# Laacher See, Germany 13,000 YrBP Volcanic Eruption Radiocarbon Dates #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program # National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 3.0 # Encoding: UTF-8 # NOTE: Please cite Publication, and Online_Resource and date accessed when using these data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigators, Title, and Online_Resource and date accessed. # # Online_Resource: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/33194 # Description: NOAA Landing Page # Online_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/radiocarbon/laacher-see2021c14swilm.txt # Description: NOAA location of the template # # Original_Source_URL: # Description: # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Data Type: Other Collections # # Dataset DOI: # # Parameter_Keywords: others #-------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2021-07-01 #-------------------- # File_Last_Modified_Date # Date: 2021-07-01 #-------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Laacher See, Germany 13,000 YrBP Volcanic Eruption Radiocarbon Dates #-------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Reinig, F.; Wacker, L.; Jöris, O.; Oppenheimer, C.; Guidobaldi, G.; Nievergelt, D.; Adolphi, F.; Cherubini, P.; Engels, S.; Esper, J.; Land, A.; Lane, C.; Pfanz, H.; Remmele, S.; Sigl, M.; Sookdeo, A.; Büntgen, U. #-------------------- # Description_Notes_and_Keywords # Description: High-resolution radiocarbon dates of three trees killed and buried during the Laacher See eruption, to establish a refined date with only minimal dating uncertainty. # # Reinig et al. 2021 Supplementary Table 1, Overview of sample origin, quality and performed measurements # Sample Find Location Source Material preserved Embedding material Methods applied (Y/N) # (Lat; Long) Wood anatomy X-Ray 14C Dating # Poplar 1 Unknown* University of Hohenheim intact cellulose MLST?* N N Y # Poplar 2 Römerbergwerk Meurin (50 23'46.7"N; 7 21'11.2" E) RGZM-competence centre VAT charcoal MLST Ignimbrite N Y Y # Birch 1 Brohltal, site 1 (50 28'32.7"N; 7 19'29.1"E) RGZM-MONREPOS Tree 1** charcoal MLST Ignimbrite N Y Y # Birch 2 Unknown*** (found by monks) near (50 24'08.3"N 7 15'13.0"E) University of Duisburg-Essen charcoal w. partly intact cellulose LST**** Y N N # Birch 3 Unknown*** (found by monks) near (50 24'08.3"N 7 15'13.0"E) University of Duisburg-Essen charcoal LST**** Y N N # # * possibly from the Kruft site, discovered and excavated in summer 1996, possibly previously 14C-dated at the Heidelberg laboratory ref 1,2,3; # ** identical to tree 1, discovered (Nov 29th) and excavated (Dec 9th) 1986, previously 14C-dated at the Heidelberg laboratory (Hd-17100: 11206 ± 20 BP (ref.2,3)); # *** most likely found near monastry; # **** not documented which unit within the LST deposits, however most likely MLST. # #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: Frederick Reinig, Lukas Wacker, Olaf Jöris, Clive Oppenheimer, Giulia Guidobaldi, Daniel Nievergelt, Florian Adolphi, Paolo Cherubini, Stefan Engels, Jan Esper, Alexander Land, Christine Lane, Hardy Pfanz, Sabine Remmele, Michael Sigl, Adam Sookdeo, Ulf Büntgen # Published_Date_or_Year: 2021-06-30 # Published_Title: Precise date for the Laacher See eruption synchronizes the Younger Dryas # Journal_Name: Nature # Volume: 595 # Edition: # Issue: 7865 # Pages: 66-69 # Report_Number: # DOI: 10.1038/s41586-021-03608-x # Online_Resource: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-03608-x # Full_Citation: # Abstract: The Laacher See eruption (LSE) in Germany ranks among Europe's largest volcanic events of the Upper Pleistocene. Although tephra deposits of the LSE represent an important isochron for the synchronization of proxy archives at the Late Glacial to Early Holocene transition, uncertainty in the age of the eruption has prevailed. Here we present dendrochronological and radiocarbon measurements of subfossil trees that were buried by pyroclastic deposits that firmly date the LSE to 13,006 ± 9 calibrated years before present (bp; taken as ad 1950), which is more than a century earlier than previously accepted. The revised age of the LSE necessarily shifts the chronology of European varved lakes relative to the Greenland ice core record, thereby dating the onset of the Younger Dryas to 12,807 ± 12 calibrated years bp, which is around 130 years earlier than thought. Our results synchronize the onset of the Younger Dryas across the North Atlantic-European sector, preclude a direct link between the LSE and Greenland Stadial-1 cooling, and suggest a large-scale common mechanism of a weakened Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation under warming conditions. #------------------ # Publication # Authors: Baales, M., Bittmann, F., Kromer, B. # Published_Date_or_Year: 1998 # Published_Title: Verkohlte Bäume im Trass der Laacher See-Tephra bei Kruft (Neuwieder Becken): Ein Beitrag zur Datierung des Laacher See-Ereignisses und zur Vegetation der Allerød-Zeit am Mittelrhein. # Journal_Name: Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt # Volume: 28 # Edition: # Issue: # Pages: 191-204 # Report_Number: # DOI: # Online_Resource: # Full_Citation: # Abstract: #------------------ # Publication # Authors: Kromer, B., Spurk, M., Remmele, S., Barbetti, M., Joniello, V. # Published_Date_or_Year: 1998 # Published_Title: Segments of Atmospheric 14 C Change as Derived from Late Glacial and Early Holocene Floating Tree-Ring Series # Journal_Name: Radiocarbon # Volume: 40 # Edition: # Issue: # Pages: 351-358 # Report_Number: # DOI: # Online_Resource: # Full_Citation: # Abstract: #------------------ # Publication # Authors: Baales, M. et al. # Published_Date_or_Year: 2002 # Published_Title: Impact of the Late Glacial eruption of the Laacher See volcano, central Rhineland, Germany # Journal_Name: Quaternary Research # Volume: 58 # Edition: # Issue: # Pages: 273-288 # Report_Number: # DOI: # Online_Resource: # Full_Citation: # Abstract: #------------------ # Publication # Authors: Reinig, F. et al. # Published_Date_or_Year: 2018 # Published_Title: New tree-ring evidence for the Late Glacial period from the northern pre-Alps in eastern Switzerland # Journal_Name: Quaternary Science Reviews # Volume: 186 # Edition: # Issue: # Pages: 215-224 # Report_Number: # DOI: # Online_Resource: # Full_Citation: # Abstract: #------------------ # Publication # Authors: Reimer, P.J. et al. # Published_Date_or_Year: 2020 # Published_Title: The IntCal20 Northern Hemisphere radiocarbon age calibration curve (0-55 kcal BP) # Journal_Name: Radiocarbon # Volume: # Edition: # Issue: # Pages: 1-33 # Report_Number: # DOI: # Online_Resource: # Full_Citation: # Abstract: #------------------ # Publication # Authors: Kaiser, K.F. # Published_Date_or_Year: 1993 # Published_Title: Beiträge zur Klimageschichte vom späten Hochglazial bis ins frühe Holozän: rekonstruiert mit Jahrringen und Molluskenschalen aus verschiedenen Vereisungsgebieten # Journal_Name: Ziegler # Volume: # Edition: # Issue: # Pages: # Report_Number: # DOI: # Online_Resource: # Full_Citation: # Abstract: #------------------ # Publication # Authors: Bronk Ramsey, C. # Published_Date_or_Year: 2008 # Published_Title: Deposition models for chronological records # Journal_Name: Quaternary Science Reviews # Volume: 27 # Edition: # Issue: # Pages: 42-60 # Report_Number: # DOI: # Online_Resource: # Full_Citation: # Abstract: #------------------ # Publication # Authors: Bronk Ramsey, C. # Published_Date_or_Year: 2009 # Published_Title: Dealing with Outliers and Offsets in Radiocarbon Dating # Journal_Name: Radiocarbon # Volume: 51 # Edition: # Issue: # Pages: 1023-1045 # Report_Number: # DOI: # Online_Resource: # Full_Citation: # Abstract: #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: # Grant: #------------------ # Site_Information # Site_Name: Laacher See # Location: Europe>Western Europe>Germany # Country: Germany # Northernmost_Latitude: 50.4167 # Southernmost_Latitude: 50.4167 # Easternmost_Longitude: 7.267 # Westernmost_Longitude: 7.267 # Elevation: #------------------ # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: LaacherSee2021C14SWILM # Earliest_Year: 11300 # Most_Recent_Year: 10954 # Time_Unit: 14C Year BP # Core_Length: # Notes: Radiocarbon (14C) dates from the Swiss Late Glacial Reference (SWILM-14C), plus trees KFK0352 and KFK0323 included into the extended Swiss Late Glacial Reference (SWILM-14Cplus); Reinig et al. 2021 Supplementary Tables 5,6,7 #------------------ # Chronology_Information # Chronology: # #---------------- # Variables # # Data variables follow are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Data line variables format: one per line, shortname-tab-variable components (what, material, error, units, seasonality, data type,detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data, free text) # ## TreeLabel sample identification,,,,,tree ring,,,C, ## TRNum sample identification, , , , , tree ring, , ,C, Tree Ring Number ## age age, , , calendar year before present, , other collections, , ,N, ## LabNumber sample identification,,,,,other collections,,,C, Lab Number ## 14Cage age, cellulose, , calendar year before present, , other collections, , ,N, 14C age ## 14C+- age, cellulose, one standard deviation, year, , other collections, , ,N, 14C Uncertainty (± 1 sigma) # #---------------- # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing Values: # TreeLabel TRNum age LabNumber 14Cage 14C+- GAEN0071 302-303 12902.5 ETH-86213 10983 24 GAEN0071 298-299 12906.5 ETH-86211 10999 24 GAEN0071 294-295 12910.5 ETH-86209 11004 23 GAEN0071 290-291 12914.5 ETH-86207 11009 23 GAEN0071 286-287 12918.5 ETH-86205 10963 23 GAEN0071 282-283 12922.5 ETH-86203 11002 23 GAEN0071 278-279 12926.5 ETH-86201 10981 23 GAEN0071 274-275 12930.5 ETH-86199 10997 23 GAEN0071 270-271 12934.5 ETH-86197 11047 23 GAEN0071 266-267 12938.5 ETH-86195 11050 23 GAEN0071 262-263 12942.5 ETH-86193 11052 23 GAEN0071 258-259 12946.5 ETH-86191 11033 23 GAEN0071 254-255 12950.5 ETH-86189 11030 23 GAEN0071 250-251 12954.5 ETH-86187 11042 23 GAEN0071 241-243 12963 ETH-86184 11021 22 GAEN0071 237-238 12967.5 ETH-86182 11056 22 GAEN0071 235 12970 ETH-86180 11041 23 GAEN0071 233 12972 ETH-86178 11035 22 GAEN0071 231 12974 ETH-86176 11067 22 GAEN0071 229 12976 ETH-86174 11052 22 GAEN0071 227 12978 ETH-86172 11037 22 GAEN0071 225 12980 ETH-86170 11023 22 GAEN0071 222-223 12982.5 ETH-86168 11061 22 GAEN0071 218-219 12986.5 ETH-86166 11018 23 GAEN0071 214-215 12990.5 ETH-86164 11053 22 GAEN0071 210-211 12994.5 ETH-86162 11044 22 GAEN0071 206-207 12998.5 ETH-86160 11039 22 GAEN0071 201-202 13003.5 ETH-86158 11076 22 GAEN0071 199-200 13005.5 ETH-86157 11052 22 GAEN0071 197-198 13007.5 ETH-86156 11029 21 GAEN0071 193-194 13011.5 ETH-86154 11077 22 GAEN0071 191-192 13013.5 ETH-86153 11045 22 GAEN0071 189-190 13015.5 ETH-86152 11068 22 GAEN0071 187-188 13017.5 ETH-86151 11059 22 GAEN0071 185-186 13019.5 ETH-86150 11073 23 GAEN0071 183-184 13021.5 ETH-86149 11067 22 GAEN0071 182 13023 ETH-86148 11061 22 GAEN0071 180-181 13024.5 ETH-86147 11081 22 GAEN0071 179 13026 ETH-86146 11041 22 GAEN0071 178 13027 ETH-86145 11095 21 GAEN0071 176-177 13028.5 ETH-86144 11062 22 GAEN0071 175 13030 ETH-86143 11084 22 GAEN0071 174 13031 ETH-86142 11060 22 GAEN0071 173 13032 ETH-86141 11105 21 GAEN0071 172 13033 ETH-86140 11045 23 GAEN0071 171 13034 ETH-86139 11074 22 GAEN0071 170 13035 ETH-86138 11025 22 GAEN0071 169 13036 ETH-86137 11007 22 GAEN0071 168 13037 ETH-86136 11012 22 GAEN0071 167 13038 ETH-86135 11041 21 GAEN0071 166 13039 ETH-86134 11038 22 GAEN0071 165 13040 ETH-85795 11066 22 GAEN0071 164 13041 ETH-85794 11088 22 GAEN0071 163 13042 ETH-85793 11048 22 GAEN0071 162 13043 ETH-85792 11041 21 GAEN0071 160-161 13044.5 ETH-85791 11043 22 GAEN0071 158-159 13046.5 ETH-85790 11065 22 GAEN0071 156-157 13048.5 ETH-85789 11032 22 GAEN0071 154-155 13050.5 ETH-85788 11042 21 GAEN0071 153 13052 ETH-85787 11007 22 GAEN0071 152 13053 ETH-85786 11041 17 GAEN0071 151 13054 ETH-85785 11010 22 GAEN0071 149-150 13055.5 ETH-85784 11074 18 GAEN0071 147-148 13057.5 ETH-85783 11073 22 GAEN0071 145-146 13059.5 ETH-85782 11081 17 GAEN0071 144 13061 ETH-85781 11066 22 GAEN0071 143 13062 ETH-85780 11099 22 GAEN0071 142 13063 ETH-85779 11064 22 GAEN0071 141 13064 ETH-85778 11058 18 GAEN0071 139-140 13065.5 ETH-85777 11055 23 GAEN0071 137-138 13067.5 ETH-85776 11089 21 GAEN0071 135-136 13069.5 ETH-85775 11063 22 GAEN0071 133-134 13071.5 ETH-85774 11083 17 GAEN0071 132 13073 ETH-85773 11049 22 GAEN0071 131 13074 ETH-85772 11028 21 GAEN0071 129-130 13075.5 ETH-85771 11037 22 GAEN0071 128 13077 ETH-85770 11098 17 GAEN0071 127 13078 ETH-85769 11100 22 GAEN0071 125-126 13079.5 ETH-85768 11109 21 GAEN0071 123-124 13081.5 ETH-85767 11129 22 GAEN0071 121-122 13083.5 ETH-85766 11115 17 GAEN0071 120 13085 ETH-85765 11117 22 GAEN0071 119 13086 ETH-85764 11120 21 GAEN0071 118 13087 ETH-85763 11107 22 GAEN0071 117 13088 ETH-85762 11092 17 GAEN0071 116 13089 ETH-85761 11051 22 GAEN0071 115 13090 ETH-85760 11104 21 GAEN0071 114 13091 ETH-85759 11113 22 GAEN0071 113 13092 ETH-85758 11120 18 GAEN0071 112 13093 ETH-85757 11092 22 GAEN0071 111 13094 ETH-85756 11121 21 GAEN0071 109-110 13095.5 ETH-85755 11100 22 GAEN0071 107-108 13097.5 ETH-85754 11171 17 GAEN0071 105-106 13099.5 ETH-85753 11186 24 GAEN0071 104 13101 ETH-85752 11218 21 GAEN0071 103 13102 ETH-85751 11219 23 GAEN0071 102 13103 ETH-85750 11232 18 GAEN0071 101 13104 ETH-85749 11240 24 GAEN0071 100 13105 ETH-85748 11222 21 GAEN0071 99 13106 ETH-85747 11233 24 GAEN0071 97 13108 ETH-85745 11232 22 GAEN0071 95 13110 ETH-85743 11192 24 GAEN0071 93 13112 ETH-85741 11137 23 GAEN0071 91 13114 ETH-85739 11198 24 GAEN0071 89 13116 ETH-85737 11214 23 GAEN0071 87 13118 ETH-85735 11221 23 GAEN0071 85 13120 ETH-85733 11206 24 GAEN0071 83 13122 ETH-85731 11218 24 GAEN0071 81 13124 ETH-85729 11219 22 GAEN0071 79 13126 ETH-85727 11300 24 GAEN0071 77 13128 ETH-85725 11263 24 GAEN0071 75 13130 ETH-85723 11256 24 GAEN0071 72-73 13132.5 ETH-85721 11275 24 GAEN0071 69 13136 ETH-85719 11249 24 GAEN0071 67 13138 ETH-85717 11229 23 GAEN0071 63-65 13141 ETH-85715 11209 23 GAEN0071 61 13144 ETH-85713 11248 23 GAEN0071 59 13146 ETH-85711 11213 24 GAEN0071 57 13148 ETH-85709 11193 24 GAEN0071 55 13150 ETH-85707 11212 24 GAEN0071 53 13152 ETH-85705 11182 24 GAEN0071 51 13154 ETH-85703 11227 24 GAEN0071 49 13156 ETH-85701 11244 22 GAEN0071 47 13158 ETH-85699 11190 24 GAEN0071 43-44 13161.5 ETH-85697 11212 24 KFKA0352 20-21 ETH-94108 11048 20 KFKA0352 22-23 ETH-94109 11042 21 KFKA0352 24 ETH-94024 11073 32 KFKA0352 25 ETH-94110 11079 20 KFKA0352 26 ETH-94025 11086 30 KFKA0352 27 ETH-94111 11055 21 KFKA0352 28 ETH-94026 11064 33 KFKA0352 29 ETH-94112 11050 20 KFKA0352 30 ETH-94027 11042 31 KFKA0352 31 ETH-94113 10954 21 KFKA0352 32 ETH-94028 11008 32 KFKA0352 33 ETH-94114 11035 20 KFKA0352 34 ETH-94029 11033 31 KFKA0352 35 ETH-94115 10997 21 KFKA0352 36 ETH-94030 11034 33 KFKA0352 37 ETH-94116 11085 20 KFKA0352 38 ETH-94031 11028 33 KFKA0352 39 ETH-94117 10995 21 KFKA0352 40 ETH-94032 11010 32 KFKA0352 41 ETH-94118 11059 20 KFKA0352 42 ETH-94033 11068 34 KFKA0352 43 ETH-94119 11024 21 KFKA0352 44 ETH-94034 11058 32 KFKA0352 45 ETH-94120 11052 20 KFKA0352 46 ETH-94035 11091 32 KFKA0352 47 ETH-94121 11044 21 KFKA0352 48 ETH-94036 11054 33 KFKA0352 49 ETH-94122 11048 20 KFKA0352 50 ETH-94037 11044 31 KFKA0352 51 ETH-94123 11061 21 KFKA0352 52 ETH-94038 11085 31 KFKA0352 53 ETH-94124 11102 20 KFKA0352 54 ETH-94039 11085 34 KFKA0352 55 ETH-94125 11057 22 KFKA0352 56 ETH-94126 11061 20 KFKA0352 57 ETH-94127 11043 21 KFKA0352 58 ETH-94128 11073 20 KFKA0352 59 ETH-94129 11055 21 KFKA0352 60 ETH-94130 11068 20 KFKA0352 61 ETH-82760 11009 22 KFKA0352 62 ETH-82249 11020 23 KFKA0352 63 ETH-82761 11047 22 KFKA0352 64 ETH-82250 11041 23 KFKA0352 65 ETH-82762 11045 22 KFKA0352 66 ETH-82251 11072 23 KFKA0352 67 ETH-82763 11042 22 KFKA0352 68 ETH-82252 11069 23 KFKA0352 69 ETH-82764 11052 22 KFKA0352 70 ETH-82253 11054 25 KFKA0352 71 ETH-82765 10996 22 KFKA0352 72 ETH-82254 11011 25 KFKA0352 73 ETH-82766 11060 22 KFKA0352 74 ETH-82255 11024 23 KFKA0352 75 ETH-82767 11016 22 KFKA0352 76 ETH-82256 11062 23 KFKA0352 77 ETH-82132 10984 22 KFKA0352 78 ETH-82102 11020 22 KFKA0352 79 ETH-82103 10996 22 KFKA0352 80 ETH-82104 11057 22 KFKA0352 81 ETH-82105 11044 22 KFKA0352 82 ETH-82133 11037 22 KFKA0352 83 ETH-82134 11037 22 KFKA0352 84 ETH-82257 11034 23 KFKA0352 85 ETH-82768 11026 22 KFKA0352 86 ETH-82258 11065 23 KFKA0352 87 ETH-82769 11078 22 KFKA0352 88 ETH-82259 11045 23 KFKA0352 89 ETH-82770 11038 22 KFKA0352 90 ETH-82260 11023 23 KFKA0352 91 ETH-82771 11094 22 KFKA0352 92 ETH-82261 11076 23 KFKA0352 93 ETH-82772 11028 22 KFKA0352 94 ETH-82262 11021 23 KFKA0352 95 ETH-82773 11023 22 KFKA0352 96 ETH-82430 11066 23 KFKA0352 97 ETH-82774 11085 22 KFKA0352 98 ETH-82431 11064 23 KFKA0352 99 ETH-82775 11057 22 KFKA0352 100 ETH-82776 11051 22 KFKA0323 1-2 ETH-94082 11090 20 KFKA0323 3 ETH-94083 11085 22 KFKA0323 4 ETH-94084 11097 20 KFKA0323 5 ETH-94085 11083 22 KFKA0323 6 ETH-94086 11087 20 KFKA0323 7 ETH-94087 11062 22 KFKA0323 8 ETH-94088 11083 20 KFKA0323 9 ETH-94089 11066 21 KFKA0323 10 ETH-94090 11067 20 KFKA0323 11 ETH-94091 11079 22 KFKA0323 12 ETH-94092 11070 20 KFKA0323 13-14 ETH-94093 11111 21 KFKA0323 15 ETH-94094 11098 20 KFKA0323 16 ETH-94040 11068 33 KFKA0323 17 ETH-94041 11106 31 KFKA0323 22-23 ETH-94095 11031 24 KFKA0323 24 ETH-94096 11040 20 KFKA0323 25 ETH-94042 11084 32 KFKA0323 26 ETH-94097 11011 22 KFKA0323 27 ETH-94043 11040 31 KFKA0323 28 ETH-94098 11015 20 KFKA0323 29 ETH-94044 11076 32 KFKA0323 30 ETH-94099 11040 21 KFKA0323 31 ETH-94045 11054 30 KFKA0323 32 ETH-94100 11045 20 KFKA0323 33 ETH-94046 11032 32 KFKA0323 34 ETH-94101 11046 21 KFKA0323 35 ETH-94047 11053 33 KFKA0323 37 ETH-94048 11071 32 KFKA0323 38 ETH-94102 11097 20 KFKA0323 39-40 ETH-94103 11055 21 KFKA0323 41 ETH-94050 11040 32 KFKA0323 42 ETH-94104 10993 20 KFKA0323 44 ETH-94105 11007 21 KFKA0323 45 ETH-94052 11020 32 KFKA0323 46 ETH-94106 11019 20 KFKA0323 47 ETH-94053 11050 31 KFKA0323 48 ETH-94107 11044 21 KFKA0323 49 ETH-94054 11022 31