# West Turkana, Kenya 1.9-1.4 Ma Leaf Wax Hydrogen and Carbon Isotope Data #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program # National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 3.0 # Encoding: UTF-8 # NOTE: Please cite original publication, online resource and date accessed when using this data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigator, title, online resource and date accessed. # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Online_Resource: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/23690 # Description: NOAA Landing Page # Online_Resource: http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/paleolimnology/eastafrica/wturkana2018iso.txt # Description: NOAA location of the template # # Original_Source_URL: # Description: # # Archive: Paleolimnology # # Dataset DOI: # # Parameter_Keywords: hydrogen isotopes, carbon isotopes, reconstruction #--------------------------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2018-03-23 #--------------------------------------- # File_Last_Modified_Date # Date: 2018-03-23 #--------------------------------------- # Title # Study_Name: West Turkana, Kenya 1.9-1.4 Ma Leaf Wax Hydrogen and Carbon Isotope Data #--------------------------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Lupien, R.L.; Russell, J.M.; Feibel, C.; Beck, C.; Castaņeda, I.; Deino, A.; Cohen, A.S. #--------------------------------------- # Description_Notes_and_Keywords # Description: Hydrogen and carbon isotopes of higher plant leaf waxes (dDwax and d13Cwax) from West Turkana, Kenya, covering ~1.9-1.4 Ma. # The age model for this core is presented in the supplementary information from Lupien et al., 2018 and is based on tephra and magnetostratigraphy. # dDwax of the C28 fatty acid samples was determined via gas chromatography-isotope-ratio mass spectrometry. # Provided Keywords: Human evolution; biomarkers; organic geochemistry; leaf wax; precipitation; vegetation; biomarkers # # Note: This file corrected 9-May-2019. Data columns 5 and 6, percent C3 plants and dD precip, have been corrected. #--------------------------------------- # Publication # Authors: R.L. Lupien, J.M. Russell, C. Feibel, C. Beck, I. Castaņeda, A. Deino, A.S. Cohen # Published_Date_or_Year: 2018-04-15 # Published_Title: A leaf wax biomarker record of early Pleistocene hydroclimate from West Turkana, Kenya # Journal_Name: Quaternary Science Reviews # Volume: 186 # Edition: # Issue: # Pages: 225-235 # Report Number: # DOI: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2018.03.012 # Online_Resource: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0277379117306169 # Full_Citation: # Abstract: Climate is thought to play a critical role in human evolution; however, this hypothesis is difficult to test due to a lack of long, high-quality paleoclimate records from key hominin fossil locales. To address this issue, we analyzed organic geochemical indicators of climate in a drill core from West Turkana, Kenya that spans ~1.9-1.4 Ma, an interval that includes several important hominin evolutionary transitions. We analyzed the hydrogen isotopic composition of terrestrial plant waxes (dDwax) to reconstruct orbital-timescale changes in regional hydrology and their relationship with global climate forcings and the hominin fossil record. Our data indicate little change in the long-term mean hydroclimate during this interval, in contrast to inferred changes in the level of Lake Turkana, suggesting that lake level may be responding dominantly to deltaic progradation or tectonically-driven changes in basin configuration as opposed to hydroclimate. Time-series spectral analyses of the isotopic data reveal strong precession-band (21 kyr) periodicity, indicating that regional hydroclimate was strongly affected by changes in insolation. We observe an interval of particularly high-amplitude hydrologic variation at ~1.7 Ma, which occurs during a time of high orbital eccentricity hence large changes in processionally-driven insolation amplitude. This interval overlaps with multiple hominin species turnovers, the appearance of new stone tool technology, and hominin dispersal out of Africa, supporting the notion that climate variability played an important role in hominin evolution. #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: US National Science Foundation # Grant: EAR 1123942, EAR 1338553, BCS 1241859 #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: ICDP # Grant: #--------------------------------------- # Site Information # Site_Name: West Turkana HSPDP-WTK13-1A # Location: Africa>Eastern Africa>Kenya # Country: Kenya # Northernmost_Latitude: 4.1097 # Southernmost_Latitude: 4.1097 # Easternmost_Longitude: 35.8718 # Westernmost_Longitude: 35.8718 # Elevation: 404 m #--------------------------------------- # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: WestTurkana2018iso # First_Year: 1867200 # Last_Year: 1378900 # Time_Unit: cal yr BP # Core_Length: 216.47 m # Notes: #--------------------------------------- # Chronology_Information # Chronology: # # sample # depth_m depth (m) # age_Ma age (million years ago) # age_error error in age measurement (+/- million years) # # sample depth_m type age_Ma age_error notes # Chari Tuff 8.54 Ar-Ar 1.388 0.028 # Etirr Tuff 44.69 Ar-Ar 1.45 0.02 # Ebei Tuff 49.2 Ar-Ar 1.48 0.029 # 20Q-3 Tuff 58.72 Ar-Ar 1.497 0.01 # top of Olduvai Subchron 151 Reversal 1.778 0.003 # KBS Tuff below 216.47 Ar-Ar 1.875 0.007 this is a stratigraphic constraint - the KBS Tuff was not found in the core, so the age of the bottom of the core was placed slightly younger # #--------------------------------------- # Variables # Data variables follow that are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-longname components (9 components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, archive, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) ## depth_m depth, , , m, , , , ,N, ## age_Ma age,,,Millions of calendar years before present,,,,,N, ## C28_dDwax delta 2H,C28 n-alkanoic acid,,per mil,,paleolimnology,,isotope ratio mass spectrometry,N, ## C28_d13Cwax delta 13C,C28 n-alkanoic acid,,per mil,,paleolimnology,,isotope ratio mass spectrometry,N, ## %C3 C3 plants,,,percent,,climate reconstructions,,,N,derived from a linear mixing model of the d13Cwax ## dDprecip delta 2H,,,per mil,,climate reconstructions,,,N,derived following methods in Konecky et al. 2016 #------------------------ # Data # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing Value: -999 depth_m age_Ma C28_dDwax C28_d13Cwax %C3 dDprecip 3.22 1.3789 -999.00 -25.84 45.24 -999.00 3.47 1.3793 -999.00 -21.74 9.63 -999.00 5.51 1.3828 -999.00 -26.26 48.90 -999.00 5.53 1.3828 -999.00 -22.95 20.15 -999.00 6.52 1.3845 -999.00 -22.16 13.29 -999.00 7.49 1.3861 -999.00 -21.86 10.66 -999.00 8.54 1.3879 -120.38 -15.21 0.00 -23.18 9.54 1.3896 -129.36 -14.65 0.00 -33.15 10.52 1.3913 -134.57 -17.44 0.00 -38.94 11.52 1.3930 -155.05 -19.53 0.00 -61.69 12.52 1.3947 -999.00 -17.97 0.00 -999.00 13.53 1.3964 -117.34 -22.86 19.32 -22.26 19.25 1.4061 -105.90 -999.00 -999.00 -999.00 19.33 1.4063 -94.82 -17.40 0.00 5.20 20.25 1.4078 -93.69 -21.30 5.80 5.69 21.25 1.4095 -99.34 -999.00 -999.00 -999.00 22.37 1.4114 -999.00 -23.80 27.55 -999.00 23.30 1.4130 -107.81 -20.87 2.08 -9.49 24.27 1.4147 -94.99 -22.85 19.27 2.49 25.30 1.4164 -999.00 -23.25 22.77 -999.00 26.30 1.4181 -123.51 -24.56 34.12 -30.96 27.31 1.4198 -999.00 -24.88 36.93 -999.00 28.30 1.4215 -999.00 -23.64 26.12 -999.00 29.32 1.4232 -999.00 -24.76 35.89 -999.00 30.30 1.4249 -103.57 -26.91 54.53 -11.52 31.31 1.4266 -117.47 -999.00 -999.00 -999.00 32.37 1.4284 -999.00 -25.48 42.13 -999.00 33.32 1.4300 -999.00 -24.09 30.00 -999.00 34.33 1.4318 -999.00 -24.77 35.97 -999.00 35.34 1.4335 -999.00 -24.58 34.30 -999.00 36.31 1.4351 -92.03 -21.09 3.97 7.77 36.50 1.4354 -70.29 -24.55 33.99 27.90 37.33 1.4369 -999.00 -21.56 8.11 -999.00 38.32 1.4385 -123.52 -20.65 0.16 -26.70 39.33 1.4403 -999.00 -20.84 1.85 -999.00 40.33 1.4420 -999.00 -21.69 9.17 -999.00 41.34 1.4437 -999.00 -20.94 2.69 -999.00 42.34 1.4454 -999.00 -23.44 24.43 -999.00 43.35 1.4471 -140.26 -999.00 -999.00 -999.00 44.37 1.4488 -999.00 -23.11 21.50 -999.00 45.35 1.4580 -94.92 -23.52 25.12 1.82 46.36 1.4611 -999.00 -23.90 28.36 -999.00 46.67 1.4620 -999.00 -25.25 40.13 -999.00 47.36 1.4641 -999.00 -22.75 18.36 -999.00 48.36 1.4671 -180.98 -999.00 -999.00 -999.00 49.36 1.4701 -999.00 -25.88 45.56 -999.00 50.36 1.4731 -999.00 -30.73 87.68 -999.00 51.37 1.4761 -999.00 -24.40 32.69 -999.00 52.35 1.4791 -999.00 -26.51 51.08 -999.00 53.38 1.4821 -999.00 -24.11 30.19 -999.00 54.37 1.4851 -999.00 -25.83 45.12 -999.00 55.35 1.4881 -999.00 -24.45 33.16 -999.00 56.37 1.4911 -999.00 -21.92 11.16 -999.00 56.81 1.4924 -999.00 -24.02 29.43 -999.00 58.38 1.4971 -999.00 -22.82 19.03 -999.00 59.39 1.5002 -999.00 -22.68 17.78 -999.00 60.38 1.5031 -126.71 -21.71 9.39 -31.40 61.38 1.5061 -83.95 -10.70 0.00 17.27 62.42 1.5092 -89.75 -22.83 19.10 8.32 63.40 1.5122 -105.14 -28.26 66.19 -14.74 64.99 1.5170 -110.83 -25.28 40.33 -17.73 66.89 1.5227 -102.85 -21.59 8.36 -4.80 67.97 1.5259 -113.75 -16.66 0.00 -15.83 68.97 1.5289 -122.97 -18.75 0.00 -26.07 69.95 1.5319 -118.91 -22.28 14.35 -23.38 71.08 1.5353 -100.55 -19.99 0.00 -1.17 72.05 1.5381 -109.51 -19.66 0.00 -11.11 73.07 1.5412 -122.39 -23.72 26.81 -28.80 74.04 1.5441 -109.41 -24.09 30.04 -14.85 75.06 1.5472 -999.00 -24.36 32.42 -999.00 76.08 1.5502 -125.16 -23.19 22.19 -31.29 76.95 1.5529 -126.54 -24.24 31.37 -33.97 78.15 1.5564 -135.11 -21.56 8.08 -40.56 79.09 1.5593 -133.42 -22.03 12.13 -39.19 80.08 1.5622 -105.66 -999.00 -999.00 -999.00 81.72 1.5672 -116.72 -23.51 24.98 -22.29 82.69 1.5701 -999.00 -23.44 24.36 -999.00 83.71 1.5731 -105.25 -23.49 24.79 -9.58 84.69 1.5761 -999.00 -23.81 27.61 -999.00 85.72 1.5791 -999.00 -23.79 27.39 -999.00 86.74 1.5822 -111.26 -18.31 0.00 -13.06 87.20 1.5836 -117.63 -17.75 0.00 -20.14 87.71 1.5851 -127.84 -16.68 0.00 -31.48 88.72 1.5882 -128.77 -18.84 0.00 -32.51 89.74 1.5912 -111.07 -24.23 31.26 -16.84 90.73 1.5942 -109.51 -23.56 25.41 -14.37 91.72 1.5972 -119.27 -25.69 43.92 -27.50 92.70 1.6001 -999.00 -24.87 36.78 -999.00 93.74 1.6032 -122.97 -25.14 39.12 -30.99 94.75 1.6062 -112.06 -22.67 17.68 -16.20 95.71 1.6091 -123.47 -19.19 0.00 -26.62 96.73 1.6122 -125.69 -26.36 49.76 -35.32 97.49 1.6145 -108.19 -23.81 27.57 -13.18 97.76 1.6153 -104.17 -23.46 24.57 -8.36 98.75 1.6182 -69.22 -999.00 -999.00 -999.00 100.74 1.6242 -114.81 -18.39 0.00 -17.00 101.76 1.6273 -117.45 -23.28 23.04 -22.86 103.78 1.6333 -107.26 -21.78 9.98 -9.90 105.75 1.6393 -93.63 -23.17 22.08 3.64 106.76 1.6423 -102.23 -25.25 40.13 -8.21 107.59 1.6448 -109.34 -25.32 40.68 -16.13 107.79 1.6454 -101.45 -22.99 20.47 -4.82 108.76 1.6483 -111.48 -19.56 0.00 -13.30 109.77 1.6513 -115.20 -23.45 24.49 -20.55 110.78 1.6543 -105.62 -21.72 9.48 -8.02 111.76 1.6573 -99.03 -23.93 28.62 -3.18 112.77 1.6603 -84.28 -23.09 21.34 14.09 113.78 1.6633 -80.81 -20.51 0.00 20.76 114.79 1.6664 -112.28 -21.96 11.50 -15.66 115.81 1.6694 -92.61 -23.90 28.36 3.95 116.70 1.6721 -999.00 -23.70 26.68 -999.00 117.71 1.6751 -999.00 -25.32 40.74 -999.00 118.79 1.6784 -106.14 -21.40 6.72 -8.24 119.87 1.6816 -132.62 -18.26 0.00 -36.78 120.79 1.6844 -130.70 -22.33 14.78 -36.50 121.80 1.6874 -137.17 -22.67 17.75 -44.03 122.79 1.6904 -120.94 -24.87 36.80 -28.45 123.76 1.6933 -82.17 -24.92 37.23 14.34 124.80 1.6964 -101.97 -999.00 -999.00 -999.00 125.81 1.6994 -80.31 -23.31 23.24 18.24 126.81 1.7024 -100.92 -15.98 0.00 -1.58 127.80 1.7054 -106.39 -14.67 0.00 -7.65 127.93 1.7058 -110.96 -14.80 0.00 -12.73 128.83 1.7085 -124.39 -15.44 0.00 -27.64 129.81 1.7114 -137.38 -17.93 0.00 -42.07 130.81 1.7144 -133.26 -19.70 0.00 -37.49 132.03 1.7181 -139.75 -18.67 0.00 -44.69 133.29 1.7219 -143.36 -21.43 6.90 -49.56 134.29 1.7249 -108.11 -25.00 37.97 -14.42 135.29 1.7279 -78.03 -24.04 29.63 19.92 137.82 1.7355 -58.40 -21.83 10.39 44.23 138.22 1.7367 -999.00 -23.09 21.34 -999.00 138.81 1.7384 -58.41 -14.88 0.00 45.63 139.90 1.7417 -102.89 -999.00 -999.00 -999.00 140.83 1.7445 -102.50 -25.32 40.72 -8.58 141.84 1.7475 -64.32 -23.76 27.17 35.41 143.42 1.7522 -96.76 -23.76 27.21 -0.49 144.42 1.7553 -136.33 -23.09 21.37 -43.55 145.42 1.7583 -122.14 -16.74 0.00 -25.14 146.42 1.7613 -105.22 -20.53 0.00 -6.35 147.43 1.7643 -103.57 -20.14 0.00 -4.52 148.35 1.7671 -103.29 -21.13 4.30 -4.76 148.42 1.7673 -94.55 -999.00 -999.00 -999.00 149.42 1.7703 -113.92 -23.77 27.25 -19.48 150.44 1.7733 -99.53 -23.30 23.20 -3.03 151.43 1.7778 -122.30 -22.27 14.25 -27.12 152.45 1.7792 -128.88 -21.31 5.93 -33.37 153.43 1.7806 -109.89 -25.95 46.14 -17.42 154.43 1.7820 -110.35 -26.15 47.92 -18.16 155.41 1.7834 -88.84 -23.56 25.43 8.50 156.44 1.7848 -112.67 -25.46 41.93 -19.96 157.44 1.7862 -112.99 -24.10 30.09 -18.82 158.44 1.7876 -100.68 -23.78 27.34 -4.84 158.57 1.7878 -102.42 -23.43 24.29 -6.38 159.43 1.7890 -92.76 -22.29 14.42 5.60 160.46 1.7904 -92.54 -24.30 31.82 3.58 161.46 1.7918 -128.03 -18.38 0.00 -31.68 162.47 1.7933 -92.50 -19.42 0.00 7.77 163.44 1.7946 -150.00 -18.51 0.00 -56.08 164.48 1.7961 -128.06 -23.93 28.64 -35.30 165.47 1.7975 -94.57 -21.86 10.70 4.07 166.47 1.7989 -99.03 -24.00 29.24 -3.27 167.47 1.8003 -88.63 -22.53 16.51 9.90 168.60 1.8018 -101.57 -23.54 25.29 -5.57 168.66 1.8019 -100.73 -24.12 30.25 -5.27 170.60 1.8046 -113.53 -23.19 22.22 -18.41 171.61 1.8061 -999.00 -22.90 19.70 -999.00 172.61 1.8075 -116.52 -19.34 0.00 -18.90 173.61 1.8089 -999.00 -18.09 0.00 -999.00 174.71 1.8104 -116.73 -19.97 0.00 -19.13 175.73 1.8118 -125.24 -18.12 0.00 -28.58 176.69 1.8132 -100.05 -21.85 10.59 -1.99 177.77 1.8147 -128.25 -22.50 16.22 -33.96 178.75 1.8161 -123.47 -20.39 0.00 -26.62 178.91 1.8163 -107.15 -22.86 19.37 -10.98 179.79 1.8175 -92.00 -25.20 39.65 3.16 180.75 1.8189 -100.94 -27.25 57.47 -9.00 181.72 1.8202 -88.52 -26.00 46.63 6.09 182.76 1.8217 -91.86 -25.10 38.76 3.43 183.77 1.8231 -74.09 -17.20 0.00 28.22 184.75 1.8245 -79.06 -999.00 -999.00 -999.00 185.74 1.8258 -999.00 -23.50 24.91 -999.00 187.77 1.8287 -999.00 -19.12 0.00 -999.00 188.79 1.8301 -137.68 -999.00 -999.00 -999.00 188.92 1.8303 -999.00 -24.28 31.68 -999.00 189.82 1.8316 -139.59 -20.54 0.00 -44.52 190.77 1.8329 -126.71 -21.18 4.75 -30.81 191.76 1.8343 -104.09 -22.46 15.84 -7.14 192.77 1.8357 -135.71 -20.60 0.00 -40.22 193.77 1.8371 -100.87 -21.02 3.36 -1.96 194.78 1.8385 -121.94 -25.50 42.28 -30.25 196.05 1.8403 -99.59 -21.54 7.90 -1.13 196.98 1.8416 -999.00 -24.99 37.81 -999.00 198.03 1.8430 -999.00 -24.00 29.27 -999.00 199.03 1.8444 -105.80 -22.68 17.76 -9.28 200.04 1.8459 -109.26 -20.66 0.28 -10.87 201.05 1.8473 -120.63 -19.70 0.00 -23.47 202.11 1.8488 -108.27 -20.69 0.56 -9.81 203.09 1.8501 -115.50 -21.22 5.14 -18.43 204.08 1.8515 -109.80 -18.70 0.00 -11.44 205.16 1.8530 -111.72 -22.22 13.81 -15.34 206.10 1.8543 -111.11 -22.28 14.33 -14.73 207.14 1.8558 -98.21 -25.03 38.23 -3.52 208.13 1.8572 -111.23 -22.17 13.39 -14.75 209.15 1.8586 -91.30 -26.14 47.81 2.87 210.14 1.8600 -120.09 -21.95 11.45 -24.31 211.17 1.8614 -103.47 -23.74 26.99 -7.88 212.15 1.8628 -122.14 -22.35 14.91 -27.03 214.29 1.8658 -122.59 -22.28 14.31 -27.45 215.27 1.8672 -116.67 -23.03 20.86 -21.72