Lake Malawi Core M98-10MC 9º 58.6'S 34º 13.9'E 364 m water depth Note: The Pb-210 chronology for M98-10MC assumes the core top was 1998. However stratigraphic correlations with M98-11MC indicate that the core top is missing the top ca. 4 cm, or 18 years. The correlation is in layer H1, situated at about 10 cm in 11 MC and at 7.5 cm in 10 MC. "Depth, cm" % Bsi Year AD Pb-210 lin Pb-210 CRS 0.5 18.05 1982 1995 1996 1.5 19.95 1978 1990 1991 2.5 14.34 1972 1984 1986 3.5 11.31 1965 1979 1981 4.5 11.33 1958 1973 1975 5.5 14.91 1951 1966 1967 6.5 14.5 1950 1958 1959 7.5 14.78 1945 1951 1950 8.5 11.43 1938 9.5 11.44 1931 1942 1940 10.5 15.34 1925 11.5 17.06 1916 1935 1930 12.5 15.31 1909 13.5 13.23 1902 1924 1917 14.5 15.58 1896 15.5 11.61 1889 1908 1900 16.5 13.54 1884 17.5 12.66 1878 1893 1883 18.5 10.34 1871 19.5 16.32 1866 1877 1866 20.5 1846 21.5 15.52 1839 22.5 12.8 1832 23.5 14.9 1825 24.5 16.56 1818 25.5 19.9 1811 26.5 22.04 1807 27.5 20.46 1801 28.5 18.27 1794 29.5 26.65 1787 30.5 30.58 1780 31.5 28.82 1778 32.5 28.18 1772 33.5 29 1765 34.5 27.54 1761 35.5 25.47 1757 36.5 22.47 1748 37.5 1739 38.5 1716 39.5 21.53 1708 40.5 22.66 1699 41.5 20.08 1689 42.5 24.48 1683 43.5 24.78 1678 44.5 20.18 1674 45.5 19.11 46.5 17.75 47.5 21.03