Quelccaya Ice Cap Snow Pit Microparticle Data ----------------------------------------------------------------------- World Data Center for Paleoclimatology, Boulder and NOAA Paleoclimatology Program ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: Please cite original reference when using these data, plus the data file URL and date accessed. NAME OF DATA SET: Quelccaya Ice Cap Snow Pit Microparticle Data LAST UPDATE: 11/1990 (original recipt by WDC Paleo) CONTRIBUTOR: Thompson, L.G. ORIGINAL REFERENCES: Thompson, L.G. (1980) Glaciological investigations of the tropical Quelccaya Ice Cap, Peru. Journal of Glaciology, 25(91), p. 69-84. Thompson, L.G., S. Hastenrath and B. Morales (1979) Climatic ice core record from the tropical Quelccaya Ice Cap. Science, 203(4386), p. 1240-1243. GEOGRAPHIC REGION: South America PERIOD OF RECORD: FUNDING SOURCES: DESCRIPTION: List of files: 1. QUEL76.DAT - Quelccaya Ice Cap (QIC) 1976 field season samples: Coring was condu1cted in the bottom of the pits with a SIPRE coring device. These data represent the microparticle analyses of samples from four sites on the ice cap. Total samples in this file are 494. Site 1: The first 183 samples are from the summit of the QIC, 5650 meters, and represent sampling to a depth of 14.95 meters. Site 2: The next 161 samples are from the South Dome of the QIC and represent sampling to a depth of 16.1 meters. Site 3: The next 140 samples are from the Middle Dome on the QIC and represent sampling to a depth of 15.07 meters. Site 4: The next 10 samples are from the ablation zone on the QIC and represent sampling to a depth of 1.37 meters. 2. QUEL77.DAT - Quelccaya Ice Cap 1977 field season samples: Pits were excavated and samples taken along the pit walls. All pits were at the summit. Total samples are 85. Pit 1: 30 samples Pit 2: 31 samples Pit 3: 24 samples 3. QUEL78.DAT - Quelccaya Ice Cap 1978 samples from two shallow pits. These samples were processed twice on separate days. Total samples are 126. These pits are from the summit of the QIC. Pit 1: 30 samples Pit 2: 33 samples Pit 3: 32 samples Pit 4: 31 samples FILE FORMAT: Record 1: Columns Format Description ------- ------ ----------- (01-06) I6 Date of sample analysis (07-10) I4 Section number (11-13) I3 Sample number (14-21) F8.3 Depth at the top of the sample (in meters) (22-26) F5.2 Size of the sample processed (in cm) (27-32) I6 Number of particles with diameters between 0.5-0.62 micrometers (33-38) I6 Number of particles with diameters between 0.63-0.79 micrometers (39-44) I6 Number of particles with diameters between 0.80-0.99 micrometers (45-50) I6 Number of particles with diameters between 1.0-1.24 micrometers (51-56) I6 Number of particles with diameters between 1.25-1.59 micrometers (57-62) I6 Number of particles with diameters between 1.6-1.99 micrometers (63-68) I6 Number of particles with diameters between 2.0-2.51 micrometers Record 2: Columns Format Description ------- ------ ----------- (01-06) I6 Number of particles with diameters between 2.52-3.16 micrometers (07-12) I6 Number of particles with diameters between 3.17-3.99 micrometers (13-18) I6 Number of particles with diameters between 4.0-4.99 micrometers (19-24) I6 Number of particles with diameters between 5.0-6.34 micrometers (25-30) I6 Number of particles with diameters between 6.35-7.99 micrometers (31-36) I6 Number of particles with diameters between 8.0-9.99 micrometers (37-42) I6 Number of particles with diameters between 10.0- 12.69 micrometers (43-48) I6 Number of particles with diameters between 12.7-16.0 micrometers (49-54) I6 Number of particles with diameters 0.5 micrometers or larger (55-60) I6 Number of particles with diameters 0.63 micrometers or larger (61-66) I6 Number of particles with diameters 0.80 micrometers or larger (67-72) I6 Number of particles with diameters 1.0 micrometers or larger Record 3: Columns Format Description ------- ------ ----------- (01-06) I6 Number of particles with diameters 1.25 micrometers or larger (07-12) I6 Number of particles with diameters 1.6 micrometers or larger (13-18) I6 Number of particles with diameters 2.0 micrometers or larger (19-24) I6 Number of particles with diameters 2.52 micrometers or larger (25-30) I6 Number of particles with diameters 3.17 micrometers or larger (31-36) I6 Number of particles with diameters 4.0 micrometers or larger (37-42) I6 Number of particles with diameters 5.0 micrometers or larger (43-48) I6 Number of particles with diameters 6.35 micrometers or larger (49-54) I6 Number of particles with diameters 8.0 micrometers or larger (55-60) I6 Number of particles with diameters 10.0 micrometers or larger (61-66) I6 Number of particles with diameters 12.7 micrometers or larger (67-71) F5.1 Coarseness factor which equals the number of particles with diameters 1.0 micrometers or larger, divided by the total number with diameters 0.5 micrometers or larger. (72) I1 This factor has three possible values which indicate the volume of sample analyzed by the Coulter procedure. (a) if factor = 0 a 500 microliter sample was processed, (b) if factor = 1 the sample is missing, (c) if factor = 2 a 50 microliter sample was processed.