Vostok and Taylor Dome Ice Core in situ 14C Data --------------------------------------------------------------------- NOAA Paleoclimatology Program and World Data Center for Paleoclimatology, Boulder --------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: PLEASE CITE ORIGINAL REFERENCE WHEN USING THIS DATA!!!!! NAME OF DATA SET: Vostok and Taylor Dome Ice Core in situ 14C Data LAST UPDATE: 9/2003 (Original Receipt by WDC Paleo) CONTRIBUTOR: D. Lal, Scripps Institution of Oceanography IGBP PAGES/WDCA CONTRIBUTION SERIES NUMBER: 2003-063 SUGGESTED DATA CITATION: Lal, D., et al., 2003, Vostok and Taylor Dome Ice Core in situ 14C Data, IGBP PAGES/World Data Center for Paleoclimatology Data Contribution Series #2003-063. NOAA/NGDC Paleoclimatology Program, Boulder CO, USA. ORIGINAL REFERENCE: Lal, D., A.J.T. Jull, D.J. Donahue, G.S. Burr, B. Deck, J. Jouzel and E. Steig, 2001, The record of cosmogenic in-situ produced 14C in Vostok and Taylor Dome ice samples: implications to strong role of wind ventilation processes. J. Geophys. Res. 106 (D23), 31,933-31,941, 2001. GEOGRAPHIC REGION: Antarctica PERIOD OF RECORD: 19 KYrBP - present DESCRIPTION: In situ 14C data from the Vostok and Taylor Dome Ice Cores. DATA: Tables 1-4 from Lal et al. 2001. Space-delimited ASCII text - best viewed with fixed width font such as courier. Table 1. Measured 14C concentrations in Vostok ice samples Depth in meters Weight of Ice in Kg Age in years Measured 14C concentration in atoms/g for CO and CO2 Age and Air corrected 14C concentration in atoms/g for CO and CO2 Total in-situ 14C concentration in atoms/g, corrected for trapped 14C and decay of 14C. 14CO fraction = 14CO/(14CO+14CO2). Refers to age corrected in-situ 14C concentrations. Measured 14C Corrected 14C Lab.code Core Depth Weight Age CO CO2 CO CO2 in-situ 14C 14CO fraction I001 BH5 7 1.53 5 >20±50 690±85 >25±50 685±85 >710±100 ----- D3 BH5 10 2.5 190 825±50 4040±100 845±150 2310±90 3160±100 0.37±0.03 I006 BH5 25 2.85 550 35±25 20±25 50±50 0±50 50±70 ----- O11 BH5 56 4.4 1,450 80±10 90±35 100±15 80±60 180±60 0.56±0.21 I003 BH7 60 3.55 1,710 >20±50 560±30 25±50 590±35 615±60 0.04±0.01 I005 BH5 70 3.52 2,100 55±50 505±35 70±60 510±50 580±80 0.12±0.02 V112 BH5 112 2.5 3,820 2785±80 1710±60 4420±130 1910±95 6330±160 0.70±0.04 L1 BH5 116 2.5 3,990 1110±35 2450±70 1800±60 3110±120 4410±130 0.37±0.02 L8 35CA7 211 2.47 8,270 255±25 880±35 690±65 1900±95 2590±115 0.27±0.03 O16 35CA7 266 5.38 10,785 405±35 135±35 1490±125 495±130 1985±180 0.75±0.09 I002 35CA3 267 5.03 10,900 465±35 960±20 1735±130 3085±70 4820±150 0.36±0.03 I004 35CA3 297 4.37 14,000 375±35 1230±30 2040±190 4420±145 6460±240 0.32±0.03 L7 35CA3 333 2 14,568 160±25 550±45 945±150 2780±310 3720±310 0.25±0.05 I007 35CA3 396 8.5 19,500 480±30 20±30 5070±105 0±130 5070±170 1.0±0.05 Table 2. Measured 14C concentrations in Taylor Dome ice samples Depth in meters Weight of Ice in Kg Age in years Measured 14C concentration in atoms/g for CO and CO2 In-situ 14C concentration in atoms/g for CO and CO2, corrected for trapped 14C and decay of 14C. Total in-situ 14C concentration in atoms/g, corrected for trapped 14C and decay of 14C. 14CO fraction = 14CO/(14CO+14CO2). Refers to age corrected in-situ 14C concentrations. Measured In-situ 14C Lab.code Depth Weight Age CO CO2 CO CO2 in-situ 14C 14CO fraction O7 1.5 - 1.89 5.95 10 100±10 320±25 100±15 300±35 400±40 0.25±0.05 O10 4.0 - 4.3 5.8 80 65±10 45±25 65±20 40±35 105±40 0.74±0.43 L6 30 - 31 3.2 520 2300±50 15±45 2445±50 10±50 2455±70 1.0±0.04 L4 54 - 55 3.65 970 90±25 10±55 120±30 90±65 210±70 0.58±0.23 L3 84 - 85 3 1,650 240±10 795±45 295±10 260±55 555±55 0.53±0.06 O19 251 - 252 3.95 5,530 105±25 630±55 205±50 525±100 730±115 0.28±0.08 O20 200 - 201 2.41 4,220 5±60 1130±35 0±90 1180±55 1180±110 < 0.15 (2 s.d) O22 327 - 328 3.51 8,330 75±30 600±60 205±80 975±160 1180±180 0.17±0.07 O24 355 - 356 2.68 10,688 135±25 585±50 495±60 1410±155 1905±165 0.26±0.04 Table 3. Observed 14C concentration deficiencies in Vostok Ice samples Depth in meters Age in years Total in-situ 14C concentration in atoms/g, age corrected in-situ 14 C concentration. Accumulation rate in cm/yr Expected 14C concentration based on 14C production rate at surface of 234 atoms 14C/g ice/y. Deficiency factor Lab code Depth Age in-situ 14C Accum Expected 14C Def. factor I001 7 5 710±100 2.15 9760 14±2 D3 10 190 3160±100 2.14 9810 3.1±0.10 I006 25 550 50±70 2.13 9855 ----- O11 56 1,450 180±60 2.12 9900 55±20 I003 60 1,710 615±60 2.12 9900 16±2 I005 70 2,100 580±80 2.12 9900 17±2 V112 112 3,820 6330±160 2.22 9455 1.5±0.04 L1 116 3,990 4410±130 2.2 9540 2.2±0.06 L8 211 8,270 2590±115 2.26 9290 3.6±0.16 O16 266 10,785 1985±180 1.8 11660 5.9±0.54 I002 267 10,900 4820±150 1.8 11660 2.4±0.08 I004 297 14,000 6460±240 1.8 11660 1.8±0.07 L7 333 14,568 3720±310 1.57 13370 3.6±0.30 I007 396 19,500 5070±170 1.3 16150 3.2±0.11 @Age corrected in-situ 14 C concentration. #Based on 14C production rate at surface of 234 atoms 14C/g ice/y. Table 4. Observed 14C concentration deficiencies in Taylor Dome Ice samples Depth in meters Age in years Total in-situ 14C concentration in atoms/g, age corrected in-situ 14 C concentration. Accumulation rate in cm/yr Expected 14C concentration based on 14C production rate at surface of 120.3 atoms 14C/g ice/y Deficiency factor Lab code Depth Age in-situ 14C Accum Expected 14C Def. factor O7 1.5 - 1. 10 400±40 5.35 3925 9.8±1.0 O10 4.0 - 4. 80 105±40 5.7 3680 35±13 L6 30 - 31 520 2455±70 5.8 3620 1.5±0.04 L4 54 - 55 970 210±70 4.93 4260 20±7 L3 84 - 85 1,650 555±55 5.55 3780 6.8±0.7 O19 251 - 25 5,530 730±115 5 4200 5.8±1.0 O20 200 - 20 4,220 1180±110 4.8 4375 3.7±0.35 O22 327 - 32 8,330 1180±180 1.48 14180 12±1.8 O24 355 - 35 10,688 1905±165 0.835 25140 13±1.0