# Greenland Ice Core 60 Year Firn Air Carbon Monoxide Data #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Center for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # NOTE: Please cite original reference when using these data, # plus the Online Resource and date accessed. # # # Online_Resource: http://hurricane.ncdc.noaa.gov/pls/paleox/f?p=519:1:::::P1_STUDY_ID:13835 # # Original_Source_URL: ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/icecore/greenland/greenland2013co.txt # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Archive: Ice Cores #-------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2013-02-13 #-------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Greenland Ice Core 60 Year Firn Air Carbon Monoxide Data #-------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Petrenko, V.V.; Martinerie, P.; Novelli, P.; Etheridge, D.M.; Levin, I.; Wang, Z.; Blunier, T.; Chappellaz, J.; Kaiser, J.; Lang, P.; Steele, L.P.; Hammer, S.; Mak, J.; Langenfelds, R.L.; Schwander, J.; Severinghaus, J.P.; Witrant, E.; Petron, G.; Battle, M.O.; Forster, G.; Sturges, W.T.; Lamarque, J.-F.; Steffen, K.; White, J.W.C. #-------------------- # Description_and_Notes # # Finalized carbon monoxide mixing ratios measured in firn air samples at three Greenland ice core sites # (NEEM, Summit and NorthGRIP). For NEEM, data from two separate boreholes are presented; data shown are # a combination of measurements from several laboratories. The average atmospheric carbon monoxide history # over Greenland, reconstructed from the firn air data using an inverse model, is also presented. # All carbon monoxide mixing ratio data are on the WMO 2004 scale. # #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: V.V. Petrenko, P. Martinerie, P. Novelli, D.M. Etheridge, I. Levin, Z. Wang, T. Blunier, J. Chappellaz, J. Kaiser, P. Lang, L.P. Steele, S. Hammer, J. Mak, R.L. Langenfelds, J. Schwander, J.P. Severinghaus, E. Witrant, G. Petron, M.O. Battle, G. Forster, W.T. Sturges, J.-F. Lamarque, K. Steffen, and J.W.C. White # Published_Date_or_YEAR: 2012-08-02 # Published_Title: A 60-yr record of atmospheric carbon monoxide reconstructed from Greenland firn air # Journal_Name: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions # Volume: 12 # Issue: 8 # Pages: 18993-19037 # DOI: 10.5194/acpd-12-18993-2012 # Abstract: We present a reconstruction of the Northern Hemisphere (NH) high latitude atmospheric carbon monoxide (CO) mole fraction from Greenland firn air. Firn air samples were collected at three deep ice core sites in Greenland (NGRIP in 2001, Summit in 2006 and NEEM in 2008). CO records from the three sites agree well with each other as well as with recent atmospheric measurements, indicating that CO is well preserved in the firn at these sites. CO atmospheric history was reconstructed back to the year 1950 from the measurements using a combination of two forward models of gas transport in firn and an inverse model. The reconstructed history suggests that Arctic CO was already higher in 1950 than it is today. CO mole fractions rose gradually until the 1970s and peaked in the 1970s or early 1980s, followed by a decline to today's levels. We compare the CO history with the atmospheric histories of methane, light hydrocarbons, molecular hydrogen, CO stable isotopes and hydroxyl radical (OH), as well as with published CO emission inventories and results of a historical run from a chemistry-transport model. We find that the reconstructed Greenland CO history cannot be reconciled with available emission inventories unless large changes in OH are assumed. We argue that the available CO emission inventories chronically underestimate NH emissions, and fail to capture the emission decline starting in the late 1970s, which was most likely due to reduced emissions from road transportation in North America and Europe. # #--------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration # Grant: Postdoctoral Fellowship in Climate and Global Change #--------------------- # Funding_Agency_Name: US National Science Foundation # Grant: 0632222, 0806387, 0520460 #-------------------- # Site_Information # Site_Name: GreenlandCO # Location: North America>Greenland # Country: # Northernmost_Latitude: 77.43 # Southernmost_Latitude: 72.53 # Easternmost_Longitude: -38.28 # Westernmost_Longitude: -51.10 # Elevation: m #------------------ # Data_Collection # Core_Name: Greenland2013CO # First_Year: 1950 # Last_Year: 2008 # Time_Unit: AD # Core_Length: # Notes: #------------------ # Chronology # # # #------------------ # Variables # # End Description/Documentation (lines begin with #) # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line variables format: Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-longname-tab-longname components (9 components: material, error, units, anomaly, period, archive, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) # Data line format: tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # This is the average atmospheric CO mixing ratio scenario reconstructed from the firn air measurements # ## age_AD Age (years AD), , ,AD, , , , ,N ## CO_ppb CO concentration (ppb), , , ppb, , , , , N # #------------------ # Data: # Missing_Values: NA age_AD CO_ppb 1950.04 144.61 1950.12 144.677 1950.21 144.744 1950.29 144.811 1950.37 144.878 1950.46 144.944 1950.54 145.011 1950.62 145.077 1950.71 145.144 1950.79 145.21 1950.87 145.276 1950.96 145.343 1951.04 145.409 1951.12 145.475 1951.21 145.541 1951.29 145.607 1951.37 145.672 1951.46 145.738 1951.54 145.803 1951.62 145.869 1951.71 145.934 1951.79 146 1951.87 146.065 1951.96 146.13 1952.04 146.195 1952.12 146.26 1952.21 146.325 1952.29 146.39 1952.37 146.454 1952.46 146.519 1952.54 146.583 1952.62 146.648 1952.71 146.712 1952.79 146.776 1952.87 146.84 1952.96 146.904 1953.04 146.968 1953.12 147.032 1953.21 147.096 1953.29 147.159 1953.37 147.223 1953.46 147.286 1953.54 147.349 1953.62 147.413 1953.71 147.476 1953.79 147.539 1953.87 147.601 1953.96 147.664 1954.04 147.727 1954.12 147.789 1954.21 147.852 1954.29 147.914 1954.37 147.976 1954.46 148.038 1954.54 148.1 1954.62 148.162 1954.71 148.224 1954.79 148.285 1954.87 148.347 1954.96 148.408 1955.04 148.47 1955.12 148.531 1955.21 148.592 1955.29 148.653 1955.37 148.714 1955.46 148.774 1955.54 148.835 1955.62 148.895 1955.71 148.956 1955.79 149.016 1955.87 149.076 1955.96 149.136 1956.04 149.196 1956.12 149.255 1956.21 149.315 1956.29 149.374 1956.37 149.434 1956.46 149.493 1956.54 149.552 1956.62 149.611 1956.71 149.67 1956.79 149.729 1956.87 149.787 1956.96 149.846 1957.04 149.904 1957.12 149.962 1957.21 150.02 1957.29 150.078 1957.37 150.136 1957.46 150.194 1957.54 150.251 1957.62 150.308 1957.71 150.366 1957.79 150.423 1957.87 150.48 1957.96 150.536 1958.04 150.593 1958.12 150.65 1958.21 150.706 1958.29 150.762 1958.37 150.819 1958.46 150.875 1958.54 150.93 1958.62 150.986 1958.71 151.042 1958.79 151.097 1958.87 151.152 1958.96 151.207 1959.04 151.262 1959.12 151.317 1959.21 151.372 1959.29 151.427 1959.37 151.481 1959.46 151.535 1959.54 151.589 1959.62 151.643 1959.71 151.697 1959.79 151.751 1959.87 151.804 1959.96 151.857 1960.04 151.911 1960.12 151.964 1960.21 152.017 1960.29 152.069 1960.37 152.122 1960.46 152.174 1960.54 152.227 1960.62 152.279 1960.71 152.331 1960.79 152.382 1960.87 152.434 1960.96 152.486 1961.04 152.537 1961.12 152.588 1961.21 152.639 1961.29 152.69 1961.37 152.741 1961.46 152.791 1961.54 152.841 1961.62 152.892 1961.71 152.942 1961.79 152.991 1961.87 153.041 1961.96 153.091 1962.04 153.14 1962.12 153.189 1962.21 153.238 1962.29 153.287 1962.37 153.336 1962.46 153.384 1962.54 153.432 1962.62 153.481 1962.71 153.529 1962.79 153.577 1962.87 153.624 1962.96 153.672 1963.04 153.719 1963.12 153.766 1963.21 153.813 1963.29 153.86 1963.37 153.906 1963.46 153.953 1963.54 153.999 1963.62 154.045 1963.71 154.091 1963.79 154.137 1963.87 154.182 1963.96 154.227 1964.04 154.273 1964.12 154.318 1964.21 154.362 1964.29 154.407 1964.37 154.451 1964.46 154.495 1964.54 154.54 1964.62 154.583 1964.71 154.627 1964.79 154.67 1964.87 154.714 1964.96 154.757 1965.04 154.8 1965.12 154.842 1965.21 154.885 1965.29 154.927 1965.37 154.969 1965.46 155.011 1965.54 155.053 1965.62 155.094 1965.71 155.136 1965.79 155.177 1965.87 155.217 1965.96 155.258 1966.04 155.299 1966.12 155.339 1966.21 155.379 1966.29 155.419 1966.37 155.458 1966.46 155.498 1966.54 155.537 1966.62 155.576 1966.71 155.615 1966.79 155.653 1966.87 155.692 1966.96 155.73 1967.04 155.768 1967.12 155.806 1967.21 155.843 1967.29 155.88 1967.37 155.917 1967.46 155.954 1967.54 155.991 1967.62 156.027 1967.71 156.063 1967.79 156.099 1967.87 156.135 1967.96 156.17 1968.04 156.206 1968.12 156.241 1968.21 156.275 1968.29 156.31 1968.37 156.344 1968.46 156.378 1968.54 156.412 1968.62 156.445 1968.71 156.479 1968.79 156.512 1968.87 156.545 1968.96 156.577 1969.04 156.609 1969.12 156.641 1969.21 156.673 1969.29 156.705 1969.37 156.736 1969.46 156.767 1969.54 156.798 1969.62 156.828 1969.71 156.859 1969.79 156.889 1969.87 156.918 1969.96 156.948 1970.04 156.977 1970.12 157.006 1970.21 157.034 1970.29 157.063 1970.37 157.091 1970.46 157.119 1970.54 157.146 1970.62 157.173 1970.71 157.2 1970.79 157.227 1970.87 157.253 1970.96 157.279 1971.04 157.305 1971.12 157.331 1971.21 157.356 1971.29 157.381 1971.37 157.405 1971.46 157.43 1971.54 157.454 1971.62 157.477 1971.71 157.501 1971.79 157.524 1971.87 157.546 1971.96 157.569 1972.04 157.591 1972.12 157.613 1972.21 157.634 1972.29 157.655 1972.37 157.676 1972.46 157.696 1972.54 157.716 1972.62 157.736 1972.71 157.756 1972.79 157.775 1972.87 157.794 1972.96 157.812 1973.04 157.83 1973.12 157.848 1973.21 157.865 1973.29 157.882 1973.37 157.899 1973.46 157.915 1973.54 157.931 1973.62 157.947 1973.71 157.962 1973.79 157.977 1973.87 157.991 1973.96 158.005 1974.04 158.019 1974.12 158.032 1974.21 158.045 1974.29 158.058 1974.37 158.07 1974.46 158.081 1974.54 158.093 1974.62 158.104 1974.71 158.114 1974.79 158.125 1974.87 158.134 1974.96 158.144 1975.04 158.153 1975.12 158.161 1975.21 158.169 1975.29 158.177 1975.37 158.184 1975.46 158.191 1975.54 158.197 1975.62 158.203 1975.71 158.209 1975.79 158.214 1975.87 158.219 1975.96 158.223 1976.04 158.227 1976.12 158.23 1976.21 158.233 1976.29 158.235 1976.37 158.237 1976.46 158.239 1976.54 158.24 1976.62 158.24 1976.71 158.24 1976.79 158.24 1976.87 158.239 1976.96 158.238 1977.04 158.236 1977.12 158.234 1977.21 158.231 1977.29 158.227 1977.37 158.224 1977.46 158.219 1977.54 158.215 1977.62 158.209 1977.71 158.203 1977.79 158.197 1977.87 158.19 1977.96 158.183 1978.04 158.175 1978.12 158.167 1978.21 158.158 1978.29 158.148 1978.37 158.138 1978.46 158.128 1978.54 158.117 1978.62 158.105 1978.71 158.093 1978.79 158.081 1978.87 158.067 1978.96 158.054 1979.04 158.039 1979.12 158.025 1979.21 158.009 1979.29 157.993 1979.37 157.977 1979.46 157.96 1979.54 157.942 1979.62 157.924 1979.71 157.905 1979.79 157.885 1979.87 157.865 1979.96 157.845 1980.04 157.824 1980.12 157.802 1980.21 157.78 1980.29 157.757 1980.37 157.733 1980.46 157.709 1980.54 157.684 1980.62 157.659 1980.71 157.633 1980.79 157.607 1980.87 157.58 1980.96 157.552 1981.04 157.524 1981.12 157.495 1981.21 157.465 1981.29 157.435 1981.37 157.404 1981.46 157.372 1981.54 157.34 1981.62 157.308 1981.71 157.274 1981.79 157.24 1981.87 157.206 1981.96 157.17 1982.04 157.134 1982.12 157.098 1982.21 157.061 1982.29 157.023 1982.37 156.985 1982.46 156.945 1982.54 156.906 1982.62 156.865 1982.71 156.824 1982.79 156.782 1982.87 156.74 1982.96 156.697 1983.04 156.653 1983.12 156.609 1983.21 156.564 1983.29 156.518 1983.37 156.472 1983.46 156.425 1983.54 156.377 1983.62 156.329 1983.71 156.28 1983.79 156.23 1983.87 156.18 1983.96 156.129 1984.04 156.077 1984.12 156.025 1984.21 155.972 1984.29 155.918 1984.37 155.864 1984.46 155.809 1984.54 155.753 1984.62 155.697 1984.71 155.64 1984.79 155.582 1984.87 155.523 1984.96 155.464 1985.04 155.405 1985.12 155.344 1985.21 155.283 1985.29 155.221 1985.37 155.159 1985.46 155.096 1985.54 155.032 1985.62 154.967 1985.71 154.902 1985.79 154.836 1985.87 154.77 1985.96 154.703 1986.04 154.635 1986.12 154.566 1986.21 154.497 1986.29 154.427 1986.37 154.357 1986.46 154.285 1986.54 154.213 1986.62 154.141 1986.71 154.068 1986.79 153.994 1986.87 153.919 1986.96 153.844 1987.04 153.768 1987.12 153.692 1987.21 153.615 1987.29 153.537 1987.37 153.458 1987.46 153.379 1987.54 153.299 1987.62 153.219 1987.71 153.138 1987.79 153.056 1987.87 152.974 1987.96 152.891 1988.04 152.807 1988.12 152.723 1988.21 152.638 1988.29 152.552 1988.37 152.466 1988.46 152.379 1988.54 152.292 1988.62 152.204 1988.71 152.115 1988.79 152.026 1988.87 151.936 1988.96 151.846 1989.04 151.755 1989.12 151.663 1989.21 151.571 1989.29 151.478 1989.37 151.384 1989.46 151.29 1989.54 151.195 1989.62 151.1 1989.71 151.004 1989.79 150.908 1989.87 150.811 1989.96 150.713 1990.04 150.615 1990.12 150.517 1990.21 150.418 1990.29 150.318 1990.37 150.217 1990.46 150.117 1990.54 150.015 1990.62 149.913 1990.71 149.811 1990.79 149.708 1990.87 149.604 1990.96 149.5 1991.04 149.396 1991.12 149.291 1991.21 149.185 1991.29 149.079 1991.37 148.973 1991.46 148.866 1991.54 148.759 1991.62 148.651 1991.71 148.542 1991.79 148.434 1991.87 148.324 1991.96 148.215 1992.04 148.104 1992.12 147.994 1992.21 147.883 1992.29 147.771 1992.37 147.66 1992.46 147.547 1992.54 147.435 1992.62 147.322 1992.71 147.208 1992.79 147.094 1992.87 146.98 1992.96 146.866 1993.04 146.751 1993.12 146.636 1993.21 146.52 1993.29 146.404 1993.37 146.288 1993.46 146.171 1993.54 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