545 1132.08 19809.7 0.54 1134.08 19900.3 0.554 1136.08 19986.5 0.556 1138.08 20068 0.546 1139.18 20115.9 0.551 1143.11 20278.1 0.534 1144.1 20316.3 0.551 1145.09 20358.5 0.558 1146.08 20400.3 0.552 1147.07 20441.2 0.565 1148.08 20479.7 0.56 1150.07 20556.5 0.553 1151.16 20604.4 0.538 1152.05 20643.1 0.542 1154.03 20727.1 0.542 1157.07 20871.3 0.544 1158.08 20919.1 0.532 1159.08 20965.9 0.533 1161.11 21074.7 0.525 1162.09 21127.2 0.505 1163.08 21179 0.528 1164.08 21233.5 0.532 1165.06 21289.3 0.525 1166.08 21349.5 0.515 1167.09 21411.6 0.519 1168.09 21472.5 0.51 1169.11 21530.1 0.514 1170.11 21585 0.504 1171.1 21637.2 0.506 1172.12 21693.5 0.506 1173.15 21754 0.509 1174.11 21814.8 0.506 1175.1 21877.7 0.504 1176.09 21941.9 0.498 1177.13 22012.3 0.504 1178.08 22074.2 0.498 1179.09 22145.8 0.505 1180.1 22216.6 0.502 1181.09 22280.1 0.493 1182.08 22344.6 0.493 1183.08 22411.5 0.498 1184.08 22479.7 0.491 1185.08 22545.5 0.5 1186.09 22613.6 0.503 1187.08 22676.9 0.495 1188.07 22740.1 0.499 1189.08 22809.7 0.496 1190.1 22876 0.496 1191.08 22936.4 0.495 1192.11 23004.3 0.501 1193.08 23069.7 0.501 1194.07 23138.6 0.495 1195.08 23204.7 0.492 1196.08 23262.6 0.493 1197.08 23317.6 0.495 1198.08 23375.2 0.496 1199.08 23431.1 0.504 1200.11 23486.1 0.513 1201.08 23539.1 0.51 1202.03 23594 0.504 1203.05 23656.1 0.509 1204.07 23718.5 0.502 1205.08 23778 0.505 1206.08 23832.5 0.514 1207.09 23888.2 0.516 1208.09 23940.4 0.52 1209.11 23996.2 0.513 1210.49 24076.3 0.514 1211.13 24111.5 0.511 1212.16 24169.6 0.512 1213.16 24222.4 0.519 1214.18 24275.1 0.504 1215.18 24332.8 0.518 1216.14 24387.5 0.518 1217.14 24439.9 0.511 1218.17 24495.2 0.526 1219.13 24547.5 0.523 1220.18 24606.1 0.52 1221.18 24664.4 0.522 1222.18 24719.3 0.523 1223.16 24771.1 0.528 1224.15 24824.8 0.521 1225.13 24878.6 0.524 1226.14 24938 0.529 1227.11 25000.2 0.53 1228.11 25067.3 0.529 1229.09 25132.8 0.538 1230.09 25198.7 0.543 1231.07 25266.9 0.538 1231.96 25327.8 0.53 1232.96 25395.9 0.537 1233.96 25469.8 0.542 1234.98 25540.5 0.545 1236.01 25613.8 0.545 1237.04 25689 0.551 1238.32 25778.9 0.541 1239.08 25831.5 0.544 1240.14 25901.4 0.539 1241.08 25958.3 0.535 1242.05 26012 0.535 1243.05 26064.9 0.54 1244.03 26115.7 0.526 1245.07 26171.3 0.539 1246.09 26228.1 0.544 1247.08 26283.7 0.542 1248.05 26343.1 0.539 1249 26400.5 0.543 1249.96 26453.5 0.536 1250.98 26510.4 0.536 1253.03 26629.5 0.539 1254.05 26688.5 0.532 1255.05 26745.1 0.544 1256.07 26800.8 0.534 1257.08 26856.8 0.547 1258.12 26915.2 0.541 1260.07 27024.8 0.55 1261.06 27080.1 0.548 1262.06 27134.8 0.54 1263.06 27191.9 0.543 1264.1 27255.5 0.538 1267.08 27436.2 0.536 1268.11 27500.2 0.541 1269.1 27565.3 0.553 1270.12 27633.4 0.544 1271.08 27699.8 0.545 1272.05 27767.4 0.549 1273.05 27838 0.544 1274.06 27908.2 0.543 1275.09 27981 0.534 1276.13 28054.1 0.538 1277.08 28118.3 0.514 1278.08 28185 0.53 1279.08 28253.4 0.526 1280.11 28326.6 0.538 1281.08 28391.6 0.525 1282.1 28463.6 0.539 1283.07 28532.6 0.523 1284.09 28603.4 0.54 1285.05 28668.6 0.534 1286.05 28732 0.535 1287.04 28791.6 0.541 1288.05 28852.1 0.549 1289.08 28907.9 0.544 1290.12 28958.2 0.548 1290.97 28999.4 0.542 1291.87 29045.3 0.55 1292.89 29094.6 0.556 1293.93 29147.7 0.546 1294.95 29200.8 0.551 1295.98 29255.8 0.554 1297 29308.1 0.544 1298.03 29357.8 0.547 1299.06 29408.3 0.551 1300.09 29457.6 0.548 1301.1 29506.5 0.545 1302.16 29555.3 0.549 1303.12 29598.9 0.549 1304.09 29642.9 0.557 1305.09 29688.8 0.553 1306.1 29736.6 0.55 1307.12 29785 0.553 1308.16 29835.7 0.56 1309.12 29884 0.559 1310.09 29934.2 0.56 1311.08 29987.8 0.565 1312.1 30043.6 0.563 1313.21 30105.6 0.559 1314.09 30158.2 0.567 1315.06 30215.3 0.56 1316.11 30276.9 0.543 1317.01 30328.7 0.543 1318.12 30391.9 0.551 1319.1 30446.8 0.548 1320.11 30502.6 0.547 1321.1 30559 0.543 1322.11 30617 0.545 1323.09 30671.8 0.54 1324.11 30731.3 0.544 1325.1 30789.3 0.54 1326.11 30844.6 0.545 1327.08 30894.8 0.534 1329.18 31006 0.535 1330.19 31062.1 0.544 1331.06 31112.1 0.537 1332.06 31171.9 0.542 1333.06 31232.7 0.547 1334.07 31297.6 0.542 1335.08 31363 0.551 1336.12 31431.2 0.547 1337.08 31497.3 0.549 1338.08 31565.2 0.554 1339.11 31635.8 0.552 1340.25 31714 0.552 1341.12 31776.9 0.541 1341.12 31776.9 0.541 1342.1 31847.4 0.546 1343.1 31917.9 0.538 1344.12 31985.9 0.54 1345.1 32055.2 0.541 1346.09 32124.1 0.541 1347.04 32187.5 0.546 1348.01 32253.3 0.537 1349.18 32332.9 0.549 1349.97 32384.3 0.54 1351 32444.2 0.552 1352.05 32500.2 0.552 1353.05 32554.8 0.545 1354.06 32609.2 0.552 1355 32657.3 0.553 1356.09 32712.3 0.553 1357.11 32760.7 0.554 1358.14 32806.8 0.543 1359.14 32851.4 0.548 1360.15 32896.9 0.546 1361.15 32941.5 0.553 1362.17 32986.3 0.545 1363.11 33027.4 0.553 1364.06 33068.2 0.539 1365.05 33110.9 0.553 1366.04 33154.6 0.558 1367.08 33202.1 0.545 1368.11 33248.3 0.556 1368.11 33248.3 0.556 1369.08 33290.6 0.546 1370.1 33336.5 0.547 1371.06 33380.2 0.552 1372.07 33426 0.551 1373.08 33472 0.549 1374.11 33520.5 0.559 1375.08 33564 0.554 1376.06 33605.7 0.569 1377.08 33648 0.565 1378.16 33693.8 0.565 1379.1 33734.7 0.57 1380.11 33778.9 0.572 1381.08 33819.9 0.568 1382.1 33863.9 0.551 1383.08 33905.1 0.567 1384.11 33946.9 0.561 1385.03 33983.1 0.561 1386.15 34026.4 0.56 1387.08 34064.2 0.561 1388.05 34105.2 0.565 1389.04 34147.9 0.562 1390.04 34190.5 0.566 1391.09 34234.4 0.566 1392.13 34280.6 0.547 1393.1 34326.1 0.548 1394.08 34371 0.549 1395.11 34419.1 0.541 1396.14 34467.5 0.527 1397.12 34513 0.528 1398.11 34559.2 0.526 1399.07 34603.1 0.53 1400.06 34648.1 0.535 1401.06 34693.9 0.547 1402.09 34740.9 0.543 1403.09 34785.6 0.54 1404.1 34830.9 0.544 1405.09 34879.1 0.549 1406.09 34928.7 0.56 1407.12 34977.6 0.543 1408.14 35024.1 0.544 1409.16 35069.9 0.553 1410.41 35125.8 0.545 1411.21 35160.7 0.547 1412.26 35204.3 0.56 1413.19 35246.2 0.551 1414.15 35290.3 0.562 1415.1 35333.9 0.556 1416.06 35377.9 0.564 1416.98 35420.8 0.56 1418.07 35473.2 0.561 1419.05 35520.8 0.556 1420.05 35569.9 0.566 1421.08 35620 0.566 1422.09 35669.3 0.551 1423.11 35719.8 0.551 1424.13 35768.7 0.566 1425.08 35811.9 0.57 1426.05 35859 0.555 1427.05 35908.9 0.565 1428.05 35956.6 0.561 1429.05 36005.8 0.557 1430.07 36055.9 0.566 1431.07 36104.5 0.56 1432.09 36154.2 0.558 1433.09 36203.3 0.553 1434.12 36255.3 0.562 1435.12 36309.2 0.56 1436.13 36364 0.547 1437.07 36414.1 0.555 1438.03 36467 0.553 1438.97 36518.8 0.555 1440.15 36582.8 0.55 1441.08 36633.1 0.546 1442.1 36689.1 0.541 1443.08 36744 0.539 1444.08 36802.1 0.54 1445.08 36860.5 0.535 1446.08 36917.8 0.544 1447.06 36973.6 0.548 1448.06 37030 0.546 1449.06 37085.5 0.543 1450.09 37141.4 0.552 1450.97 37188.6 0.543 1452.04 37247.1 0.539 1453.05 37301.1 0.541 1454.1 37356 0.546 1455.11 37408.8 0.544 1456.15 37462.4 0.542 1457.15 37513 0.527 1458.18 37564.6 0.536 1459.21 37616 0.527 1460.24 37667.7 0.533 1461.24 37717.3 0.546 1462.25 37765.6 0.537 1463.26 37813 0.54 1464.17 37856.7 0.527 1465.17 37904 0.53 1466.15 37949.6 0.536 1467.16 37994.9 0.528 1468.18 38038.4 0.529 1469.08 38078.4 0.528 1470.07 38119.1 0.519 1471.08 38161.5 0.516 1472.11 38205.1 0.52 1473.08 38244.6 0.523 1474.04 38281 0.51 1475.08 38318.4 0.509 1476.1 38356.2 0.526 1477.06 38391 0.516 1478.02 38425.4 0.518 1479.32 38470.3 0.516 1480.19 38499.2 0.511 1481.1 38529.6 0.517 1482.12 38564.8 0.51 1483.1 38600.5 0.517 1484.1 38638.8 0.509 1485.6 38696.1 0.516 1486.08 38714.6 0.52 1487.1 38753.3 0.516 1488.12 38790.6 0.517 1489.1 38826.5 0.516 1490.06 38862 0.514 1491.08 38899.8 0.515 1492.01 38933.4 0.51 1493.01 38970.1 0.523 1494.03 39009.5 0.526 1495.03 39047.5 0.524 1496.05 39085.1 0.525 1497.04 39122.7 0.513 1498.05 39162.4 0.525 1499.17 39205.4 0.525 1500.11 39240.8 0.523 1501.11 39278.3 0.524 1503.08 39351.9 0.517 1504.08 39388.3 0.511 1505.1 39427.4 0.535 1506.11 39470.5 0.523 1507.14 39512.8 0.517 1508.17 39553.6 0.514 1509.13 39591.4 0.513 1510.1 39631.7 0.521 1511.07 39673.8 0.52 1512.11 39721.3 0.507 1513.05 39766.2 0.524 1514.07 39815.5 0.515 1515.1 39866 0.521 1516.12 39913.9 0.525 1517.14 39961.8 0.51 1518.16 40010.7 0.51 1519.29 40061.8 0.513 1520.22 40102.6 0.515 1521.24 40148 0.502 1522.26 40194.8 0.513 1523.19 40239.1 0.526 1524.13 40282.7 0.522 1525.16 40329.6 0.521 1526.21 40378.4 0.516 1527.12 40422.2 0.513 1528.04 40465.5 0.514 1529.08 40511.2 0.504 1530.11 40554 0.499 1531.08 40593.2 0.505 1533.11 40673.7 0.505 1534.15 40714.4 0.504 1535.18 40755.5 0.511 1536.23 40797.9 0.512 1537.16 40835.8 0.514 1538.08 40874 0.519 1539.11 40917.7 0.51 1540.24 40966.1 0.509 1541.13 41002.4 0.512 1542.28 41047.4 0.516 1543.28 41084.2 0.522 1544.15 41116.5 0.523 1545.44 41164.9 0.519 1546.22 41191.1 0.523 1547.23 41225 0.522 1548.24 41259.3 0.526 1549.23 41292.4 0.534 1550.23 41325.9 0.532 1551.39 41365.1 0.527 1552.28 41395.3 0.533 1553.25 41428.6 0.537 1554.24 41462.8 0.542 1555.19 41496.8 0.544 1556.13 41532.3 0.545 1557.09 41570.6 0.547 1558.05 41610.9 0.542 1559.17 41660.1 0.535 1560.08 41702.3 0.54 1561.09 41747.6 0.536 1562.1 41794.2 0.526 1563.09 41843.5 0.524 1564.09 41893.9 0.534 1565.06 41941.1 0.526 1566.04 41989.7 0.522 1567.06 42041.6 0.523 1568.08 42095.7 0.519 1569.05 42148.4 0.507 1570.07 42204.4 0.511 1571.17 42260 0.494 1572.07 42303.8 0.5 1573.07 42352.6 0.494 1574.07 42401.1 0.492 1575.09 42448.6 0.498 1576.11 42492.9 0.492 1577.11 42534.4 0.495 1578.08 42573.1 0.496 1579.18 42618.1 0.496 1580.19 42659.1 0.497 1581.08 42696.2 0.497 1582.08 42739.1 0.501 1583.06 42780.2 0.502 1584.06 42821.6 0.5 1585.07 42862.9 0.496 1586.09 42906.3 0.489 1587.08 42950.7 0.509 1588.08 42997 0.51 1589.09 43043.9 0.504 1590.09 43089.7 0.502 1591.06 43135.7 0.507 1592.07 43184 0.512 1593.06 43231.2 0.51 1594.08 43280 0.512 1595.09 43329.5 0.52 1596.09 43381.1 0.525 1597.09 43433.5 0.518 1598.09 43486.1 0.517 1599.12 43541.9 0.508 1600.25 43604.8 0.502 1601.17 43657.5 0.508 1602.17 43714.9 0.511 1603.17 43772.5 0.506 1604.11 43826.7 0.502 1605.09 43885 0.504 1606.33 43956 0.506 1607.08 43998 0.502 1608.08 44053.6 0.493 1609.04 44106.5 0.483 1610.07 44163.2 0.483 1611.13 44223.7 0.487 1612.08 44278.9 0.474 1613.08 44337.7 0.466 1614.08 44396.9 0.464 1615.44 44478.5 0.462 1616.1 44518.4 0.469 1617.13 44581.7 0.466 1618.11 44640.8 0.473 1619.21 44708.8 0.469 1620.08 44763.9 0.465 1620.98 44821 0.465 1621.98 44885.8 0.473 1622.84 44939.8 0.476 1623.87 44999.1 0.473 1624.9 45060 0.482 1625.93 45123.1 0.481 1627.26 45203 0.482 1627.99 45246.9 0.486 1629.02 45308.9 0.488 1630.05 45369.9 0.495 1631.05 45428.4 0.496 1632.08 45490.8 0.495 1633.08 45551.3 0.493 1634.08 45609.9 0.501 1635.1 45668 0.504 1636.1 45722.4 0.498 1637.1 45774.4 0.508 1638.11 45826.7 0.512 1639.22 45885.8 0.512 1640.1 45931.4 0.513 1641.09 45983.8 0.525 1642.06 46038.2 0.516 1643.06 46096.6 0.521 1644.07 46155.3 0.526 1645.1 46213.7 0.53 1646.08 46269.6 0.533 1647.07 46326.5 0.539 1648.09 46385.2 0.53 1649.11 46445.1 0.526 1650.14 46504.3 0.53 1651.17 46562.6 0.538 1652.15 46619.1 0.532 1653.15 46675.8 0.535 1654.17 46731.2 0.535 1655.19 46786.9 0.53 1656.19 46842.1 0.533 1657.15 46896.6 0.542 1658.19 46955.5 0.54 1659.22 47014.8 0.533 1660.32 47080 0.532 1662.19 47189.7 0.525 1663.57 47267.2 0.536 1664.18 47300.9 0.533 1665.15 47354.7 0.535 1666.13 47409.8 0.525 1667.13 47466.8 0.531 1668.08 47518.9 0.532 1669.03 47565.3 0.531 1670.03 47613.2 0.523 1671.03 47660.7 0.527 1671.98 47702.5 0.527 1673.01 47747.9 0.526 1674.04 47794.5 0.522 1675.07 47841.7 0.528 1676.1 47892.1 0.515 1677.09 47945.9 0.513 1678.09 47997.3 0.516 1679.22 48056.5 0.514 1680.15 48108.1 0.514 1681.12 48163.9 0.484 1682.1 48220.9 0.503 1683.09 48280.6 0.493 1684.08 48343.8 0.485 1685.1 48411.5 0.493 1686.13 48482.5 0.476 1687.16 48556 0.481 1688.43 48648 0.482 1689.21 48704.4 0.48 1690.22 48776.7 0.483 1691.18 48844.7 0.483 1692.12 48913.4 0.488 1693.12 48987.4 0.483 1695.08 49131.9 0.486 1696.03 49199.5 0.496 1697.06 49271.9 0.501 1698.05 49340.5 0.509 1699.08 49407.7 0.51 1699.91 49462.1 0.507 1701.03 49534.4 0.511 1701.95 49590.6 0.508 1702.92 49649 0.506 1703.89 49705 0.506 1704.88 49761 0.507 1705.88 49813.9 0.511 1706.9 49867 0.51 1707.89 49916.6 0.513 1708.9 49965.5 0.522 1709.91 50014.9 0.526 1710.93 50065.8 0.519 1711.96 50117.3 0.52 1712.99 50166.4 0.525 1714 50214.1 0.529 1714.77 50251.8 0.526 1715.69 50295.9 0.531 1716.61 50341 0.524 1717.64 50390.5 0.527 1719.04 50456.8 0.532 1719.74 50491 0.531 1720.62 50535.5 0.538 1721.62 50586.5 0.534 1722.62 50638.4 0.54 1723.61 50689.5 0.549 1724.61 50739.1 0.545 1725.64 50791.3 0.54 1726.66 50844.4 0.55 1727.7 50898.8 0.542 1728.73 50954.6 0.541 1729.76 51010.8 0.541 1730.79 51067.7 0.548 1731.82 51124.5 0.542 1732.85 51181.5 0.547 1733.87 51239.4 0.543 1734.87 51297.2 0.539 1735.9 51359 0.543 1736.92 51422.5 0.551 1737.94 51485.3 0.55 1739.04 51555.7 0.543 1739.96 51615.2 0.546 1740.98 51683.7 0.546 1743 51831.5 0.547 1744.03 51910.6 0.548 1745.05 51990 0.541 1746.08 52069.5 0.552 1747.11 52151.8 0.555 1748.12 52240.4 0.548 1749.14 52335.3 0.548 1751.01 52516.3 0.551