load("../InputData/CRU_SummerData_G5000.RData") # create a time axis that uses years instead of days. Assume that the data in the CRU # temperature data file is for every year beginning in January 1801. # remove the grid cells that are not land - maybe not? FIdx <- unlist( read.table("../Data/Arc2Kmask1.txt", as.is=T)) FIdx <- union( FIdx, which( colSums(!is.na(Inst.Data)) > 0) ) Inst.Data <- Inst.Data[ , FIdx] Inst.Locs <- Inst.Locs[ FIdx, ] Data.timeline <- Inst.Time # normalise data # CalTMean <- colMeans(Inst.Data, na.rm=TRUE) # CalTSDev <- apply(Inst.Data, 2, sd, na.rm=TRUE) CalTMean <- rep(0, ncol( Inst.Data)) CalTSDev <- rep(1, ncol( Inst.Data)) Inst.Data <- t( (t(Inst.Data) - CalTMean) / CalTSDev) BARCAST.INPUT <- list(Inst.Locs, Data.timeline, Inst.Data, NA*Inst.Data) names(BARCAST.INPUT)<-c("Master.Locs", "Data.timeline", "Inst.Data", "Prox.Data.1") save(list=c("BARCAST.INPUT" ,"CalTMean" ,"CalTSDev"), file="../Data/ArcticRecon_2k0_Summer_Inst_CRU_G5000.RData")