# WAIS Divide 67-6ka nssS Data and EDML, EDC and TALDICE Volcanic Tie Points #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program # National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 3.0 # Encoding: UTF-8 # NOTE: Please cite Publication, and Online_Resource and date accessed when using these data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigators, Title, and Online_Resource and date accessed. # # Online_Resource: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/24530 # Description: NOAA Landing Page # Online_Resource: https://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/icecore/antarctica/wais2018tp-edc.txt # Description: NOAA location of the template # # Original_Source_URL: # Description: # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Archive: Ice Core # # Dataset DOI: # # Parameter_Keywords: chemistry, age control #-------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2018-11-28 #-------------------- # File_Last_Modified_Date # Date: 2018-11-28 #-------------------- # Title # Study_Name: WAIS Divide 67-6ka nssS Data and EDML, EDC and TALDICE Volcanic Tie Points #-------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Buizert, C.; Sigl, M.; Severi, M.; Markle, B.R.; Wettstein, J.J.; McConnell, J.R.; Pedro, J.B.; Sodemann, H.; Goto-Azuma, K.; Kawamura, K.; Fujita, S.; Motoyama, H.; Hirabayashi, M.; Uemura, R.; Stenni, B.; Parrenin, F.; He, F.; Fudge, T.J.; Steig, E.J. #-------------------- # Description_Notes_and_Keywords # Description: Non-sea salt Sulfate (nssS) data for the WAIS Divide ice core, plus volcanic tie points to Antarctic ice cores EPICA Dronning Maud Land, # EPICA Dome C, and Talos Dome. #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: Christo Buizert, Michael Sigl, Mirko Severi, Bradley R. Markle, Justin J. Wettstein, Joseph R. McConnell, Joel B. Pedro, Harald Sodemann, Kumiko Goto-Azuma, Kenji Kawamura, Shuji Fujita, Hideaki Motoyama, Motohiro Hirabayashi, Ryu Uemura, Barbara Stenni, Frédéric Parrenin, Feng He, T. J. Fudge, Eric J. Steig # Published_Date_or_Year: 2018-11-28 # Published_Title: Abrupt ice-age shifts in southern westerly winds and Antarctic climate forced from the north # Journal_Name: Nature # Volume: 563 # Edition: # Issue: # Pages: 681-685 # Report_Number: # DOI: 10.1038/s41586-018-0727-5 # Online_Resource: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-018-0727-5 # Full_Citation: # Abstract: The mid-latitude westerly winds of the Southern Hemisphere play a central role in the global climate system via Southern Ocean upwelling, carbon exchange with the deep ocean, Agulhas leakage (transport of Indian Ocean waters into the Atlantic) and possibly Antarctic ice-sheet stability. Meridional shifts of the Southern Hemisphere westerly winds have been hypothesized to occur in parallel with the well-documented shifts of the intertropical convergence zone in response to Dansgaard-Oeschger (DO) events- abrupt North Atlantic climate change events of the last ice age. Shifting moisture pathways to West Antarctica are consistent with this view but may represent a Pacific teleconnection pattern forced from the tropics. The full response of the Southern Hemisphere atmospheric circulation to the DO cycle and its impact on Antarctic temperature remain unclear. Here we use five ice cores synchronized via volcanic markers to show that the Antarctic temperature response to the DO cycle can be understood as the superposition of two modes: a spatially homogeneous oceanic 'bipolar seesaw' mode that lags behind Northern Hemisphere climate by about 200 years, and a spatially heterogeneous atmospheric mode that is synchronous with abrupt events in the Northern Hemisphere. Temperature anomalies of the atmospheric mode are similar to those associated with present-day Southern Annular Mode variability, rather than the Pacific-South American pattern. Moreover, deuterium-excess records suggest a zonally coherent migration of the Southern Hemisphere westerly winds over all ocean basins in phase with Northern Hemisphere climate. Our work provides a simple conceptual framework for understanding circum-Antarctic temperature variations forced by abrupt Northern Hemisphere climate change. We provide observational evidence of abrupt shifts in the Southern Hemisphere westerly winds, which have previously documented ramifications for global ocean circulation and atmospheric carbon dioxide. These coupled changes highlight the necessity of a global, rather than a purely North Atlantic, perspective on the DO cycle. #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: US National Science Foundation # Grant: ANT-1643394, ANT-1643355, AGS-1502990 #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Swiss National Science Foundation # Grant: 200021_143436 #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: CNRS/INSU/LEFE # Grant: IceChrono and CO2Role #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: JSPS KAKENHI # Grant: 15H01731, 15KK0027, 26241011 #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: MEXT KAKENHI # Grant: 17H06320 #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: European Research Council # Grant: 610055 #------------------ # Site_Information # Site_Name: WAIS Divide Ice Core # Location: Antarctica # Country: # Northernmost_Latitude: -79.48 # Southernmost_Latitude: -79.48 # Easternmost_Longitude: -112.11 # Westernmost_Longitude: -112.11 # Elevation: 1766 m #------------------ # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: WAIS2018tp-edc # Earliest_Year: 57324 # Most_Recent_Year: 10017 # Time_Unit: Cal. Year BP # Core_Length: # Notes: #------------------ # Chronology_Information # Chronology: WD2014 ice core chronology # #---------------- # Variables # # Data variables follow are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Data line variables format: one per line, shortname-tab-variable components (what, material, error, units, seasonality, data type,detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data, free text) # ## depth_WDC_m depth, , , m, , , , ,N,Depth of volcanic tie point in WAIS Divide ice core ## depth_EDC_m depth, , , m, , , , ,N,Depth of volcanic tie point in EDC ice core; EDC99 equivalent ## age_WD2014 age, ice, , calendar years before present, , , , ,N, Age of tie point on WD2014 chronology; age relative to 1950 CE ## age_AICC2012 age, ice, , calendar years before present, , , , ,N, Age of tie point on AICC2012 chronology; age relative to 1950 CE ## depth_EDC96_m depth, , , m, , , , ,N,Depth of volcanic tie point in EDC ice core; EDC96 equivalent ## tiepoint_ID tiepoint Identification, , , , ,ice core,,,N, Has the tie point been identified by one analyst (1) or by both analysts (2) # #---------------- # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing Values: # depth_WDC_m depth_EDC_m age_WD2014 age_AICC2012 depth_EDC96_m tiepoint_ID 1802.56 310.95 10017.68 10085.26 311.09 2 1805.71 311.87 10049.23 10116.99 312.02 1 1806.95 312.21 10061.80 10128.50 312.36 1 1808.94 312.70 10079.63 10145.02 312.86 2 1812.35 313.68 10113.61 10177.67 313.84 1 1824.46 317.34 10235.49 10300.01 317.52 2 1828.61 318.58 10277.26 10342.66 318.74 1 1833.06 320.05 10323.12 10394.33 320.18 1 1836.36 321.04 10355.32 10428.12 321.15 2 1839.47 321.96 10386.12 10460.05 322.06 2 1840.91 322.38 10400.84 10475.15 322.49 2 1844.12 323.25 10431.42 10506.15 323.36 1 1847.60 324.32 10467.37 10545.00 324.45 1 1850.35 325.17 10496.53 10575.49 325.31 2 1857.68 327.44 10569.17 10647.37 327.57 1 1860.68 328.24 10598.60 10672.33 328.38 1 1864.35 329.31 10635.91 10709.75 329.44 1 1864.77 329.43 10640.15 10714.13 329.56 1 1871.90 331.65 10713.79 10792.83 331.78 1 1873.23 332.00 10727.24 10804.66 332.13 1 1878.79 333.61 10782.02 10860.88 333.74 1 1884.27 335.06 10835.33 10913.19 335.18 1 1885.89 335.55 10851.30 10930.63 335.68 1 1890.05 336.74 10891.34 10972.45 336.87 1 1891.85 337.20 10909.20 10988.39 337.32 1 1896.63 338.56 10956.11 11036.02 338.68 2 1899.27 339.29 10982.74 11061.78 339.41 2 1911.29 342.69 11098.31 11183.04 342.82 2 1914.68 343.62 11130.12 11215.29 343.75 2 1917.50 344.46 11157.56 11245.20 344.56 1 1918.33 344.66 11165.16 11252.51 344.76 1 1919.18 344.88 11172.64 11260.32 344.98 2 1920.72 345.36 11187.11 11278.70 345.47 1 1924.66 346.44 11224.42 11319.08 346.56 1 1926.10 346.84 11237.51 11333.10 346.97 1 1932.82 348.59 11297.66 11393.34 348.73 1 1937.72 349.92 11341.70 11440.75 350.08 2 1938.51 350.18 11349.44 11449.84 350.35 1 1940.24 350.63 11364.56 11465.38 350.79 2 1945.57 352.01 11410.83 11513.70 352.19 1 1948.56 352.81 11438.21 11541.35 353.00 1 1949.79 353.10 11448.43 11551.26 353.29 1 2082.97 387.30 12847.10 13030.72 387.43 2 2086.55 388.00 12883.51 13068.47 388.13 1 2089.61 388.70 12916.02 13106.21 388.83 2 2090.45 388.87 12924.55 13115.42 389.00 1 2092.72 389.33 12947.61 13139.97 389.46 2 2095.48 389.92 12975.84 13171.37 390.05 1 2102.46 391.30 13046.91 13244.87 391.44 1 2111.28 393.01 13135.79 13336.56 393.16 2 2114.61 393.71 13172.33 13374.49 393.87 1 2120.84 394.99 13240.66 13442.88 395.17 1 2127.42 396.46 13311.40 13519.54 396.66 1 2131.84 397.42 13360.22 13569.14 397.64 1 2133.67 397.82 13380.91 13589.85 398.04 2 2135.75 398.28 13404.07 13613.23 398.47 1 2142.65 399.67 13479.37 13686.66 399.76 1 2143.65 399.90 13490.77 13699.92 399.98 1 2145.39 400.30 13509.02 13722.19 400.35 2 2155.61 402.57 13616.65 13843.22 402.69 1 2161.47 403.64 13677.40 13899.15 403.78 1 2164.15 404.14 13705.67 13925.49 404.30 2 2170.04 405.35 13770.49 13992.92 405.51 1 2172.66 405.93 13800.71 14025.76 406.09 1 2175.89 406.64 13837.04 14064.17 406.80 1 2178.49 407.29 13868.90 14099.49 407.46 1 2179.77 407.57 13884.11 14114.13 407.73 1 2192.89 410.65 14038.18 14273.74 410.82 1 2196.39 411.47 14079.95 14313.34 411.63 1 2205.79 413.71 14189.38 14423.36 413.88 1 2219.80 417.08 14353.77 14588.29 417.25 1 2231.09 419.72 14477.00 14703.93 419.89 1 2232.82 420.10 14496.00 14721.39 420.28 1 2234.46 420.53 14515.65 14740.93 420.71 1 2235.28 420.74 14525.06 14750.16 420.91 1 2240.16 421.90 14581.74 14808.59 422.07 2 2243.06 422.59 14613.73 14843.61 422.76 1 2245.17 423.05 14637.84 14867.08 423.23 1 2253.51 424.87 14733.80 14961.35 425.04 1 2254.91 425.14 14749.77 14975.80 425.32 1 2256.08 425.39 14763.15 14988.93 425.57 1 2257.25 425.73 14778.34 15007.05 425.91 1 2258.36 425.96 14791.97 15020.31 426.14 2 2260.29 426.43 14814.67 15046.83 426.61 1 2263.21 427.12 14849.18 15085.72 427.30 1 2266.16 427.86 14883.23 15126.03 428.04 2 2267.61 428.19 14901.87 15143.91 428.34 2 2270.09 428.78 14931.46 15175.96 428.96 1 2271.82 429.23 14953.57 15199.72 429.43 2 2273.90 429.76 14979.05 15227.31 429.97 1 2274.72 429.98 14989.52 15238.61 430.19 1 2276.37 430.41 15010.19 15261.09 430.63 1 2279.50 431.09 15048.84 15297.86 431.33 1 2282.82 431.96 15091.61 15345.40 432.21 2 2288.38 433.24 15160.68 15413.30 433.48 1 2290.20 433.75 15184.18 15440.41 433.99 1 2291.32 433.98 15197.56 15452.68 434.22 1 2302.65 436.52 15336.12 15592.46 436.74 1 2305.68 437.29 15375.85 15634.80 437.50 1 2308.74 438.09 15416.50 15682.87 438.30 2 2314.87 439.58 15504.35 15773.01 439.79 1 2317.08 440.12 15535.40 15805.98 440.33 1 2321.50 441.22 15594.89 15871.82 441.43 1 2325.17 442.15 15650.12 15926.19 442.36 1 2338.17 445.42 15850.17 16124.07 445.63 1 2341.56 446.27 15897.27 16174.31 446.48 1 2345.15 447.22 15950.92 16231.40 447.43 2 2346.26 447.58 15970.87 16253.62 447.79 1 2349.07 448.28 16018.83 16297.74 448.49 1 2353.27 449.39 16089.07 16366.81 449.60 1 2355.78 450.06 16133.44 16409.21 450.27 1 2357.45 450.49 16163.19 16436.37 450.70 2 2361.13 451.50 16233.99 16502.44 451.71 2 2364.19 452.41 16293.00 16562.21 452.63 1 2364.47 452.48 16298.55 16566.73 452.70 1 2367.35 453.29 16352.44 16618.70 453.51 1 2370.02 453.97 16404.95 16662.73 454.19 2 2372.87 454.75 16463.64 16714.10 454.97 1 2385.01 458.07 16709.77 16935.53 458.29 1 2388.11 458.99 16776.68 16998.83 459.21 1 2392.36 460.39 16870.89 17099.40 460.61 2 2451.04 481.50 18458.74 18763.09 481.75 2 2451.61 481.78 18477.62 18785.53 482.03 1 2452.91 482.35 18517.63 18832.55 482.59 1 2454.15 482.83 18558.59 18872.34 483.07 1 2455.07 483.17 18589.03 18901.17 483.42 1 2457.18 484.06 18653.62 18971.56 484.31 1 2457.66 484.27 18669.66 18987.73 484.52 1 2462.29 486.10 18818.39 19131.94 486.34 1 2466.31 487.81 18947.07 19267.79 488.04 1 2468.26 488.57 19010.33 19328.60 488.80 1 2469.29 488.95 19045.43 19358.47 489.17 1 2475.51 491.46 19249.44 19560.26 491.68 1 2477.48 492.19 19315.63 19617.61 492.41 1 2478.40 492.52 19345.73 19643.47 492.74 1 2480.54 493.36 19415.50 19708.09 493.57 1 2482.75 494.12 19482.10 19765.05 494.33 1 2484.15 494.65 19528.24 19804.13 494.86 2 2487.72 495.76 19642.12 19891.09 495.98 1 2488.15 495.90 19655.23 19901.84 496.11 1 2489.18 496.22 19687.72 19926.88 496.43 1 2490.50 496.69 19727.57 19964.76 496.90 1 2497.13 499.21 19945.48 20165.82 499.42 2 2506.36 502.55 20238.14 20421.83 502.77 2 2506.98 502.75 20255.89 20437.25 502.96 2 2507.75 503.03 20279.63 20459.67 503.25 2 2508.41 503.29 20299.84 20480.18 503.51 1 2509.50 503.73 20334.86 20512.70 503.95 1 2510.37 504.06 20365.00 20536.82 504.27 1 2511.17 504.38 20390.52 20561.06 504.60 2 2532.92 512.55 21085.20 21181.60 512.78 2 2538.38 514.77 21267.60 21352.46 515.00 1 2545.78 517.60 21530.80 21570.27 517.83 1 2554.48 521.49 21831.20 21871.02 521.72 1 2572.04 528.29 22433.88 22427.06 528.52 2 2575.23 529.61 22540.37 22537.59 529.84 1 2581.92 532.31 22764.10 22755.44 532.54 2 2585.71 533.91 22895.76 22887.88 534.14 1 2586.49 534.24 22923.31 22915.88 534.47 1 2589.57 535.60 23024.46 23031.19 535.83 1 2590.30 535.95 23049.25 23060.72 536.18 1 2592.34 536.83 23122.15 23134.92 537.06 1 2594.62 537.83 23200.63 23219.70 538.06 1 2598.13 539.33 23325.02 23339.51 539.56 1 2599.07 539.76 23357.74 23374.27 539.99 1 2599.93 540.16 23388.60 23407.55 540.39 1 2600.46 540.37 23406.32 23425.04 540.60 2 2602.92 541.45 23495.83 23516.20 541.68 2 2604.21 541.96 23543.18 23561.07 542.19 2 2604.75 542.23 23562.08 23584.81 542.46 1 2605.24 542.42 23577.84 23602.00 542.65 1 2610.99 544.79 23772.75 23803.28 545.02 1 2613.63 545.89 23862.07 23896.73 546.12 1 2614.56 546.22 23892.33 23925.41 546.45 1 2615.10 546.42 23910.83 23944.27 546.65 2 2617.34 547.36 23984.97 24030.68 547.59 2 2618.48 547.79 24023.41 24069.74 548.02 1 2619.77 548.25 24064.29 24113.69 548.48 1 2621.16 548.73 24112.10 24158.50 548.96 1 2622.32 549.16 24152.07 24199.16 549.39 1 2623.04 549.45 24176.07 24227.22 549.68 1 2623.51 549.64 24192.63 24245.30 549.87 1 2626.10 550.57 24276.71 24335.23 550.80 1 2628.02 551.20 24336.36 24394.86 551.43 1 2631.20 552.23 24436.33 24490.26 552.46 2 2633.68 553.12 24518.61 24573.91 553.35 2 2634.38 553.35 24540.16 24597.04 553.58 2 2634.66 553.44 24549.58 24605.37 553.67 1 2637.23 554.15 24628.59 24675.36 554.38 1 2639.60 554.92 24700.92 24747.41 555.15 1 2642.43 555.93 24788.10 24839.89 556.16 1 2647.78 557.61 24946.80 25011.26 557.84 1 2648.04 557.69 24954.29 25019.41 557.92 1 2650.91 558.66 25039.51 25116.97 558.89 1 2651.76 558.89 25065.81 25140.16 559.12 1 2653.03 559.31 25104.36 25182.43 559.54 1 2656.01 560.09 25192.11 25261.75 560.32 1 2660.24 561.36 25316.16 25389.98 561.59 2 2662.75 562.16 25392.68 25469.91 562.39 1 2664.15 562.67 25435.50 25521.42 562.90 1 2668.42 563.91 25569.95 25654.84 564.14 1 2670.08 564.39 25620.47 25705.74 564.62 2 2672.41 565.20 25693.17 25789.63 565.43 1 2673.04 565.41 25713.10 25811.36 565.65 1 2674.53 565.90 25761.04 25861.81 566.13 1 2675.47 566.13 25790.45 25885.20 566.37 1 2675.77 566.22 25799.48 25894.56 566.46 1 2677.80 566.90 25863.19 25963.60 567.15 1 2678.99 567.27 25901.93 26000.31 567.51 1 2679.86 567.53 25928.66 26026.33 567.77 2 2681.03 567.95 25965.15 26069.88 568.20 1 2681.92 568.21 25994.12 26096.41 568.46 2 2682.46 568.42 26011.38 26117.29 568.67 1 2684.66 569.09 26079.49 26185.48 569.34 1 2685.74 569.40 26111.27 26217.63 569.66 1 2687.39 569.95 26164.89 26271.51 570.20 2 2689.10 570.48 26217.82 26324.57 570.74 1 2691.57 571.23 26293.35 26399.57 571.49 1 2698.63 573.26 26503.31 26605.13 573.54 1 2700.18 573.74 26552.66 26654.40 574.02 1 2704.04 574.90 26664.95 26772.55 575.19 1 2707.88 576.08 26779.38 26891.47 576.37 1 2713.15 577.62 26936.37 27046.87 577.90 1 2714.57 578.07 26977.84 27092.87 578.35 1 2717.82 578.96 27078.28 27183.98 579.23 2 2718.89 579.37 27111.93 27225.45 579.64 1 2720.55 579.79 27159.54 27267.99 580.06 1 2723.26 580.69 27239.23 27359.45 580.96 1 2727.66 581.99 27366.67 27491.91 582.26 1 2734.30 583.73 27551.64 27663.70 583.99 1 2736.99 584.53 27624.59 27738.05 584.79 1 2738.71 585.08 27670.08 27786.32 585.34 1 2741.10 585.75 27733.05 27845.71 586.01 1 2742.84 586.26 27782.32 27893.75 586.52 1 2747.64 587.52 27915.59 28012.56 587.78 2 2758.54 590.60 28216.40 28293.38 590.84 2 2768.12 593.45 28484.33 28558.66 593.68 2 2773.09 595.03 28633.28 28711.80 595.18 1 2784.36 598.85 28977.61 29047.10 599.03 2 2797.29 603.57 29376.69 29466.58 603.79 1 2806.63 606.98 29671.04 29749.48 607.22 2 2807.70 607.43 29708.45 29786.60 607.68 1 2822.21 613.31 30205.28 30285.15 613.60 1 2825.95 614.79 30340.12 30422.58 615.10 1 2828.47 615.74 30438.00 30511.64 616.05 1 2829.07 615.99 30459.55 30534.61 616.30 2 2832.05 617.27 30573.08 30653.15 617.59 1 2851.70 626.52 31323.94 31496.55 626.91 1 2852.96 627.13 31383.75 31552.87 627.53 1 2856.75 629.14 31574.83 31747.72 629.56 2 2858.73 630.11 31681.14 31840.59 630.55 1 2859.80 630.66 31739.64 31893.18 631.11 1 2861.94 631.63 31857.92 31984.45 632.09 1 2863.15 632.24 31925.50 32043.14 632.71 2 2868.20 634.59 32206.37 32264.43 635.02 2 2872.31 636.39 32426.61 32421.62 636.79 1 2874.68 637.41 32547.85 32510.98 637.81 1 2877.50 638.64 32687.56 32619.56 639.05 1 2878.24 638.97 32723.14 32648.98 639.37 1 2925.85 660.78 34830.07 34717.67 661.24 2 2928.33 661.84 34921.95 34822.29 662.30 2 2928.82 662.02 34939.99 34840.19 662.48 1 2931.28 663.06 35027.61 34944.61 663.52 1 2932.65 663.66 35075.45 35001.99 664.13 1 2937.23 665.48 35231.95 35168.75 665.95 1 2939.57 666.34 35310.95 35247.80 666.82 2 2945.49 668.71 35511.91 35458.99 669.19 1 2951.04 671.00 35704.82 35662.01 671.49 2 2953.02 671.94 35775.38 35743.81 672.44 1 2953.97 672.31 35809.52 35775.21 672.81 1 2954.78 672.66 35839.14 35804.93 673.16 1 2955.93 673.17 35881.09 35848.85 673.68 1 2957.22 673.78 35928.86 35902.92 674.29 1 2958.46 674.38 35975.55 35955.45 674.88 1 2959.42 674.85 36011.70 35997.72 675.36 1 2960.18 675.19 36040.57 36027.63 675.70 1 2960.71 675.42 36060.94 36048.03 675.93 1 2961.41 675.73 36087.98 36075.67 676.24 1 2963.19 676.59 36157.52 36152.35 677.10 1 2964.32 677.14 36202.21 36200.69 677.66 2 2966.02 677.87 36270.38 36264.53 678.39 1 2969.14 679.52 36398.04 36418.79 680.05 2 2970.52 680.22 36455.78 36482.41 680.74 1 2973.23 681.60 36570.63 36606.24 682.13 1 2975.06 682.59 36649.42 36699.14 683.12 1 2977.66 684.02 36762.92 36830.83 684.56 2 2978.00 684.17 36777.94 36844.47 684.71 1 2981.40 685.90 36928.95 36998.44 686.44 1 2987.28 689.08 37193.72 37275.00 689.62 2 2987.72 689.31 37213.53 37295.17 689.85 1 2989.74 690.39 37304.81 37389.09 690.94 1 2991.11 691.10 37367.05 37451.25 691.65 1 2994.22 692.78 37508.16 37584.34 693.26 1 2994.99 693.20 37542.82 37617.23 693.68 1 2999.67 695.56 37753.47 37804.06 696.10 1 3002.80 697.26 37892.75 37935.57 697.83 1 3005.54 698.64 38013.36 38037.56 699.25 1 3006.30 699.05 38046.66 38066.42 699.60 1 3009.12 700.62 38169.17 38173.10 701.11 1 3009.56 700.81 38188.08 38185.70 701.30 1 3010.46 701.27 38226.60 38216.31 701.76 2 3012.87 702.55 38328.99 38298.47 703.08 1 3016.00 704.10 38460.20 38412.42 704.67 1 3016.42 704.29 38477.78 38426.73 704.86 1 3018.76 705.42 38574.39 38507.83 705.99 1 3019.15 705.65 38590.71 38524.13 706.22 1 3022.32 707.19 38719.94 38636.23 707.76 1 3023.09 707.59 38751.14 38665.48 708.16 1 3023.92 708.04 38785.03 38698.29 708.61 1 3024.82 708.44 38821.32 38726.96 709.01 1 3025.19 708.62 38836.23 38739.66 709.19 1 3027.63 709.94 38934.07 38833.96 710.51 1 3029.68 710.97 39016.52 38907.24 711.54 1 3031.00 711.67 39069.43 38956.52 712.25 2 3032.91 712.78 39145.77 39033.38 713.35 1 3037.99 715.51 39351.27 39228.27 716.09 1 3041.26 717.45 39485.89 39364.58 718.04 1 3043.68 718.60 39587.62 39451.96 719.19 2 3044.27 718.93 39612.90 39477.77 719.52 1 3044.46 719.04 39620.68 39485.85 719.63 1 3046.14 719.84 39693.42 39548.96 720.43 1 3048.42 721.14 39794.61 39651.04 721.73 1 3052.10 723.23 39963.84 39823.60 723.83 1 3053.26 723.83 40019.16 39874.31 724.43 2 3057.96 726.29 40250.64 40077.98 726.88 2 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