NGRIP Ice Core DO Events 17-15 N2O Data ----------------------------------------------------------------------- World Data Center for Paleoclimatology, Boulder and NOAA Paleoclimatology Program ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: PLEASE CITE ORIGINAL REFERENCE WHEN USING THIS DATA!!!!! NAME OF DATA SET: NGRIP Ice Core DO Events 17-15 N2O Data LAST UPDATE: 12/2010 (Original receipt by WDC Paleo) CONTRIBUTORS: Schilt, A., M. Baumgartner, H. Fischer, R. Spahni, and T.F. Stocker. IGBP PAGES/WDCA CONTRIBUTION SERIES NUMBER: 2010-131 WDC PALEO CONTRIBUTION SERIES CITATION: Schilt, A., et al. 2010. NGRIP Ice Core DO Events 17-15 N2O Data. IGBP PAGES/World Data Center for Paleoclimatology Data Contribution Series # 2010-131. NOAA/NCDC Paleoclimatology Program, Boulder CO, USA. ORIGINAL REFERENCE: Schilt, A., M. Baumgartner, J. Schwander, D. Buiron, E. Capron, J. Chappellaz, L. Loulergue, S. Schüpbach, R. Spahni, H. Fischer, and T.F. Stocker. 2010. Atmospheric nitrous oxide during the last 140,000 years. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Vol. 300, pp. 33-43. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2010.09.027 ABSTRACT: Reconstructions of past atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases provide unique insight into the biogeochemical cycles and the past radiative forcing in the Earth's climate system. We present new measurements of atmospheric nitrous oxide along the ice cores of the North Greenland Ice Core Project and Talos Dome sites. Using records of several other ice cores, we are now able to establish the first complete composite nitrous oxide record reaching back to the beginning of the previous interglacial about 140,000 yr ago. On the basis of such composite ice core records, we further calculate the radiative forcing of the three most important greenhouse gases carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide during more than a full glacial-interglacial cycle. Nitrous oxide varies in line with climate, reaching very low concentrations of about 200 parts per billion by volume during Marine Isotope Stages 4 and 2, and showing substantial responses to millennial time scale climate variations during the last glacial. A large part of these millennial time scale variations can be explained by parallel changes in the sources of methane and nitrous oxide. However, as revealed by high-resolution measurements covering the Dansgaard/Oeschger events 17 to 15, the evolution of these two greenhouse gases may be decoupled on the centennial time scale. Carbon dioxide and methane concentrations do not reach interglacial levels in the course of millennial time scale climate variations during the last glacial. In contrast, nitrous oxide often reaches interglacial concentrations in response to both, glacial terminations and Dansgaard/Oeschger events. This indicates, from a biogeochemical point of view, similar drivers in both temporal cases. While carbon dioxide and methane concentrations are more strongly controlled by climate changes in high latitudes, nitrous oxide emissions changes may mainly stem from the ocean and/or from soils located at low latitudes. Accordingly, we speculate that high latitudes could play the leading role to trigger glacial terminations. GEOGRAPHIC REGION: Greenland PERIOD OF RECORD: DO Events 17-15, 64 to 55 KYrBP FUNDING SOURCES: This work is a contribution to the North Greenland Ice Sheet Project (NGRIP), which is directed and organized by the Department of Geophysics at the Niels Bohr Institute for Astronomy, Physics and Geophysics, University of Copenhagen, and it is supported by funding agencies in Denmark (SNF), Belgium (FNRS-CFB), France (IPEV and INSU/CNRS), Germany (AWI), Iceland (RANNIS), Japan (MEXT), Sweden (SPRS), Switzerland (SNF) and the United States of America (NSF, Office of Polar Programs). We acknowledge financial support by the Swiss NSF and the University of Bern. DESCRIPTION: N2O record from the NGRIP ice core (Greenland, 75°06' N, 42°20' W) covering Dansgaard/Oeschger events 15 to 17, 64 to 55 KYrBP. DATA: NGRIP N2O DATA: Column 1: NGRIP depth (m) Column 2: gas age (years before 1950 on GRIP2001/ss09sea as in Huber et al. 2006) Column 3: N2O concentration (parts per billion by volume, ppbv) Column 4: N2O artifact (parts per billion by volume, ppbv) Column 5: 1-sigma uncertainty N2O concentration (parts per billion by volume, ppbv) 1 2 3 4 5 NGRIP GRIP2001 N2O N2Oart. N2O_err. depth gas_age conc. conc. conc. (m) (yr BP) (ppbv) (ppbv) (ppbv) 2358.925 55213 250.7 NaN 3.5 2360.075 55328 249.0 NaN 3.4 2361.175 55423 251.3 NaN 3.5 2362.275 55510 255.0 NaN 3.4 2363.375 55595 243.0 NaN 3.7 2364.475 55672 238.3 NaN 4.8 2365.025 55709 256.0 NaN 3.4 2365.525 55742 247.0 NaN 3.4 2366.675 55829 261.3 NaN 3.5 2367.775 55937 260.3 NaN 3.8 2368.875 56050 250.7 NaN 3.8 2369.375 56095 NaN 268.0 3.7 2369.975 56144 253.0 NaN 4.3 2371.075 56216 258.3 NaN 3.8 2371.575 56244 250.7 NaN 3.5 2372.175 56277 NaN 275.7 3.8 2373.275 56333 254.7 NaN 3.5 2373.775 56357 249.3 NaN 3.8 2374.375 56388 NaN 345.0 3.4 2375.475 56447 NaN 298.3 14.9 2375.975 56473 254.0 NaN 3.4 2376.575 56505 244.7 NaN 3.5 2377.675 56572 243.3 NaN 6.0 2378.775 56657 253.3 NaN 4.0 2379.275 56704 237.3 NaN 4.0 2379.875 56763 250.7 NaN 3.8 2380.375 56813 236.3 NaN 3.5 2380.975 56873 245.0 NaN 3.7 2382.075 56980 250.3 NaN 3.5 2383.175 57086 245.7 NaN 4.0 2384.275 57187 254.7 NaN 3.5 2384.775 57229 250.3 NaN 3.8 2385.375 57276 NaN 280.3 3.5 2386.475 57357 255.0 NaN 3.7 2387.575 57433 NaN 269.3 3.5 2388.075 57465 253.0 NaN 3.7 2388.675 57504 245.3 NaN 3.5 2389.775 57578 252.7 NaN 3.5 2390.275 57613 247.0 NaN 3.9 2390.875 57657 252.7 NaN 3.8 2391.135 57677 NaN 266.0 3.7 2391.975 57740 NaN 263.3 4.0 2392.025 57744 247.7 NaN 3.5 2392.475 57778 257.0 NaN 3.7 2392.525 57782 253.7 NaN 4.0 2393.025 57822 248.3 NaN 3.8 2394.175 57909 254.7 NaN 3.5 2394.675 57943 263.5 NaN 3.7 2395.775 58016 256.0 NaN 3.7 2396.375 58058 256.7 NaN 3.5 2397.475 58128 267.0 NaN 3.7 2397.975 58159 254.7 NaN 3.5 2398.575 58198 269.0 NaN 3.7 2399.075 58229 265.7 NaN 3.8 2400.175 58298 266.3 NaN 3.8 2400.775 58330 260.7 NaN 3.5 2401.275 58354 270.0 NaN 3.7 2401.875 58381 261.0 NaN 6.7 2402.975 58436 262.0 NaN 3.7 2403.475 58465 NaN 277.7 3.5 2404.075 58501 NaN 276.7 4.4 2405.675 58595 261.0 NaN 3.4 2406.275 58627 NaN 311.0 3.4 2406.775 58654 265.0 NaN 3.7 2407.375 58685 264.0 NaN 3.7 2407.875 58711 NaN 271.0 3.7 2408.475 58743 257.3 NaN 3.8 2408.975 58773 256.0 NaN 4.1 2409.575 58813 261.3 NaN 3.5 2410.075 58850 268.0 NaN 4.1 2410.675 58895 258.3 NaN 3.8 2412.075 58984 261.7 NaN 3.5 2412.275 58996 260.7 NaN 3.5 2412.875 59036 260.7 NaN 4.0 2413.975 59120 268.0 NaN 3.7 2414.475 59166 264.0 NaN 3.7 2415.075 59226 276.3 NaN 4.0 2416.175 59334 268.3 NaN 3.5 2416.675 59378 NaN 400.0 7.6 2417.275 59420 NaN 369.0 3.7 2418.375 59477 NaN 316.7 3.8 2418.875 59496 272.3 NaN 3.5 2419.475 59521 271.7 NaN 3.5 2420.025 59544 269.3 NaN 3.5 2420.525 59567 270.0 NaN 5.1 2421.675 59631 270.7 NaN 3.8 2422.775 59693 NaN 285.3 3.5 2423.275 59718 261.0 NaN 4.1 2423.875 59748 NaN 280.0 4.3 2424.975 59803 266.7 NaN 3.5 2425.475 59831 261.7 NaN 3.5 2426.075 59867 260.0 NaN 3.4 2426.575 59899 254.7 NaN 3.5 2427.175 59935 260.0 NaN 3.7 2428.275 59998 250.5 NaN 3.7 2428.775 60023 253.7 NaN 3.5 2429.375 60052 253.3 NaN 3.5 2430.525 60107 254.3 NaN 3.5 2430.975 60131 242.7 NaN 3.5 2431.575 60167 253.7 NaN 3.5 2432.675 60249 231.3 NaN 3.5 2433.780 60345 243.0 NaN 3.7 2434.875 60443 229.7 NaN 3.8 2435.375 60490 234.0 NaN 3.7 2436.475 60596 220.0 NaN 3.7 2436.525 60601 229.0 NaN 4.3 2439.275 60867 228.3 NaN 3.8 2439.775 60914 220.7 NaN 3.8 2440.375 60968 230.0 NaN 3.7 2441.975 61116 213.0 NaN 4.9 2442.575 61173 219.7 NaN 3.5 2443.075 61222 217.0 NaN 3.4 2443.965 61309 221.0 NaN 3.7 2444.175 61330 217.7 NaN 3.5 2444.775 61386 213.0 NaN 3.7 2445.875 61499 224.7 NaN 4.0 2446.975 61616 219.7 NaN 3.5 2447.525 61677 215.7 NaN 3.8 2449.175 61852 215.7 NaN 3.5 2450.775 62016 208.7 NaN 3.5 2451.375 62078 222.7 NaN 3.5 2451.875 62125 221.3 NaN 4.6 2452.475 62184 206.5 NaN 3.7 2453.575 62297 213.3 NaN 3.5 2455.775 62525 202.7 NaN 4.0 2456.875 62642 211.7 NaN 3.8 2457.975 62761 207.3 NaN 4.4 2458.475 62819 216.0 NaN 3.7 2459.075 62891 212.0 NaN 3.7 2460.175 63040 192.0 NaN 3.7 2461.275 63218 191.3 NaN 3.8 2462.375 63385 NaN 220.7 3.8 2463.475 63521 210.7 NaN 3.8