# Duckhole Lake, Tasmania 950 Year Sediment Reflectance and Temperature Reconstruction #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program # National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 2.0 # NOTE: Please cite original publication, online resource and date accessed when using this data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigator, title, online resource and date accessed. # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Online_Resource: http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/20452 # Online_Resource: http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/paleolimnology/australia/duckhole2013refl.txt # # Archive: Paleolimnology # # Parameter_Keywords: physical properties, reconstruction #--------------------------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2016-09-01 #--------------------------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Duckhole Lake, Tasmania 950 Year Sediment Reflectance and Temperature Reconstruction #--------------------------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Saunders, K.M.; Grosjean, M.; Hodgson, D.A. #--------------------------------------- # Description and Notes # Description: Sediment reflectance data (650-700 nm trough, a proxy for Total chlorin) and temperature reconstruction # for the past 950 years from Duckhole Lake, southern Tasmania, Australia. Note: The R value included here is -0.56, # not +0.56 as originally published. This takes into account the published erratum: # Saunders, Krystyna M; Grosjean, Martin; Hodgson, Dominic A (2016) Erratum. The Holocene 26(5) 830 # Provided Keywords: temperature, Tasmania, reconstruction, lake sediment #--------------------------------------- # Publication # Authors: KM Saunders, M Grosjean, DA Hodgson # Published_Date_or_Year: 2013-06-01 # Published_Title: A 950 yr temperature reconstruction from Duckhole Lake, southern Tasmania, Australia # Journal_Name: The Holocene # Volume: 23 # Edition: # Issue: 6 # Pages: 771-783 # Report Number: # DOI: 10.1177/0959683612470176 # Online_Resource: http://hol.sagepub.com/content/23/6/771.abstract # Full_Citation: # Abstract: A lack of quantitative high resolution paleoclimate data from the Southern Hemisphere limits the ability to examine current trends within the context of long-term natural climate variability. This study presents a temperature reconstruction for southern Tasmania based on analyses of a sediment core from Duckhole Lake (43.365S, 146.875E). The relationship between non-destructive whole core scanning reflectance spectroscopy measurements in the visible spectrum (380-730 nm) and the instrumental temperature record (ad 1911-2000) was used to develop a calibration-in-time reflectance spectroscopy-based temperature model. Results showed that a trough in reflectance from 650 to 700 nm, which represents chlorophyll and its derivatives, was significantly correlated to annual mean temperature. A calibration model was developed (R = -0.56, p auto < 0.05, root mean squared error of prediction (RMSEP) = 0.21C, five-year filtered data, calibration period 1911-2000) and applied down-core to reconstruct annual mean temperatures in southern Tasmania over the last c. 950 years. This indicated that temperatures were initially cool c. ad 1050, but steadily increased until the late ad 1100s. After a brief cool period in the ad 1200s, temperatures again increased. Temperatures steadily decreased during the ad 1600s and remained relatively stable until the start of the 20th century when they rapidly decreased, before increasing from ad 1960s onwards. Comparisons with high resolution temperature records from western Tasmania, New Zealand and South America revealed some similarities, but also highlighted differences in temperature variability across the mid-latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere. These are likely due to a combination of factors including the spatial variability in climate between and within regions, and differences between records that document seasonal (i.e. warm season/late summer) versus annual temperature variability. This highlights the need for further records from the mid-latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere in order to constrain past natural spatial and seasonal/annual temperature variability in the region, and to accurately identify and attribute changes to natural variability and/or anthropogenic activities. #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: European Union # Grant: Marie Curie International Incoming Fellowship #--------------------------------------- # Site Information # Site_Name: Duckhole Lake # Location: Australia/New Zealand>Australia # Country: Australia # Northernmost_Latitude: -43.3647 # Southernmost_Latitude: -43.3647 # Easternmost_Longitude: 146.875 # Westernmost_Longitude: 146.875 # Elevation: 159 m #--------------------------------------- # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: Duckhole2013refl # First_Year: 1140 # Last_Year: 2008 # Time_Unit: AD # Core_Length: 89.5 cm # Notes: #--------------------------------------- # Chronology_Information # Chronology: # # Labcode DH210-1 DH210-2 DH210-3 DH210-4 DH210-5 DH210-6 DH210-7 DH210-8 DH210-9 DH210-10 Poz-31867 Beta-298036 Poz-34649 Poz-34652 Poz-31868 # depth_top (mm) 0 0.2 0.5 2 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5 7.5 9.5 265 47 55.4 79.5 89 # depth_bottom (mm) 0.2 0.5 1 2.5 4 5 6 7 8 10 25.5 472 559 805 900 # mat.dated Sediment Sediment Sediment Sediment Sediment Sediment Sediment Sediment Sediment Sediment terrestrial plant macrofossil terrestrial plant macrofossil terrestrial plant macrofossil terrestrial plant macrofossil terrestrial plant macrofossil # 14C.raw 145 270 425 665 990 # 14C.raw_err 30 30 30 30 40 # datemeth 210Pb (alpha spectroscopy) 210Pb (alpha spectroscopy) 210Pb (alpha spectroscopy) 210Pb (alpha spectroscopy) 210Pb (alpha spectroscopy) 210Pb (alpha spectroscopy) 210Pb (alpha spectroscopy) 210Pb (alpha spectroscopy) 210Pb (alpha spectroscopy) 210Pb (alpha spectroscopy) 14C (AMS) 14C (AMS) 14C (AMS) 14C (AMS) 14C (AMS) # reservoir 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # delta-R # delta-R_err_lo # delta-R_err_up # calib.14C 2006.574573 2002.249693 1995.926568 1985.267833 1972.071124 1964 1959.282209 1954.529834 1951.428926 1945.078688 # calib.14C_1sig_lo # calib.14C_1sig_up # calib.14C_2sig_lo 2005.14 2000.39 1993.24 1980.85 1964.83 1955.41 1949.74 1944.05 1940.65 1933.17 # calib.14C_2sig_up 2008.01 2004.11 1998.61 1989.69 1979.31 1972.59 1968.83 1965.00 1962.21 1956.99 # calib_method NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ShCal04 ShCal04 ShCal04 ShCal04 ShCal04 # rejected No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No # # # Raw 210Pb data # depth_top cm # depth_bot cm # cum.dry.mass gcm-2 # Total 210Pb and err BqKg-1 # Ra226 BqKg-1 # Unsupported 210Pb and err BqKg-1 # Ages based on years before 2009 (year of core collection) # age_lo years # age_up years # # Labcode depth_top depth_bottom mat.dated cum.dry.mass Total.Pb210 Total.Pb210_err Ra226 Ra226_err Unsupported.Pb210 Unsupported.Pb210_err age_lo age_high rejected # DH-09-01(2) 0 0.2 bulk sediment 0.07 37.90 2.58 7.91 1.43 29.99 2.95 0.99 3.86 no # DH-09-01(X) 0.2 0.5 bulk sediment 0.20 33.97 2.75 7.91 1.43 26.06 3.10 4.89 8.61 no # DH-09-01(3) 0.5 1 bulk sediment 0.39 28.31 2.30 7.91 1.43 20.40 2.71 10.39 15.76 no # DH-09-01(6) 2 2.5 bulk sediment 0.79 15.75 1.98 7.91 1.43 7.84 2.45 19.31 28.15 no # DH-09-01(9) 3.5 4 bulk sediment 1.37 16.91 1.86 7.91 1.43 9.00 2.35 29.69 44.17 no # DH-09-01(11) 4.5 5 bulk sediment 1.76 9.60 1.45 7.91 1.43 1.70 2.04 36.41 53.59 no # DH-09-01(13) 5.5 6 bulk sediment 2.14 11.56 1.52 7.91 1.43 3.65 2.09 40.17 59.26 no # DH-09-01(15) 6.5 7 bulk sediment 2.49 9.32 1.70 7.91 1.43 1.41 2.22 44.00 64.95 no # DH-09-01(17) 7.5 8 bulk sediment 2.86 9.25 1.67 7.91 1.43 1.34 2.20 46.79 68.35 no # DH-09-01(21) 9.5 10 bulk sediment 3.64 8.90 1.40 7.91 1.43 0.99 2.00 52.01 75.83 no # DH-09-01(22) 10 10.5 bulk sediment 3.78 6.27 1.32 7.91 1.43 -1.64 1.95 yes # DH-09-01(23) 10.5 11 bulk sediment 3.95 8.19 1.52 7.91 1.43 0.28 2.09 yes # DH-09-0124) 11 11.5 bulk sediment 4.09 7.83 1.44 7.91 1.43 -0.08 2.03 yes # # #--------------------------------------- # Variables # Data variables follow that are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-longname components (9 components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, archive, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) # ## depth_cm depth, , , cm, , , , ,N ## age_AD age, , , AD, , , , ,N ## age_calBP age, , , calendar years before present, , , , ,N ## R650;700 Reflectance 650-700 nm trough, sediment,,,,Paleolimnology,Trough area between 650 and 700 nm wavelength=Relative concentration of chlorins,Gretag-spectrolino,N # #------------------------ # Data # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing Value: Depth_cm age_AD age_calBP R650;700 0 2008.4 -58.4 482.5 0.2 2004.8 -54.8 509.5 0.4 2001.3 -51.3 523.6 0.6 1998.1 -48.1 558.2 0.8 1995.4 -45.4 537.6 1 1993.2 -43.2 519.5 1.2 1991.4 -41.4 538.0 1.4 1990.0 -40.0 564.5 1.6 1988.8 -38.8 615.4 1.8 1987.7 -37.7 587.5 2 1986.7 -36.7 594.4 2.2 1985.5 -35.5 612.0 2.4 1984.2 -34.2 603.7 2.6 1982.7 -32.7 579.3 2.8 1981.0 -31.0 572.9 3 1979.2 -29.2 570.0 3.2 1977.3 -27.3 571.2 3.4 1975.4 -25.4 572.3 3.6 1973.5 -23.5 565.2 3.8 1971.6 -21.6 586.9 4 1969.8 -19.8 604.9 4.2 1968.1 -18.1 607.8 4.4 1966.5 -16.5 611.7 4.6 1965.0 -15.0 617.5 4.8 1963.7 -13.7 601.8 5 1962.6 -12.6 605.0 5.2 1961.7 -11.7 613.0 5.4 1960.8 -10.8 612.1 5.6 1959.9 -9.9 622.8 5.8 1959.0 -9.0 617.1 6 1958.1 -8.1 619.2 6.2 1957.1 -7.1 641.0 6.4 1956.1 -6.1 650.4 6.6 1955.2 -5.2 665.0 6.8 1954.4 -4.4 678.6 7 1953.6 -3.6 661.9 7.2 1953.0 -3.0 659.7 7.4 1952.4 -2.4 658.0 7.6 1951.8 -1.8 668.5 7.8 1951.3 -1.3 665.2 8 1950.7 -0.7 658.4 8.2 1950.1 -0.1 643.6 8.4 1949.5 0.5 659.5 8.6 1948.9 1.1 650.4 8.8 1948.2 1.8 664.1 9 1947.6 2.4 665.6 9.2 1946.9 3.1 693.7 9.4 1946.3 3.7 699.0 9.6 1945.6 4.4 693.3 9.8 1944.9 5.1 667.7 10 1944.2 5.8 677.0 10.2 1943.6 6.4 706.9 10.4 1942.9 7.1 701.9 10.6 1942.2 7.8 644.2 10.8 1941.5 8.5 630.2 11 1940.8 9.2 612.6 11.2 1940.1 9.9 660.5 11.4 1939.4 10.6 616.4 11.6 1938.7 11.3 602.4 11.8 1938.0 12.0 607.4 12 1937.3 12.7 606.0 12.2 1936.6 13.4 623.1 12.4 1935.9 14.1 647.5 12.6 1935.2 14.8 666.6 12.8 1934.4 15.6 643.6 13 1933.7 16.3 678.3 13.2 1933.0 17.0 657.8 13.4 1932.2 17.8 647.9 13.6 1931.5 18.5 626.8 13.8 1930.8 19.2 625.6 14 1930.0 20.0 612.6 14.2 1929.3 20.7 621.5 14.4 1928.5 21.5 627.7 14.6 1927.8 22.2 631.1 14.8 1927.0 23.0 607.5 15 1926.2 23.8 591.4 15.2 1925.5 24.5 578.6 15.4 1924.7 25.3 567.1 15.6 1923.9 26.1 573.4 15.8 1923.1 26.9 576.7 16 1922.3 27.7 566.8 16.2 1921.5 28.5 532.9 16.4 1920.7 29.3 561.7 16.6 1919.9 30.1 553.3 16.8 1919.1 30.9 546.1 17 1918.3 31.7 528.9 17.2 1917.5 32.5 530.0 17.4 1916.7 33.3 505.3 17.6 1915.8 34.2 512.9 17.8 1915.0 35.0 515.5 18 1914.2 35.8 514.4 18.2 1913.3 36.7 523.7 18.4 1912.5 37.5 528.0 18.6 1911.6 38.4 497.1 18.8 1910.8 39.2 508.9 19 1909.9 40.1 502.5 19.2 1909.0 41.0 515.6 19.4 1908.1 41.9 519.3 19.6 1907.2 42.8 528.8 19.8 1906.4 43.6 542.8 20 1905.5 44.5 539.6 20.2 1904.6 45.4 535.4 20.4 1903.7 46.3 545.9 20.6 1902.7 47.3 549.9 20.8 1901.8 48.2 542.1 21 1900.9 49.1 535.7 21.2 1900.0 50.0 523.1 21.4 1899.0 51.0 502.4 21.6 1898.1 51.9 528.6 21.8 1897.1 52.9 534.3 22 1896.2 53.8 532.9 22.2 1895.2 54.8 519.8 22.4 1894.2 55.8 506.5 22.6 1893.2 56.8 524.8 22.8 1892.3 57.7 522.8 23 1891.3 58.7 555.7 23.2 1890.3 59.7 536.2 23.4 1889.3 60.7 551.2 23.6 1888.2 61.8 629.3 23.8 1887.2 62.8 650.1 24 1886.2 63.8 570.5 24.2 1885.2 64.8 570.2 24.4 1884.1 65.9 572.1 24.6 1883.1 66.9 556.4 24.8 1882.0 68.0 556.2 25 1880.9 69.1 563.2 25.2 1879.9 70.1 571.2 25.4 1878.8 71.2 569.6 25.6 1877.7 72.3 582.3 25.8 1876.6 73.4 539.9 26 1875.5 74.5 528.6 26.2 1874.4 75.6 515.8 26.4 1873.3 76.7 536.5 26.6 1872.1 77.9 533.2 26.8 1871.0 79.0 479.1 27 1869.9 80.1 495.7 27.2 1868.7 81.3 501.2 27.4 1867.5 82.5 521.4 27.6 1866.4 83.6 539.2 27.8 1865.2 84.8 490.7 28 1864.0 86.0 506.2 28.2 1862.8 87.2 528.9 28.4 1861.6 88.4 583.6 28.6 1860.4 89.6 518.3 28.8 1859.2 90.8 506.8 29 1858.0 92.0 536.7 29.2 1856.7 93.3 527.6 29.4 1855.5 94.5 514.6 29.6 1854.2 95.8 492.4 29.8 1853.0 97.0 499.7 30 1851.7 98.3 462.3 30.2 1850.4 99.6 429.2 30.4 1849.1 100.9 421.3 30.6 1847.8 102.2 448.1 30.8 1846.5 103.5 483.2 31 1845.2 104.8 499.7 31.2 1843.9 106.1 511.3 31.4 1842.5 107.5 524.9 31.6 1841.2 108.8 538.1 31.8 1839.8 110.2 518.5 32 1838.5 111.5 515.1 32.2 1837.1 112.9 492.1 32.4 1835.7 114.3 474.2 32.6 1834.3 115.7 482.9 32.8 1832.9 117.1 507.1 33 1831.5 118.5 494.7 33.2 1830.1 119.9 467.6 33.4 1828.6 121.4 473.3 33.6 1827.2 122.8 476.1 33.8 1825.7 124.3 462.7 34 1824.3 125.7 429.4 34.2 1822.8 127.2 434.7 34.4 1821.3 128.7 435.3 34.6 1819.8 130.2 449.7 34.8 1818.3 131.7 443.5 35 1816.8 133.2 445.1 35.2 1815.2 134.8 455.0 35.4 1813.7 136.3 459.9 35.6 1812.2 137.8 483.7 35.8 1810.6 139.4 500.2 36 1809.0 141.0 512.8 36.2 1807.5 142.5 499.0 36.4 1805.9 144.1 507.6 36.6 1804.3 145.7 521.3 36.8 1802.6 147.4 504.6 37 1801.0 149.0 497.4 37.2 1799.4 150.6 508.4 37.4 1797.7 152.3 498.8 37.6 1796.1 153.9 481.1 37.8 1794.4 155.6 500.8 38 1792.7 157.3 516.8 38.2 1791.0 159.0 492.7 38.4 1789.3 160.7 499.0 38.6 1787.6 162.4 538.6 38.8 1785.9 164.1 496.6 39 1784.2 165.8 513.3 39.2 1782.4 167.6 542.7 39.4 1780.7 169.3 524.8 39.6 1778.9 171.1 477.7 39.8 1777.1 172.9 473.3 40 1775.3 174.7 458.4 40.2 1773.5 176.5 462.4 40.4 1771.7 178.3 452.7 40.6 1769.8 180.2 510.4 40.8 1768.0 182.0 499.2 41 1766.1 183.9 480.7 41.2 1764.3 185.7 533.0 41.4 1762.4 187.6 591.0 41.6 1760.5 189.5 584.0 41.8 1758.6 191.4 580.8 42 1756.7 193.3 558.1 42.2 1754.7 195.3 556.4 42.4 1752.8 197.2 570.6 42.6 1750.8 199.2 586.3 42.8 1748.9 201.1 608.6 43 1746.9 203.1 558.3 43.2 1744.9 205.1 563.4 43.4 1742.9 207.1 561.0 43.6 1740.9 209.1 573.7 43.8 1738.8 211.2 562.2 44 1736.8 213.2 547.0 44.2 1734.7 215.3 525.8 44.4 1732.6 217.4 550.2 44.6 1730.6 219.4 533.4 44.8 1728.5 221.5 555.2 45 1726.3 223.7 570.5 45.2 1724.2 225.8 562.1 45.4 1722.1 227.9 534.5 45.6 1719.9 230.1 552.5 45.8 1717.8 232.2 536.4 46 1715.6 234.4 575.9 46.2 1713.4 236.6 586.2 46.4 1711.2 238.8 575.8 46.6 1709.0 241.0 580.4 46.8 1706.7 243.3 541.2 47 1704.5 245.5 524.4 47.2 1702.2 247.8 519.6 47.4 1699.9 250.1 573.2 47.6 1697.6 252.4 546.5 47.8 1695.3 254.7 544.5 48 1693.0 257.0 552.5 48.2 1690.7 259.3 577.2 48.4 1688.3 261.7 569.7 48.6 1686.0 264.0 576.4 48.8 1683.6 266.4 526.8 49 1681.2 268.8 544.5 49.2 1678.8 271.2 488.5 49.4 1676.4 273.6 49.6 1673.9 276.1 49.8 1671.5 278.5 50 1669.0 281.0 50.2 1666.5 283.5 50.4 1664.0 286.0 50.6 1661.5 288.5 50.8 1659.0 291.0 51 1656.5 293.5 51.2 1653.9 296.1 51.4 1651.3 298.7 51.6 1648.7 301.3 51.8 1646.1 303.9 52 1643.5 306.5 52.2 1640.9 309.1 52.4 1638.2 311.8 52.6 1635.6 314.4 52.8 1632.9 317.1 53 1630.2 319.8 53.2 1627.5 322.5 53.4 1624.8 325.2 53.6 1622.0 328.0 53.8 1619.3 330.7 54 1616.5 333.5 54.2 1613.7 336.3 54.4 1610.9 339.1 54.6 1608.1 341.9 54.8 1605.2 344.8 55 1602.4 347.6 55.2 1599.5 350.5 55.4 1596.6 353.4 55.6 1593.7 356.3 55.8 1590.8 359.2 56 1587.9 362.1 56.2 1584.9 365.1 56.4 1582.0 368.0 56.6 1579.0 371.0 56.8 1576.0 374.0 57 1573.0 377.0 57.2 1569.9 380.1 57.4 1566.9 383.1 57.6 1563.9 386.1 57.8 1560.8 389.2 58 1557.7 392.3 58.2 1554.7 395.3 58.4 1551.6 398.4 58.6 1548.5 401.5 58.8 1545.4 404.6 59 1542.2 407.8 59.2 1539.1 410.9 59.4 1536.0 414.0 59.6 1532.8 417.2 59.8 1529.7 420.3 60 1526.5 423.5 60.2 1523.4 426.6 60.4 1520.2 429.8 60.6 1517.1 432.9 60.8 1513.9 436.1 61 1510.7 439.3 61.2 1507.5 442.5 494.6 61.4 1504.3 445.7 542.1 61.6 1501.2 448.8 593.6 61.8 1498.0 452.0 598.9 62 1494.8 455.2 615.7 62.2 1491.6 458.4 628.1 62.4 1488.4 461.6 587.2 62.6 1485.2 464.8 589.1 62.8 1482.1 467.9 602.2 63 1478.9 471.1 602.5 63.2 1475.7 474.3 610.8 63.4 1472.5 477.5 604.8 63.6 1469.4 480.6 592.8 63.8 1466.2 483.8 581.7 64 1463.0 487.0 563.9 64.2 1459.9 490.1 569.8 64.4 1456.7 493.3 566.0 64.6 1453.6 496.4 569.6 64.8 1450.4 499.6 532.9 65 1447.3 502.7 527.0 65.2 1444.1 505.9 516.2 65.4 1441.0 509.0 523.9 65.6 1437.9 512.1 501.4 65.8 1434.8 515.2 509.4 66 1431.7 518.3 491.4 66.2 1428.6 521.4 488.7 66.4 1425.5 524.5 490.6 66.6 1422.5 527.5 494.3 66.8 1419.4 530.6 513.3 67 1416.4 533.6 541.1 67.2 1413.3 536.7 541.9 67.4 1410.3 539.7 516.7 67.6 1407.3 542.7 524.3 67.8 1404.3 545.7 519.4 68 1401.4 548.6 536.8 68.2 1398.4 551.6 538.1 68.4 1395.5 554.5 519.1 68.6 1392.5 557.5 564.3 68.8 1389.6 560.4 571.5 69 1386.7 563.3 566.4 69.2 1383.8 566.2 556.6 69.4 1381.0 569.0 563.9 69.6 1378.1 571.9 631.0 69.8 1375.3 574.7 593.3 70 1372.5 577.5 562.0 70.2 1369.7 580.3 536.0 70.4 1366.9 583.1 497.5 70.6 1364.2 585.8 517.5 70.8 1361.5 588.5 512.9 71 1358.7 591.3 539.2 71.2 1356.0 594.0 520.9 71.4 1353.4 596.6 501.2 71.6 1350.7 599.3 533.6 71.8 1348.1 601.9 589.6 72 1345.4 604.6 612.1 72.2 1342.8 607.2 602.8 72.4 1340.2 609.8 620.7 72.6 1337.7 612.3 622.7 72.8 1335.1 614.9 689.2 73 1332.6 617.4 665.0 73.2 1330.0 620.0 631.8 73.4 1327.5 622.5 631.4 73.6 1325.0 625.0 640.0 73.8 1322.6 627.4 605.3 74 1320.1 629.9 576.9 74.2 1317.7 632.3 570.5 74.4 1315.2 634.8 612.3 74.6 1312.8 637.2 609.6 74.8 1310.4 639.6 582.9 75 1308.0 642.0 572.5 75.2 1305.6 644.4 566.6 75.4 1303.3 646.7 565.5 75.6 1300.9 649.1 530.3 75.8 1298.6 651.4 521.3 76 1296.3 653.7 549.0 76.2 1294.0 656.0 594.9 76.4 1291.7 658.3 595.7 76.6 1289.4 660.6 644.2 76.8 1287.1 662.9 686.9 77 1284.9 665.1 707.5 77.2 1282.6 667.4 724.2 77.4 1280.4 669.6 699.8 77.6 1278.2 671.8 705.6 77.8 1275.9 674.1 754.8 78 1273.8 676.2 735.0 78.2 1271.6 678.4 678.2 78.4 1269.4 680.6 566.8 78.6 1267.2 682.8 579.2 78.8 1265.1 684.9 552.9 79 1262.9 687.1 580.4 79.2 1260.8 689.2 592.6 79.4 1258.7 691.3 602.1 79.6 1256.5 693.5 607.9 79.8 1254.4 695.6 593.6 80 1252.3 697.7 596.6 80.2 1250.3 699.7 589.5 80.4 1248.2 701.8 627.9 80.6 1246.1 703.9 619.2 80.8 1244.1 705.9 631.9 81 1242.0 708.0 612.5 81.2 1240.0 710.0 606.3 81.4 1237.9 712.1 593.7 81.6 1235.9 714.1 545.9 81.8 1233.9 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