# Western Antarctic Peninsula marine sediment TEX86 #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program # National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 3.0 # Encoding: UTF-8 # NOTE: Please cite Publication, and Online_Resource and date accessed when using these data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigators, Title, and Online_Resource and date accessed. # # Online_Resource: https://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/pages2k/pages2k-temperature-v2-2017/data-version-2.0.0/Ocn-WesternAntarcticPeninsula.Shevenell.2011-1.txt # Online_Resource_Description: This file. NOAA WDS Paleo formatted metadata and data for version 2.0.0 of this dataset. # # Online_Resource: https://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/pages2k/pages2k-temperature-v2-2017/data-version-2.0.0/Ocn-WesternAntarcticPeninsula.Shevenell.2011.lpd # Online_Resource_Description: Linked Paleo Data (LiPD) formatted file containing the same metadata and data as this file, for version 2.0.0 of this dataset. # # Original_Source_URL: https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.769699 # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Archive: marine sediment # Parameter_Keywords: # Dataset_DOI: # #------------------ # Contribution_Date # Date: #------------------ # File_Last_Modified_Date # Modified_Date: 2017-05-19 #------------------ # Title # Study_Name: Western Antarctic Peninsula marine sediment TEX86 #------------------ # Investigators # Investigators: Shevenell, A.E.; Ingalls, A.E.; Domack, E.W.; Kelly, C. #------------------ # Description_Notes_and_Keywords # Description: All O2K-LR records have been quality-controlled according to protocols published in Nature Geoscience supplement; see "Data (QC) tab" cell C6 for details #------------------ # Publication # Authors: Shevenell, A. E.;Ingalls, A. E.;Domack, E. W.;Kelly, C. # Published_Date_or_Year: 2011 # Published_Title: Holocene Southern Ocean surface temperature variability west of the Antarctic Peninsula # Journal_Name: Nature # Volume: 470 # Edition: # Issue: 7333 # Pages: 250-254 # Report: # DOI: 10.1038/nature09751 # Online_Resource: doi.org # Full_Citation: # Abstract: #------------------ # Publication # Authors: McGregor, Helen V.;Evans, Michael N.;Goosse, Hugues;Leduc, Guillaume;Martrat, Belen;Addison, Jason A.;Mortyn, P. Graham;Oppo, Delia W.;Seidenkrantz, Marit-Solveig;Sicre, Marie-Alexandrine;Phipps, Steven J.;Selvaraj, Kandasamy;Thirumalai, Kaustubh;Filipsson, Helena L.;Ersek, Vasile # Published_Date_or_Year: 2015 # Published_Title: Robust global ocean cooling trend for the pre-industrial Common Era # Journal_Name: Nature Geoscience # Volume: 8 # Edition: # Issue: 9 # Pages: 671-677 # Report: # DOI: 10.1038/ngeo2510 # Online_Resource: doi.org # Full_Citation: # Abstract: #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: NSF # Grant: OPP-0620099 #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: ODP # Grant: OPP-0732467 #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: USAP # Grant: #------------------ # Site_Information # Site_Name: Western Antarctic Peninsula # Location: # Country: # Northernmost_Latitude: -64.87 # Southernmost_Latitude: -64.87 # Easternmost_Longitude: -64.2 # Westernmost_Longitude: -64.2 # Elevation: -1011 #------------------ # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: # Earliest_Year: -78.0 # Most_Recent_Year: 1870.0 # Time_Unit: AD # Core_Length: # Notes: #------------------ # Species # Species_Name: # Species_Code: # Common_Name: #------------------ # Chronology: labId age_error cal_age_range_oldcalibratedAge age depth_top x2 depth_bot cal_age_range_youngdatedMaterial notes depth age14c thickness AA29169 (Core LMG98KCI) 40.0 113.0 33.0 nan 20.0 80.0 0.0 -47.0 Organic Carbon (Reservoir = 1230 yrs) NOT 1098B which is the core where TEX86 data was acquired for this study; Magnetic Sus. Says that 1098B does NOT have top 0.1 kyrs; Calib = Marine09; Note: The actual Hole 1098B does NOT contain any radiocarbon dates or age control over the last 2000 years 10.0 1265.0 nan AA29168 (Core LMG98KCI) 40.0 48.0 -32.0 nan 340.0 80.0 300.0 -112.0 Organic Carbon (Reservoir = 1230 yrs) NOT 1098B which is the core where TEX86 data was acquired for this study; Magnetic Sus. Says that 1098B does NOT have top 0.1 kyrs; Note: The actual Hole 1098B does NOT contain any radiocarbon dates or age control over the last 2000 years 320.0 1200.0 nan AA29123 (Hole 1098C) 50.0 1070.0 970.0 nan 1400.0 100.0 1380.0 870.0 Organic Carbon (Reservoir = 1230 yrs) NOT 1098B which is the core where TEX86 data was acquired for this study; Note: The actual Hole 1098B does NOT contain any radiocarbon dates or age control over the last 2000 years 1390.0 2200.0 nan AA13980 (Core PD92-30) 55.0 1140.0 1030.0 nan 20.0 110.0 0.0 920.0 Organic Carbon (Reservoir = 1230 yrs) NOT 1098B which is the core where TEX86 data was acquired for this study; Note: The actual Hole 1098B does NOT contain any radiocarbon dates or age control over the last 2000 years 10.0 2260.0 nan AA12706 (Core PD92-30) 70.0 1520.0 1380.0 nan 1560.0 140.0 1520.0 1240.0 Foraminifera (Reservoir = 1230 yrs) NOT 1098B which is the core where TEX86 data was acquired for this study; Note: The actual Hole 1098B does NOT contain any radiocarbon dates or age control over the last 2000 years 1540.0 2615.0 nan AA29124 (Hole 1098C) 45.0 1340.0 1250.0 nan 3170.0 90.0 3150.0 1160.0 Organic Carbon (Reservoir = 1230 yrs) NOT 1098B which is the core where TEX86 data was acquired for this study; Note: The actual Hole 1098B does NOT contain any radiocarbon dates or age control over the last 2000 years 3160.0 2480.0 nan AA12707 (Core PD92-30) 60.0 1980.0 1860.0 nan 3160.0 120.0 3120.0 1740.0 Foraminifera (Reservoir = 1230 yrs) NOT 1098B which is the core where TEX86 data was analyzed; Note: The actual Hole 1098B does NOT contain any radiocarbon dates or age control over the last 2000 years 3140.0 3095.0 nan AA12708 (Core PD92-30) 60.0 2120.0 2000.0 nan 3960.0 120.0 3920.0 1880.0 Foraminifera (Reservoir = 1230 yrs) NOT 1098B which is the core where TEX86 data was analyzed; Note: The actual Hole 1098B does NOT contain any radiocarbon dates or age control over the last 2000 years 3940.0 3235.0 nan #------------------ # Variables # # Data variables follow that are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Data line variables format: Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-longname-tab-longname components ( 10 components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, archive, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data, additional_information) # ##year Year AD, ,,AD, , marine sediment, ,,N, ##TEX86 TEX86 data from core 178-1098B Drake Passage, ,,,, marine sediment, ,,N, ; paleoData_variableName changed - was originally native_TEX86; ##temperature inferred sea-surface temperature, Marine Sediment, ,degC, 9 10 11, marine sediment, ,TEX86, N, ; paleoData_variableName changed - was originally temp_C; paleoData_units changed - was originally deg C; climateInterpretation_seasonality changed - was originally SO; KIM2008: SST (¡C)= (0.0125*TEX86)+0.3038; (Kim et al.; (2008); error ±2.2¡C); ##depth depth, ,,cm, , marine sediment, ,,N, # #------------------ # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header) # Missing_Values: nan # year TEX86 temperature depth 1870.0 0.298502127 -0.42 11.0 1870.0 0.283081819 -1.66 11.0 1816.0 0.285567423 -1.46 21.0 1761.0 0.283181179 -1.65 31.0 1707.0 0.285424794 -1.47 41.0 1600.0 0.308127837 0.35 61.0 1600.0 0.318512842 1.18 61.0 1547.0 0.315871475 0.97 71.0 1494.0 0.320836166 1.36 81.0 1442.0 0.348906797 3.61 91.0 1338.0 0.349526596 3.66 111.0 1286.0 0.314556018 0.86 121.0 1139.0 0.332282352 2.28 131.0 1083.0 0.352285747 3.88 150.0 1033.0 0.311403228 0.61 161.0 1033.0 0.295433106 -0.67 161.0 984.0 0.332908639 2.33 171.0 934.0 0.328566257 1.98 181.0 885.0 0.382262862 6.28 191.0 837.0 0.352649164 3.91 211.0 788.0 0.335327107 2.52 221.0 740.0 0.331309527 2.2 231.0 692.0 0.355954272 4.17 241.0 598.0 0.342568699 3.1 261.0 551.0 0.357284339 4.28 271.0 504.0 0.326195326 1.79 281.0 366.0 0.336696281 2.63 300.0 366.0 0.360393341 4.53 311.0 320.0 0.349243545 3.64 321.0 275.0 0.29691145 -0.55 331.0 140.0 0.280414341 -1.87 361.0 96.0 0.294309135 -0.76 371.0 52.0 0.281434424 -1.79 381.0 8.0 0.295391635 -0.67 391.0 -78.0 0.29618143 -0.61 411.0