# Winnemucca Lake, Nevada 17-10 KYrBP 14C and 87Sr/86Sr Data #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Center for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # NOTE: Please cite Publication, and Online_Resource and date accessed when using these data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigators, Title, and Online_Resource and date accessed. # # # Online_Resource: http://ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/17017 # # Original_Source_URL: ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/paleolimnology/nevada/winnemucca2013.txt # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Archive: Paleolimnology #-------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2014-03-03 #-------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Winnemucca Lake, Nevada 17-10 KYrBP 14C and 87Sr/86Sr Data #-------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Benson, L.V.; Hattori, E.M.; Southon, J.; Aleck, B. #-------------------- # Description_and_Notes # Description: Radiocarbon dates and strontium isotope (87Sr/86Sr) data from the Winnemucca Lake Subbasin, # Nevada for the period between 17,000 and 10,000 years BP, used to estimate the ages of petroglyphs. #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: L.V. Benson, E.M. Hattori, J. Southon, B. Aleck # Published_Date_or_Year: 2013-12-01 # Published_Title: Dating North America's oldest petroglyphs, Winnemucca Lake subbasin, Nevada # Journal_Name: Journal of Archaeological Science # Volume: 40 # Edition: # Issue: 12 # Pages: 4466-4476 # DOI: 10.1016/j.jas.2013.06.022 # Online_Resource: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0305440313002288#MMCvFirst # Full_Citation: # Abstract: On the west side of the Winnemucca Lake subbasin, Nevada, distinctive deeply carved meter-scale petroglyphs are closely spaced, forming panels on boulder-sized surfaces of a partially collapsed tufa mound. The large, complex motifs at this side are formed by deeply carved lines and cupules. A carbonate crust deposited between 10 200 and 9800 calibrated years B.P. (ka) coats petroglyphs at the base of the mound between elevations of 1202 and 1206 m. Petroglyphs above the carbonate crust are carved into a branching form of carbonate that dates to 14.8 ka. Radiocarbon dates on a multiple-layered algal tufa on the east side of the basin, which formed at an elevation of 1205 m, as well as a sediment-core-based total inorganic carbon record for the period 17.0-9.5 ka indicate that water level in the Winnemucca Lake subbasin was constrained by spill over the Emerson Pass Sill (1207 m) for most of the time between 12.9 ± 0.3 and ≥9.2 ka. These and other data indicate that the lake in the Winnemucca Lake subbasin fell beneath its spill point between 14.8 and 13.2 ka and also between 11.3 and 10.5 ka (or between 11.5 and 11.1 ka), exposing the base of the collapsed tufa mound to petroglyph carving. The tufa-based 14C record supports decreased lake levels between 14.8-13.2 ka and 11.3-10.5 ka. Native American artifacts found in the Lahontan Basin date to the latter time interval. This does not rule out the possibility that petroglyph carving occurred between 14.8 and 13.2 ka when Pyramid Lake was relatively shallow and Winnemucca Lake had desiccated. #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: US Geological Survey # Grant: National Research Program #------------------ # Site_Information # Site_Name: Winnemucca Lake # Location: North America>United States Of America>Nevada # Country: United States Of America # Northernmost_Latitude: 40.2 # Southernmost_Latitude: 40.2 # Easternmost_Longitude: -119.3 # Westernmost_Longitude: -119.3 # Elevation: 1205 m #------------------ # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: Winnemucca2013C14 # Earliest_Year: 17370 # Most_Recent_Year: 10440 # Time_Unit: Cal. Year BP # Core_Length: m # Notes: #------------------ # Chronology: # # See supplementary tables S1 and S2 below # # #---------------- # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Supplementary Tables 1 and 2, Benson et al. 2013. # Supplementary Table 1. Calibrated ages and 87Sr/86Sr values of materials from the Pyramid and Winnemucca Lake Basins. Sample No. Lab No. Site Ele 14C age 14C err Calib age Calib err 87Sr/86Sr (m) (yr BP) (yr BP) (yr BP) (yr BP) (err = 0.00002) Young Branching Tufa PLBT92-b1a CAMS-4425 BT 1160 12 520 90 14 750 250 PLBT92-b1b CAMS-4426 BT 1160 12 730 90 15 070 190 PLBT93-1e1 CAMS-5774 BT 1160 12 770 90 15 110 160 0.70745 PL90-111 CAMS-5722 BT 1160 12 810 80 15 160 130 PLBT92-b2b CAMS-4428 BT 1160 12 930 90 15 400 260 PLBT92-b2a CAMS-4427 BT 1160 12 940 90 15 410 260 PL91-504 CAMS-5770 DH 1217 12 910 90 15 380 270 0.70737 PL91-503g CAMS-5769 DH 1217 13 020 90 15 590 370 0.70742 PL91-503 W-6391 DH 1217 13 240 220 16 230 400 Dolomite Coating PLBT92-d1b CAMS-4424 BT 1160 12 030 110 13 890 120 PLBT92-d2b CAMS-4422 BT 1160 12 260 90 14 100 140 PLBT92-d1a CAMS-4423 BT 1160 12 270 120 14 120 160 PLBT92-d2a CAMS-4421 BT 1160 12 370 110 14 370 280 0.70705 Laminated Calcite Coating PLBT93-1a CAMS-5905 BT 1159 9660 70 11 130 60 0.70611 PLBT93-1fl CAMS-5907 BT 1159 9770 80 11 180 80 PL90-1b LDGO-1748b BT 1163 9930 80 11 320 90 0.70597 PL90-2a LDGO-1748c BT 1161 9960 80 11 340 80 PLBT93-1f2 CAMS-5908 BT 1159 9970 70 11 340 70 PLBT93-1b CAMS-5906 BT 1159 10 170 70 11 860 140 PL90-2b LDGO-1748d BT 1161 10 180 80 11 890 150 PLBT92-sla CAMS-4419 BT 1160 10 450 70 12 250 40 PLBT93-1c CAMS-5772 BT 1159 10 610 70 12 570 50 0.70637 PLBT92-slb CAMS-4420 BT 1160 10 620 80 12 580 60 PL87-1 LDGO-1705a PI 1164 10 300 120 12 180 220 PLPI93-5a CAMS-5909 PI 1162 10 560 70 12 460 40 PLPI93-5b CAMS-5910 PI 1162 10 670 70 12 600 50 PLPI93-5d CAMS-5912 PI 1162 10 920 100 12 790 120 PLPI93-5c CAMS-5911 PI 1162 10 960 80 12 810 120 WDL89-5a CAMS-4430 WD 1205 9860 80 11 280 80 WDL89-5b CAMS-4431 WD 1205 9990 80 11 460 160 WDL89-5c CAMS-4432 WD 1205 10 540 80 12 490 90 Dense Tufa Coating Above 1308 m PLPC92-1 CAMS-5930 PC 1325 12 490 80 14 700 230 0.70737 PLPC92-3o CAMS-5931 PC 1329 12 550 80 14 800 250 PLPC92-3i CAMS-5932 PC 1329 12 840 70 15 290 220 0.70740 PL103 I-10002 PC 1321 13 010 190 15 660 470 PL102 I-10001 PC 1312 13 040 190 15 700 480 PL113 I-10028 PC 1326 13 090 190 15 920 450 PL104 I-10003 PC 1321 13 320 200 16 320 440 PL105 I-10004 PC 1324 13 520 200 16 600 320 PL101 I-10000 PC 1312 13 600 200 16 700 260 PL41 I-9344 PC 1311 13 890 210 16 980 210 PL100 I-9992 PC 1312 14 290 220 17 370 280 PL21 I-9326 TH 1325 13 090 190 15 910 450 PL20 I-9325 TH 1311 14 030 210 17 070 190 0.70737 Organic Samples Winnemucca Lake Basin Fishbone Cave L-245 FC 1231 11 200 250 13 050 250 Falcon Hill No. 1 I-14009 FH 1296 11 270 270 13 130 270 Guano Cave No. 11 A-3699 GC 1231 11 580 290 13 460 290 Falcon Hill No. 2 I-14011 FH 1296 11 770 250 13 610 250 Crypt Cave No. P3A I-14016 CC 1249 11 810 230 13 640 240 Guano Cave No. 781 A-3696 GC 1231 11 810 230 13 640 240 Guano Cave No. 2 I-14014 GC 1231 11 850 170 13 660 180 Guano Cave No. 6A A-3695 GC 1231 11 890 250 13 720 280 Falcon Hill No. 2 A-3489 FH 1296 12 020 470 14 020 640 Guano Cave No. 10 A-3698 GC 1231 12 060 260 13 910 340 Guano Cave No. 9 A-3697 GC 1231 12 070 210 13 920 320 Crypt Cave No. 84-28 I-14013 CC 1249 12 130 180 13 990 250 Crypt Cave No. 1 I-14008 CC 1249 12 240 180 14 210 340 Fishbone Cave AA-759 FC 1231 12 280 520 14 380 790 Crypt Cave No. 84-2A I-14010 CC 1249 12 350 180 14 350 320 River samples Truckee River 0.70527 Humboldt River 0.70951 Pyramid Lake 0.70580 Data in this table came from Benson & Peterman 1995; Benson et al. 1995; Benson et al. 2012. Sources of the 14C analyses include: Lawrence Livermore National "LaboratoryCenter for Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (CAMS), U.S. Geological Survey (I, W), Lamont-Doherty " "GeologicObservatory (LDGO). Site abbreviations: Blanc Tetons (BT), Doghead Rock (DH), Pyramid Island " "beach (PI), Pipline Canyon (PC), Terraced Hills (TH), Winnemucca Dry Lake Basin (WD)." "Benson, L., Peterman Z., 1995. Carbonate deposition, Pyramid Lake subbasin, Nevada: 3. The use of 87Sr values " in carbonate deposits (tufas) to determine the hydrologic state of paleolake systems. Palaeogeography "Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 119, 201-213. " "Benson, L., Kashgarian M., Rubin M., 1995. Carbonate deposition, Pyramid Lake subbasin, Nevada: 2. Lake levels " and polar jet stream positions reconstructed from radiocarbon ages and elevations of carbonates (tufas) "deposited in the Lahontan Basin. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 117, 1-30." "Benson, L., Smoot, J.P., Lund, S.P., Mensing, S.A., Foit F.F. Jr, Rye. R.O., 2012. Insights from a synthesis of old " and new climate-proxy data from the Pyramid and Winnemucca lake basins for the period 48-11.5 cal ka. Quaternary International. doi:10.1016/j.quaint.2012.02.040. "Supplementry Table 2. 14C and calibrated ages of Paleoindian materials from the Lahontan Basin (Hattori, 1982; Tuohy and Dansie 1997). " Sample No. 14C Age ± Calib Age Area Calib Age Area Calib 1-S Age ± (yr BP) 1-S range (%) 2-S range (%) (midpt) Pyramid Lake Subbasin Wizards Beach Skeleton UCR3445 9515 155 10652-11094 96 10405-11225 100 10870 220 CAMS-28214 9250 60 10371-10510 76 10257-10569 100 10440 70 Pyramid Lake Subbasin Sagebrush Fishing Line GX-13744 9660 170 10761-11215 100 10506-11411 98 10990 230 Winnemucca Lake Subbasin Falcon Hill Basketry UCLA675 9450 120 10545-10805 69 10402-11166 100 10680 130 Carson Lake Subbasin Spirit Cave Man Hair CAMS-12353 9360 60 10508-10665 100 10406-10741 100 10590 80 CAMS-12354 9350 70 10494-10676 96 10372-10742 97 10580 90 UCR3261-2 9440 60 10582-10742 100 10511-10801 89 10660 80 Carson Lake Subbasin Spirit Cave Man Bone CAMS-12352 9430 60 10580-10730 100 10503-10795 93 10650 80 Carson Lake Subbasin Spirit Cave Female Bone UCR3475 9300 70 10392-10587 95 10272-10671 100 10490 100 Carson Lake Subbasin Spirit Cave Matting CAMS-24194 9410 60 10570-10713 100 10491-10788 97 10640 70 CAMS-24197 9460 60 10583-10778 100 10566-10871 83 10680 100 CAMS-24199 9430 70 10566-10756 100 10495-10832 87 10660 90 Carson Lake Subbasin Grimes Burial Cave Diamond Plaiting CAMS-3691 9470 60 10645-10785 73 10564-10876 79 10720 130 "Hattori, E.M., 1982. The archaeology of Falcon Hill, Winnemucca Lake, Washoe County, Nevada. Nevada State Museum Anthropological Paper No. 18." "Tuohy, D.R., Dansie, A.J., 1997. New information regarding early Holocene manifestations in the western Great Basin. Nevada Historical Society Quarterly 40, 24-56. "