# WAIS Divide Ice Core 67,000 Year Discrete Sample Methane Data #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program # National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # NOTE: Please cite Publication, and Online_Resource and date accessed when using these data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigators, Title, and Online_Resource and date accessed. # # Online_Resource: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/19662 # Online_Resource: http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/icecore/antarctica/wais2015ch4osu-holocene.txt # # Original_Source_URL: # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Archive: Ice Cores # # Parameter_Keywords: atmospheric gas #-------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2016-01-12 #-------------------- # Title # Study_Name: WAIS Divide Ice Core 67,000 Year Discrete Sample Methane Data #-------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Brook, E.; Sowers, T. #-------------------- # Description_and_Notes # Description: Methane concentrations from discrete samples of the WAIS Divide Ice Core measured at Penn State University # and Oregon State University. All depths in meters below the surface. All methane dry air mixing ratios in nano-mol per mol (ppb) # on the NOAA04 scale. Methane data have been corrected for blank offsets, solubility loss, and gravitational fractionation using # interpolated d15N or N2 data reported in WAIS Divide Project Members (2015). Concentrations are slightly (less than 0.5 ppb) # different in this file than in previous data reports because of an updated gravitational enrichment correction based on the # newest d15N of N2 data. All ages are given in years before 1950.0 C.E. (A.D.) on the WD2014 timescale. # NaN = replicate data not included due to leak or broken sample. The "Combined WAIS Divide Methane" record combines the PSU # and OSU data sets, and where they overlap, uses the higher resolution data set. This combined file is the version of choice # for users needing a complete discrete WAIS Divide methane data set. # WAIS Divide Project Members: Christo Buizert, Betty Adrian, Jinho Ahn, Mary Albert, Richard B. Alley, Daniel Baggenstos, Thomas K. Bauska, Ryan C. Bay, Brian B. Bencivengo, Charles R. Bentley, Edward J. Brook, Nathan J. Chellman, Gary D. Clow, Jihong Cole-Dai, Howard Conway, Eric Cravens, Kurt M. Cuffey, Nelia W. Dunbar, Jon S. Edwards, John M. Fegyveresi, Dave G. Ferris, Joan J. Fitzpatrick, T. J. Fudge, Chris J. Gibson, Vasileios Gkinis, Joshua J. Goetz, Stephanie Gregory, Geoffrey M. Hargreaves, Nels Iverson, Jay A. Johnson, Tyler R. Jones, Michael L. Kalk, Matthew J. Kippenhan, Bess G. Koffman, Karl Kreutz, Tanner W. Kuhl, Donald A. Lebar, James E. Lee, Shaun A. Marcott, Bradley R. Markle, Olivia J. Maselli, Joseph R. McConnell, Kenneth C. McGwire, Logan E. Mitchell, Nicolai B. Mortensen, Peter D. Neff, Kunihiko Nishiizumi, Richard M. Nunn, Anais J. Orsi, Daniel R. Pasteris, Joel B. Pedro, Erin C. Pettit, P. Buford Price, John C. Priscu, Rachael H. Rhodes, Julia L. Rosen, Andrew J. Schauer, Spruce W. Schoenemann, Paul J. Sendelbach, Jeffrey P. Severinghaus, Alexander J. Shturmakov, Michael Sigl, Kristina R. Slawny, Joseph M. Souney, Todd A. Sowers, Matthew K. Spencer, Eric J. Steig, Kendrick C. Taylor, Mark S. Twickler, Bruce H. Vaughn, Donald E. Voigt, Edwin D. Waddington, Kees C. Welten, Anthony W. Wendricks, James W. C. White, Mai Winstrup, Gifford J. Wong and Thomas E. Woodruff # #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: WAIS Divide Project Members # Published_Date_or_Year: 2015-04-30 # Published_Title: Precise interpolar phasing of abrupt climate change during the last ice age # Journal_Name: Nature # Volume: 520 # Edition: 7459 # Issue: # Pages: 661-665 # Report_Number: # DOI: 10.1038/nature14401 # Online_Resource: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v520/n7549/full/nature14401.html # Full_Citation: # Abstract: The last glacial period exhibited abrupt Dansgaard-Oeschger climatic oscillations, evidence of which is preserved in a variety of Northern Hemisphere palaeoclimate archives. Ice cores show that Antarctica cooled during the warm phases of the Greenland Dansgaard-Oeschger cycle and vice versa, suggesting an interhemispheric redistribution of heat through a mechanism called the bipolar seesaw. Variations in the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) strength are thought to have been important, but much uncertainty remains regarding the dynamics and trigger of these abrupt events. Key information is contained in the relative phasing of hemispheric climate variations, yet the large, poorly constrained difference between gas age and ice age and the relatively low resolution of methane records from Antarctic ice cores have so far precluded methane-based synchronization at the required sub-centennial precision. Here we use a recently drilled high-accumulation Antarctic ice core to show that, on average, abrupt Greenland warming leads the corresponding Antarctic cooling onset by 218 +/- 92 years (2 sigma) for Dansgaard-Oeschger events, including the Bolling event; Greenland cooling leads the corresponding onset of Antarctic warming by 208 +/- 96 years. Our results demonstrate a north-to-south directionality of the abrupt climatic signal, which is propagated to the Southern Hemisphere high latitudes by oceanic rather than atmospheric processes. The similar interpolar phasing of warming and cooling transitions suggests that the transfer time of the climatic signal is independent of the AMOC background state. Our findings confirm a central role for ocean circulation in the bipolar seesaw and provide clear criteria for assessing hypotheses and model simulations of Dansgaard-Oeschger dynamics. # #------------------ # Publication # Authors: Shaun A. Marcott, Thomas K. Bauska, Christo Buizert, Eric J. Steig, Julia L. Rosen, Kurt M. Cuffey, T.J. Fudge, Jeffery P. Severinghaus, Jinho Ahn, Michael L. Kalk, Joseph R. McConnell, Todd Sowers, Kendrick C. Taylor, James W.C. White and Edward J. Brook # Published_Date_or_Year: 2014-10-29 # Published_Title: Centennial-scale changes in the global carbon cycle during the last deglaciation # Journal_Name: Nature # Volume: 514 # Edition: # Issue: 7524 # Pages: 616-619 # Report_Number: # DOI: 10.1038/nature13799 # Online_Resource: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v514/n7524/full/nature13799.html # Full_Citation: # Abstract: Global climate and the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) are correlated over recent glacial cycles. The combination of processes responsible for a rise in atmospheric CO2 at the last glacial termination (23,000 to 9,000 years ago), however, remains uncertain. Establishing the timing and rate of CO2 changes in the past provides critical insight into the mechanisms that influence the carbon cycle and helps put present and future anthropogenic emissions in context. Here we present CO2 and methane (CH4) records of the last deglaciation from a new high-accumulation West Antarctic ice core with unprecedented temporal resolution and precise chronology. We show that although low-frequency CO2 variations parallel changes in Antarctic temperature, abrupt CO2 changes occur that have a clear relationship with abrupt climate changes in the Northern Hemisphere. A significant proportion of the direct radiative forcing associated with the rise in atmospheric CO2 occurred in three sudden steps, each of 10 to 15 parts per million. Every step took place in less than two centuries and was followed by no notable change in atmospheric CO2 for about 1,000 to 1,500 years. Slow, millennial-scale ventilation of Southern Ocean CO2-rich, deep-ocean water masses is thought to have been fundamental to the rise in atmospheric CO2 associated with the glacial termination, given the strong covariance of CO2 levels and Antarctic temperatures. Our data establish a contribution from an abrupt, centennial-scale mode of CO2 variability that is not directly related to Antarctic temperature. We suggest that processes operating on centennial timescales, probably involving the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation, seem to be influencing global carbon-cycle dynamics and are at present not widely considered in Earth system models. #------------------ # Publication # Authors: C. Buizert, K. M. Cuffey, J. P. Severinghaus, D. Baggenstos, T. J. Fudge, E. J. Steig, B. R. Markle, M. Winstrup, R. H. Rhodes, E. J. Brook, T. A. Sowers, G. D. Clow, H. Cheng, R. L. Edwards, M. Sigl, J. R. McConnell, and K. C. Taylor # Published_Date_or_Year: 2015-02-05 # Published_Title: The WAIS Divide deep ice core WD2014 chronology - Part 1: Methane synchronization (68-31 ka BP) and the gas age-ice age difference # Journal_Name: Climate of the Past # Volume: 11 # Edition: # Issue: 2 # Pages: 153-173 # Report_Number: # DOI: 10.5194/cp-11-153-2015 # Online_Resource: http://www.clim-past.net/11/153/2015/cp-11-153-2015.html # Full_Citation: # Abstract: The West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide (WAIS Divide, WD) ice core is a newly drilled, high-accumulation deep ice core that provides Antarctic climate records of the past ~68 ka at unprecedented temporal resolution. The upper 2850 m (back to 31.2 ka BP) have been dated using annual-layer counting. Here we present a chronology for the deep part of the core (67.8-31.2 ka BP), which is based on stratigraphic matching to annual-layer-counted Greenland ice cores using globally well-mixed atmospheric methane. We calculate the WD gas age-ice age difference (Delta age) using a combination of firn densification modeling, ice-flow modeling, and a data set of d15N-N2, a proxy for past firn column thickness. The largest Delta age at WD occurs during the Last Glacial Maximum, and is 525 +/- 120 years. Internally consistent solutions can be found only when assuming little to no influence of impurity content on densification rates, contrary to a recently proposed hypothesis. We synchronize the WD chronology to a linearly scaled version of the layer-counted Greenland Ice Core Chronology (GICC05), which brings the age of Dansgaard-Oeschger (DO) events into agreement with the U/Th absolutely dated Hulu Cave speleothem record. The small Delta age at WD provides valuable opportunities to investigate the timing of atmospheric greenhouse gas variations relative to Antarctic climate, as well as the interhemispheric phasing of the "bipolar seesaw". #------------------ # Publication # Authors: Logan Mitchell, Ed Brook, James E. Lee, Christo Buizert, Todd Sowers # Published_Date_or_Year: 2013-11-22 # Published_Title: Constraints on the Late Holocene Anthropogenic Contribution to the Atmospheric Methane Budget # Journal_Name: Science # Volume: 342 # Edition: # Issue: 6161 # Pages: 964-966 # Report_Number: # DOI: 10.1126/science.1238920 # Online_Resource: http://science.sciencemag.org/content/342/6161/964.abstract # Full_Citation: # Abstract: The origin of the late preindustrial Holocene (LPIH) increase in atmospheric methane concentrations has been much debated. Hypotheses invoking changes in solely anthropogenic sources or solely natural sources have been proposed to explain the increase in concentrations. Here two high-resolution, high-precision ice core methane concentration records from Greenland and Antarctica are presented and are used to construct a high-resolution record of the methane inter-polar difference (IPD). The IPD record constrains the latitudinal distribution of emissions and shows that LPIH emissions increased primarily in the tropics, with secondary increases in the subtropical Northern Hemisphere. Anthropogenic and natural sources have different latitudinal characteristics, which are exploited to demonstrate that both anthropogenic and natural sources are needed to explain LPIH changes in methane concentration. #------------------ # Publication # Authors: Logan E. Mitchell, Edward J. Brook, Todd Sowers, J.R. McConnell, Kendrick Taylor # Published_Date_or_Year: 2011-06-01 # Published_Title: Multidecadal variability of atmospheric methane, 1000-1800 C.E. # Journal_Name: Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences # Volume: 116 # Edition: # Issue: G2 # Pages: # Report_Number: # DOI: 10.1029/2010JG001441 # Online_Resource: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2010JG001441/full # Full_Citation: # Abstract: We present a new high-precision, high-resolution record of atmospheric methane from the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) Divide ice core covering 1000-1800 C.E., a time period known as the late preindustrial Holocene (LPIH). The results are consistent with previous measurements from the Law Dome ice core, the only other high-resolution record of methane for this time period, and confirm most of the observed variability. Multidecadal variability in methane concentrations throughout the LPIH is weakly correlated or uncorrelated with reconstructions of temperature and precipitation from a variety of geographic regions. Correlations with temperature are dominated by changes in Northern Hemisphere high latitude temperatures between 1400 and 1600 C.E. during the onset of the Little Ice Age. Times of war and plague when large population losses could have reduced anthropogenic emissions are coincident with short periods of decreasing global methane concentrations. #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: US National Science Foundation # Grant: 0944078, 0841308, 1043528, 1142173, 1204172, 1142041, 1043518, 0839066, 0087345, 0944191, 0539232, 0537661, 1142069, 1142115, 0841135, 0839093, 1142166, 0440819, 1142164, 1142178, 0538657, 1043500, 0944584, 1043313, 0537930, 1043092, 0230149, 0230396, 0440817, 0440819, 0944191, 0944348, 0944266, 0839137, 0537593, 1043167 #------------------ # Site_Information # Site_Name: WDC-06A # Location: Antarctica # Country: # Northernmost_Latitude: -79.4676 # Southernmost_Latitude: -79.4676 # Easternmost_Longitude: -112.0865 # Westernmost_Longitude: -112.0865 # Elevation: 1807 m #------------------ # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: WAIS2015CH4OSUholocene # Earliest_Year: 4668 # Most_Recent_Year: 169 # Time_Unit: Cal. Year BP # Core_Length: 3403 m # Notes: #------------------ # Chronology_Information # Chronology: WD2014 chronology, Buizert et al. 2015, Clim. Past 11:153. doi: 10.5194/cp-11-153-2015 # #---------------- # Variables # # Data variables follow are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Data line variables format: Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-longname-tab-longname components (9 components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, archive, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) # ## depth_m depth, , , m, , , , ,N ## age_calBP age, , , calendar years before present, , , WD2014 Gas Age, ,N ## ch4_ppb Methane concentration, trapped air, , ppb, , ice cores, NOAA04 scale, ,N ## ch4_ppb_err Methane concentration error, trapped air, , ppb, , ice cores, Reported uncertainty in original measurements from Mitchell et al. (2011; 2013), ,N ## Lab Lab Code,,,,,, PSU or OSU (Pennsylvania State University or Oregon State University),,C # #---------------- # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing Values: # Methane concentrations from discrete samples of the WAIS Divide Ice Core measured at Oregon State University for the late Holocene # depth_m age_calBP ch4_ppb ch4_ppb_err Lab 115.050 169.162 729.4 0.5 OSU 117.250 179.158 727.5 0.2 OSU 119.050 187.322 716.8 2.2 OSU 121.050 196.301 712.6 0.8 OSU 123.050 205.28 704.2 0.1 OSU 125.015 213.94 701.2 0.3 OSU 127.050 222.86 691.9 0.5 OSU 129.050 231.706 690.1 1.2 OSU 131.150 241.108 686.8 0.8 OSU 133.150 249.892 687.8 0.6 OSU 135.150 258.225 691.5 1.4 OSU 137.150 266.558 700.2 1.2 OSU 139.150 275.475 697.8 0.9 OSU 141.150 284.475 695.1 2.4 OSU 143.150 293.397 686.1 0.8 OSU 145.150 302.28 689.1 0.5 OSU 147.150 311.02 694.3 3.5 OSU 149.150 319.628 696.0 1.3 OSU 151.190 328.444 691.5 2.1 OSU 153.190 337.194 686.1 1.0 OSU 154.050 340.956 689.4 0.6 OSU 155.150 345.769 683.1 0.1 OSU 156.050 349.734 685.0 5.1 OSU 157.190 354.779 683.5 0.1 OSU 157.910 357.966 683.6 0.9 OSU 159.150 363.453 685.9 1.9 OSU 160.160 367.923 686.6 2.1 OSU 161.150 372.21 694.1 0.5 OSU 162.050 376.103 696.0 0.2 OSU 163.150 380.862 707.9 2.8 OSU 164.050 384.755 711.6 0.1 OSU 165.150 389.583 716.7 1.3 OSU 166.050 393.653 717.7 0.0 OSU 168.050 402.699 721.3 1.7 OSU 171.150 416.48 714.8 1.0 OSU 173.150 425.28 715.2 1.4 OSU 175.150 434.162 709.9 0.1 OSU 177.150 443.075 706.9 1.0 OSU 179.150 451.933 698.3 2.0 OSU 181.150 460.715 686.5 0.1 OSU 183.150 469.531 685.8 2.8 OSU 185.150 478.576 679.2 1.8 OSU 187.150 487.622 680.4 2.4 OSU 189.150 496.448 682.8 0.3 OSU 191.148 505.248 682.1 1.3 OSU 193.150 514.15 680.6 1.4 OSU 195.150 523.107 679.3 1.4 OSU 197.150 531.935 676.2 1.5 OSU 199.150 540.424 677.8 2.2 OSU 201.150 548.914 683.5 3.1 OSU 203.190 558.078 684.6 1.2 OSU 205.150 566.984 689.4 3.0 OSU 207.190 576.304 685.7 0.1 OSU 209.150 585.302 682.4 1.3 OSU 211.213 594.575 679.4 0.6 OSU 213.150 602.928 679.4 0.8 OSU 215.193 611.739 681.7 2.1 OSU 217.150 620.294 683.5 2.8 OSU 219.193 629.232 689.3 2.1 OSU 221.150 637.867 690.1 0.2 OSU 223.213 647.036 691.2 1.8 OSU 225.150 655.663 683.5 2.5 OSU 227.193 664.81 678.8 0.6 OSU 229.193 673.724 679.0 0.4 OSU 231.290 682.68 680.6 5.3 OSU 233.193 690.808 675.1 0.5 OSU 235.190 699.499 677.9 1.3 OSU 237.190 708.274 677.8 2.1 OSU 239.150 716.79 679.5 4.1 OSU 241.150 725.19 677.7 0.7 OSU 243.150 733.59 681.4 0.9 OSU 245.150 742.214 687.4 0.6 OSU 247.150 750.922 695.0 1.7 OSU 249.150 759.704 693.7 1.4 OSU 251.150 768.64 692.3 2.0 OSU 253.150 777.577 692.4 1.0 OSU 255.160 786.12 693.0 2.4 OSU 257.150 794.567 691.8 1.1 OSU 259.150 803.121 689.2 5.0 OSU 259.290 803.724 690.2 0.5 OSU 261.150 811.734 688.7 0.8 OSU 261.290 812.337 685.7 0.9 OSU 263.105 820.152 683.7 2.1 OSU 265.150 828.945 684.9 1.6 OSU 267.150 837.545 687.0 2.3 OSU 269.150 846.191 686.1 0.1 OSU 271.150 854.872 685.8 2.3 OSU 273.150 863.522 677.5 1.3 OSU 275.150 872.064 673.9 1.2 OSU 277.150 880.605 669.7 0.5 OSU 279.190 889.136 685.1 0.9 OSU 281.150 897.296 684.2 2.6 OSU 283.150 905.612 687.3 0.3 OSU 285.148 913.901 686.7 3.1 OSU 287.148 922.198 686.3 0.7 OSU 289.150 930.462 677.1 0.9 OSU 291.150 938.717 671.4 0.3 OSU 291.290 939.295 668.6 0.6 OSU 293.150 947.22 667.1 2.7 OSU 295.150 955.842 670.4 2.3 OSU 297.150 964.306 662.3 1.5 OSU 299.150 972.556 663.9 2.9 OSU 301.290 981.4 667.1 2.1 OSU 303.150 989.227 658.5 1.6 OSU 305.150 997.644 656.7 4.8 OSU 305.290 998.233 652.9 2.3 OSU 306.350 1002.74 652.0 0.6 OSU 307.150 1006.19 648.9 1.2 OSU 307.290 1006.79 650.1 1.1 OSU 309.150 1014.82 659.4 1.1 OSU 311.150 1023.42 657.8 0.5 OSU 313.150 1031.95 657.0 3.5 OSU 315.150 1040.48 653.1 0.3 OSU 317.150 1049.11 652.4 1.3 OSU 319.150 1057.76 654.6 0.1 OSU 321.150 1066.4 660.1 3.9 OSU 323.150 1075.03 657.4 0.7 OSU 325.150 1083.65 659.1 5.9 OSU 327.150 1091.92 649.2 1.2 OSU 329.150 1100.16 647.7 1.2 OSU 331.150 1108.53 646.5 0.1 OSU 333.050 1116.64 650.0 0.2 OSU 335.150 1125.61 648.1 1.7 OSU 337.150 1133.89 640.6 1.6 OSU 339.150 1142.18 629.8 0.0 OSU 341.150 1150.54 627.4 0.4 OSU 343.150 1158.96 629.9 0.7 OSU 345.150 1167.37 627.6 3.4 OSU 347.320 1176.52 627.4 2.4 OSU 349.150 1184.23 638.8 0.5 OSU 351.150 1192.9 651.0 2.0 OSU 353.050 1201.19 652.5 3.3 OSU 355.150 1209.98 656.6 1.9 OSU 357.150 1218.1 656.8 1.8 OSU 359.150 1226.25 651.8 1.0 OSU 361.150 1234.66 648.9 4.5 OSU 363.190 1243.24 644.1 1.6 OSU 365.150 1251.42 641.8 2.3 OSU 367.150 1259.76 641.4 2.0 OSU 369.150 1268.02 641.0 1.5 OSU 371.150 1276.1 637.2 1.0 OSU 373.150 1284.19 640.5 4.0 OSU 375.150 1292.76 631.9 1.0 OSU 377.150 1301.44 630.2 2.3 OSU 378.150 1305.75 638.7 1.1 OSU 381.150 1318.34 642.9 1.4 OSU 383.310 1327.34 653.0 2.5 OSU 385.150 1334.92 654.0 2.0 OSU 387.150 1343.17 657.1 0.9 OSU 389.190 1352.14 661.4 0.5 OSU 391.360 1361.76 664.0 1.1 OSU 393.150 1369.42 662.5 0.7 OSU 395.155 1377.81 658.9 1.4 OSU 397.150 1386.14 655.4 2.2 OSU 398.800 1392.91 656.6 1.4 OSU 401.150 1402.55 651.0 0.3 OSU 403.150 1411.11 642.2 0.1 OSU 405.150 1419.76 638.3 0.3 OSU 407.150 1428.26 637.3 0.5 OSU 409.150 1436.6 641.2 1.2 OSU 411.150 1444.97 641.0 0.4 OSU 412.910 1452.53 642.2 0.5 OSU 415.150 1462.16 638.4 1.9 OSU 417.150 1470.41 633.0 0.2 OSU 419.150 1478.63 632.0 0.4 OSU 421.150 1486.95 633.5 1.3 OSU 423.050 1494.89 633.3 1.0 OSU 424.840 1502.62 633.3 0.3 OSU 427.150 1513.15 629.4 2.5 OSU 429.150 1522.01 627.0 1.5 OSU 431.253 1530.95 624.8 1.3 OSU 433.148 1539 626.7 0.1 OSU 435.150 1547.53 635.2 1.2 OSU 437.148 1556.04 635.8 1.5 OSU 439.050 1564.44 636.2 0.5 OSU 441.148 1574.02 640.2 2.4 OSU 443.150 1583.04 640.0 0.7 OSU 445.150 1591.78 642.4 1.9 OSU 447.145 1600.5 643.3 1.2 OSU 449.150 1609.46 640.5 0.5 OSU 451.150 1618.39 643.9 0.0 OSU 452.050 1622.47 638.8 0.2 OSU 453.148 1627.53 634.4 2.4 OSU 454.050 1631.68 636.9 1.2 OSU 455.050 1636.29 637.5 2.3 OSU 457.150 1645.88 638.6 0.6 OSU 459.150 1654.97 644.1 3.5 OSU 461.150 1663.92 647.3 0.9 OSU 463.150 1672.6 651.4 1.2 OSU 465.150 1681.28 646.4 1.2 OSU 467.050 1690.02 648.0 0.5 OSU 469.150 1699.81 646.3 1.9 OSU 471.160 1708.74 643.7 2.5 OSU 473.340 1718.16 642.4 2.5 OSU 475.150 1725.93 640.3 1.5 OSU 477.150 1734.38 640.8 2.3 OSU 479.160 1742.89 635.8 0.4 OSU 481.200 1751.96 637.5 1.2 OSU 483.150 1760.69 641.6 1.6 OSU 484.050 1764.72 639.9 1.1 OSU 485.150 1769.66 642.9 6.7 OSU 485.800 1772.58 643.1 1.2 OSU 486.050 1773.7 640.4 1.0 OSU 487.150 1778.64 639.2 1.2 OSU 488.690 1785.42 637.3 0.1 OSU 490.800 1794.45 637.1 2.0 OSU 493.150 1804.57 641.3 2.2 OSU 495.150 1813.58 645.3 1.4 OSU 497.150 1822.58 641.2 0.9 OSU 499.150 1831.21 643.2 1.8 OSU 501.350 1840.65 637.3 0.7 OSU 503.150 1848.43 633.3 2.4 OSU 505.150 1857.13 632.2 2.5 OSU 507.250 1866.25 623.8 0.2 OSU 509.150 1874.48 620.6 2.5 OSU 511.050 1882.72 617.5 1.9 OSU 513.150 1891.82 615.3 3.5 OSU 515.155 1900.51 619.7 0.8 OSU 517.150 1909.16 615.7 3.7 OSU 519.150 1917.84 609.5 0.5 OSU 521.150 1926.65 614.9 2.6 OSU 523.380 1936.79 623.9 0.4 OSU 525.150 1944.81 628.2 2.5 OSU 526.050 1948.8 632.5 0.3 OSU 527.150 1953.67 633.2 0.9 OSU 528.150 1958.1 632.4 1.2 OSU 529.150 1962.54 630.4 2.7 OSU 530.200 1967.17 629.5 0.6 OSU 531.150 1971.36 625.5 3.7 OSU 533.150 1980.19 616.6 0.8 OSU 535.150 1989.02 616.4 1.5 OSU 537.150 1997.85 615.0 4.6 OSU 538.050 2001.83 612.3 0.2 OSU 539.150 2006.62 619.8 1.0 OSU 541.150 2015.17 618.7 0.0 OSU 543.150 2023.72 616.7 0.9 OSU 545.150 2032.49 615.6 1.2 OSU 547.420 2042.56 614.7 1.4 OSU 549.150 2050.33 618.5 2.6 OSU 551.150 2059.53 618.8 1.1 OSU 553.300 2069.34 621.2 0.6 OSU 555.150 2077.15 618.9 1.4 OSU 557.150 2085.59 616.5 0.7 OSU 559.150 2094.01 606.6 1.4 OSU 561.550 2104.09 604.5 1.9 OSU 565.550 2121.27 604.3 0.5 OSU 567.150 2128.24 604.9 2.5 OSU 569.150 2136.77 609.9 1.3 OSU 571.150 2145.25 612.6 0.1 OSU 573.150 2153.82 613.3 3.9 OSU 575.150 2162.5 609.4 3.7 OSU 581.171 2187.63 621.3 0.8 OSU 583.169 2196.18 629.7 0.4 OSU 585.291 2205.39 630.5 1.7 OSU 587.099 2213.02 633.2 3.6 OSU 589.586 2223.28 629.2 0.1 OSU 591.005 2229.16 629.9 4.4 OSU 592.868 2237.26 614.4 0.9 OSU 595.140 2247.13 609.2 1.4 OSU 596.867 2254.37 606.4 0.9 OSU 598.817 2262.46 605.5 3.9 OSU 600.911 2271.29 601.6 2.7 OSU 603.160 2281.07 604.5 0.5 OSU 604.729 2287.85 608.3 0.3 OSU 606.617 2295.72 613.3 2.3 OSU 608.670 2304.28 615.6 2.0 OSU 611.008 2314.44 621.2 0.6 OSU 612.588 2321.41 618.1 2.2 OSU 614.543 2329.99 618.0 3.2 OSU 616.483 2338.39 618.9 2.6 OSU 618.383 2346.63 620.0 2.6 OSU 622.276 2363.55 617.4 0.4 OSU 624.245 2372.25 608.8 0.2 OSU 626.368 2381.71 608.2 4.1 OSU 628.173 2389.76 610.9 3.2 OSU 630.177 2398.71 606.3 1.7 OSU 632.170 2407.6 603.1 1.3 OSU 634.163 2416.02 599.8 0.9 OSU 636.168 2424.49 601.8 3.2 OSU 638.280 2433.75 604.0 1.9 OSU 640.154 2442.16 604.7 3.7 OSU 642.261 2451.53 602.7 1.3 OSU 644.116 2459.65 602.8 0.2 OSU 646.101 2468.34 603.5 1.4 OSU 648.073 2476.93 605.8 0.5 OSU 650.067 2485.61 602.3 2.2 OSU 652.088 2494.38 595.0 0.6 OSU 654.030 2502.8 593.0 0.4 OSU 656.033 2511.67 588.0 0.9 OSU 657.990 2520.52 593.4 0.3 OSU 659.979 2529.42 595.5 2.0 OSU 662.005 2538.25 593.8 0.7 OSU 664.033 2547.08 592.6 1.3 OSU 666.454 2557.55 593.8 1.2 OSU 668.111 2564.72 598.6 2.3 OSU 670.046 2573.26 604.1 1.0 OSU 672.279 2583.12 602.6 1.5 OSU 674.008 2590.76 601.4 2.0 OSU 676.489 2601.73 604.4 0.3 OSU 680.139 2618.01 605.8 0.5 OSU 681.942 2626.19 608.7 3.9 OSU 683.954 2635.48 611.9 1.5 OSU 685.926 2644.41 606.7 1.4 OSU 687.903 2652.98 596.2 1.9 OSU 690.098 2662.64 594.7 1.4 OSU 691.884 2671.26 593.0 1.6 OSU 694.958 2685.57 593.9 1.9 OSU 695.631 2688.52 594.5 0.2 OSU 701.113 2714.05 599.1 0.4 OSU 705.094 2732.36 609.9 2.3 OSU 709.126 2751.42 600.2 3.4 OSU 713.376 2771.73 604.0 0.9 OSU 717.465 2790.94 604.1 1.5 OSU 721.155 2808.48 598.3 1.1 OSU 729.144 2846.56 588.4 1.8 OSU 733.154 2865.83 582.2 0.7 OSU 741.931 2907.64 595.0 3.3 OSU 745.143 2923.09 599.6 0.4 OSU 749.499 2943.98 602.2 3.7 OSU 753.148 2961.11 591.3 0.5 OSU 757.575 2982.43 587.1 0.2 OSU 761.285 3000.53 585.4 2.8 OSU 765.375 3020.12 586.8 2.4 OSU 769.226 3038.81 586.7 0.0 OSU 773.195 3057.86 584.7 2.2 OSU 781.137 3095.96 592.7 0.3 OSU 784.124 3110.2 596.3 0.7 OSU 789.374 3134.79 596.0 1.0 OSU 793.150 3152.41 594.0 0.7 OSU 795.383 3163.19 597.8 1.0 OSU 801.685 3192.96 591.4 0.1 OSU 805.550 3211.4 585.4 0.9 OSU 809.295 3229.09 581.3 1.0 OSU 813.380 3248.01 584.1 0.1 OSU 821.364 3286.27 603.0 0.2 OSU 826.102 3308.21 593.7 0.6 OSU 829.530 3324.86 595.7 0.5 OSU 833.528 3344.46 586.8 0.2 OSU 838.868 3370.01 588.7 0.4 OSU 842.126 3385.43 586.2 1.3 OSU 846.004 3403.76 577.3 3.1 OSU 849.462 3420.38 569.2 2.7 OSU 862.081 3480.36 593.6 1.8 OSU 865.577 3496.9 582.9 0.0 OSU 869.436 3514.84 583.8 2.1 OSU 872.996 3531.91 575.8 1.8 OSU 877.808 3554.88 576.4 1.7 OSU 880.670 3567.96 569.3 0.0 OSU 881.902 3573.87 574.6 0.2 OSU 886.060 3593.61 576.8 2.3 OSU 889.462 3609.52 588.5 3.0 OSU 893.542 3629.26 606.0 0.7 OSU 901.670 3668.02 587.2 0.9 OSU 905.482 3686.66 584.6 1.4 OSU 909.396 3705.45 579.3 0.6 OSU 913.843 3726.84 580.3 0.7 OSU 917.719 3745.48 586.5 1.4 OSU 921.690 3765.23 594.5 0.9 OSU 925.317 3782.49 595.2 4.4 OSU 933.746 3822.57 604.7 0.4 OSU 940.905 3857.15 607.4 1.0 OSU 945.613 3880.13 595.7 3.1 OSU 949.052 3896.95 598.4 1.0 OSU 953.610 3919.35 600.3 0.1 OSU 956.635 3934.36 592.8 1.6 OSU 961.710 3959.97 590.6 3.0 OSU 965.000 3976.54 574.5 0.6 OSU 969.622 3999.26 579.9 2.9 OSU 982.717 4065.45 577.4 0.4 OSU 986.463 4083.89 575.7 0.6 OSU 990.720 4105.84 570.1 1.3 OSU 1000.986 4157.5 571.1 1.2 OSU 1003.965 4172.76 576.4 0.9 OSU 1010.392 4205.26 575.3 1.5 OSU 1015.120 4229.41 583.6 1.4 OSU 1019.437 4251.77 585.8 1.2 OSU 1023.391 4271.64 581.5 0.5 OSU 1026.328 4287.36 579.8 0.6 OSU 1033.662 4325.11 573.4 0.1 OSU 1038.742 4351.77 583.6 0.6 OSU 1042.676 4372.16 584.0 0.1 OSU 1046.629 4392.77 584.4 0.5 OSU 1051.015 4415.64 595.0 0.7 OSU 1059.131 4459.37 564.8 1.3 OSU 1062.562 4478.5 576.8 0.9 OSU 1069.929 4518.36 582.0 0.3 OSU 1079.394 4569.32 576.6 5.1 OSU 1086.730 4608.66 574.0 0.8 OSU 1097.781 4668.92 578.3 1.5 OSU