Huascarán Ice Core Data: Readme file --------------------------------------------------------------------- World Data Center for Paleoclimatology, Boulder and NOAA Paleoclimatology Program --------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: PLEASE CITE ORIGINAL REFERENCE WHEN USING THIS DATA!!!!! NAME OF DATA SET: Huascarán Ice Core Data LAST UPDATE: 8/2013 (addition of annions data file). Original receipt by WDC Paleo 1/2001 CONTRIBUTOR: Lonnie G. Thompson, Byrd Polar Research Center of The Ohio State University IGBP PAGES/WDCA CONTRIBUTION SERIES NUMBER: 2001-008 SUGGESTED DATA CITATION: Thompson, L.G., 2001, Huascarán Ice Core Data, IGBP PAGES/World Data Center A for Paleoclimatology Data Contribution Series #2001-008. NOAA/NGDC Paleoclimatology Program, Boulder CO, USA. ORIGINAL REFERENCE: Thompson, L.G., E. Mosley-Thompson, M.E. Davis, P-N. Lin, K.A. Henderson, J. Cole-Dai, J.F. Bolzan and K-b. Liu. 1995. Late Glacial Stage and Holocene tropical ice core records from Huascarán, Peru. Science, 269, 46-50. GEOGRAPHIC REGION: South America, Peruvian Andes PERIOD OF RECORD: 19.5 KYrBP - present LIST OF FILES: Readme_Huascaran.txt (this file), ASCII text data files: age.txt Age-scale/averaging doc. all-mo.txt Linearized profiles 100yr. annualc.txt Cal. Annual avg for 100yr. annualt.txt Thermal Annual avg - 100yr. hs12-5m.txt 5m/.5m/every averages hs1layer.txt C1 layer depths/thickness hs2layer.txt C2 layer depths/thickness hs2-100a.txt Revised C2 100-yr averages. annions.txt decadal averages of major anions (Chloride, Nitrate, Sulfate) DESCRIPTION: General Information about the Huascarán Ice Cores Site Description and Analysis In July-August 1993, two ice cores to bedrock were recovered from the col between the north and south peaks of Nevado Huascarán, Peru (9øS, 77ø30'W, col elevation 6050 m) and were subsequently transported back to the cold room facility at the Byrd Polar Research Center (BPRC). Core 1 (HSC1, 160.40 m) was sectioned in the field into 2677 samples decreasing in thickness from 13 cm at the top to 3 cm at the base, which were then melted and poured into 2 or 4 oz. plastic (HDPE) bottles, and sealed with wax. Core 2 (HSC2, 166.08 m), drilled approximately 100 m from the HSC1 site, was returned frozen in 1 m sections. Ice motion vectors determined from stake movements from 1991-93 indicate that the drill sites are proximal to the divide between ice flow towards the east and west outlets of the col. Visible observations and borehole temperatures indicate that the glacier is 'polar' type, i.e., it remains frozen to the bed (Thompson et al., Science, v.269, 1995, p. 46-50). Each ice sample from HSC2 was prepared in a Class 100 clean room environment, and analyzed for major anion concentrations (Cl-, NO3-, and SO42-) on a Dionex 2010i ion chromatograph, d18O on a Finnigan Mat mass spectrometer (Craig, 1957), and for particulate concentration and size distribution using a Coulter TA-II particle counter (Thompson, OSU IPS Report 46, 1973). A complete d18O profile was also produced from the bottled samples from HSC1. Contamination during field preparation and transport of these samples precluded the development of a second complete record of particles and anion concentrations. For display purposes, variable averaging on the core depth scale was utilized to show the major large-scale events in the record without the confusion of the large annual variations superimposed upon the upper portion. Hence, for HSC2, 5-m integrated averages were calculated for between the surface and 140 meters depth and then 50-cm averages were generated between 140 and 160 meters. Between 160 and 166 meters, every sample value was plotted. A similar scheme was used for HSC1 (all values plotted for 155-160.4 m). These data are included in hs12-5m.txt in this data archive, and the graph can be seen in Thompson et al., 1995 (Fig. 3). Development of the time/depth relationship Tropical South American climate is marked by annual dry seasons (July-October) which were identifiable in the ice core record as elevated values in all relevant measurements. The nitrate (NO3-) record from the Huascarán ice core provided the most definitive seasonal marker, but the final time scale was constructed from a comparison of four major parameters (NO3-, d18O, dust and SO42-). Each annual maximum corresponds to the middle of the dry season, assumed to occur on the 1st of August. The rapid layer- thinning below 120 m limited annual resolution to the most recent 270 years. However, the high accumulation and strong preservation of seasonal cycles also made possible the subannual resolution of d18O variations for a period of at least 100 years (1894-1993). The accuracy of the time scale is of paramount importance in the development of relationships between ice core proxy data and tropical climate conditions. Several horizons in recent times were useful for confirming the layer counting as a reliable method, and indicate almost certain ages for the uppermost 50 years. In 1980, during the original reconnaissance expedition to Huascarán, a 10 m firn core was extracted and analyzed for d18O at BPRC (Thompson et al., JGR, v. 89d3, 1984, p. 4638-4646). Aside from minor accumulation variation and slight signal attenuation, the 1993 cores duplicated the earlier stable isotope profile over the common portion, and confirmed the layer counting to 1980 as absolute. Additionally, a magnitude 7.7 earthquake struck coastal Peru in May 1970, generating large mud flows following the collapse of a large portion of the Huascarán glacier from the north peak. The event was recognized in the ice core by a sharp two-year rise in particulates from the newly-created sediment source. A third time horizon was provided by the HSC2 36Cl profile (Synal et al., Glaciers From the Alps, Paul Scherrer Inst., 1997, p. 99-102), a substance produced by neutron activation during the explosion of atomic devices in the presence of a 35Cl source, such as sea water. An abrupt >100-fold rise in 36Cl concentration occurred at ~54 m depth, which dates (by layer counting) to 1951-53. This was in direct response to the October 31, 1952 U.S. 'Ivy' surface test of an experimental nuclear device on the Eniwetok Atoll in the Pacific Ocean (11øN, 162øE) (Carter and Moghissi, Health Physics, v. 33, 1977, p. 55-71). Finally, in both HSC1 and HSC2, the 1883 eruption of Krakatau, Indonesia (6øS, 105ø30'E) was identified by an anomalous sulfate concentration of ~400 ppb at 110 m depth, more than twice the level of any other local (within 10 m) event. A date of mid- year 1884 was thus considered to be an absolute time marker for both cores within the error of the time lag (less than one year). Time-linearized data HSCore 2 HSCore 1 Delta O18 Part.>2um NO3- Delta O18 Month (beginning July, 1993) 1993.500 -21.00 1507 21.1 1993.417 -23.63 638 43.6 1993.333 -22.29 787 38.1 1993.250 -20.69 681 70.3 -19.78 1993.167 -22.47 494 127.6 -22.51 1993.083 -21.95 582 53.9 -23.10 1993.000 -18.90 1865 96.6 -18.24 1992.917 -15.50 1113 77.0 -12.54 1992.833 -11.88 1012 70.7 -12.25 1992.750 -10.17 3127 155.2 -9.37 1992.667 -11.62 1704 155.9 -12.12 1992.583 -10.59 3702 195.3 -10.02 1992.500 -9.61 4008 233.4 -9.68 1992.417 -11.13 9750 184.4 -14.52 1992.333 -15.85 2628 70.4 -16.04 1992.250 -18.46 636 39.2 -17.10 1992.167 -13.42 1594 106.3 -20.06 1992.083 -10.25 1478 109.5 -15.03 1992.000 -10.91 2632 107.1 -10.34 1991.917 -10.47 4408 95.5 -12.01 1991.833 -12.89 2310 121.0 -13.13 1991.750 -16.00 2648 149.9 -18.32 1991.667 -14.74 2779 184.3 -13.81 1991.583 -11.29 4134 362.5 -12.43 1991.500 -15.10 7230 235.2 -16.48 1991.417 -22.24 1108 78.8 -24.37 1991.333 -25.20 654 45.0 -24.21 1991.250 -20.25 503 63.6 -19.18 1991.167 -16.60 600 52.4 -15.97 1991.083 -15.93 1135 69.2 -16.18 1991.000 -15.00 681 122.8 -14.72 1990.917 -13.72 2382 126.3 -15.25 1990.833 -14.92 1624 92.7 -16.52 1990.750 -18.15 4322 124.5 -18.86 1990.667 -17.56 724 131.3 -15.71 1990.583 -10.49 3846 246.4 -9.51 1990.500 -10.65 7914 183.5 -10.57 1990.417 -10.70 2475 96.1 -11.52 1990.333 -17.23 823 82.1 -17.34 1990.250 -16.06 1202 98.6 -16.18 1990.167 -14.44 4165 110.3 -14.74 1990.083 -17.64 1382 77.2 -18.16 1990.000 -19.09 872 70.6 -17.89 1989.917 -16.30 1168 57.7 -16.54 1989.833 -14.87 11010 103.9 -15.44 1989.750 -13.89 2346 96.5 -14.22 1989.667 -12.42 2327 115.7 -12.55 1989.583 -11.25 4914 113.0 -10.29 1989.500 -13.77 3715 146.5 -14.38 1989.417 -23.49 567 47.2 -23.33 1989.333 -24.28 450 23.9 -24.64 1989.250 -21.55 883 53.2 -23.17 1989.167 -19.49 679 59.0 -21.39 1989.083 -19.03 1500 86.9 -19.17 1989.000 -19.02 1290 44.6 -20.36 1988.917 -21.45 1273 59.9 -21.43 1988.833 -16.58 2517 191.2 -18.67 1988.750 -14.62 2153 134.8 -16.21 1988.667 -13.42 1458 146.1 -12.83 1988.583 -11.44 1412 237.3 -10.90 1988.500 -11.80 6154 295.3 -11.72 1988.417 -21.10 712 68.1 -19.00 1988.333 -21.50 498 24.5 -21.30 1988.250 -20.84 408 31.1 -19.21 1988.167 -18.79 404 27.0 -15.90 1988.083 -15.00 1057 89.4 -14.58 1988.000 -17.21 1656 115.5 -17.76 1987.917 -18.19 1062 127.6 -17.50 1987.833 -15.91 2162 183.0 -15.98 1987.750 -15.54 1782 142.2 -14.79 1987.667 -12.78 5014 112.0 -13.30 1987.583 -10.41 2448 174.6 -10.34 1987.500 -12.08 4083 168.9 -12.69 1987.417 -16.58 1454 80.6 -15.63 1987.333 -18.63 894 51.7 -18.30 1987.250 -19.43 528 62.8 -19.00 1987.167 -19.24 884 94.3 -19.15 1987.083 -19.16 606 56.1 -18.87 1987.000 -18.33 466 60.9 -17.43 1986.917 -17.05 562 74.1 -17.18 1986.833 -16.37 2633 107.3 -16.58 1986.750 -14.03 1948 152.5 -14.46 1986.667 -13.89 1278 92.8 -13.32 1986.583 -13.75 2513 200.4 -14.00 1986.500 -16.93 4836 172.6 -16.92 1986.417 -19.84 794 43.9 -19.75 1986.333 -23.64 768 41.4 -22.85 1986.250 -25.63 1334 120.0 -27.41 1986.167 -26.18 726 29.3 -27.11 1986.083 -23.01 1044 89.6 -22.24 1986.000 -16.96 724 30.5 -18.07 1985.917 -15.45 1218 68.8 -15.74 1985.833 -14.81 1304 56.0 -14.90 1985.750 -13.69 940 37.6 -13.34 1985.667 -11.94 7440 194.7 -12.40 1985.583 -12.06 3330 199.7 -12.54 1985.500 -14.33 908 141.1 -12.38 1985.417 -15.96 6038 211.2 -16.47 1985.333 -18.24 830 39.1 -19.35 1985.250 -18.30 954 71.8 -18.06 1985.167 -16.73 1564 96.2 -15.84 1985.083 -15.69 862 66.2 -15.18 1985.000 -13.86 2110 126.7 -13.72 1984.917 -13.48 2804 106.4 -16.05 1984.833 -16.80 2852 141.8 -19.98 1984.750 -19.55 646 60.5 -19.68 1984.667 -19.25 1786 125.4 -16.55 1984.583 -16.02 1163 124.6 -14.61 1984.500 -18.93 4052 135.5 -18.96 1984.417 -22.51 712 36.9 -23.61 1984.333 -24.00 912 35.2 -23.62 1984.250 -24.02 1022 48.6 -24.29 1984.167 -25.53 564 40.8 -26.05 1984.083 -26.17 359 37.4 -26.72 1984.000 -26.03 304 16.7 -24.36 1983.917 -23.85 366 31.1 -17.14 1983.833 -19.51 2318 133.2 -17.93 1983.750 -16.58 2059 159.2 -15.79 1983.667 -13.55 4408 289.0 -11.85 1983.583 -10.73 4712 202.9 -10.42 1983.500 -10.72 6224 167.2 -12.65 1983.417 -13.74 1650 68.1 -21.16 1983.333 -15.47 1720 84.9 -16.55 1983.250 -13.60 3923 88.5 -14.44 1983.167 -12.66 3029 99.6 -12.27 1983.083 -11.72 2134 110.7 -12.22 1983.000 -14.18 2265 109.6 -15.06 1982.917 -15.89 1970 91.0 -16.79 1982.833 -17.60 1675 72.4 -18.37 1982.750 -18.97 1036 85.3 -18.82 1982.667 -17.39 468 45.8 -17.60 1982.583 -14.94 1922 190.3 -14.65 1982.500 -16.45 3270 158.0 -15.97 1982.417 -18.69 2224 91.9 -19.00 1982.333 -20.55 1020 106.0 -20.69 1982.250 -18.27 1166 87.6 -18.42 1982.167 -15.99 1312 69.2 -17.40 1982.083 -16.43 1956 99.3 -16.76 1982.000 -17.02 972 62.4 -16.91 1981.917 -17.94 1250 98.6 -18.01 1981.833 -17.73 1614 226.1 -18.22 1981.750 -16.34 3082 213.9 -16.79 1981.667 -15.53 2492 197.6 -16.02 1981.583 -14.54 5699 235.9 -15.87 1981.500 -18.19 4660 86.2 -17.43 1981.417 -19.68 1852 36.7 -19.24 1981.333 -20.10 1872 42.2 -20.14 1981.250 -19.15 1798 36.9 -19.24 1981.167 -16.25 1836 91.7 -16.05 1981.083 -15.28 1414 128.3 -15.40 1981.000 -16.46 2716 118.8 -14.75 1980.917 -19.38 820 58.4 -17.17 1980.833 -19.30 1166 47.0 -20.60 1980.750 -17.62 1600 116.9 -18.31 1980.667 -18.24 1290 119.3 -18.11 1980.583 -17.68 1166 62.1 -17.91 1980.500 -16.38 9160 210.6 -18.59 1980.417 -16.85 1676 50.2 -16.87 1980.333 -16.47 1890 77.2 -16.68 1980.250 -16.09 2104 104.1 -16.49 1980.167 -13.98 1880 97.6 -15.98 1980.083 -14.75 2396 111.2 -15.47 1980.000 -15.51 2912 124.8 -13.59 1979.917 -15.81 4677 121.0 -15.31 1979.833 -16.10 6442 117.2 -15.24 1979.750 -15.89 1576 247.3 -12.26 1979.667 -14.04 3569 259.3 -9.27 1979.583 -12.19 5562 271.3 -12.93 1979.500 -15.47 5502 221.1 -16.59 1979.417 -21.23 1366 66.9 -23.17 1979.333 -23.72 630 56.3 -24.30 1979.250 -23.12 848 67.9 -21.48 1979.167 -19.66 1100 78.8 -17.96 1979.083 -16.70 1002 58.4 -15.43 1979.000 -15.13 3518 89.4 -12.90 1978.917 -13.55 6034 120.3 -13.25 1978.833 -12.98 4430 122.8 -15.15 1978.750 -14.19 3612 165.7 -16.91 1978.667 -16.10 3929 285.5 -15.87 1978.583 -14.32 5594 501.8 -16.34 1978.500 -14.52 3452 307.6 -15.15 1978.417 -14.71 1310 113.4 -15.11 1978.333 -13.83 1366 85.9 -15.07 1978.250 -14.11 1406 76.5 -15.24 1978.167 -14.26 2442 111.7 -15.16 1978.083 -14.40 3478 146.9 -15.08 1978.000 -16.22 4136 145.8 -17.51 1977.917 -18.18 2733 118.6 -18.81 1977.833 -20.14 1330 91.3 -20.10 1977.750 -19.51 446 68.4 -14.22 1977.667 -16.20 4234 142.3 -14.80 1977.583 -15.78 5408 204.3 -15.37 1977.500 -15.36 6582 266.3 -17.38 1977.417 -19.06 1072 55.6 -19.38 1977.333 -20.22 907 48.7 -20.35 1977.250 -21.37 742 41.8 -21.31 1977.167 -20.34 873 60.1 -20.71 1977.083 -19.30 1004 78.4 -20.10 1977.000 -17.54 1080 87.7 -15.61 1976.917 -15.77 1156 96.9 -14.83 1976.833 -14.68 1823 139.8 -14.05 1976.750 -13.58 2490 182.6 -13.54 1976.667 -13.85 3644 195.9 -13.03 1976.583 -14.12 4798 209.2 -14.43 1976.500 -19.15 6976 220.0 -15.83 1976.417 -21.85 3975 130.3 -22.91 1976.333 -24.54 974 40.6 -25.08 1976.250 -23.82 832 73.9 -22.09 1976.167 -22.53 977 61.9 -20.80 1976.083 -21.25 1122 50.0 -20.28 1976.000 -20.29 1016 99.2 -20.49 1975.917 -19.91 1222 84.6 -19.52 1975.833 -19.52 1428 69.9 -18.96 1975.750 -18.32 1978 115.2 -18.40 1975.667 -16.46 3656 136.5 -16.27 1975.583 -14.55 2328 179.4 -13.50 1975.500 -16.79 1851 117.5 -17.86 1975.417 -19.02 1374 55.6 -23.27 1975.333 -23.25 526 29.0 -24.66 1975.250 -24.90 410 42.1 -26.05 1975.167 -24.14 355 41.9 -24.52 1975.083 -23.38 300 41.6 -19.94 1975.000 -19.24 1318 52.5 -15.54 1974.917 -15.21 2228 99.8 -15.16 1974.833 -15.08 3166 112.2 -15.26 1974.750 -14.73 760 43.5 -14.27 1974.667 -12.83 3302 82.2 -13.28 1974.583 -13.06 6155 115.3 -14.66 1974.500 -13.29 9008 148.4 -16.04 1974.417 -23.61 1080 33.0 -23.90 1974.333 -20.63 708 41.8 -25.29 1974.250 -20.48 819 51.0 -20.85 1974.167 -20.33 930 60.2 -20.20 1974.083 -20.84 1388 43.5 -21.34 1974.000 -20.43 1044 53.0 -21.71 1973.917 -20.01 700 62.5 -20.55 1973.833 -17.61 2160 115.1 -17.97 1973.750 -16.49 2726 129.4 -15.24 1973.667 -15.37 3292 143.7 -13.60 1973.583 -15.00 2020 161.7 -13.95 1973.500 -16.69 1799 119.2 -13.95 1973.417 -18.37 1578 76.7 -17.80 1973.333 -21.10 1206 38.4 -21.64 1973.250 -20.81 2336 40.3 -20.56 1973.167 -22.55 618 50.4 -20.42 1973.083 -24.20 434 11.8 -20.02 1973.000 -20.13 2036 31.8 -19.16 1972.917 -19.34 1366 42.1 -18.48 1972.833 -18.34 762 60.0 -17.80 1972.750 -17.02 3938 150.0 -18.76 1972.667 -16.49 4495 166.1 -17.32 1972.583 -15.96 5052 182.2 -16.40 1972.500 -17.40 5818 163.0 -21.10 1972.417 -22.10 1022 56.2 -25.79 1972.333 -25.83 680 54.2 -27.71 1972.250 -24.53 1728 22.7 -24.73 1972.167 -21.31 2302 22.9 -20.75 1972.083 -19.10 1796 29.8 -18.32 1972.000 -17.80 1566 46.3 -17.70 1971.917 -17.84 1080 80.1 -19.39 1971.833 -19.05 2338 38.3 -19.39 1971.750 -19.68 2282 114.3 -18.34 1971.667 -14.87 7288 175.3 -14.22 1971.583 -11.34 9948 187.8 -11.44 1971.500 -11.78 5090 113.9 -17.68 1971.417 -14.92 6456 152.7 -22.18 1971.333 -19.86 1324 59.0 -23.06 1971.250 -22.82 1236 50.9 -23.01 1971.167 -23.06 744 18.5 -23.21 1971.083 -24.01 662 44.7 -24.60 1971.000 -23.99 1981 38.9 -23.30 1970.917 -16.13 6352 89.6 -15.52 1970.833 -14.25 9350 173.1 -14.24 1970.750 -14.61 5918 77.3 -14.24 1970.667 -15.99 1654 122.3 -14.84 1970.583 -12.02 5952 208.0 -12.77 1970.500 -15.48 12404 110.1 -14.71 1970.417 -19.36 854 23.3 -18.05 1970.333 -18.75 900 30.9 -19.89 1970.250 -15.44 2688 82.0 -19.03 1970.167 -15.52 1870 121.7 -14.39 1970.083 -20.07 380 35.6 -17.01 1970.000 -19.81 856 41.1 -20.81 1969.917 -18.09 402 30.4 -20.68 1969.833 -16.73 1786 132.7 -17.71 1969.750 -17.80 602 130.2 -19.54 1969.667 -18.86 256 35.5 -16.83 1969.583 -16.13 1630 181.8 -16.81 1969.500 -14.03 5199 135.0 -16.78 1969.417 -16.56 670 22.9 -17.90 1969.333 -17.34 1096 73.0 -17.73 1969.250 -17.53 1078 84.4 -17.96 1969.167 -15.29 910 66.0 -16.61 1969.083 -13.50 3380 163.1 -15.27 1969.000 -11.13 5534 143.9 -12.71 1968.917 -12.01 4556 141.6 -11.31 1968.833 -13.78 2150 223.9 -12.66 1968.750 -13.02 1370 170.0 -13.93 1968.667 -11.86 2554 112.1 -14.81 1968.583 -11.85 5976 160.4 -12.09 1968.500 -13.98 6330 145.2 -11.46 1968.417 -17.95 1150 59.3 -15.55 1968.333 -20.04 504 35.9 -19.06 1968.250 -17.38 912 103.3 -18.83 1968.167 -17.20 2666 106.3 -17.81 1968.083 -16.79 2972 80.1 -17.11 1968.000 -15.06 816 74.6 -14.77 1967.917 -13.59 1912 101.4 -13.50 1967.833 -13.90 2396 87.3 -14.42 1967.750 -13.08 1594 88.3 -12.97 1967.667 -12.72 716 132.5 -12.75 1967.583 -14.18 6140 207.7 -11.34 1967.500 -17.37 1978 27.5 -13.37 1967.417 -20.52 1722 73.0 -18.83 1967.333 -21.98 542 43.5 -21.75 1967.250 -22.52 342 14.4 -22.60 1967.167 -20.31 227 41.7 -21.37 1967.083 -18.95 1004 79.1 -19.45 1967.000 -17.72 1496 116.5 -18.05 1966.917 -15.91 1783 93.0 -16.62 1966.833 -15.71 1724 95.5 -16.01 1966.750 -14.59 3555 136.0 -14.76 1966.667 -15.60 1300 139.5 -15.48 1966.583 -14.06 5379 146.2 -15.28 1966.500 -14.90 4285 118.4 -13.18 1966.417 -15.75 3190 90.7 -16.08 1966.333 -16.22 432 48.1 -17.56 1966.250 -15.50 3058 78.7 -14.65 1966.167 -16.22 2171 63.5 -15.36 1966.083 -16.94 1284 48.3 -18.58 1966.000 -19.63 686 41.9 -18.86 1965.917 -17.80 410 57.2 -16.37 1965.833 -16.74 3084 90.7 -15.13 1965.750 -15.67 5758 124.1 -12.46 1965.667 -12.65 3310 104.3 -12.76 1965.583 -11.09 1548 221.7 -13.05 1965.500 -10.62 3734 148.3 -12.19 1965.417 -11.46 4410 124.3 -10.76 1965.333 -12.29 5086 100.3 -11.73 1965.250 -17.19 2720 53.5 -16.48 1965.167 -18.10 1726 47.7 -17.99 1965.083 -17.60 1694 62.9 -18.03 1965.000 -18.76 1914 52.6 -18.07 1964.917 -19.08 1228 39.9 -19.41 1964.833 -19.39 542 27.1 -18.50 1964.750 -17.17 692 48.8 -16.34 1964.667 -16.04 4894 97.8 -15.20 1964.583 -14.96 1314 139.6 -14.26 1964.500 -13.35 2500 95.1 -13.14 1964.417 -13.44 3888 93.6 -13.79 1964.333 -13.53 5276 92.0 -14.44 1964.250 -14.44 2556 73.8 -15.22 1964.167 -14.54 2004 197.2 -14.50 1964.083 -15.07 2106 79.0 -15.51 1964.000 -17.90 2772 93.8 -17.30 1963.917 -18.99 662 31.3 -19.09 1963.833 -15.54 1778 67.1 -18.37 1963.750 -13.02 1320 63.1 -14.37 1963.667 -8.28 3780 85.8 -11.15 1963.583 -9.52 5022 110.8 -9.99 1963.500 -11.67 3712 107.9 -8.83 1963.417 -13.81 2402 104.9 -11.82 1963.333 -16.77 580 40.3 -16.31 1963.250 -17.23 556 52.6 -17.04 1963.167 -17.69 532 64.9 -17.77 1963.083 -17.69 532 96.4 -17.77 1963.000 -17.69 532 127.8 -17.77 1962.917 -18.18 1212 145.1 -18.46 1962.833 -14.25 474 86.0 -15.13 1962.750 -12.70 2576 127.0 -11.79 1962.667 -11.14 4678 168.0 -8.92 1962.583 -10.16 6714 232.8 -13.32 1962.500 -13.73 17036 242.6 -17.71 1962.417 -22.30 1196 39.9 -23.74 1962.333 -23.91 604 46.7 -24.28 1962.250 -23.72 676 52.1 -23.37 1962.167 -24.29 446 30.0 -24.74 1962.083 -25.10 464 55.4 -24.25 1962.000 -21.91 1694 87.2 -21.00 1961.917 -18.85 874 72.0 -19.13 1961.833 -16.75 1150 58.9 -18.98 1961.750 -13.46 2470 114.3 -11.76 1961.667 -11.20 1668 134.1 -8.85 1961.583 -8.58 7386 220.0 -8.57 1961.500 -12.83 3478 221.2 -11.19 1961.417 -17.52 7660 96.1 -18.10 1961.333 -20.59 1170 38.2 -20.88 1961.250 -22.44 473 86.9 -22.72 1961.167 -22.56 596 44.7 -21.96 1961.083 -21.52 647 30.7 -22.13 1961.000 -18.32 594 43.8 -21.31 1960.917 -18.22 1126 49.4 -18.78 1960.833 -18.08 698 65.5 -17.88 1960.750 -17.98 2014 145.6 -17.70 1960.667 -19.14 1686 168.6 -15.24 1960.583 -15.15 2481 208.1 -12.79 1960.500 -14.01 8196 256.0 -20.27 1960.417 -17.85 622 70.6 -22.02 1960.333 -19.60 424 51.1 -17.89 1960.250 -17.72 436 41.3 -15.89 1960.167 -15.54 841 62.4 -16.60 1960.083 -16.70 1790 89.6 -19.08 1960.000 -18.54 286 31.8 -18.47 1959.917 -19.07 328 42.8 -17.50 1959.833 -17.04 3601 78.2 -16.52 1959.750 -17.24 2186 144.8 -17.18 1959.667 -17.43 2436 146.7 -15.50 1959.583 -13.44 6222 208.1 -10.39 1959.500 -10.57 3106 156.1 -11.84 1959.417 -13.28 6560 138.0 -18.74 1959.333 -17.32 1682 51.9 -16.15 1959.250 -16.75 1156 92.8 -18.65 1959.167 -19.80 336 56.0 -19.42 1959.083 -18.52 580 38.3 -18.46 1959.000 -17.02 2666 113.6 -17.49 1958.917 -17.57 1274 36.0 -16.74 1958.833 -18.32 914 58.5 -19.25 1958.750 -18.60 2756 148.7 -20.03 1958.667 -15.77 3478 106.1 -16.47 1958.583 -16.35 1518 578.6 -15.13 1958.500 -15.07 11206 221.1 -13.76 1958.417 -17.78 942 43.3 -12.39 1958.333 -19.62 602 40.4 -17.31 1958.250 -21.45 262 37.4 -21.27 1958.167 -23.34 1250 25.8 -22.83 1958.083 -22.95 262 48.1 -22.80 1958.000 -20.88 486 39.7 -21.72 1957.917 -19.95 530 35.3 -19.80 1957.833 -19.02 574 30.9 -12.77 1957.750 -14.46 4132 93.5 -9.61 1957.667 -9.39 10230 144.3 -10.70 1957.583 -10.60 9074 164.3 -11.79 1957.500 -12.31 1538 207.4 -10.88 1957.417 -15.16 2445 145.5 -15.12 1957.333 -18.01 3352 83.5 -19.36 1957.250 -18.28 1068 52.7 -18.67 1957.167 -15.87 1850 85.9 -17.41 1957.083 -15.50 2369 118.7 -16.14 1957.000 -15.12 2888 151.5 -15.91 1956.917 -15.04 1790 56.1 -14.36 1956.833 -14.69 2560 113.7 -14.25 1956.750 -14.34 3330 171.3 -14.14 1956.667 -14.61 4316 99.1 -15.04 1956.583 -12.17 2036 144.3 -13.57 1956.500 -11.95 1304 120.4 -12.10 1956.417 -11.72 572 96.4 -12.74 1956.333 -13.93 5104 118.5 -15.57 1956.250 -17.69 630 34.6 -18.40 1956.167 -17.84 638 69.6 -18.50 1956.083 -17.99 646 104.6 -18.60 1956.000 -15.88 1426 74.2 -17.65 1955.917 -19.77 578 37.7 -18.18 1955.833 -15.72 1260 65.9 -18.71 1955.750 -11.67 1942 94.0 -11.39 1955.667 -9.73 8342 171.0 -10.62 1955.583 -11.02 3812 179.7 -9.85 1955.500 -11.75 2313 159.3 -11.65 1955.417 -12.47 814 138.8 -11.34 1955.333 -18.21 2682 69.9 -14.63 1955.250 -21.72 414 52.3 -21.32 1955.167 -23.98 238 65.1 -22.98 1955.083 -25.32 464 51.5 -24.67 1955.000 -26.46 510 65.9 -26.51 1954.917 -25.49 1244 47.7 -24.39 1954.833 -21.33 1048 263.1 -19.82 1954.750 -17.24 2350 83.6 -15.92 1954.667 -11.67 4676 164.2 -10.92 1954.583 -11.79 2544 217.0 -11.45 1954.500 -10.86 1766 273.3 -17.30 1954.417 -18.23 2826 89.3 -24.89 1954.333 -24.14 652 41.7 -24.88 1954.250 -25.29 152 31.7 -24.86 1954.167 -23.21 298 21.1 -23.26 1954.083 -22.79 266 29.1 -21.49 1954.000 -20.01 380 40.0 -19.44 1953.917 -17.65 488 45.3 -17.39 1953.833 -14.70 3456 110.3 -13.90 1953.750 -14.41 2734 142.3 -13.86 1953.667 -14.11 2012 174.2 -13.53 1953.583 -13.14 1630 134.0 -13.19 1953.500 -13.81 3048 158.7 -13.03 1953.417 -16.86 1730 71.0 -18.56 1953.333 -22.96 1064 39.0 -21.58 1953.250 -22.48 876 47.6 -24.59 1953.167 -21.99 688 56.1 -20.67 1953.083 -20.14 590 45.5 -19.34 1953.000 -17.54 350 65.5 -17.96 1952.917 -16.51 3750 97.1 -16.89 1952.833 -18.02 2505 112.0 -18.35 1952.750 -19.52 1260 126.9 -19.80 1952.667 -18.00 1364 126.1 -21.42 1952.583 -18.39 3719 149.7 -15.61 1952.500 -21.40 610 25.0 -17.85 1952.417 -23.11 616 35.0 -20.09 1952.333 -22.35 492 41.2 -22.72 1952.250 -22.18 250 26.1 -22.16 1952.167 -21.71 722 47.2 -21.60 1952.083 -20.26 1050 72.3 -22.23 1952.000 -17.04 990 50.0 -20.37 1951.917 -13.53 1174 54.8 -16.60 1951.833 -12.40 1906 33.2 -12.82 1951.750 -15.26 3554 146.0 -14.86 1951.667 -15.84 2366 88.7 -16.89 1951.583 -13.15 4238 198.4 -19.80 1951.500 -16.10 2655 124.9 -14.47 1951.417 -19.05 1071 51.5 -19.78 1951.333 -20.24 446 33.6 -19.11 1951.250 -20.12 440 38.8 -19.83 1951.167 -20.84 560 30.0 -20.54 1951.083 -19.45 890 41.2 -19.16 1951.000 -18.40 690 51.0 -18.00 1950.917 -17.21 690 70.5 -15.53 1950.833 -15.71 708 62.6 -16.82 1950.750 -17.62 2591 104.6 -18.10 1950.667 -20.59 594 115.5 -18.91 1950.583 -18.66 834 100.0 -17.06 1950.500 -17.52 4862 109.7 -18.21 1950.417 -22.58 578 23.3 -19.36 1950.333 -21.44 450 55.4 -22.79 1950.250 -19.46 622 27.2 -22.08 1950.167 -18.69 658 45.8 -21.37 1950.083 -19.82 868 66.2 -20.31 1950.000 -20.94 1078 86.5 -19.24 1949.917 -18.86 1772 72.3 -21.51 1949.833 -20.15 270 85.0 -20.95 1949.750 -22.31 384 46.6 -20.38 1949.667 -19.43 1656 124.2 -15.77 1949.583 -16.00 3558 225.4 -14.46 1949.500 -13.88 1040 189.2 -13.14 1949.417 -12.84 2010 159.1 -20.09 1949.333 -21.38 2176 48.8 -21.26 1949.250 -22.65 1508 48.8 -22.42 1949.167 -23.91 840 48.8 -24.96 1949.083 -24.97 418 25.7 -23.26 1949.000 -21.03 494 69.8 -21.56 1948.917 -19.06 530 91.2 -19.57 1948.833 -19.24 506 92.5 -19.11 1948.750 -17.39 6192 113.9 -17.62 1948.667 -16.52 766 104.4 -16.12 1948.583 -15.39 2168 166.4 -15.30 1948.500 -16.63 6630 152.1 -17.88 1948.417 -20.12 506 62.8 -19.00 1948.333 -19.66 494 31.5 -20.12 1948.250 -18.32 1060 68.7 -18.90 1948.167 -15.07 1242 78.3 -16.35 1948.083 -13.58 3250 91.1 -15.05 1948.000 -13.45 3114 62.0 -13.74 1947.917 -13.27 2738 121.5 -13.73 1947.833 -13.65 2076 129.6 -14.23 1947.750 -16.43 1306 117.0 -14.73 1947.667 -16.13 906 111.2 -14.99 1947.583 -14.09 1078 88.1 -13.93 1947.500 -15.54 3066 136.7 -12.87 1947.417 -15.41 6358 62.6 -15.38 1947.333 -17.11 1270 88.9 -16.98 1947.250 -18.15 3254 53.4 -16.89 1947.167 -18.56 362 37.3 -15.75 1947.083 -15.46 524 124.1 -14.60 1947.000 -16.91 424 29.3 -16.08 1946.917 -15.56 1984 56.1 -15.32 1946.833 -15.79 1168 122.8 -14.55 1946.750 -16.60 3988 58.6 -15.49 1946.667 -14.91 1062 132.3 -13.46 1946.583 -10.54 4084 171.0 -11.15 1946.500 -12.32 3822 80.4 -13.47 1946.417 -15.31 2562 23.8 -14.87 1946.333 -15.98 930 45.5 -16.26 1946.250 -15.15 717 70.3 -15.66 1946.167 -14.47 946 45.1 -14.80 1946.083 -14.08 1480 91.6 -14.66 1946.000 -16.08 1150 52.6 -15.27 1945.917 -19.27 790 21.2 -15.88 1945.833 -14.46 2303 118.0 -17.36 1945.750 -12.11 1692 85.8 -14.02 1945.667 -13.83 640 78.0 -13.71 1945.583 -13.54 2352 183.0 -14.54 1945.500 -13.45 3633 109.2 -15.21 1945.417 -18.04 594 38.5 -15.87 1945.333 -19.79 807 60.1 -19.91 1945.250 -19.52 668 29.6 -19.71 1945.167 -22.01 309 258.2 -21.59 1945.083 -20.34 260 23.4 -22.18 1945.000 -19.07 3330 114.7 -19.81 1944.917 -19.43 1013 76.6 -19.06 1944.833 -19.69 604 70.4 -19.79 1944.750 -19.29 802 110.2 -19.93 1944.667 -17.31 4422 111.6 -16.82 1944.583 -13.05 3926 117.1 -15.18 1944.500 -15.36 3331 126.4 -17.86 1944.417 -21.25 1252 46.1 -20.54 1944.333 -23.75 532 19.6 -23.15 1944.250 -23.00 422 55.6 -22.46 1944.167 -18.38 997 42.8 -17.87 1944.083 -16.81 1874 79.0 -18.25 1944.000 -18.19 725 59.6 -17.64 1943.917 -15.59 1132 65.2 -17.03 1943.833 -13.16 3631 92.5 -13.78 1943.750 -13.41 1112 52.3 -13.28 1943.667 -12.52 1987 113.1 -13.04 1943.583 -12.12 9488 201.9 -12.37 1943.500 -11.64 1503 145.3 -12.55 1943.417 -17.67 1222 30.7 -19.28 1943.333 -21.93 722 56.5 -23.02 1943.250 -19.33 995 90.2 -18.06 1943.167 -17.71 1112 52.0 -18.16 1943.083 -18.49 1314 46.3 -19.52 1943.000 -17.99 2166 37.3 -17.52 1942.917 -19.12 444 35.6 -19.07 1942.833 -17.83 2939 104.8 -18.37 1942.750 -17.49 616 51.9 -18.11 1942.667 -15.98 3781 184.5 -17.58 1942.583 -13.34 2900 185.1 -15.10 1942.500 -16.17 3156 83.9 -18.65 1942.417 -21.99 1012 52.6 -22.48 1942.333 -23.95 644 56.8 -17.15 1942.250 -25.16 740 54.3 -16.28 1942.167 -26.99 647 37.5 -17.40 1942.083 -25.49 338 25.0 -18.10 1942.000 -22.52 564 45.9 -19.95 1941.917 -19.61 408 52.4 -22.10 1941.833 -14.18 1660 136.6 -24.27 1941.750 -13.77 1366 137.4 -17.99 1941.667 -10.71 6488 139.9 -13.82 1941.583 -10.24 4849 175.0 -10.23 1941.500 -14.90 4922 150.3 -13.97 1941.417 -21.00 863 32.7 -17.70 1941.333 -21.50 498 34.9 -21.59 1941.250 -20.26 955 40.1 -20.58 1941.167 -15.55 1579 49.3 -15.92 1941.083 -16.86 378 77.7 -15.97 1941.000 -15.25 994 83.9 -15.67 1940.917 -16.46 1810 41.3 -15.80 1940.833 -15.15 4032 113.0 -15.93 1940.750 -13.64 2672 151.7 -14.31 1940.667 -11.87 5844 204.6 -11.91 1940.583 -9.41 4317 176.0 -11.16 1940.500 -10.44 11836 171.0 -10.41 1940.417 -13.55 1474 40.4 -14.59 1940.333 -16.44 971 46.2 -17.23 1940.250 -21.11 344 29.8 -21.66 1940.167 -22.71 332 43.0 -21.22 1940.083 -20.55 372 25.6 -19.77 1940.000 -20.05 1098 28.1 -20.66 1939.917 -21.83 567 28.9 -20.93 1939.833 -19.23 410 28.9 -15.40 1939.750 -14.50 1680 85.3 -12.89 1939.667 -12.15 4118 62.3 -15.20 1939.583 -13.48 2763 142.3 -14.72 1939.500 -14.14 1282 75.9 -14.24 1939.417 -13.13 1580 98.9 -17.35 1939.333 -15.68 1904 62.0 -18.02 1939.250 -17.72 1350 42.7 -17.40 1939.167 -18.37 1050 56.4 -16.13 1939.083 -16.09 851 36.1 -17.11 1939.000 -15.62 1246 89.3 -18.68 1938.917 -15.56 1253 54.9 -18.85 1938.833 -16.49 758 68.8 -16.76 1938.750 -16.70 878 63.2 -16.54 1938.667 -15.41 2487 72.8 -15.88 1938.583 -14.45 2086 134.4 -15.36 1938.500 -12.88 2089 56.5 -13.47 1938.417 -13.99 3047 73.5 -13.15 1938.333 -18.14 802 24.0 -15.34 1938.250 -24.52 296 34.6 -22.40 1938.167 -28.14 456 29.8 -26.96 1938.083 -24.06 884 45.8 -24.52 1938.000 -13.53 2042 67.5 -22.08 1937.917 -14.00 1183 115.7 -14.60 1937.833 -18.18 1170 43.4 -16.55 1937.750 -18.15 1102 123.4 -16.77 1937.667 -12.56 7920 208.7 -14.44 1937.583 -13.42 2675 108.9 -13.27 1937.500 -11.47 6068 190.6 -12.10 1937.417 -12.43 3082 183.0 -14.48 1937.333 -19.31 394 39.9 -20.99 1937.250 -20.16 791 111.3 -22.51 1937.167 -22.13 547 37.3 -19.27 1937.083 -18.54 300 31.4 -13.39 1937.000 -13.35 2992 71.1 -12.37 1936.917 -12.40 1118 127.0 -14.57 1936.833 -15.97 551 97.5 -16.02 1936.750 -15.97 1936 133.2 -13.54 1936.667 -13.47 1807 121.2 -13.92 1936.583 -12.47 4893 173.0 -18.60 1936.500 -16.47 1822 80.3 -18.90 1936.417 -19.81 472 64.9 -19.20 1936.333 -20.81 448 19.4 -18.74 1936.250 -19.60 318 65.5 -18.93 1936.167 -17.69 1646 65.2 -21.40 1936.083 -16.77 1348 92.1 -19.24 1936.000 -17.02 1402 85.8 -16.96 1935.917 -17.39 1344 72.4 -16.96 1935.833 -14.48 5636 134.5 -15.20 1935.750 -10.25 4878 176.3 -13.44 1935.667 -9.42 2310 206.6 -11.14 1935.583 -8.81 2482 250.1 -8.85 1935.500 -11.33 10976 238.0 -10.88 1935.417 -13.88 4770 60.2 -13.84 1935.333 -14.72 740 50.0 -13.80 1935.250 -13.57 2344 77.1 -13.75 1935.167 -12.52 1382 67.5 -15.40 1935.083 -16.17 619 34.0 -17.04 1935.000 -17.03 840 59.1 -18.09 1934.917 -18.27 478 61.1 -18.19 1934.833 -17.93 1134 157.2 -18.28 1934.750 -16.55 2262 109.6 -15.54 1934.667 -14.07 4286 127.1 -14.72 1934.583 -12.77 3686 308.3 -13.89 1934.500 -12.58 10540 268.0 -13.07 1934.417 -14.70 1760 81.5 -15.56 1934.333 -20.79 436 16.5 -20.91 1934.250 -20.74 346 47.8 -22.19 1934.167 -18.63 542 39.3 -20.54 1934.083 -17.47 1294 63.2 -19.41 1934.000 -15.81 604 48.5 -18.28 1933.917 -14.10 1106 36.0 -16.60 1933.833 -13.82 1978 123.6 -14.03 1933.750 -13.97 1788 55.2 -13.45 1933.667 -14.49 4188 91.1 -14.28 1933.583 -14.31 3652 147.5 -15.51 1933.500 -18.01 3976 133.9 -16.73 1933.417 -22.94 572 95.3 -20.78 1933.333 -25.17 270 46.7 -22.53 1933.250 -24.05 614 61.2 -24.28 1933.167 -22.74 502 63.0 -24.86 1933.083 -21.76 382 25.3 -22.83 1933.000 -20.90 584 42.3 -22.04 1932.917 -18.30 468 38.4 -21.25 1932.833 -16.84 2184 110.3 -18.29 1932.750 -13.58 4174 159.0 -16.46 1932.667 -10.65 5294 170.9 -14.63 1932.583 -13.17 3036 140.5 -12.78 1932.500 -12.67 1572 103.7 -15.13 1932.417 -13.27 5965 118.4 -17.48 1932.333 -19.94 666 23.6 -20.94 1932.250 -24.45 850 35.3 -24.39 1932.167 -26.11 440 14.7 -23.52 1932.083 -26.02 160 6.2 -22.64 1932.000 -26.26 330 16.8 -20.48 1931.917 -24.51 360 39.5 -18.32 1931.833 -21.99 364 35.1 -17.74 1931.750 -19.56 1154 65.5 -17.16 1931.667 -18.15 1216 73.6 -16.58 1931.583 -17.70 1194 99.8 -16.64 1931.500 -18.23 402 89.3 -16.70 1931.417 -18.53 727 48.3 -16.76 1931.333 -17.64 1030 51.6 -16.64 1931.250 -17.22 1026 50.1 -16.52 1931.167 -16.66 2378 47.6 -16.83 1931.083 -16.10 1033 43.0 -16.95 1931.000 -15.94 802 35.4 -17.07 1930.917 -15.51 590 57.8 -16.14 1930.833 -15.79 1917 131.5 -15.20 1930.750 -18.07 720 58.4 -16.06 1930.667 -15.09 1663 118.6 -16.91 1930.583 -9.99 3790 184.7 -16.43 1930.500 -11.19 7028 197.7 -15.95 1930.417 -16.38 4855 39.5 -16.10 1930.333 -18.64 718 27.3 -18.91 1930.250 -19.69 714 23.4 -21.72 1930.167 -21.59 661 36.3 -21.44 1930.083 -21.09 474 30.0 -18.50 1930.000 -18.89 938 86.1 -18.90 1929.917 -18.13 1333 72.0 -19.29 1929.833 -17.91 1450 64.1 -18.50 1929.750 -19.50 1189 58.8 -18.86 1929.667 -19.87 1576 65.5 -19.22 1929.583 -20.29 1048 42.9 -19.86 1929.500 -20.18 4145 114.0 -18.61 1929.417 -19.32 648 29.8 -18.17 1929.333 -18.15 758 50.2 -17.72 1929.250 -17.10 927 44.6 -17.33 1929.167 -16.51 1388 57.4 -17.52 1929.083 -16.66 634 45.3 -17.70 1929.000 -21.08 622 58.8 -18.72 1928.917 -20.59 976 73.4 -19.87 1928.833 -18.02 2605 93.3 -21.02 1928.750 -13.71 1494 127.5 -19.10 1928.667 -12.09 3398 147.1 -13.66 1928.583 -10.00 3886 185.2 -12.36 1928.500 -11.11 5124 168.4 -11.06 1928.417 -13.76 10588 162.1 -13.14 1928.333 -16.77 1500 50.3 -15.22 1928.250 -18.40 1162 46.3 -20.56 1928.167 -20.78 820 35.5 -18.66 1928.083 -20.52 1026 26.1 -16.76 1928.000 -16.51 6342 43.6 -14.32 1927.917 -12.83 1414 88.0 -11.87 1927.833 -11.81 2279 108.8 -12.32 1927.750 -11.69 1288 131.2 -12.77 1927.667 -12.70 2496 167.2 -13.84 1927.583 -11.70 3100 182.0 -14.91 1927.500 -11.47 2482 135.6 -16.02 1927.417 -17.34 4792 38.7 -18.51 1927.333 -19.57 830 32.7 -21.09 1927.250 -21.17 859 44.2 -21.76 1927.167 -18.26 1738 38.0 -21.24 1927.083 -16.30 653 49.4 -22.64 1927.000 -14.95 2699 80.3 -24.83 1926.917 -15.26 958 49.5 -22.80 1926.833 -16.07 2936 85.2 -16.83 1926.750 -14.20 920 87.3 -16.54 1926.667 -12.01 3023 92.7 -16.16 1926.583 -9.76 3999 145.1 -14.30 1926.500 -10.24 2368 104.2 -15.11 1926.417 -17.66 897 98.8 -20.63 1926.333 -21.05 581 70.0 -21.43 1926.250 -20.63 615 50.9 -22.49 1926.167 -21.43 1028 42.9 -15.71 1926.083 -26.82 273 22.7 -17.91 1926.000 -21.94 432 35.9 -18.79 1925.917 -15.13 1945 70.7 -17.00 1925.833 -13.60 402 58.1 -15.88 1925.750 -14.36 1704 106.3 -17.65 1925.667 -14.30 1556 144.3 -14.43 1925.583 -14.24 4175 120.7 -15.36 1925.500 -11.53 6668 131.3 -11.53 1925.417 -10.46 2707 119.5 -17.32 1925.333 -16.20 6376 92.5 -22.87 1925.250 -22.26 662 35.8 -24.18 1925.167 -24.35 430 34.8 -20.70 1925.083 -23.35 339 35.8 -18.05 1925.000 -18.11 548 26.5 -18.12 1924.917 -13.06 3928 117.3 -18.14 1924.833 -14.14 3634 104.0 -17.68 1924.750 -16.84 916 78.5 -18.29 1924.667 -16.90 886 116.7 -19.31 1924.583 -12.10 1561 152.7 -14.70 1924.500 -14.54 3158 141.9 -14.98 1924.417 -18.66 1133 47.6 -17.87 1924.333 -18.43 1060 42.7 -20.75 1924.250 -18.23 1334 51.8 -21.57 1924.167 -17.65 2285 67.5 -22.69 1924.083 -20.81 517 40.4 -21.68 1924.000 -21.05 784 61.7 -19.98 1923.917 -18.92 856 53.5 -18.27 1923.833 -16.28 517 65.5 -20.64 1923.750 -21.03 1680 48.5 -21.98 1923.667 -19.22 3610 125.7 -18.45 1923.583 -9.77 6940 218.6 -14.91 1923.500 -8.08 2585 161.1 -7.98 1923.417 -12.99 801 99.0 -11.95 1923.333 -18.25 1261 40.3 -15.90 1923.250 -18.29 1452 75.8 -16.37 1923.167 -18.42 721 47.6 -16.50 1923.083 -22.04 1841 20.6 -16.62 1923.000 -17.68 1778 54.8 -16.69 1922.917 -16.19 1576 62.8 -17.34 1922.833 -16.84 872 67.9 -18.70 1922.750 -15.13 1508 63.2 -18.46 1922.667 -19.61 1003 73.7 -18.21 1922.583 -14.80 2744 117.5 -16.24 1922.500 -17.40 2395 154.7 -16.68 1922.417 -23.40 2683 53.4 -20.90 1922.333 -24.24 458 35.2 -21.14 1922.250 -24.45 434 37.9 -21.99 1922.167 -25.22 368 21.4 -21.84 1922.083 -26.68 532 13.7 -21.46 1922.000 -24.88 480 42.3 -22.68 1921.917 -21.51 823 53.3 -21.99 1921.833 -19.76 596 44.6 -20.06 1921.750 -17.74 1433 108.0 -16.79 1921.667 -19.00 1486 110.4 -16.95 1921.583 -14.48 7356 239.6 -9.84 1921.500 -11.24 7846 263.0 -13.08 1921.417 -17.25 3268 54.2 -16.21 1921.333 -22.91 424 33.6 -20.34 1921.250 -21.45 490 49.2 -23.29 1921.167 -15.62 415 62.3 -21.06 1921.083 -17.35 1708 82.4 -18.44 1921.000 -19.98 898 68.7 -15.84 1920.917 -19.69 559 65.7 -13.33 1920.833 -19.88 551 38.7 -17.46 1920.750 -19.97 752 56.9 -17.22 1920.667 -20.82 1065 60.6 -12.11 1920.583 -15.58 5528 178.6 -12.81 1920.500 -11.52 2341 123.5 -17.58 1920.417 -14.23 670 64.8 -19.04 1920.333 -19.38 656 28.3 -19.22 1920.250 -19.17 425 34.5 -19.40 1920.167 -18.57 770 40.3 -19.54 1920.083 -18.47 958 49.5 -19.25 1920.000 -18.81 964 53.7 -17.78 1919.917 -18.09 638 97.7 -16.67 1919.833 -23.60 676 47.6 -19.68 1919.750 -26.09 642 30.3 -25.95 1919.667 -20.66 224 24.8 -20.99 1919.583 -13.09 1491 96.9 -14.14 1919.500 -18.29 442 51.6 -18.70 1919.417 -24.23 297 26.3 -24.94 1919.333 -24.82 1514 57.4 -21.12 1919.250 -20.47 587 37.0 -20.94 1919.167 -21.19 468 23.0 -20.75 1919.083 -19.46 594 30.6 -19.80 1919.000 -18.88 1345 67.9 -19.91 1918.917 -19.20 656 66.1 -19.65 1918.833 -18.03 818 90.6 -19.39 1918.750 -14.06 3014 127.8 -16.24 1918.667 -14.97 1856 143.1 -14.90 1918.583 -12.23 7137 181.9 -16.50 1918.500 -20.49 2060 49.0 -22.49 1918.417 -20.37 769 47.0 -24.78 1918.333 -26.63 452 61.8 -28.13 1918.250 -27.07 372 32.0 -25.26 1918.167 -19.56 1470 37.4 -21.44 1918.083 -17.88 3594 118.3 -17.62 1918.000 -15.40 2179 174.0 -16.76 1917.917 -16.67 2652 79.2 -18.63 1917.833 -16.81 4273 106.8 -17.71 1917.750 -17.85 2436 84.4 -17.39 1917.667 -20.31 2175 93.8 -15.59 1917.583 -17.57 4160 100.3 -14.66 1917.500 -12.17 9943 185.9 -13.31 1917.417 -19.36 2059 60.0 -14.87 1917.333 -22.46 1318 53.7 -20.95 1917.250 -23.67 489 31.7 -23.69 1917.167 -17.11 1911 77.4 -21.42 1917.083 -15.22 912 91.5 -18.71 1917.000 -14.50 1043 71.6 -16.68 1916.917 -17.65 459 42.0 -17.63 1916.833 -24.03 360 57.5 -22.16 1916.750 -24.30 661 39.5 -23.00 1916.667 -20.69 1693 131.8 -20.47 1916.583 -16.36 5930 117.1 -15.29 1916.500 -13.51 1686 105.1 -18.28 1916.417 -20.36 1215 21.6 -18.47 1916.333 -17.87 3929 76.0 -17.72 1916.250 -16.01 1276 86.7 -17.29 1916.167 -17.75 1289 70.8 -17.84 1916.083 -17.80 2018 153.8 -24.54 1916.000 -18.16 552 74.3 -17.82 1915.917 -19.78 987 32.6 -16.72 1915.833 -15.45 1064 71.8 -17.21 1915.750 -17.39 1069 73.0 -17.35 1915.667 -14.91 3862 103.1 -14.66 1915.583 -16.18 3325 127.1 -16.99 1915.500 -13.56 8120 230.7 -15.72 1915.417 -12.39 660 117.6 -17.04 1915.333 -20.04 514 46.5 -14.79 1915.250 -23.12 512 28.2 -16.16 1915.167 -23.67 502 27.4 -17.88 1915.083 -23.28 550 35.1 -23.72 1915.000 -19.71 390 64.6 -22.60 1914.917 -20.64 890 71.0 -20.68 1914.833 -19.71 1698 110.7 -20.35 1914.750 -17.77 1872 105.4 -16.22 1914.667 -14.73 1542 94.1 -12.54 1914.583 -12.02 1380 139.4 -11.77 1914.500 -10.79 1690 162.8 -12.42 1914.417 -18.77 496 39.8 -13.07 1914.333 -23.43 1574 46.2 -24.09 1914.250 -19.43 2667 85.3 -23.57 1914.167 -15.90 1124 70.3 -20.44 1914.083 -15.36 1476 64.8 -17.19 1914.000 -16.17 2190 142.5 -17.24 1913.917 -14.70 2646 100.3 -15.81 1913.833 -14.31 3284 112.3 -16.49 1913.750 -12.65 3618 130.4 -15.06 1913.667 -11.85 3450 127.5 -13.81 1913.583 -14.12 2916 168.7 -16.22 1913.500 -17.95 2765 144.0 -16.64 1913.417 -20.11 1286 168.9 -16.94 1913.333 -22.47 694 31.7 -22.06 1913.250 -21.90 454 50.8 -22.68 1913.167 -19.44 848 75.7 -21.50 1913.083 -18.34 983 63.9 -20.32 1913.000 -18.35 1050 82.7 -19.31 1912.917 -18.05 791 66.6 -17.13 1912.833 -20.86 1142 62.7 -18.98 1912.750 -18.48 744 83.2 -16.05 1912.667 -14.59 1384 99.0 -13.97 1912.583 -9.33 1932 157.5 -11.89 1912.500 -9.81 3217 164.1 -15.05 1912.417 -17.47 8562 125.8 -17.22 1912.333 -23.30 966 52.5 -16.83 1912.250 -23.68 482 58.5 -16.30 1912.167 -22.52 525 47.8 -18.82 1912.083 -16.45 841 50.8 -20.44 1912.000 -14.59 2076 90.9 -16.15 1911.917 -13.92 3256 141.1 -15.64 1911.833 -15.09 4352 169.9 -15.12 1911.750 -19.07 2499 70.5 -15.53 1911.667 -18.48 2527 58.2 -14.53 1911.583 -18.29 3532 78.0 -12.67 1911.500 -17.38 3418 67.5 -16.12 1911.417 -19.56 645 45.1 -19.04 1911.333 -23.72 519 35.6 -18.52 1911.250 -23.84 651 21.6 -21.46 1911.167 -23.76 3394 31.4 -23.42 1911.083 -16.45 3209 95.3 -18.61 1911.000 -16.04 1972 89.9 -17.97 1910.917 -16.32 2188 83.7 -18.21 1910.833 -15.51 2695 116.1 -17.53 1910.750 -16.25 2640 149.0 -16.93 1910.667 -15.17 2433 86.2 -17.25 1910.583 -14.73 2728 88.6 -15.84 1910.500 -14.68 2804 85.8 -16.22 1910.417 -14.54 2075 86.2 -15.67 1910.333 -16.03 2622 83.4 -15.40 1910.250 -19.25 564 38.2 -16.83 1910.167 -21.10 593 42.2 -22.99 1910.083 -21.47 342 34.1 -23.57 1910.000 -21.85 880 54.6 -20.33 1909.917 -19.89 2450 103.7 -18.89 1909.833 -17.87 1305 92.7 -22.02 1909.750 -21.21 1058 36.5 -18.88 1909.667 -19.42 2089 78.2 -17.31 1909.583 -15.38 4545 137.1 -14.79 1909.500 -14.78 3338 109.0 -16.15 1909.417 -17.01 2898 76.4 -17.51 1909.333 -16.75 3255 92.6 -16.31 1909.250 -17.01 2714 104.2 -14.90 1909.167 -16.12 3690 93.6 -14.43 1909.083 -15.11 2632 78.8 -13.33 1909.000 -14.92 1819 74.2 -15.08 1908.917 -15.30 2817 106.2 -20.44 1908.833 -20.52 795 49.7 -18.60 1908.750 -16.42 2879 88.2 -16.76 1908.667 -14.18 2361 85.6 -11.71 1908.583 -11.96 4271 149.4 -11.23 1908.500 -13.20 3071 227.5 -13.48 1908.417 -25.54 1193 43.0 -16.70 1908.333 -21.85 676 56.9 -20.27 1908.250 -20.91 1229 53.9 -19.57 1908.167 -18.92 1378 105.4 -22.61 1908.083 -19.45 852 80.4 -29.31 1908.000 -21.72 677 53.5 -23.08 1907.917 -19.97 1533 85.5 -21.51 1907.833 -16.95 1332 117.1 -20.27 1907.750 -19.76 2415 108.9 -15.95 1907.667 -15.57 1177 115.2 -16.42 1907.583 -12.67 2597 154.8 -11.97 1907.500 -17.67 2381 184.0 -12.80 1907.417 -21.27 5004 52.9 -19.46 1907.333 -27.78 1535 38.4 -26.57 1907.250 -25.65 384 22.7 -27.24 1907.167 -25.03 572 61.9 -21.11 1907.083 -24.29 503 63.3 -23.17 1907.000 -17.75 446 66.9 -20.86 1906.917 -18.03 1718 83.1 -18.32 1906.833 -17.30 1138 138.6 -19.71 1906.750 -20.03 926 72.1 -21.71 1906.667 -21.90 584 43.1 -19.97 1906.583 -22.22 1573 89.7 -12.57 1906.500 -14.16 3738 160.4 -16.66 1906.417 -9.81 970 94.5 -21.73 1906.333 -16.45 637 42.7 -22.20 1906.250 -20.67 708 27.8 -22.67 1906.167 -21.55 284 39.7 -20.67 1906.083 -22.84 388 20.9 -18.74 1906.000 -20.53 560 24.9 -21.08 1905.917 -17.71 854 20.0 -19.40 1905.833 -17.68 1628 36.5 -20.72 1905.750 -18.24 1592 90.6 -18.67 1905.667 -17.08 603 93.8 -16.61 1905.583 -16.87 1616 74.4 -12.30 1905.500 -15.21 2778 150.9 -13.65 1905.417 -25.30 6490 60.8 -15.00 1905.333 -18.10 3542 235.5 -24.27 1905.250 -24.35 1852 64.5 -24.17 1905.167 -22.61 1140 56.1 -24.07 1905.083 -20.87 428 47.7 -22.61 1905.000 -17.26 414 64.5 -21.15 1904.917 -14.35 454 124.6 -18.28 1904.833 -13.76 1086 80.9 -15.41 1904.750 -14.62 1010 99.2 -14.18 1904.667 -12.98 1195 108.7 -12.98 1904.583 -11.33 1380 118.1 -11.78 1904.500 -12.76 3238 242.5 -14.78 1904.417 -16.85 9154 105.1 -16.48 1904.333 -16.36 1584 39.3 -18.17 1904.250 -13.87 616 43.8 -16.37 1904.167 -13.93 556 117.3 -12.91 1904.083 -13.34 2346 61.8 -12.73 1904.000 -12.11 1888 62.8 -12.54 1903.917 -14.62 1668 53.4 -17.70 1903.833 -19.76 2056 108.5 -14.43 1903.750 -16.47 1870 59.0 -12.75 1903.667 -12.10 1308 118.4 -11.07 1903.583 -12.19 5428 135.6 -12.45 1903.500 -14.05 3744 104.6 -11.47 1903.417 -16.41 3990 64.1 -12.46 1903.333 -15.35 2728 51.1 -13.61 1903.250 -20.77 1486 63.1 -14.75 1903.167 -22.39 1298 50.1 -12.98 1903.083 -19.53 1914 80.8 -12.55 1903.000 -12.37 1636 92.9 -12.11 1902.917 -12.68 920 78.2 -12.49 1902.833 -15.02 946 43.3 -12.87 1902.750 -14.44 2536 53.2 -13.16 1902.667 -13.04 2952 111.3 -12.76 1902.583 -13.72 3476 137.0 -12.35 1902.500 -15.47 638 28.4 -14.72 1902.417 -22.30 556 89.2 -18.63 1902.333 -27.15 716 28.2 -22.54 1902.250 -26.52 753 50.4 -23.71 1902.167 -24.20 364 30.5 -24.88 1902.083 -25.94 494 26.9 -24.60 1902.000 -24.23 760 23.1 -24.32 1901.917 -18.61 1673 102.3 -21.56 1901.833 -18.90 1722 77.9 -18.46 1901.750 -18.11 1378 87.7 -17.99 1901.667 -17.61 496 91.4 -17.51 1901.583 -15.31 2860 306.5 -16.73 1901.500 -10.49 5434 175.4 -12.58 1901.417 -12.06 4190 138.3 -18.72 1901.333 -17.80 384 41.2 -21.75 1901.250 -19.38 1876 39.9 -18.07 1901.167 -16.99 1266 48.8 -17.31 1901.083 -16.18 684 26.6 -16.55 1901.000 -15.10 1212 37.8 -14.45 1900.917 -14.25 2958 87.7 -16.65 1900.833 -14.80 1615 76.3 -18.86 1900.750 -15.85 1854 139.4 -18.04 1900.667 -15.90 1674 120.9 -17.21 1900.583 -14.19 1984 140.5 -15.16 1900.500 -12.75 5529 147.2 -15.57 1900.417 -23.43 779 31.2 -13.29 1900.333 -27.11 298 20.3 -20.06 1900.250 -26.66 610 100.1 -24.16 1900.167 -20.79 1093 76.3 -26.33 1900.083 -23.76 293 35.1 -23.24 1900.000 -21.00 1483 81.6 -18.27 1899.917 -17.83 2162 65.2 -16.63 1899.833 -17.09 2307 110.4 -15.59 1899.750 -16.01 1044 126.0 -17.50 1899.667 -15.43 1695 119.4 -13.93 1899.583 -11.50 602 126.6 -11.39 1899.500 -11.18 6686 199.1 -15.81 1899.417 -16.18 3801 68.1 -16.04 1899.333 -17.41 2360 87.3 -16.89 1899.250 -17.33 2122 88.5 -19.06 1899.167 -16.60 2382 64.8 -23.03 1899.083 -17.11 1044 55.6 -23.86 1899.000 -17.93 1348 69.6 -18.66 1898.917 -24.25 745 51.6 -17.38 1898.833 -18.43 542 42.3 -15.39 1898.750 -16.82 818 50.4 -14.68 1898.667 -15.97 1864 89.9 -15.45 1898.583 -13.56 3392 105.2 -10.60 1898.500 -15.26 1686 102.7 -9.69 1898.417 -15.41 1512 72.0 -11.93 1898.333 -14.99 1762 59.0 -17.95 1898.250 -18.58 934 52.9 -19.03 1898.167 -18.71 920 58.9 -19.69 1898.083 -18.68 965 50.3 -20.34 1898.000 -17.89 1296 69.9 -19.03 1897.917 -15.94 1113 46.8 -15.58 1897.833 -17.19 1030 49.7 -16.96 1897.750 -17.74 660 39.5 -16.93 1897.667 -18.18 3000 80.3 -10.87 1897.583 -16.97 2568 115.0 -13.29 1897.500 -19.72 3702 111.8 -19.62 1897.417 -25.34 763 46.5 -21.39 1897.333 -25.54 1271 66.2 -25.16 1897.250 -25.90 723 54.5 -27.53 1897.167 -27.09 218 32.7 -26.66 1897.083 -26.60 378 24.0 -25.78 1897.000 -25.92 356 36.9 -26.20 1896.917 -24.83 704 40.2 -25.47 1896.833 -24.57 785 40.4 -20.14 1896.750 -21.52 306 61.3 -10.30 1896.667 -12.45 1108 81.5 -9.36 1896.583 -14.12 2377 160.0 -7.91 1896.500 -13.26 1472 130.9 -16.71 1896.417 -21.21 694 45.5 -24.71 1896.333 -25.80 490 33.3 -21.16 1896.250 -23.04 903 53.8 -20.44 1896.167 -19.72 694 59.1 -20.40 1896.083 -19.80 1319 64.1 -19.64 1896.000 -19.49 1916 75.4 -22.29 1895.917 -20.93 960 53.2 -17.85 1895.833 -21.29 1454 111.5 -17.11 1895.750 -19.40 1992 88.6 -17.03 1895.667 -18.32 2534 114.6 -14.71 1895.583 -17.00 3263 102.7 -13.61 1895.500 -16.47 4267 103.4 -15.87 1895.417 -17.60 4196 84.8 -15.47 1895.333 -14.90 3892 78.4 -15.06 1895.250 -14.95 596 39.7 -14.43 1895.167 -15.95 1290 62.9 -15.65 1895.083 -16.20 664 26.5 -17.65 1895.000 -19.28 926 39.7 -18.62 1894.917 -19.71 868 43.1 -19.58 1894.833 -18.44 698 47.7 -18.17 1894.750 -17.45 956 82.0 -14.04 1894.667 -13.26 1674 48.0 -13.17 1894.583 -16.52 1090 73.0 -12.30 1894.500 -17.84 1909 98.9 -18.37 1894.417 -18.72 1179 47.0 -17.89 1894.333 -18.27 912 85.1 -17.40 1894.250 -18.22 1212 64.3 -17.45 1894.167 -17.87 1188 94.2 -17.81 1894.083 -20.47 598 52.8 -19.38 1894.000 -22.88 566 48.9 -23.15 1893.917 -21.35 548 42.5 -24.99 1893.833 -22.78 569 50.0 -20.75 1893.750 -24.15 320 29.4 -16.04 1893.667 -22.58 2143 83.3 -19.00 1893.583 -18.01 1080 145.7 -13.66 1893.500 -15.83 3409 94.3 -13.81