# Mayotte bimonthly d18O, Sr/Ca, d18Osw composition, 1881-1994 #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program # National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 3.0 # Encoding: UTF-8 # NOTE: Please cite Publication, and Online_Resource and date accessed when using these data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigators, Title, and Online_Resource and date accessed. # # Online_Resource: https://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/pages2k/pages2k-temperature-v2-2017/data-version-2.0.0/Ocn-Mayotte.Zinke.2008-1.txt # Online_Resource_Description: This file. NOAA WDS Paleo formatted metadata and data for version 2.0.0 of this dataset. # # Online_Resource: https://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/pages2k/pages2k-temperature-v2-2017/data-version-2.0.0/Ocn-Mayotte.Zinke.2008.lpd # Online_Resource_Description: Linked Paleo Data (LiPD) formatted file containing the same metadata and data as this file, for version 2.0.0 of this dataset. # # Original_Source_URL: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/8606 # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Archive: coral # Parameter_Keywords: # Dataset_DOI: # #------------------ # Contribution_Date # Date: #------------------ # File_Last_Modified_Date # Modified_Date: 2017-05-19 #------------------ # Title # Study_Name: Mayotte bimonthly d18O, Sr/Ca, d18Osw composition, 1881-1994 #------------------ # Investigators # Investigators: Zinke; Zinke; Ocean2k #------------------ # Description_Notes_and_Keywords # Description: d13C: not SST sensitive #------------------ # Publication # Authors: Zinke, J.;Pfeiffer, M.;Timm, O.;Dullo, W.-C.;Kroon, D.;Thomassin, B. A. # Published_Date_or_Year: 2008 # Published_Title: Mayotte coral reveals hydrological changes in the western Indian Ocean between 1881 and 1994 # Journal_Name: Geophysical Research Letters # Volume: 35 # Edition: # Issue: 23 # Pages: L23707 # Report: # DOI: 10.1029/2008GL035634 # Online_Resource: doi.org # Full_Citation: # Abstract: #------------------ # Publication # Authors: Tierney, Jessica E.;Abram, Nerilie J.;Anchukaitis, Kevin J.;Evans, Michael N.;Giry, Cyril;Kilbourne, K. Halimeda;Saenger, Casey P.;Wu, Henry C.;Zinke, Jens # Published_Date_or_Year: 2015 # Published_Title: Tropical sea surface temperatures for the past four centuries reconstructed from coral archives # Journal_Name: Paleoceanography # Volume: 30 # Edition: # Issue: 3 # Pages: 226-252 # Report: # DOI: 10.1002/2014PA002717 # Online_Resource: doi.org # Full_Citation: # Abstract: #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: # Grant: #------------------ # Site_Information # Site_Name: Mayotte # Location: # Country: # Northernmost_Latitude: -12.65 # Southernmost_Latitude: -12.65 # Easternmost_Longitude: 45.1 # Westernmost_Longitude: 45.1 # Elevation: -3 #------------------ # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: # Earliest_Year: 1865.62 # Most_Recent_Year: 1993.62 # Time_Unit: AD # Core_Length: # Notes: #------------------ # Species # Species_Name: Porites,Porites lutea # Species_Code: # Common_Name: #------------------ # Chronology: #------------------ # Variables # # Data variables follow that are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Data line variables format: Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-longname-tab-longname components ( 10 components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, archive, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data, additional_information) # ##year Year AD, ,,AD, , coral, ,,N, ##d18O ,,,permil, N/A (subannually resolved), coral, ,,, ; climateInterpretation_seasonality changed - was originally bimonthly; ##d13C ,,,permil, , coral, ,,, # #------------------ # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header) # Missing_Values: nan # year d18O d13C 1993.62 -4.72 -2.66 1993.46 -4.95 -2.86 1993.29 -5.45 -2.35 1993.12 -5.157 -2.008 1992.96 -5.05 -2.055 1992.79 -5.065 -2.73 1992.62 -4.59 -2.83 1992.46 -5.14 -2.21 1992.29 -5.33 -1.85 1992.12 -5.17 -1.845 1991.96 -5.19 -2.45 1991.79 -4.865 -2.685 1991.62 -4.78 -2.82 1991.46 -4.97 -2.405 1991.29 -5.49 -2.27 1991.12 -5.137 -1.757 1990.96 -5.125 -1.785 1990.79 -5.155 -2.38 1990.62 -4.64 -1.99 1990.46 -4.88 -2.4 1990.29 -5.31 -2.57 1990.12 -5.185 -2.005 1989.96 -5.08 -2.43 1989.79 -4.95 -2.87 1989.62 -4.75 -2.71 1989.46 -5.23 -2.32 1989.29 -5.3 -2.32 1989.12 -5.175 -2.345 1988.96 -5.09 -2.98 1988.79 -4.913 -2.832 1988.62 -4.77 -2.28 1988.46 -5.07 -1.14 1988.29 -5.06 -2.35 1988.12 -4.99 -2.72 1987.96 -4.76 -2.83 1987.79 -4.82 -2.29 1987.62 -4.71 -1.01 1987.46 -5.13 -1.75 1987.29 -5.25 -1.93 1987.12 -5.152 -2.197 1986.96 -4.915 -2.785 1986.79 -4.687 -2.65 1986.62 -4.53 -2.77 1986.46 -4.98 -1.94 1986.29 -5.07 -2.05 1986.12 -4.94 -2.21 1985.96 -5.0 -2.63 1985.79 -4.64 -2.57 1985.62 -4.54 -2.62 1985.46 -4.61 -2.87 1985.29 -5.2 -1.95 1985.12 -5.133 -2.17 1984.96 -4.99 -1.95 1984.79 -4.965 -2.86 1984.62 -4.5 -2.78 1984.46 -5.12 -2.65 1984.29 -5.19 -2.1 1984.12 -5.145 -2.383 1983.96 -5.01 -2.55 1983.79 -4.93 -2.815 1983.62 -4.81 -2.81 1983.46 -5.05 -2.41 1983.29 -5.22 -2.6 1983.12 -5.09 -2.405 1982.96 -5.005 -2.58 1982.79 -4.95 -2.718 1982.62 -4.72 -2.68 1982.46 -4.97 -2.645 1982.29 -5.22 -2.17 1982.12 -5.05 -1.69 1981.96 -5.08 -1.96 1981.79 -4.89 -2.67 1981.62 -4.77 -2.75 1981.46 -4.94 -2.275 1981.29 -5.25 -2.22 1981.12 -4.98 -1.695 1980.96 -4.95 -2.11 1980.79 -4.965 -2.47 1980.62 -4.84 -2.5 1980.46 -5.04 -2.16 1980.29 -5.04 -1.45 1980.12 -5.008 -1.603 1979.96 -4.96 -1.62 1979.79 -4.898 -1.917 1979.62 -4.6 -1.77 1979.46 -4.85 -2.59 1979.29 -5.2 -2.29 1979.12 -5.095 -1.495 1978.96 -4.97 -1.49 1978.79 -4.965 -2.015 1978.62 -4.73 -2.52 1978.46 -4.825 -2.29 1978.29 -5.16 -1.83 1978.12 -5.12 -1.8 1977.96 -4.98 -1.76 1977.79 -4.97 -2.44 1977.62 -4.83 -1.92 1977.46 -5.1 -1.89 1977.29 -5.25 -1.92 1977.12 -5.105 -2.125 1976.96 -5.01 -1.89 1976.79 -4.78 -2.145 1976.62 -4.7 -2.7 1976.46 -5.07 -2.41 1976.29 -4.98 -1.47 1976.12 -5.085 -1.84 1975.96 -5.02 -2.4 1975.79 -4.905 -2.72 1975.62 -4.62 -2.72 1975.46 -4.83 -2.56 1975.29 -4.977 -2.127 1975.12 -5.03 -2.33 1974.96 -5.017 -2.197 1974.79 -4.863 -2.377 1974.62 -4.71 -2.81 1974.46 -4.853 -2.667 1974.29 -4.96 -2.287 1974.12 -5.23 -2.17 1973.96 -5.217 -2.347 1973.79 -4.963 -2.133 1973.62 -4.86 -2.56 1973.46 -4.89 -2.56 1973.29 -5.15 -2.117 1973.12 -5.23 -1.8 1972.96 -5.043 -2.0 1972.79 -4.973 -2.523 1972.62 -4.78 -2.21 1972.46 -5.15 -1.915 1972.29 -5.09 -1.99 1972.12 -5.15 -2.375 1971.96 -5.02 -2.23 1971.79 -4.855 -2.69 1971.62 -4.82 -2.67 1971.46 -5.003 -2.12 1971.29 -5.123 -2.19 1971.12 -5.01 -1.95 1970.96 -4.99 -1.9 1970.79 -4.877 -2.687 1970.62 -4.83 -2.75 1970.46 -5.067 -2.39 1970.29 -5.22 -1.99 1970.12 -5.17 -2.13 1969.96 -5.12 -2.09 1969.79 -4.987 -2.377 1969.62 -4.86 -2.47 1969.46 -5.06 -2.33 1969.29 -4.93 -2.13 1969.12 -5.28 -2.24 1968.96 -5.09 -1.78 1968.79 -4.95 -2.0 1968.62 -4.63 -2.31 1968.46 -4.735 -2.352 1968.29 -5.01 -1.927 1968.12 -5.09 -1.915 1967.96 -5.11 -2.223 1967.79 -4.93 -2.545 1967.62 -4.56 -1.58 1967.46 -4.61 -1.865 1967.29 -4.827 -1.71 1967.12 -4.83 -1.3 1966.96 -4.86 -1.343 1966.79 -4.84 -1.99 1966.62 -4.63 -2.05 1966.46 -4.782 -1.697 1966.29 -5.06 -1.52 1966.12 -5.095 -1.63 1965.96 -4.97 -1.807 1965.79 -4.835 -2.572 1965.62 -4.77 -2.39 1965.46 -5.0 -2.07 1965.29 -5.14 -1.74 1965.12 -5.06 -1.66 1964.96 -5.05 -1.98 1964.79 -4.9 -2.17 1964.62 -4.76 -2.34 1964.46 -4.932 -1.98 1964.29 -4.967 -1.287 1964.12 -5.02 -1.365 1963.96 -4.993 -1.963 1963.79 -4.822 -2.588 1963.62 -4.78 -2.13 1963.46 -4.915 -1.865 1963.29 -5.137 -1.38 1963.12 -5.03 -1.495 1962.96 -4.963 -1.13 1962.79 -4.805 -1.655 1962.62 -4.69 -1.86 1962.46 -4.773 -2.263 1962.29 -4.847 -1.957 1962.12 -4.91 -1.925 1961.96 -4.86 -1.973 1961.79 -4.752 -2.007 1961.62 -4.66 -2.26 1961.46 -4.81 -2.26 1961.29 -5.123 -1.8 1961.12 -5.1 -1.45 1960.96 -4.897 -1.603 1960.79 -4.863 -2.137 1960.62 -4.83 -2.18 1960.46 -5.087 -1.963 1960.29 -5.193 -1.817 1960.12 -4.97 -1.76 1959.96 -4.977 -1.377 1959.79 -4.883 -1.47 1959.62 -4.7 -1.34 1959.46 -4.95 -1.72 1959.29 -5.1 -1.77 1959.12 -5.19 -2.0 1958.96 -4.95 -1.7 1958.79 -4.96 -1.78 1958.62 -4.76 -1.73 1958.46 -5.092 -1.878 1958.29 -5.15 -1.617 1958.12 -4.975 -1.645 1957.96 -4.96 -1.793 1957.79 -4.882 -2.175 1957.62 -4.75 -2.29 1957.46 -5.22 -2.147 1957.29 -5.033 -1.8 1957.12 -5.16 -2.29 1956.96 -4.963 -2.057 1956.79 -4.783 -2.237 1956.62 -4.66 -2.56 1956.46 -5.187 -2.527 1956.29 -5.21 -2.2 1956.12 -5.13 -1.96 1955.96 -5.01 -1.813 1955.79 -4.905 -2.008 1955.62 -4.69 -2.26 1955.46 -4.91 -2.427 1955.29 -5.063 -2.027 1955.12 -5.23 -2.04 1954.96 -5.013 -1.62 1954.79 -4.953 -1.973 1954.62 -4.84 -2.19 1954.46 -4.973 -2.2 1954.29 -5.147 -1.98 1954.12 -5.2 -1.79 1953.96 -5.05 -2.137 1953.79 -4.897 -2.077 1953.62 -4.8 -2.24 1953.46 -5.033 -2.257 1953.29 -5.17 -2.13 1953.12 -5.125 -1.65 1952.96 -5.22 -1.723 1952.79 -5.027 -2.14 1952.62 -4.78 -2.08 1952.46 -4.907 -2.11 1952.29 -5.233 -1.857 1952.12 -5.1 -1.47 1951.96 -4.96 -1.5 1951.79 -4.927 -1.787 1951.62 -4.89 -2.34 1951.46 -5.01 -2.123 1951.29 -5.05 -1.657 1951.12 -5.035 -1.955 1950.96 -4.993 -1.947 1950.79 -4.778 -2.41 1950.62 -4.65 -2.38 1950.46 -4.967 -2.167 1950.29 -5.123 -1.56 1950.12 -4.89 -1.79 1949.96 -4.89 -2.217 1949.79 -4.823 -2.453 1949.62 -4.76 -2.19 1949.46 -5.007 -1.907 1949.29 -5.04 -2.013 1949.12 -4.95 -2.17 1948.96 -4.9 -2.24 1948.79 -4.833 -2.64 1948.62 -4.72 -2.11 1948.46 -4.917 -2.217 1948.29 -5.15 -2.103 1948.12 -5.17 -1.54 1947.96 -4.977 -1.87 1947.79 -4.87 -2.283 1947.62 -4.66 -2.17 1947.46 -4.913 -2.04 1947.29 -5.0 -1.253 1947.12 -5.06 -1.31 1946.96 -4.896 -1.938 1946.79 -4.798 -1.969 1946.62 -4.7 -2.0 1946.46 -4.804 -1.863 1946.29 -4.908 -1.725 1946.12 -5.11 -1.37 1945.96 -5.027 -1.793 1945.79 -4.8 -1.51 1945.62 -4.62 -2.19 1945.46 -4.877 -1.94 1945.29 -5.037 -1.593 1945.12 -5.09 -1.69 1944.96 -4.883 -1.713 1944.79 -4.717 -1.933 1944.62 -4.63 -1.86 1944.46 -4.843 -1.763 1944.29 -4.943 -1.683 1944.12 -4.95 -1.56 1943.96 -4.79 -1.58 1943.79 -4.637 -2.207 1943.62 -4.59 -2.25 1943.46 -4.69 -1.77 1943.29 -4.91 -1.01 1943.12 -4.94 -1.06 1942.96 -4.927 -1.553 1942.79 -4.727 -1.753 1942.62 -4.64 -1.8 1942.46 -4.932 -1.297 1942.29 -5.093 -1.48 1942.12 -5.02 -0.955 1941.96 -4.913 -1.143 1941.79 -4.9 -1.617 1941.62 -4.67 -1.88 1941.46 -4.775 -2.015 1941.29 -4.887 -1.677 1941.12 -4.955 -1.3 1940.96 -4.963 -1.503 1940.79 -4.987 -1.238 1940.62 -4.7 -1.91 1940.46 -4.935 -1.465 1940.29 -5.07 -1.44 1940.12 -5.09 -1.355 1939.96 -4.97 -1.6 1939.79 -4.795 -2.08 1939.62 -4.75 -1.95 1939.46 -4.99 -1.96 1939.29 -5.06 -1.51 1939.12 -5.07 -1.53 1938.96 -5.02 -1.35 1938.79 -4.91 -1.42 1938.62 -4.79 -1.66 1938.46 -4.9 -1.91 1938.29 -5.17 -1.28 1938.12 -5.125 -1.295 1937.96 -5.03 -1.45 1937.79 -4.82 -2.045 1937.62 -4.73 -1.83 1937.46 -5.05 -1.36 1937.29 -5.17 -1.09 1937.12 -5.14 -1.51 1936.96 -5.0 -1.27 1936.79 -4.98 -1.64 1936.62 -4.77 -1.99 1936.46 -4.875 -1.995 1936.29 -4.98 -1.34 1936.12 -5.05 -1.385 1935.96 -5.03 -1.68 1935.79 -4.85 -2.095 1935.62 -4.64 -2.08 1935.46 -4.89 -1.8 1935.29 -4.96 -1.89 1935.12 -5.1 -1.52 1934.96 -5.11 -1.24 1934.79 -4.88 -1.0 1934.62 -4.69 -1.61 1934.46 -4.915 -2.13 1934.29 -5.037 -2.149 1934.12 -4.958 -2.041 1933.96 -4.879 -1.934 1933.79 -4.799 -1.827 1933.62 -4.72 -1.72 1933.46 -4.85 -1.7 1933.29 -4.91 -1.41 1933.12 -4.93 -1.5 1932.96 -4.97 -1.36 1932.79 -4.84 -1.82 1932.62 -4.73 -2.18 1932.46 -4.787 -2.12 1932.29 -4.987 -1.87 1932.12 -5.21 -1.415 1931.96 -5.16 -1.647 1931.79 -4.873 -2.215 1931.62 -4.78 -2.1 1931.46 -5.033 -1.803 1931.29 -5.18 -1.597 1931.12 -5.23 -1.64 1930.96 -5.05 -1.88 1930.79 -4.783 -2.0 1930.62 -4.67 -2.24 1930.46 -4.9 -2.23 1930.29 -5.147 -1.723 1930.12 -5.13 -1.61 1929.96 -4.98 -1.717 1929.79 -4.9 -1.67 1929.62 -4.81 -2.12 1929.46 -4.957 -2.03 1929.29 -5.017 -1.77 1929.12 -5.06 -1.34 1928.96 -4.97 -1.56 1928.79 -4.95 -1.693 1928.62 -4.69 -1.63 1928.46 -4.7 -2.02 1928.29 -5.05 -1.56 1928.12 -5.15 -1.33 1927.96 -5.03 -1.78 1927.79 -4.79 -1.79 1927.62 -4.69 -2.1 1927.46 -4.957 -1.868 1927.29 -4.957 -1.777 1927.12 -5.03 -1.615 1926.96 -4.89 -1.293 1926.79 -4.775 -1.73 1926.62 -4.63 -2.05 1926.46 -4.865 -1.67 1926.29 -5.05 -1.36 1926.12 -4.98 -1.86 1925.96 -4.85 -1.78 1925.79 -4.81 -2.065 1925.62 -4.54 -2.03 1925.46 -4.897 -1.797 1925.29 -5.01 -1.323 1925.12 -4.95 -1.41 1924.96 -4.957 -1.763 1924.79 -4.73 -1.943 1924.62 -4.58 -1.89 1924.46 -4.805 -1.685 1924.29 -4.87 -1.37 1924.12 -4.9 -1.49 1923.96 -4.61 -0.64 1923.79 -4.62 -1.48 1923.62 -4.5 -2.08 1923.46 -4.6 -1.975 1923.29 -4.86 -1.76 1923.12 -4.92 -1.405 1922.96 -4.76 -1.47 1922.79 -4.735 -1.685 1922.62 -4.53 -1.24 1922.46 -4.8 -1.43 1922.29 -4.58 -1.46 1922.12 -4.7 -1.77 1921.96 -4.98 -1.34 1921.79 -4.88 -1.565 1921.62 -4.8 -1.41 1921.46 -4.9 -1.98 1921.29 -4.94 -1.76 1921.12 -4.97 -1.64 1920.96 -4.87 -1.8 1920.79 -4.78 -1.51 1920.62 -4.57 -1.55 1920.46 -4.655 -2.045 1920.29 -4.747 -1.89 1920.12 -4.82 -1.82 1919.96 -4.907 -1.267 1919.79 -4.783 -1.5 1919.62 -4.4 -1.4 1919.46 -4.867 -1.558 1919.29 -4.92 -1.39 1919.12 -4.85 -1.315 1918.96 -4.787 -1.3 1918.79 -4.733 -1.24 1918.62 -4.6 -1.34 1918.46 -4.818 -1.652 1918.29 -5.047 -1.587 1918.12 -4.91 -1.505 1917.96 -4.88 -1.75 1917.79 -4.628 -1.39 1917.62 -4.58 -1.92 1917.46 -4.7 -1.77 1917.29 -4.87 -1.65 1917.12 -4.92 -1.22 1916.96 -4.66 -1.17 1916.79 -4.62 -1.97 1916.62 -4.57 -1.91 1916.46 -4.893 -1.523 1916.29 -4.98 -1.457 1916.12 -5.03 -1.42 1915.96 -4.883 -1.367 1915.79 -4.823 -1.82 1915.62 -4.78 -1.82 1915.46 -4.863 -1.498 1915.29 -5.073 -1.577 1915.12 -5.01 -1.365 1914.96 -4.96 -1.587 1914.79 -4.735 -1.623 1914.62 -4.69 -1.85 1914.46 -4.93 -1.75 1914.29 -5.19 -1.87 1914.12 -5.16 -1.29 1913.96 -4.93 -1.18 1913.79 -4.84 -1.57 1913.62 -4.72 -1.4 1913.46 -4.915 -1.875 1913.29 -5.16 -1.7 1913.12 -4.885 -1.685 1912.96 -4.84 -1.63 1912.79 -4.565 -1.89 1912.62 -4.46 -1.78 1912.46 -4.877 -1.547 1912.29 -5.133 -1.527 1912.12 -5.095 -1.655 1911.96 -4.837 -1.583 1911.79 -4.548 -1.257 1911.62 -4.44 -1.49 1911.46 -4.69 -1.48 1911.29 -5.02 -1.61 1911.12 -5.03 -1.52 1910.96 -4.83 -1.54 1910.79 -4.8 -1.53 1910.62 -4.46 -1.26 1910.46 -4.645 -2.02 1910.29 -4.86 -1.68 1910.12 -4.935 -1.615 1909.96 -4.66 -1.38 1909.79 -4.7 -1.9 1909.62 -4.61 -1.69 1909.46 -4.937 -1.77 1909.29 -4.963 -1.57 1909.12 -4.83 -1.715 1908.96 -4.797 -1.707 1908.79 -4.657 -1.963 1908.62 -4.56 -1.86 1908.46 -5.01 -1.81 1908.29 -5.06 -1.52 1908.12 -5.14 -1.73 1907.96 -4.89 -1.68 1907.79 -4.9 -1.72 1907.62 -4.54 -1.2 1907.46 -4.65 -1.863 1907.29 -4.817 -1.59 1907.12 -5.0 -1.38 1906.96 -4.983 -1.557 1906.79 -4.87 -1.763 1906.62 -4.58 -1.86 1906.46 -4.723 -1.888 1906.29 -4.87 -1.877 1906.12 -4.925 -1.805 1905.96 -4.767 -1.733 1905.79 -4.765 -1.722 1905.62 -4.56 -1.82 1905.46 -4.585 -2.1 1905.29 -4.96 -1.79 1905.12 -5.12 -1.835 1904.96 -5.01 -1.39 1904.79 -4.805 -2.155 1904.62 -4.69 -1.84 1904.46 -4.823 -1.933 1904.29 -5.103 -1.82 1904.12 -5.13 -1.56 1903.96 -5.003 -1.733 1903.79 -4.877 -1.82 1903.62 -4.72 -1.62 1903.46 -4.977 -1.977 1903.29 -5.117 -1.977 1903.12 -4.96 -1.9 1902.96 -4.933 -1.757 1902.79 -4.647 -2.25 1902.62 -4.51 -1.88 1902.46 -4.793 -1.685 1902.29 -4.9 -1.37 1902.12 -4.97 -1.38 1901.96 -4.853 -1.583 1901.79 -4.692 -1.273 1901.62 -4.6 -1.68 1901.46 -4.867 -1.613 1901.29 -4.973 -1.34 1901.12 -4.99 -1.35 1900.96 -4.907 -1.623 1900.79 -4.68 -2.017 1900.62 -4.35 -1.81 1900.46 -4.75 -2.085 1900.29 -4.93 -1.83 1900.12 -4.965 -1.8 1899.96 -4.82 -1.66 1899.79 -4.745 -2.185 1899.62 -4.67 -1.95 1899.46 -4.837 -2.097 1899.29 -4.91 -1.947 1899.12 -4.89 -1.5 1898.96 -4.71 -1.373 1898.79 -4.573 -1.303 1898.62 -4.48 -1.29 1898.46 -5.06 -1.57 1898.29 -5.01 -1.17 1898.12 -5.0 -1.59 1897.96 -4.96 -1.59 1897.79 -4.79 -1.78 1897.62 -4.68 -1.92 1897.46 -4.87 -1.803 1897.29 -5.123 -1.777 1897.12 -5.01 -1.415 1896.96 -4.917 -1.643 1896.79 -4.798 -1.833 1896.62 -4.7 -1.49 1896.46 -4.85 -0.93 1896.29 -4.81 -0.7 1896.12 -4.84 -0.77 1895.96 -4.81 -1.25 1895.79 -4.73 -1.67 1895.62 -4.53 -1.49 1895.46 -4.78 -1.465 1895.29 -4.863 -1.213 1895.12 -4.845 -1.355 1894.96 -4.81 -1.523 1894.79 -4.772 -1.4 1894.62 -4.58 -1.75 1894.46 -4.62 -2.12 1894.29 -4.98 -1.65 1894.12 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