# Nevado Huascarán - Oxygen Isotope, NO3, Layer Thickness, and Particle Data #---------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program # National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) #---------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 4.0 # Encoding: UTF-8 # NOTE: Please cite original publication, NOAA Landing Page URL, dataset and publication DOIs (where available), and date accessed when using downloaded data. If there is no publication information, please cite investigator, study title, NOAA Landing Page URL, and date accessed. # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # NOAA_Landing_Page: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/paleo-search/study/2447 # Landing_Page_Description: NOAA Landing Page of this file's parent study, which includes all study metadata. # # Study_Level_JSON_Metadata: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/metadata/published/paleo/json/noaa-icecore-2447.json # Study_Level_JSON_Description: JSON metadata of this data file's parent study, which includes all study metadata. # # Data_Type: Ice Cores # # Dataset_DOI: 10.25921/swwy-sg59 # # Science_Keywords: PAGES LOTRED SA2k, PAGES 2k Network #-------------------- # Resource_Links # # Data_Download_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/icecore/trop/huascaran/thompson1995-hs2-5m-noaa.txt # Data_Download_Description: NOAA Template File; Data by Depth from Core 2 # #-------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2001-01-30 #-------------------- # File_Last_Modified_Date # Date: 2023-07-06 #-------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Nevado Huascarán - Oxygen Isotope, NO3, Layer Thickness, and Particle Data #-------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Thompson, L.G.(https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5371-2579); Mosley-Thompson, E.(https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9665-3705); Davis, M.E.(https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1049-5935); Lin, P-N.(https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6006-0716); Henderson, K.A.; Cole-Dai, J.(https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0921-5916); Bolzan, J.F.; Liu, K.-B.(https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0038-2198) #-------------------- # Description_Notes_and_Keywords # Description: General Information about the Huascarán Ice Cores # # Site Description and Analysis: # # In July-August 1993, two ice cores to bedrock were recovered from the col between the north and south peaks of Nevado Huascarán, Peru (9°S, 77°30'W, col elevation 6050 m) and were subsequently transported back to the cold room facility at the Byrd Polar Research Center (BPRC). Core 1 (HSC1, 160.40 m) was sectioned in the field into 2677 samples decreasing in thickness from 13 cm at the top to 3 cm at the base, which were then melted and poured into 2 or 4 oz. plastic (HDPE) bottles, and sealed with wax. Core 2 (HSC2, 166.08 m), drilled approximately 100 m from the HSC1 site, was returned frozen in 1 m sections. Ice motion vectors determined from stake movements from 1991-93 indicate that the drill sites are proximal to the divide between ice flow towards the east and west outlets of the col. Visible observations and borehole temperatures indicate that the glacier is 'polar' type, i.e., it remains frozen to the bed (Thompson et al., Science, v.269, 1995, p. 46-50). # # Each ice sample from HSC2 was prepared in a Class 100 clean room environment, and analyzed for major anion concentrations (Cl-, NO3-, and SO42-) on a Dionex 2010i ion chromatograph, d18O on a Finnigan Mat mass spectrometer (Craig, 1957), and for particulate concentration and size distribution using a Coulter TA-II particle counter (Thompson, OSU IPS Report 46, 1973). A complete d18O profile was also produced from the bottled samples from HSC1. Contamination during field preparation and transport of these samples precluded the development of a second complete record of particles and anion concentrations. # # For display purposes, variable averaging on the core depth scale was utilized to show the major large-scale events in the record without the confusion of the large annual variations superimposed upon the upper portion. Hence, for HSC2, 5-m integrated averages were calculated for between the surface and 140 meters depth and then 50-cm averages were generated between 140 and 160 meters. Between 160 and 166 meters, every sample value was plotted. A similar scheme was used for HSC1 (all values plotted for 155-160.4 m). These data are included in hs12-5m.txt in this data archive, and the graph can be seen in Thompson et al., 1995 (Fig. 3). # # Development of the time/depth relationship: # # Tropical South American climate is marked by annual dry seasons (July-October) which were identifiable in the ice core record as elevated values in all relevant measurements. The nitrate (NO3-) record from the Huascarán ice core provided the most definitive seasonal marker, but the final time scale was constructed from a comparison of four major parameters (NO3-, d18O, dust and SO42-). Each annual maximum corresponds to the middle of the dry season, assumed to occur on the 1st of August. The rapid layer-thinning below 120 m limited annual resolution to the most recent 270 years. However, the high accumulation and strong preservation of seasonal cycles also made possible the subannual resolution of d18O variations for a period of at least 100 years (1894-1993). # # The accuracy of the time scale is of paramount importance in the development of relationships between ice core proxy data and tropical climate conditions. Several horizons in recent times were useful for confirming the layer counting as a reliable method, and indicate almost certain ages for the uppermost 50 years. In 1980, during the original reconnaissance expedition to Huascarán, a 10 m firn core was extracted and analyzed for d18O at BPRC (Thompson et al., JGR, v. 89d3, 1984, p. 4638-4646). Aside from minor accumulation variation and slight signal attenuation, the 1993 cores duplicated the earlier stable isotope profile over the common portion, and confirmed the layer counting to 1980 as absolute. Additionally, a magnitude 7.7 earthquake struck coastal Peru in May 1970, generating large mud flows following the collapse of a large portion of the Huascarán glacier from the north peak. The event was recognized in the ice core by a sharp two-year rise in particulates from the newly-created sediment source. A third time horizon was provided by the HSC2 36Cl profile (Synal et al., Glaciers From the Alps, Paul Scherrer Inst., 1997, p. 99-102), a substance produced by neutron activation during the explosion of atomic devices in the presence of a 35Cl source, such as sea water. An abrupt >100-fold rise in 36Cl concentration occurred at ~54 m depth, which dates (by layer counting) to 1951-53. This was in direct response to the October 31, 1952 U.S. 'Ivy' surface test of an experimental nuclear device on the Eniwetok Atoll in the Pacific Ocean (11°N, 162°E) (Carter and Moghissi, Health Physics, v. 33, 1977, p. 55-71). Finally, in both HSC1 and HSC2, the 1883 eruption of Krakatau, Indonesia (6°S, 105°30'E) was identified by an anomalous sulfate concentration of ~400 ppb at 110 m depth, more than twice the level of any other local (within 10 m) event. A date of mid-year 1884 was thus considered to be an absolute time marker for both cores within the error of the time lag (less than one year). #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: Thompson, L.G., E. Mosley-Thompson, M.E. Davis, P-N. Lin, K.A. Henderson, J. Cole-Dai, J.F. Bolzan and K-b. Liu # Journal_Name: Science # Published_Title: Late Glacial Stage and Holocene tropical ice core records from Huascarán, Peru # Published_Date_or_Year: 1995 # Volume: 269 # Pages: 46-50 # Issue: # Report_Number: # DOI: 10.1126/science.269.5220.46 # Full_Citation: # Abstract: Two ice cores from the col of Huascarán in the north-central Andes of Peru contain a paleoclimatic history extending well into the Wisconsinan (Würm) Glacial Stage and include evidence of the Younger Dryas cool phase. Glacial stage conditions at high elevations in the tropics appear to have been as much as 8° to 12°C cooler than today, the atmosphere contained about 200 times as much dust, and the Amazon Basin forest cover may have been much less extensive. Differences in both the oxygen isotope ratio d18O (8 per mil) and the deuterium excess (4.5 per mil) from the Late Glacial Stage to the Holocene are comparable with polar ice core records. These data imply that the tropical Atlantic was possibly 5° to 6°C cooler during the Late Glacial Stage, that the climate was warmest from 8400 to 5200 years before present, and that it cooled gradually, culminating with the Little Ice Age (200 to 500 years before present). A strong warming has dominated the last two centuries. #-------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: # Grant: #-------------------- # Site_Information # Site_Name: Nevado Huascarán # Location: Peru # Northernmost_Latitude: -9.0 # Southernmost_Latitude: -9.0 # Easternmost_Longitude: -77.5 # Westernmost_Longitude: -77.5 # Elevation_m: 6050 #-------------------- # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: Huascarán 1995 Core 2 by depth # First_Year: # Last_Year: # Time_Unit: # Core_Length_m: 166.071 # Parameter_Keywords: chemistry, delta 18O PDB (per mille), particle concentration (number per milliliter) # Notes: #-------------------- # Chronology_Information # Chronology: #-------------------- # Variables # PaST_Thesaurus_Download_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/paleo-search/skos/past-thesaurus.rdf # PaST_Thesaurus_Download_Description: Paleoenvironmental Standard Terms (PaST) Thesaurus terms, definitions, and relationships in SKOS format. # # Data variables follow that are preceded by '##' in columns one and two. # Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-var components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, data type, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) # ## depth_top_m depth at sample end,,,meter,,ice cores,,,N,top depth ## d18O delta 18O,bulk ice,,per mil SMOW,,ice cores,,isotope ratio mass spectrometry,N,HS Core2 ## part>0.63 particles,bulk ice,,count,,ice cores,,electric sensing particle size analysis,N,particles > 0.63 micrometers; HS Core2 ## NO3 nitrate,bulk ice,,parts per billion,,ice cores,,ion chromatography,N,HS Core2 #-------------------- # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing_Values: depth_top_m d18O part>0.63 NO3 0 -16.15 26901 105.1 5 -15.51 33895 120.3 10 -17.54 20587 103.2 15 -18.60 19930 98.6 20 -16.22 25246 118.2 25 -17.66 12116 130.0 30 -18.86 28569 80.7 35 -16.15 13033 98.4 40 -15.99 15690 96.5 45 -17.61 17603 105.0 50 -17.56 13086 96.6 55 -17.36 13150 87.9 60 -17.38 14060 88.1 65 -16.09 13242 91.8 70 -17.87 13245 75.3 75 -16.39 11220 85.1 80 -19.02 8760 71.1 85 -17.82 10704 87.3 90 -17.51 11607 86.2 95 -17.89 11415 86.1 100 -19.14 9563 73.1 105 -18.38 12796 100.3 110 -16.70 12447 101.2 115 -17.64 10342 94.9 120 -17.81 11014 99.3 125 -19.13 8862 86.4 130 -19.28 9401 81.7 135 -18.83 10786 87.1 140.0 -18.47 11268 97.6 140.5 -17.99 12329 111.8 141.0 -18.03 12689 118.0 141.5 -18.36 13669 110.3 142.0 -18.33 12819 114.6 142.5 -18.44 14261 113.2 143.0 -18.38 13522 113.7 143.5 -18.28 13336 113.0 144.0 -18.40 15492 112.0 144.5 -18.44 15978 111.5 145.0 -18.57 16899 106.8 145.5 -18.73 17268 106.3 146.0 -18.66 14616 106.0 146.5 -18.68 15201 108.2 147.0 -18.55 15131 105.8 147.5 -18.41 13773 108.7 148.0 -18.08 15263 111.5 148.5 -18.09 13930 112.6 149.0 -18.49 12715 113.1 149.5 -18.45 14477 107.8 150.0 -18.54 14801 107.0 150.5 -18.18 17723 108.9 151.0 -18.08 17573 105.5 151.5 -18.26 15430 104.9 152.0 -18.26 14459 110.7 152.5 -17.96 15967 117.7 153.0 -18.16 15089 121.0 153.5 -18.34 16163 115.8 154.0 -18.53 15665 111.6 154.5 -18.49 18834 107.8 155.0 -18.38 15557 111.9 155.5 -18.22 30891 115.8 156.0 -18.36 21368 118.2 156.5 -18.25 21473 125.2 157.0 -18.36 93216 122.0 157.5 -18.10 67646 120.4 158.0 -17.99 15179 129.5 158.5 -17.90 12238 126.6 159.0 -17.82 14991 122.6 159.5 -17.54 15898 127.3 160.001 -17.75 13500 131.3 160.021 -17.73 15340 127.5 160.041 -17.72 15960 134.5 160.061 -17.62 15580 135.1 160.081 -17.58 35000 131.3 160.116 -17.63 23280 130.5 160.136 -17.49 21400 131.9 160.156 -17.48 18780 133.1 160.176 -17.46 21720 132.7 160.196 -17.45 20540 136.5 160.216 -17.47 21440 136.4 160.236 -17.48 18220 133.3 160.256 -17.63 20100 135.5 160.276 -17.58 13860 129.4 160.296 -17.44 16960 130.1 160.316 -17.26 17680 134.1 160.336 -17.25 18720 135.8 160.356 -17.25 16840 132.9 160.376 -17.31 17620 136.1 160.396 -17.29 15100 134.4 160.416 -17.29 14400 133.5 160.436 -17.22 23020 133.5 160.456 -17.16 14940 137.0 160.476 -17.09 15740 134.0 160.506 -16.82 13820 132.6 160.531 -17.00 14780 131.2 160.551 -16.91 14800 136.8 160.571 -17.02 15980 138.0 160.591 -17.01 22000 134.4 160.611 -16.93 17380 136.7 160.631 -16.91 13820 136.7 160.651 -16.95 16200 136.9 160.671 -17.16 20020 139.1 160.691 -17.15 17640 137.1 160.711 -17.23 19900 136.0 160.731 -17.25 17040 139.7 160.751 -17.12 15140 138.6 160.771 -17.17 15780 128.2 160.791 -17.15 15700 135.3 160.811 -17.08 17720 138.4 160.831 -17.02 12960 140.3 160.851 -16.94 16340 137.8 160.871 -16.96 14660 136.9 160.891 -16.94 14560 140.2 160.911 -16.65 13240 139.3 160.931 -16.98 12880 139.6 160.951 -16.84 17820 142.5 160.971 -16.89 20160 138.8 160.991 -16.95 17080 131.9 161.011 -17.09 13400 136.3 161.031 -17.13 17420 137.8 161.051 -17.01 23620 138.2 161.071 -17.11 29160 137.3 161.091 -17.11 22680 137.9 161.111 -17.11 16460 141.6 161.131 -17.07 18860 137.9 161.151 -17.10 16340 134.9 161.171 -17.04 14960 135.1 161.191 -17.09 16500 135.6 161.211 -17.07 16500 123.2 161.231 -17.04 23620 136.2 161.251 -17.07 23760 139.4 161.271 -17.05 19320 136.7 161.291 -16.98 27340 137.0 161.311 -16.74 20760 138.2 161.331 -16.69 27360 138.0 161.351 -16.65 23900 139.8 161.371 -16.64 21060 141.7 161.391 -16.69 16420 137.9 161.411 -16.62 30340 137.2 161.431 -16.68 32340 161.451 -16.61 23700 137.7 161.471 -16.54 36860 137.1 161.496 -16.51 51380 134.0 161.521 -16.57 19280 135.0 161.541 -16.63 15540 135.1 161.561 -16.73 43520 136.1 161.581 -16.69 19080 130.9 161.601 -16.69 18020 132.2 161.621 -16.73 15880 129.3 161.641 -16.59 18040 127.9 161.661 -16.62 18880 125.7 161.681 -16.58 22700 126.9 161.701 -16.74 17720 126.9 161.723 -16.79 18780 128.3 161.744 -16.80 25960 126.3 161.766 -16.77 24900 126.2 161.787 -16.75 21280 127.9 161.809 -16.80 16560 130.9 161.830 -16.77 48660 133.1 161.852 -16.76 17480 128.7 161.873 -16.81 22100 136.2 161.895 -16.82 32080 132.6 161.925 -16.84 34360 131.8 161.946 -16.86 29760 133.5 161.968 -16.79 26040 135.0 161.989 -16.82 17360 129.8 162.011 -16.83 18680 134.8 162.032 -16.82 24900 132.1 162.054 -16.81 13280 134.5 162.075 -16.82 16660 135.1 162.097 -16.77 13120 134.3 162.118 -16.69 16800 138.9 162.140 -16.51 15620 137.8 162.161 -16.40 17840 140.2 162.183 -16.30 16860 137.7 162.204 -16.19 16120 134.6 162.226 -16.10 13760 137.5 162.247 -16.10 24600 131.3 162.269 -16.14 15000 133.9 162.290 -16.17 14400 131.1 162.312 -16.22 15880 130.1 162.337 -16.18 17360 134.0 162.358 -16.25 14720 134.6 162.380 -16.12 16420 129.6 162.401 -16.03 15620 129.3 162.416 -16.02 15560 130.9 162.431 -16.00 13760 127.2 162.456 -15.99 11680 123.7 162.478 -16.08 15660 123.3 162.500 -16.03 45300 122.7 162.522 -16.02 24000 129.4 162.544 -15.83 17600 123.0 162.566 -16.03 37580 122.9 162.588 -15.83 29020 124.2 162.610 -16.09 35720 122.1 162.632 -16.12 36440 120.9 162.654 -16.14 22360 118.7 162.676 -15.99 12800 121.0 162.698 -15.95 17600 123.9 162.720 -15.85 20940 120.8 162.742 -15.90 14640 120.6 162.764 -15.91 11660 120.8 162.786 -16.10 12180 121.1 162.810 -16.21 15060 118.1 162.832 -16.16 14980 117.8 162.854 -16.23 25600 114.1 162.876 -16.15 15380 115.4 162.898 -16.14 15500 114.6 162.920 -16.17 13500 115.2 162.942 -16.21 13260 114.8 162.964 -16.19 19280 114.4 162.986 -16.19 43900 114.8 163.008 -16.21 28020 113.9 163.030 -16.19 22800 114.0 163.052 -16.19 22620 114.8 163.074 -16.17 28520 113.1 163.096 -16.26 27440 114.6 163.118 -16.31 21540 113.2 163.140 -16.23 12760 113.8 163.162 -16.44 12620 113.5 163.184 -16.35 12240 111.5 163.206 -16.16 10680 115.5 163.225 -16.21 14520 116.7 163.245 -16.35 9720 116.0 163.264 -16.30 13240 114.6 163.283 -16.41 11560 115.1 163.302 -16.39 10840 113.5 163.321 -16.52 11600 114.8 163.340 -16.57 10740 113.1 163.360 -16.73 11420 112.1 163.379 -16.82 13160 109.2 163.398 -16.95 14740 108.5 163.417 -17.01 13620 108.5 163.436 -17.12 14760 107.7 163.461 -17.13 16860 109.1 163.480 -17.19 72340 108.5 163.499 -17.25 17280 110.0 163.518 -17.31 14160 104.0 163.537 -17.46 13560 103.1 163.556 -17.82 11320 102.6 163.575 -18.08 12280 101.8 163.594 -18.41 13920 98.5 163.613 -18.59 11640 94.3 163.632 -18.76 11000 96.3 163.651 -18.79 9740 97.4 163.670 -18.74 10440 93.7 163.689 -18.80 9080 94.4 163.708 -18.82 11020 93.0 163.727 -19.00 9540 91.4 163.746 -19.13 9200 91.9 163.765 -19.34 8900 93.2 163.784 -19.46 8540 95.6 163.803 -19.81 7920 94.3 163.822 -20.01 8600 88.3 163.841 -20.35 13340 92.4 163.860 -20.61 10080 93.5 163.879 -20.79 8800 89.6 163.898 -20.94 9120 90.7 163.922 -21.01 7600 87.8 163.941 -21.08 6820 87.6 163.960 -21.07 6960 88.8 163.979 -21.19 6960 86.4 163.998 -21.19 8800 84.9 164.017 -21.29 10720 84.1 164.036 -21.45 8880 79.6 164.055 -21.42 8380 78.0 164.074 -21.55 6880 78.1 164.093 -21.39 10400 78.8 164.112 -21.12 8900 79.1 164.131 -20.99 8320 76.6 164.150 -20.88 9280 73.0 164.169 -20.79 8260 69.5 164.188 -20.71 8840 66.8 164.207 -20.55 9280 66.9 164.226 -20.52 9980 66.8 164.245 -20.49 9400 67.3 164.264 -20.27 11220 66.4 164.283 -20.19 8140 67.1 164.302 -20.16 9500 67.3 164.321 -20.15 9860 63.7 164.338 -20.20 9620 63.1 164.356 -20.26 9820 62.9 164.373 -20.27 10220 63.8 164.391 -20.32 17600 64.4 164.408 -20.22 9480 62.7 164.426 -20.43 10120 61.6 164.443 -20.63 9020 61.6 164.461 -20.83 7960 62.1 164.481 -21.40 9200 61.1 164.503 -21.71 7180 59.1 164.526 -21.98 6460 57.5 164.548 -22.15 7780 58.6 164.571 -22.04 8600 58.7 164.593 -22.11 8420 59.2 164.616 -22.21 6060 58.3 164.639 -22.41 6420 55.9 164.661 -22.49 7320 56.4 164.684 -22.43 8040 56.9 164.706 -22.29 7780 56.9 164.729 -22.16 7740 57.8 164.751 -22.12 8760 57.4 164.774 -22.12 8840 56.6 164.796 -22.16 7480 57.4 164.819 -22.45 9020 57.5 164.841 -22.78 7780 56.9 164.864 -23.09 8100 55.1 164.886 -23.34 8780 53.9 164.911 -23.35 11200 51.7 164.930 -23.37 8820 52.4 164.950 -23.31 9460 52.0 164.969 -23.33 8280 51.6 164.989 -23.39 8420 50.0 165.008 -23.44 7660 48.2 165.027 -23.49 8540 47.3 165.047 -23.49 7600 48.4 165.066 -23.36 8080 43.7 165.085 -23.34 7840 41.5 165.105 -23.26 8600 40.0 165.124 -23.25 7640 38.2 165.143 -23.28 8900 38.4 165.162 -23.40 12880 37.8 165.181 -23.74 32820 38.7 165.201 -24.17 126100 38.6 165.220 -24.47 144640 41.5 165.239 -24.74 119780 42.4 165.258 -24.88 84820 41.5 165.277 -24.99 83760 41.2 165.297 -24.97 105320 38.6 165.316 -25.04 120120 39.4 165.335 -24.95 344320 41.4 165.354 -24.81 324200 43.2 165.373 -24.52 263740 42.3 165.393 -24.48 207400 41.0 165.412 -24.39 211020 40.2 165.431 -24.11 236240 38.5 165.451 -23.51 244980 49.6 165.471 -23.83 514680 40.8 165.491 -23.18 554780 56.3 165.511 -22.81 571100 62.3 165.531 -22.35 489440 62.3 165.551 -22.20 469160 63.9 165.571 -21.96 679260 64.3 165.591 -22.19 794560 61.8 165.611 -22.20 701400 61.8 165.631 -22.23 718240 61.5 165.651 -22.15 735960 61.4 165.671 -22.28 579000 59.2 165.691 -22.33 685800 57.6 165.711 -22.36 488980 58.5 165.731 -22.35 597900 58.1 165.751 -22.38 638320 57.6 165.771 -22.47 504380 55.7 165.791 -22.43 529560 54.9 165.811 -22.41 731080 54.7 165.831 -22.29 797180 55.1 165.851 -22.17 1206620 56.6 165.871 -22.04 2875440 74.7 165.891 -21.99 14164560 64.0 165.911 -21.77 14164560 45.5 165.931 -21.66 14024160 41.5 165.951 -21.51 12651120 61.6 165.971 -21.72 14214240 39.1 165.991 -21.72 10745280 47.3 166.011 -21.78 14333760 44.4 166.031 -21.73 11219760 35.2 166.051 -21.67 6296400 47.1