# Park Range, Colorado 2,500 Year Precipitation and Temperature Reconstructions #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program # National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 3.0 # Encoding: UTF-8 # NOTE: Please cite Publication, and Online_Resource and date accessed when using these data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigators, Title, and Online_Resource and date accessed. # # Online_Resource: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/32732 # Description: NOAA Landing Page # Online_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/pollen/recons/northamerica/usa/parish2020/parish2020hidden.txt # Description: NOAA location of the template # # Original_Source_URL: # Description: # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Data Type: Climate Reconstructions # # Dataset DOI: # # Parameter_Keywords: precipitation, air temperature #-------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2021-02-15 #-------------------- # File_Last_Modified_Date # Date: 2021-02-15 #-------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Park Range, Colorado 2,500 Year Precipitation and Temperature Reconstructions #-------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Parish, M.C.; Calder, W.J.; Shuman, B.N. #-------------------- # Description_Notes_and_Keywords # Description: Reconstructed seasonal and annual precipitation plus annual temperature for six alpine lakes plus the Park Range, Colorado median, based on fossil pollen data, for the past 2,500 years. # Provided Keywords: winter, precipitation, Common Era, Rocky Mountains #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: Meredith C. Parish, W. John Calder, and Bryan N. Shuman # Published_Date_or_Year: 2020-03-01 # Published_Title: Millennial-scale increase in winter precipitation in the southern Rocky Mountains during the Common Era # Journal_Name: Quaternary Research # Volume: 94 # Edition: # Issue: # Pages: 1-13 # Report_Number: # DOI: 10.1017/qua.2019.85 # Online_Resource: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/quaternary-research/article/abs/millennialscale-increase-in-winter-precipitation-in-the-southern-rocky-mountains-during-the-common-era/9166CBB71227AADAAEC7BAE5DB79A295 # Full_Citation: # Abstract: We employed the modern analog technique to quantitatively reconstruct temperature and precipitation over the past 2500 yr based on fossil pollen records from six high-elevation lakes in northern Colorado. Reconstructed annual temperatures for the study area did not deviate significantly from modern over the past 2500 yr despite hemispheric expressions of Medieval Climate Anomaly warmth and Little Ice Age cooling. Annual precipitation, however, shifted from lower than modern rates from 2500 to 1000 cal yr BP to higher than modern rates after 1000 cal yr BP, a greater than 100 mm increase in precipitation. Winter precipitation accounts for the majority of the change in annual precipitation, while summer precipitation rates did not change significantly over the past 2500 yr. The large change in winter precipitation rates from the first to second millennium of the Common Era is inferred from a shift in fossil pollen assemblages dominated by subalpine conifers, which have southern sites as modern analogs, to assemblages representing open subalpine vegetation with abundant Artemisia spp. (sagebrush), which have more northern modern analogs. The change helps to explain regional increases in lake levels and shifts in some isotopic and tree-ring data sets, highlighting the risk of large reductions in snowpack and water supplies in the Intermountain West. #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: US National Science Foundation # Grant: DEB-1655189 #------------------ # Site_Information # Site_Name: Hidden Lake # Location: North America>United States Of America>Colorado # Country: United States Of America # Northernmost_Latitude: 40.504 # Southernmost_Latitude: 40.504 # Easternmost_Longitude: -106.607 # Westernmost_Longitude: -106.607 # Elevation: 2704 #------------------ # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: Parish2020Hidden # Earliest_Year: 2564 # Most_Recent_Year: 44 # Time_Unit: Cal. Year BP # Core_Length: 1.3 # Notes: #------------------ # Chronology_Information # Chronology: Age-depth model published in: Calder, W.J., Stefanova, I., Shuman, B., 2019. Climate-fire-vegetation interactions and the rise of novel landscape patterns in subalpine ecosystems, Colorado. Journal of Ecology 107, 1689-1703. # #---------------- # Variables # # Data variables follow are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Data line variables format: one per line, shortname-tab-variable components (what, material, error, units, seasonality, data type,detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data, free text) # ## age_BP age, , , calendar year before present, , climate reconstructions;pollen, , ,N, ## depth depth, , , centimeter, , climate reconstructions;pollen, , ,N, ## site sample identification,,,,,climate reconstructions;pollen,,,C,site name ## Actual_tann temperature, , , degree Celsius, annual,climate reconstructions;pollen,,,N,Mean Annual Temperature; error estimate +- 1.7C ## Anom_tann temperature, , , degree Celsius, annual,climate reconstructions;pollen,anomalized,,N,Anomalies from past 500-yr mean; error estimate +- 1.7C ## Actual_Psummer precipitation, , , millimeter, Jun-Aug,climate reconstructions;pollen,,,N,error estimate +- 33mm ## Anom_Psummer precipitation, , , millimeter, Jun-Aug,climate reconstructions;pollen,anomalized,,N,Anomalies from past 500-yr mean; error estimate +- 33mm ## Actual_Pwinter precipitation, , , millimeter, Dec-Feb,climate reconstructions;pollen,,,N,error estimate +- 51mm ## Anom_Pwinter precipitation, , , millimeter, Dec-Feb,climate reconstructions;pollen,anomalized,,N,Anomalies from past 500-yr mean; error estimate +- 51mm ## Actual_annp precipitation, , , millimeter, annual,climate reconstructions;pollen,,,N,error estimate +- 128mm ## Anom_annp precipitation, , , millimeter, annual,climate reconstructions;pollen,anomalized,,N,Anomalies from past 500-yr mean; error estimate +- 128mm # #---------------- # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing Values: # age_BP depth site Actual_tann Anom_tann Actual_Psummer Anom_Psummer Actual_Pwinter Anom_Pwinter Actual_annp Anom_annp 44 5 Hidden 0.844 0.124666667 147.8875 5.55583 267.6875 -4.7305556 904.9453846 25.4525641 221 14 Hidden 0.642 -0.077333333 145.295 2.96333 329.270833 56.8527778 1032.643846 153.1510256 418 24 Hidden 0.672 -0.047333333 133.8125 -8.51917 220.295833 -52.122222 700.8892308 -178.6035897 457 26 Hidden 0.274 -0.445333333 128.25 -14.08167 127.083333 -145.33472 525.71 -353.7828205 516 29 Hidden -0.12 -0.839333333 175.4275 33.09583 392.318333 119.900278 1218.369231 338.8764103 536 30 Hidden 0.198 -0.521333333 193.06 50.72833 397.870833 125.452778 1234.120769 354.6279487 575 32 Hidden 0.08 -0.639333333 166.81 24.47833 445.2075 172.789444 1317.403077 437.9102564 595 33 Hidden -0.38 -1.099333333 168.61 26.27833 402.345833 129.927778 1251.478462 371.985641 634 35 Hidden 0.28 -0.439333333 165.1425 22.81083 414.614167 142.196111 1226.066154 346.5733333 673 37 Hidden 0.182 -0.537333333 160.725 18.39333 300.3475 27.9294444 934.4107692 54.91794872 712 39 Hidden 0.34 -0.379333333 160.725 18.39333 307.984167 35.5661111 980.7838462 101.2910256 752 41 Hidden 1.438 0.718666667 131.16 -11.17167 212.1425 -60.275556 692.96 -186.5328205 811 44 Hidden 0.822 0.102666667 148.5475 6.21583 257.285833 -15.132222 862.51 -16.98282051 909 49 Hidden -0.04 -0.759333333 177.2475 34.91583 366.596667 94.1786111 1124.096923 244.6041026 956 51 Hidden 1.074 0.354666667 174.6625 32.33083 294.731667 22.3136111 962.7184615 83.22564103 1005 53 Hidden 0.564 -0.155333333 157.7975 15.46583 269.120833 -3.2972222 853.1107692 -26.38205128 1029.5 54 Hidden 0.822 0.102666667 148.5475 6.21583 257.826667 -14.591389 821.8438462 -57.64897436 1054 55 Hidden 0.14 -0.579333333 160.725 18.39333 335.296667 62.8786111 1090.574615 211.0817949 1079 56 Hidden 0.482 -0.237333333 152.315 9.98333 368.198333 95.7802778 1161.306923 281.8141026 1200 61 Hidden 0.14 -0.579333333 159.745 17.41333 343.9 71.4819444 1080.480769 200.9879487 1273 64 Hidden -0.534 -1.253333333 199.7 57.36833 417.573333 145.155278 1232.08 352.5871795 1396 69 Hidden 0.574 -0.145333333 165.815 23.48333 335.524167 63.1061111 1081.323077 201.8302564 1469 72 Hidden 1.082 0.362666667 130.25 -12.08167 158.5275 -113.89056 551.7869231 -327.7058974 1519 74 Hidden 2.117 1.397666667 123.75 -18.58167 176.953333 -95.464722 594.2823077 -285.2105128 1592 77 Hidden 0.368 -0.351333333 145.7225 3.39083 236.556667 -35.861389 770.2115385 -109.2812821 1764 84 Hidden 0.472 -0.247333333 136.16 -6.17167 223.960833 -48.457222 761.1346154 -118.3582051 1861 88 Hidden 0.566 -0.153333333 135.2225 -7.10917 232.544167 -39.873889 718.3 -161.1928205 2008 94 Hidden 0.564 -0.155333333 148.5475 6.21583 239.806667 -32.611389 782.6730769 -96.81974359 2203 104 Hidden 0.844 0.124666667 147.8875 5.55583 240.743333 -31.674722 795.0746154 -84.41820513 2356 115 Hidden 0.728 0.008666667 149.3875 7.05583 231.6475 -40.770556 787.5361538 -91.95666667 2480 124 Hidden 0.564 -0.155333333 148.5475 6.21583 279.216667 6.79861111 910.1169231 30.62410256 2564 130 Hidden 0.3 -0.419333333 159.745 17.41333 336.635 64.2169444 1031.726923 152.2341026