# Mt. Hunter, Alaska 230 Year Ice Core Melt Layer Data #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program # National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 3.0 # Encoding: UTF-8 # NOTE: Please cite Publication, and Online_Resource and date accessed when using these data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigators, Title, and Online_Resource and date accessed. # # Online_Resource: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/23750 # Description: NOAA Landing Page # Online_Resource: https://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/icecore/trop/denali/hunter2018melt1.txt # Description: NOAA location of the template # # Original_Source_URL: # Description: # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Archive: Ice Core # # Dataset DOI: # # Parameter_Keywords: physical properties #-------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2018-03-26 #-------------------- # File_Last_Modified_Date # Date: 2017-03-26 #-------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Mt. Hunter, Alaska 230 Year Ice Core Melt Layer Data #-------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Winski, D.A.; Osterberg, E.O.; Ferris, D.G.; Kreutz, K.J.; Wake, C.P.; Campbell, S.W.; Hawley, R.L.; Roy, S.G.; Birkel, S.; Introne, D.; Handley, M. #-------------------- # Description_Notes_and_Keywords # Description: Melt layer stratigraphic data from the Mt. Hunter ice core. #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: Dominic Winski, Erich Osterberg, Karl Kreutz, Cameron Wake, David Ferris, Seth Campbell, Mark Baum, Adriana Bailey, Sean Birkel, Douglas Introne, Mike Handley # Published_Date_or_Year: 2018-03-23 # Published_Title: A 400‐year ice core melt layer record of summertime warming in the Alaska Range # Journal_Name: Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres # Volume: 123 # Edition: # Issue: # Pages: # Report_Number: # DOI: 10.1002/2017JD027539 # Online_Resource: https://doi.org/10.1002/2017JD027539 # Full_Citation: # Abstract: Warming in high-elevation regions has societally important impacts on glacier mass balance, water resources, and sensitive alpine ecosystems, yet very few high-elevation temperature records exist from the middle or high latitudes. While a variety of paleoproxy records provide critical temperature records from low elevations over recent centuries, melt layers preserved in alpine glaciers present an opportunity to develop calibrated, annually-resolved temperature records from high elevations. Here we present a 400-year temperature proxy record based on the melt-layer stratigraphy of two ice cores collected from Mt. Hunter in Denali National Park in the Central Alaska Range. The ice core record shows a 60-fold increase in water equivalent total annual melt between the pre-industrial period (before 1850 CE) and present day. We calibrate the melt record to summer temperatures based on weather station data from the ice core drill site, and find that the increase in melt production represents a summer warming rate of at least 1.92 +/- 0.31C/century during the last 100 years, exceeding rates of temperature increase at most low elevation sites in Alaska. The Mt. Hunter melt layer record is significantly (p < 0.05) correlated with surface temperatures in the central tropical Pacific through a Rossby-wave like pattern that enhances high temperatures over Alaska. Our results show that rapid alpine warming has taken place in the Alaska Range for at least a century and that conditions in the tropical oceans contribute to this warming. #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: US National Science Foundation # Grant: AGS-1204035, AGS-1203838, AGS-1203863 #------------------ # Site_Information # Site_Name: Mt. Hunter # Location: North America>United States Of America>Alaska # Country: United States # Northernmost_Latitude: 62.9333 # Southernmost_Latitude: 62.9333 # Easternmost_Longitude: -151.0833 # Westernmost_Longitude: -151.0833 # Elevation: 3900 m #------------------ # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: Hunter2018meltcore1 # Earliest_Year: 1952 # Most_Recent_Year: 2011 # Time_Unit: CE # Core_Length: # Notes: #------------------ # Chronology_Information # Chronology: Chronology is constrained by layer counting of annual layers in chemical constituents of the Mt. Hunter ice core. # #---------------- # Variables # # Data variables follow are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Data line variables format: one per line, shortname-tab-variable components (what, material, error, units, seasonality, data type,detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data, free text) # ## depth_m depth, , , m, , , top depth, ,N, ## Intensity Intensity, ice, , , , , , ,N, ## Intensity-err Intensity uncertainty, ice, , , , , , ,N, ## thick_m thickness, , , m, , , , ,N, ## density density, , , grams per cubic centimeter, , , , ,N, ## Intensity-corr Intensity, ice, , , , , , ,N,corrected ## age_CE year, , , CE, , , , ,N, ## thick_m_adj thickness, , , m, , , , ,N,adjusted # #---------------- # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing Values: # depth_m Intensity Intensity-err thick_m density Intensity-corr age_CE thick_m_adj 9.18 402 40 0.0014 0.46 0.09 2011 0.00008 9.20 673 52 0.0017 0.46 0.14 2011 0.00017 9.21 577 38 0.0017 0.46 0.12 2011 0.00015 9.59 909 34 0.0019 0.47 0.19 2011 0.00027 11.71 403 40 0.0024 0.49 0.09 2011 0.00021 12.23 398 118 0.0035 0.49 0.09 2010 0.00033 14.25 1236 41 0.0038 0.51 0.28 2010 0.00120 14.33 361 73 0.0023 0.51 0.08 2010 0.00021 15.04 933 61 0.0085 0.52 0.21 2009 0.00185 15.17 3592 1075 0.0087 0.52 0.81 2009 0.00719 15.66 1378 40 0.0020 0.53 0.31 2009 0.00061 15.73 8286 132 0.0208 0.53 1.88 2009 0.03728 15.78 3397 4164 0.0084 0.53 0.77 2009 0.00611 15.81 1067 330 0.0034 0.53 0.24 2009 0.00078 17.88 437 41 0.0026 0.55 0.10 2008 0.00026 20.29 498 38 0.0016 0.57 0.12 2008 0.00017 22.58 670 65 0.0018 0.59 0.16 2007 0.00023 22.76 5488 70 0.0134 0.59 1.33 2007 0.01431 25.97 946 80 0.0014 0.62 0.24 2005 0.00028 25.98 494 142 0.0008 0.62 0.12 2005 0.00008 26.00 452 42 0.0056 0.62 0.11 2005 0.00054 26.94 1166 40 0.0004 0.62 0.29 2005 0.00010 29.77 640 53 0.0003 0.65 0.16 2004 0.00004 31.18 1678 42 0.0042 0.66 0.44 2004 0.00150 31.56 1784 51 0.0080 0.66 0.46 2003 0.00295 34.54 4396 35 0.0025 0.68 1.17 2002 0.00245 34.55 4570 19 0.0048 0.68 1.22 2002 0.00479 34.65 8830 34 0.0055 0.68 2.36 2002 0.01069 36.47 897 36 0.0013 0.69 0.24 2002 0.00031 36.65 2407 46 0.0051 0.69 0.65 2001 0.00337 36.66 1069 35 0.0010 0.69 0.29 2001 0.00030 36.73 1174 38 0.0017 0.69 0.32 2001 0.00057 39.12 3708 38 0.0094 0.71 1.02 2000 0.00806 40.79 1152 79 0.0031 0.72 0.32 1999 0.00089 40.87 553 42 0.0032 0.72 0.15 1999 0.00044 40.94 740 39 0.0014 0.72 0.21 1999 0.00027 41.00 761 63 0.0023 0.72 0.21 1999 0.00045 42.45 733 42 0.0016 0.73 0.21 1999 0.00030 42.48 895 31 0.0027 0.73 0.25 1999 0.00059 42.57 534 39 0.0019 0.73 0.15 1999 0.00025 45.48 1267 40 0.0025 0.74 0.37 1997 0.00086 45.49 2802 69 0.0030 0.74 0.81 1997 0.00230 45.52 4036 93 0.0058 0.74 1.17 1997 0.00636 45.54 2077 42 0.0026 0.74 0.60 1997 0.00151 45.62 1950 30 0.0022 0.74 0.56 1997 0.00121 47.89 698 41 0.0014 0.76 0.20 1996 0.00024 48.03 3927 56 0.0184 0.76 1.15 1996 0.01675 49.68 1580 41 0.0027 0.77 0.47 1995 0.00076 49.73 1766 68 0.0014 0.77 0.52 1995 0.00045 49.75 1117 40 0.0080 0.77 0.33 1995 0.00162 49.76 726 34 0.0025 0.77 0.22 1995 0.00034 49.87 1019 42 0.0016 0.77 0.30 1995 0.00031 51.86 3573 13 0.0057 0.78 1.08 1994 0.00471 51.89 606 43 0.0015 0.78 0.18 1994 0.00021 52.29 1006 50 0.0012 0.78 0.30 1993 0.00028 52.29 6162 44 0.0017 0.78 1.86 1993 0.00242 54.01 1698 39 0.0016 0.79 0.52 1992 0.00091 56.53 5217 49 0.0118 0.80 1.61 1991 0.01497 56.75 3027 67 0.0068 0.80 0.94 1991 0.00505 58.14 3154 34 0.0052 0.80 0.99 1990 0.00406 58.25 986 92 0.0020 0.80 0.31 1990 0.00050 59.86 3450 36 0.0050 0.81 1.09 1989 0.00443 59.99 2359 28 0.0050 0.81 0.74 1989 0.00305 63.36 2870 51 0.0042 0.82 0.92 1987 0.00378 63.91 1623 54 0.0088 0.83 0.52 1986 0.00376 64.92 870 39 0.0010 0.83 0.28 1986 0.00023 65.26 1532 59 0.0024 0.83 0.50 1985 0.00100 66.26 1861 38 0.0132 0.83 0.61 1985 0.00832 68.66 3594 77 0.0081 0.84 1.19 1983 0.00862 68.68 1103 133 0.0028 0.84 0.36 1982 0.00091 69.57 1615 35 0.0025 0.85 0.54 1982 0.00112 69.93 238 38 0.0014 0.85 0.08 1982 0.00010 71.48 505 37 0.0010 0.85 0.17 1980 0.00016 73.12 318 42 0.0015 0.86 0.11 1980 0.00015 75.47 587 37 0.0017 0.86 0.20 1978 0.00040 75.51 1396 60 0.0015 0.86 0.48 1978 0.00084 77.22 1365 44 0.0179 0.87 0.47 1976 0.00818 79.12 1937 37 0.0036 0.87 0.67 1975 0.00317 79.91 765 40 0.0012 0.88 0.27 1974 0.00039 81.59 560 60 0.0010 0.88 0.20 1972 0.00023 81.67 3826 41 0.0128 0.88 1.34 1972 0.01925 81.70 998 64 0.0063 0.88 0.35 1972 0.00246 81.74 2037 70 0.0020 0.88 0.71 1971 0.00159 89.47 1641 33 0.0055 0.90 0.59 1964 0.00474 89.53 1190 44 0.0040 0.90 0.43 1963 0.00236 89.58 458 51 0.0030 0.90 0.16 1963 0.00067 89.59 737 48 0.0021 0.90 0.27 1963 0.00075 89.62 631 48 0.0057 0.90 0.23 1963 0.00170 89.63 902 53 0.0068 0.90 0.32 1963 0.00287 89.64 2511 57 0.0028 0.90 0.90 1963 0.00322 89.68 3149 44 0.0053 0.90 1.13 1963 0.00752 91.24 600 38 0.0027 0.90 0.22 1962 0.00075 91.40 719 34 0.0022 0.90 0.26 1962 0.00072 93.31 491 46 0.0013 0.91 0.18 1959 0.00039 94.04 852 27 0.0062 0.91 0.31 1958 0.00310 94.15 521 47 0.0019 0.91 0.19 1958 0.00056 95.42 552 36 0.0022 0.91 0.20 1956 0.00085 95.46 506 26 0.0020 0.91 0.19 1956 0.00072 96.57 777 39 0.0020 0.91 0.29 1955 0.00064 96.64 866 37 0.0050 0.91 0.32 1954 0.00176 96.69 1583 40 0.0035 0.91 0.58 1954 0.00233 97.38 371 66 0.0015 0.92 0.14 1953 0.00029 98.15 324 41 0.0029 0.92 0.12 1952 0.00050 98.68 301 69 0.0013 0.92 0.11 1952 0.00020