A 14.4-m-long firn core was recovered from the Inilchek Glacier (Tien Shan Mountains, Kyrgyzstan; 5100-m elevation) in 1998 by Kruetz et al. Data include major element (Al, Fe, Ca, and S), rare earth element (REE), and isotopic (d34S and d18O) data. These data provide evidence of dust source regions and atmospheric circulation patterns in central Asia. References: Kreutz, K.J., and E.R. Sholkovitz, 2000, Major element, rare earth element, and sulfur isotopic composition of a high-elevation firn core: Sources and transport of mineral dust in Central Asia. Geochemistry, Geophysics, and Geosystems, 1, 2000GC000082, 2000. Kreutz, K.J., V.B. Aizen, L.D. Cecil, and C.P. Wake, 2002, Oxygen isotopic and soluble ionic composition of precipitation recorded in a shallow firn core, Inilchek Glacier (Central Tien Shan), Journal of Glaciology, 45 (15), in press, 2002.