# Lake Turkana and Victoria, Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) Data over the Past 20 ka #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 4.0 # Encoding: UTF-8 # NOTE: Please cite original publication, NOAA Landing Page URL, dataset and publication DOIs (where available), and date accessed when using downloaded data. # If there is no publication information, please cite investigator, study title, NOAA Landing Page URL, and date accessed. # # Description/Documentation lines begin with '#' followed by a space # Data lines have no '#' # # NOAA_Landing_Page: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/paleo-search/study/37384 # Landing_Page_Description: NOAA Landing Page of this file's parent study, which includes all study metadata. # # Study_Level_JSON_Metadata: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/metadata/published/paleo/json/noaa-lake-37384.json # Study_Level_JSON_Description: JSON metadata of this data file's parent study, which includes all study metadata. # # Data_Type: Paleolimnology # # Dataset_DOI: 10.25921/74ec-ph15 # # Science_Keywords: #--------------------------------------- # Resource_Links # # Data_Download_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/paleolimnology/eastafrica/karp2023/karp2023-victoria.txt # Data_Download_Description: NOAA Template File; Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Data # #--------------------------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2023-02-02 #--------------------------------------- # File_Last_Modified_Date # Date: 2023-04-11 #--------------------------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Lake Turkana and Victoria, Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) Data over the Past 20 ka #--------------------------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Karp, Allison; Uno, Kevin; Berke, Melissa; Russell, James; Scholz, Christopher; Marlon, Jennifer; Faith, Tyler; Staver, Carla #--------------------------------------- # Description_Notes_and_Keywords # Description: # Provided Keywords: Holocene, African Humid Period, paleofire #--------------------------------------- # Publication # Authors: Allison Karp, Kevin Uno, Melissa Berke, James Russel, Christopher Scholz, Jennifer Marlon, Tyler Faith; Carla Staver # Published_Date_or_Year: 2023-03-15 # Published_Title: Nonlinear rainfall effects on savanna fire activity across the African Humid Period # Journal_Name: Quaternary Science Reviews # Volume: 304 # Edition: # Issue: # Pages: # Report_Number: 107994 # DOI: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2023.107994 # Online_Resource: # Full_Citation: # Abstract: Fire is a key ecosystem process in tropical and subtropical savannas, with a varying role that depends on hydroclimate but also on feedbacks between fire and vegetation. In savannas, fire response to changes in rainfall depends on mean annual rainfall: in arid and semi-arid systems, burned area increases as rainfall increases fuel amount, whereas in mesic systems with high fuel moisture, burned area decreases as rainfall increases. The non-linear relationship between burned area and rainfall may be due in part to changes in the constraints on fire activity that shift the limiting factor for burning in savannas from fuel amount to fuel moisture with increasing rainfall and decreasing seasonality. Vegetation-fire feedbacks can also promote a shift from fire-prone savanna vegetation to forest taxa that suppress fire as rainfall increases. However, modern observations are, by definition, constrained to short-term dynamics, and the longer-term effects of precipitation changes on fire activity have not been evaluated. These longer-term impacts are especially relevant for evaluating biome transitions changing in response to variable hydroclimate and fire activity. The Late Pleistocene and early Holocene African Humid Period (AHP; ~14.5-5.5 ka), when rainfall increased substantially across northern and equatorial Africa, provides an opportunity to examine long-term fire responses to increased precipitation at sites with different mean annual rainfall amounts. Here, we combine new polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) records of paleofire activity at two East African lake basins (Lakes Victoria and Turkana) with previously published fire records (i.e., charcoal, levoglucosan) at five sites (GeoB7920-2, GeoB9508-5, Lakes Chala, Tanganyika and Bosumtwe) to examine responses of fire activity along a rainfall gradient (from <200 mm to 1500 mm). Our synthesis reveals fire dynamics that are consistent with modern ecosystem dynamics and shows that fire activity at each site followed predicted patterns across the AHP depending on initial mean rainfall, with increased fire activity at arid to semi-arid sites and decreased fire activity at mesic-to-humid sites. Results illustrate that fire responses to hydroclimate are nonlinear, such that the same direction of change in precipitation can elicit different fire responses depending on the total precipitation at a site. Accounting for heterogeneity in hydroclimate, even within biomes, may improve predictions of how fire activity will respond to future changes in rainfall regimes. #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: National Science Foundation # Grant: 1802453, 2204471, 224317, 2224318, 2048669 #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: G. Unger Vetlesen Foundation # Grant: #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Columbia University # Grant: #--------------------------------------- # Site_Information # Site_Name: Lake Victoria Core V95-1P # Location: Kenya # Northernmost_Latitude: -1.2317 # Southernmost_Latitude: -1.2317 # Easternmost_Longitude: 33.1983 # Westernmost_Longitude: 33.1983 # Elevation_m: 1133 #--------------------------------------- # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: V95-1P # First_Year: 15540 # Last_Year: 1320 # Time_Unit: calendar year before present # Core_Length_m: # Parameter_Keywords: geochemistry # Notes: #--------------------------------------- # Chronology_Information # Chronology: # Age model updated using rbacon; based on published dates cited for each date listed below # labID depth_cmblf mat.dated 14C.raw 14C.raw_err datemeth calib.14C calib.14C_min calib.14C_max calib_method citation # LV95-1P-I 5 pollen lignin charcoal 1420 70 14C AMS 1320 1106 1511 IntCal20 Johnson, T.C., Kelts, K., Odada, E., 2000. The Holocene history of Lake Victoria. Ambio 29, 2–11. https://doi.org/10.1097/EDE.0b013e3181 # LV95-1-P-II 101.5 Sediment organic carbon 3060 35 14C AMS 3266.5 3109 3380.5 IntCal20 Berke, M.A., Johnson, T.C., Werne, J.P., Grice, K., Schouten, S., Sinninghe Damsté, J.S., 2012. Molecular records of climate variability and vegetation response since the Late Pleistocene in the Lake Victoria basin, East Africa. Quat. Sci. Rev. 55, 59–74. # LV95-1P-III 200 pollen lignin charcoal 4595 75 14C AMS 5251 4956 5536 IntCal20 Johnson, T.C., Kelts, K., Odada, E., 2000. The Holocene history of Lake Victoria. Ambio 29, 2–11. https://doi.org/10.1097/EDE.0b013e3181 # LV95-1P-IV 320 pollen lignin charcoal 6700 110 14C AMS 7608 7380 7904 IntCal20 Johnson, T.C., Kelts, K., Odada, E., 2000. The Holocene history of Lake Victoria. Ambio 29, 2–11. https://doi.org/10.1097/EDE.0b013e3181 # LV95-1P-V 398 pollen lignin charcoal 8380 70 14C AMS 9394 9156 9548 IntCal20 Johnson, T.C., Kelts, K., Odada, E., 2000. The Holocene history of Lake Victoria. Ambio 29, 2–11. https://doi.org/10.1097/EDE.0b013e3181 # LV95-1-P-V 473 Sediment organic carbon 10000 40 14C AMS 11487 11277 11729 IntCal20 Berke, M.A., Johnson, T.C., Werne, J.P., Grice, K., Schouten, S., Sinninghe Damsté, J.S., 2012. Molecular records of climate variability and vegetation response since the Late Pleistocene in the Lake Victoria basin, East Africa. Quat. Sci. Rev. 55, 59–74. # LV95-1P-VI 548 pollen lignin charcoal 11635 160 14C AMS 13611 13262 14047 IntCal20 Johnson, T.C., Kelts, K., Odada, E., 2000. The Holocene history of Lake Victoria. Ambio 29, 2–11. https://doi.org/10.1097/EDE.0b013e3181 # LV95-1P-VI 568 pollen lignin charcoal 12180 185 14C AMS 14308 13838 14863 IntCal20 Johnson, T.C., Kelts, K., Odada, E., 2000. The Holocene history of Lake Victoria. Ambio 29, 2–11. https://doi.org/10.1097/EDE.0b013e3181 # LV95-1-P-VIIa 650 Sediment organic carbon 14450 65 14C AMS 17528 17167 17829 IntCal20 Berke, M.A., Johnson, T.C., Werne, J.P., Grice, K., Schouten, S., Sinninghe Damsté, J.S., 2012. Molecular records of climate variability and vegetation response since the Late Pleistocene in the Lake Victoria basin, East Africa. Quat. Sci. Rev. 55, 59–74. # LV95-1-P-XII 772 Bulk organic carbon 17300 75 14C AMS 20768 20431 21053 IntCal20 Berke, M.A., Johnson, T.C., Werne, J.P., Grice, K., Schouten, S., Sinninghe Damsté, J.S., 2012. Molecular records of climate variability and vegetation response since the Late Pleistocene in the Lake Victoria basin, East Africa. Quat. Sci. Rev. 55, 59–74. # #--------------------------------------- # Variables # PaST_Thesaurus_Download_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/paleo-search/skos/past-thesaurus.rdf # PaST_Thesaurus_Download_Description: Paleoenvironmental Standard Terms (PaST) Thesaurus terms, definitions, and relationships in SKOS format. # # Data variables follow that are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-var components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, data type, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) # ## Age_cal_yr_BP age,,,calendar year before present,,Paleolimnology; Fire History,,,N, ## Depth_cmblf depth,,,centimeter,,Paleolimnology; Fire History,,,N, ## Acephthene polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon,sediment,,nanogram per gram,,Paleolimnology,,,N,Acephthene ## Fluorene polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon,sediment,,nanogram per gram,,Paleolimnology,,,N,Fluorene ## Phenthrene polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon,sediment,,nanogram per gram,,Paleolimnology,,,N,Phenthrene ## Anthracene polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon,sediment,,nanogram per gram,,Paleolimnology,,,N,Anthracene ## MPs polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon,sediment,,nanogram per gram,,Paleolimnology,,,N,methylated phenanthrenes ## DMPs polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon,sediment,,nanogram per gram,,Paleolimnology,,,N,demethylated phenanthrenes ## Fluoranthene polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon,sediment,,nanogram per gram,,Paleolimnology,,,N,Fluoranthene ## Pyrene polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon,sediment,,nanogram per gram,,Paleolimnology,,,N,Pyrene ## TMPs polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon,sediment,,nanogram per gram,,Paleolimnology,,,N,trimethylated phenanthrenes ## Retene polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon,sediment,,nanogram per gram,,Paleolimnology,,,N,Retene ## Mpyrs polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon,sediment,,nanogram per gram,,Paleolimnology,,,N,Mpyrs ## Benz_a_anthracene polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon,sediment,,nanogram per gram,,Paleolimnology,,,N,Benz_a_anthracene ## Chrysene polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon,sediment,,nanogram per gram,,Paleolimnology,,,N,Chrysene ## Benzo_b_k_fluoranthene polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon,sediment,,nanogram per gram,,Paleolimnology,,,N,Benzo_b_k_fluoranthene ## Benzo_e_pyrene polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon,sediment,,nanogram per gram,,Paleolimnology,,,N,Benzo_e_pyrene ## Benzo_a_pyrene polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon,sediment,,nanogram per gram,,Paleolimnology,,,N,Benzo_a_pyrene ## Ideno_123_cd_pyrene polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon,sediment,,nanogram per gram,,Paleolimnology,,,N,Ideno_123_cd_pyrene ## Dibenz_ah_anthrecene polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon,sediment,,nanogram per gram,,Paleolimnology,,,N,Dibenz_ah_anthrecene ## Beta_Amyrin_Derivative aromatic compound,sediment,,nanogram per gram,,Paleolimnology,,,N,Beta_Amyrin_Derivative ## Total_parent_PAHs polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon,sediment,,nanogram per gram,,Paleolimnology,,,N,Total_parent_PAHs ## Retene_3_ring organic compound index,,,dimensionless,,Paleolimnology,,,N,Retene_3_ring ## LMW_Total organic compound index,,,dimensionless,,Paleolimnology,,,N,phenanthrene+anthracene+fluoranthene+pyrene ## Factor_1_petro factor score,,,dimensionless,,Paleolimnology,,,N,proportion of sample attributed to the weathered endmember ## Factor_2_pyro factor score,,,dimensionless,,Paleolimnology,,,N,proportion of sample attributed to the pyrogenic endmember ## Pyro_PAH_MAR polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon,,,nanogram per square centimeter per year,,Paleolimnology; Fire History,,,N,Total parent PAHs flux corrected using NMF pyrogenic abundance ## Pyro_PAH_TOC polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon,,,nanogram per gram,,Paleolimnology; Fire History,,,N,Total parent PAHs normalized to TOC corrected using NMF pyrogenic abundance # #------------------------ # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing_Values: NA Age_cal_yr_BP Depth_cmblf Acephthene Fluorene Phenthrene Anthracene MPs DMPs Fluoranthene Pyrene TMPs Retene Mpyrs Benz_a_anthracene Chrysene Benzo_b_k_fluoranthene Benzo_e_pyrene Benzo_a_pyrene Ideno_123_cd_pyrene Dibenz_ah_anthrecene Beta_Amyrin_Derivative Total_parent_PAHs Retene_3_ring LMW_Total Factor_1_petro Factor_2_pyro Pyro_PAH_MAR Pyro_PAH_TOC 1350.12 6.5 6.564011455 19.30520559 361.136437 22.56432 379.3695 672.9064 166.6974 77.47372 606.0696 20.57883 60.47249 13.55314 70.8628 174.0539 44.44877 7.865292 112.75 118.8009 5.817689 1089.144 0.050902 0.593757 0.999924 7.55E-05 NA NA 2052.66 41.5 0 26.09525351 429.197795 17.3173 290.5157 329.4897 193.5818 65.0542 200.8154 35.79895 22.51653 11.76603 46.31501 191.8625 42.08246 3.198957 121.1762 147.8648 12.63188 1186.968 0.074223 0.614114 0.607856 0.392144 11.97228 6778.205 2560.34 66.5 0 3.288284158 134.456834 0 69.84274 70.77736 117.03 37.52262 39.61937 10.74717 7.360258 36.8908 29.75951 186.7294 31.02502 34.56151 37.53754 112.0343 5.781477 729.0797 0.074014 0.401396 0.38999 0.61001 20.06386 3823.537 2737.21 75.5 0 4.044053483 172.691981 6.037754 135.1064 171.768 126.1108 46.69543 130.1128 12.72912 11.06505 6.614449 32.65549 132.4856 29.54 1.353448 70.3098 96.02336 4.930296 659.1827 0.066485 0.540651 0.757598 0.242402 4.264983 2379.004 2918.02 84.5 14.1480326 11.10338455 248.227301 9.636903 200.9388 173.9501 116.4864 30.61044 65.50856 39.07729 6.929714 4.290624 27.13832 109.6081 23.51753 0 27.58609 69.69709 3.439043 667.9032 0.131599 0.633531 0.519139 0.480861 9.563052 4097.065 3612.06 118.5 0 2.387559376 149.551094 7.13498 85.19821 81.39491 102.9618 33.88258 43.38039 9.593804 5.898883 3.938733 24.68868 101.0503 22.29586 0 35.94599 70.18828 3.753227 521.8332 0.057697 0.569197 0.408648 0.591352 18.6633 1808.971 4152.17 145.5 0 2.75723971 60.7620919 10.94676 64.96441 105.31 105.155 40.28746 77.24821 15.81192 10.01552 4.924792 25.33395 112.8785 28.40348 2.392833 80.99381 85.57614 3.741033 483.1593 0.180665 0.455568 0.952672 0.047328 NA NA 4418.13 158.5 0 2.058302104 41.5522878 5.617426 29.80347 40.58355 97.55628 34.4228 20.32203 3.03573 6.96874 3.765557 24.31537 103.0974 23.25991 0 29.85001 63.61562 3.297252 402.5582 0.060466 0.451026 0.692106 0.307894 5.937722 893.3897 4657.1 170.5 0 1.825920087 55.663135 4.289547 44.54065 54.11436 94.53785 32.57034 29.89323 7.192219 6.536533 3.299049 24.03852 101.1757 23.46376 2.342187 33.95061 67.7162 3.067354 413.9895 0.107115 0.457254 0.704764 0.295236 7.144886 721.6216 5018.61 188.5 0 4.97973004 184.099239 12.08294 96.60284 107.778 133.5001 49.07815 61.62043 21.20772 11.82162 6.33685 28.10029 115.135 26.17476 1.93339 58.01208 72.2182 3.696406 637.335 0.097556 0.60249 0.449792 0.550208 15.92893 2437.959 5633.88 219.5 0 2.35319261 57.9104366 3.317031 42.12273 62.85424 117.1413 39.786 31.64975 5.226756 7.750371 4.860924 31.93378 121.4892 28.97292 0 24.72852 76.97998 3.940464 488.6852 0.078652 0.452236 0.738285 0.261715 6.820159 789.9266 7011.5 289.5 18.63701615 37.90270423 139.512881 22.10884 86.91752 103.8026 180.2418 49.40215 50.88492 15.85375 32.47087 11.64626 55.53416 187.6005 52.28913 2.779253 22.79307 103.2032 6.642448 867.5004 0.089329 0.486456 0.559177 0.440823 20.39105 2138.134 7424.03 310.5 0 13.88410234 125.374565 7.679476 77.63925 84.23918 198.8939 75.80312 38.17144 7.243311 20.89106 16.06157 63.36242 353.3776 70.09665 4.778822 97.75534 222.4605 13.36617 1165.139 0.051628 0.35834 0.499365 0.500635 29.80662 3650.508 7778.67 327.5 0 6.922900764 254.481831 16.52872 108.2199 104.051 207.905 70.78546 66.01069 10.26851 19.93463 9.413752 65.31713 208.1293 52.76122 0 9.415602 133.226 10.35332 1035.825 0.036506 0.539691 0.251561 0.748439 36.45776 4143.477 7847.18 330.5 0 2.038114304 142.336876 4.789669 90.13829 103.8251 204.9336 74.64878 47.23285 11.27171 13.98274 11.95452 66.99724 213.4637 53.86135 1.57284 63.55219 125.8661 11.34227 913.8051 0.071161 0.473897 0.541212 0.458788 19.87053 2211.61 8051.9 339.5 0 7.278679809 152.312246 5.718163 88.92215 91.61389 241.9666 93.41922 50.30282 10.2275 19.62188 20.73734 82.61447 250.2078 72.00959 5.130603 82.69834 158.8059 10.89074 1101.091 0.060785 0.455634 0.465753 0.534247 33.56828 2599.432 8782.17 371.5 0 2.086952342 59.3528553 5.288342 47.70458 54.59846 133.8351 41.9891 23.148 5.629562 7.151295 4.180804 41.25433 141.6784 34.90756 0 16.82054 77.82762 4.312557 546.7136 0.080112 0.445047 0.65083 0.34917 11.10785 742.5456 9035.05 382.5 0 8.230833006 150.238102 6.087945 76.06958 76.09148 243.5501 78.31748 34.31751 7.560833 15.60747 9.776915 105.8234 269.2318 75.64327 0 9.467198 166.2023 10.1705 1123.273 0.046134 0.432805 0.336126 0.663874 40.63168 3243.243 9731.26 410.5 0 4.311161958 103.239731 3.774007 55.06204 43.12902 237.6947 60.49303 20.46894 2.508647 13.68487 12.70636 94.22111 277.7677 79.46861 0 24.33603 173.3228 11.50631 1058.505 0.022905 0.388612 0.247857 0.752143 38.48794 3057.406 10295.07 430.5 0 6.548895021 218.558634 11.77442 99.68707 88.6065 252.7331 74.48545 44.4114 7.597239 18.1756 8.015525 86.7664 416.031 84.63906 0 18.74095 277.0245 19.80474 1456.382 0.031931 0.389889 0.217416 0.782584 59.01403 4205.403 10794.95 448.5 0 10.04349934 208.802144 12.41971 114.3282 132.971 305.0067 102.0808 87.39271 9.697604 30.86206 15.32385 107.9415 490.8395 104.555 3.167168 55.21649 327.1218 23.69517 1710.997 0.041996 0.374605 0.518155 0.481845 40.18402 3532.83 11099.54 459.5 0 10.18669698 297.203329 14.65388 153.7641 178.4009 273.9093 93.29581 115.777 7.718042 31.33441 9.343437 96.86 284.3248 84.51393 7.425822 73.70803 213.0482 13.6005 1398.366 0.024151 0.494015 0.482234 0.517766 31.00923 3555.639 11417.06 470.5 0 8.380382024 238.578541 10.07608 115.4153 119.6352 329.9634 96.91771 84.36561 5.272638 28.25255 15.90792 152.4824 325.5137 103.3271 5.539181 60.41404 198.4164 16.19822 1501.301 0.020764 0.457456 0.396678 0.603322 26.70743 6485.012 11754.08 482.5 0 18.30007736 314.455531 23.13648 194.1088 264.385 317.4001 134.8761 263.3854 24.88829 66.68852 16.53425 92.65905 261.0617 79.1279 8.422771 85.65343 213.8303 12.16909 1491.973 0.068661 0.540449 0.729607 0.270393 18.97483 2031.299 12237.47 499.5 0 13.39644658 310.915639 14.14769 148.1368 146.7415 317.6818 112.435 110.3502 14.5559 37.81454 14.44111 107.8636 419.4325 91.48919 9.894088 107.4906 292.4739 18.27532 1722.446 0.042859 0.446647 0.374676 0.625324 45.34304 6186.14 12542.8 510.5 0 14.73900121 268.547345 12.3275 133.2745 132.4015 321.1869 102.2033 96.15611 10.96376 35.66962 19.03506 150.6194 466.6298 105.6856 5.923078 61.3918 291.4784 17.79131 1776.167 0.037568 0.403906 0.39524 0.60476 71.06356 5016.179 12825.27 520.5 0 13.13746465 353.241364 12.25238 167.1634 153.2525 310.1547 91.78698 137.0206 9.420272 34.20792 16.66972 167.1965 324.4637 111.439 0 77.18719 216.4009 14.16252 1630.905 0.025126 0.478569 0.363592 0.636408 68.0767 3612.448 13109.32 530.5 0 13.59045929 216.044002 7.636576 103.4045 89.31293 313.2949 89.57851 58.06599 9.312785 29.9085 15.35275 150.9508 293.1203 100.9831 0 35.04653 188.556 12.61124 1401.719 0.03997 0.455504 0.276195 0.723805 54.15452 4366.386 14039.8 560.5 0 10.15264129 233.194278 8.819211 113.5824 104.577 333.4918 102.5096 89.23845 10.29298 33.64226 14.32241 176.8655 570.7486 138.5041 0 30.24297 343.4528 20.5416 1952.603 0.040796 0.352782 0.374367 0.625633 40.68408 7786.531 14440.05 571.5 0 19.31597478 310.815967 10.50545 113.9353 84.09582 328.4837 76.29425 70.95093 7.612418 26.44133 10.65084 165.8615 333.8352 115.9959 0 19.75585 220.7402 11.99713 1604.496 0.023143 0.461548 0.04945 0.95055 48.18619 13935.57 15540.56 599.5 0 20.65866438 186.417012 0 68.84035 51.90814 192.5618 64.48684 42.07937 14.69724 19.7374 8.889021 66.56972 159.5942 54.0743 0 41.20842 99.88416 4.054389 857.1901 0.073079 0.532706 0.058773 0.941227 36.34562 12842.11