# Southern California July Temperature and Annual Precipitation Reconstructions - Full-Holocene #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 3.0 # Encoding: UTF-8 # NOTE: Please cite original publication, online resource and date accessed when using this data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigator, title, online resource and date accessed. # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Online_Resource: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/27930 # Description: NOAA Landing Page # Online_Resource: http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/reconstructions/ohlwein2012/ohlwein2012-analog-temp.txt # Description: NOAA location of the template # # Data_Type: Climate Reconstructions # # Dataset_DOI: # # Parameter_Keywords: air temperature, vegetation #--------------------------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2019-10-16 #--------------------------------------- # File_Last_Modified_Date # Date: 2019-10-16 #--------------------------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Southern California July Temperature and Annual Precipitation Reconstructions - Full-Holocene #--------------------------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Ohlwein, Christian; Wahl, Eugene #--------------------------------------- # Description_Notes_and_Keywords # Description: Bayesian Hierarchical model and modern analog reconstructions based on fossil and modern pollen assemblages. Neotoma Data Set IDs: 15593, 15594, 26543, 26694, 26695, 15493, 15494, 26549, 26696, 26697, 26698 were obtained from: https://apps.neotomadb.org/explorer/. Site Locations- Taquitz Meadow: 33.768889 N, -116.662222 W, 2399 m; Hual Cu Cuish 32.968889 N, -116.583611 W, 1433 m # Provided Keywords: Holocene, southern California, air temperature, summer, Bayesian modelling #--------------------------------------- # Publication # Authors: Ohlwein, Christian and Eugene R. Wahl # Published_Date_or_Year: 2012 # Published_Title: Review of probabilistic pollen-climate transfer methods # Journal_Name: Quaternary Science Reviews # Volume: 31 # Edition: # Issue: # Pages: 17-29 # Report_Number: # DOI: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2011.11.002 # Online_Resource: # Full_Citation: # Abstract: Pollen-climate transfer methods are reviewed from a Bayesian perspective and with a special focus on the formulation of uncertainties. This approach is motivated by recent developments of spatial multiproxy Bayesian hierarchical models (BHM), which allow synthesizing local reconstructions from different proxies for a spatially complete picture of past climate. In order to enhance the pollen realism in these models we try to bridge the gap between spatial statistics and paleoclimatology and show how far classical pollen-climate transfer concepts such as regression methods, mutual climatic range, modern analogues, plant functional types, and biomes can be understood in novel ways by refining the data models used in BHMs. As a case study, we discuss modeling of uncertainty by introducing a new probabilistic pollen ratio model, which is a simplified variation of the modern analogue technique (MAT) including the concept of response surfaces and designed for later inclusion in a spatial multiproxy BHM. Applications to fossil pollen data from varved sediments in three nearby lakes in west-central Wisconsin, USA and for a Holocene fossil pollen record from southern California, USA provide local climate reconstructions of summer temperature for the past millennium and the Holocene respectively. The performanceof the probabilistic model is generally similar in comparison to MAT-derived reconstructions using the same data. Furthermore, the combination of co-location and precise dating for the three fossil sites in Wisconsin allows us to study the issue of site-specific uncertainty and to test the assumption of ergodicity in a real-world example. A multivariate ensemble kernel dressing approach derived from the post-processing of climate simulations reveals that the overall interpretation based on the individual reconstructions remains essentially unchanged, but the single-site reconstructions underestimate the overall uncertainty. #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: U.S. National Science Foundation # Grant: 9801449 #--------------------------------------- # Site_Information # Site_Name: Taquitz Meadow and Hual Cu Cuish # Location: California # Country: United States # Northernmost_Latitude: 33.768889 # Southernmost_Latitude: 32.968889 # Easternmost_Longitude: -116.583611 # Westernmost_Longitude: -116.662222 # Elevation: #--------------------------------------- # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: Taquitz Meadow/Hual Cu Cuish Analog Temp Ohlwein2012 # First_Year: 11466 # Last_Year: -25.5 # Time_Unit: cal yr BP # Core_Length: # Notes: Hual Cu Cuish Core has dating disconuity above 2.0 m depth, only oldest material (below 2.0 m) and core top material were used. Core lengths- Taquitz: 2.53 m, Hual Cu Cuish 2.55 m #--------------------------------------- # Chronology_Information # Chronology: # Source: Wahl, E.R., 2002. Paleoecology and testing of paleoclimate hypotheses in southern California during the Holocene. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Minnesota, 248 pp. # Sample_code Lab_code 14C_age +/-corrected med._prob. Median_Prob_aBP 1_Sigma- 1_Sigma+ Median-1_Sigma- Median-1_Sigma+ Material # HCCB 112 OS 16719 400 30 1476 474 340 508 134 -34 Charcoal # HCCB 171 OS 16953 645 35 1352 598 562 653 36 -55 Charcoal # HCCB 202.5 OS 23780 8990 55 -8199 10148 9923 10221 225 -73 Charcoal # HCCB 222 OS 22385 9800 240 -9289 11238 10746 11632 492 -394 Charcoal # HCCB 225 OS 22386 9860 100 -9339 11288 11166 11545 122 -257 Charcoal # HCCB 251.5 OS 23781 9680 65 -9104 11053 10812 11183 241 -130 Charcoal # HCCB 252.5 BETA 92533 9300 220 -8585 10534 10218 11044 316 -510 Bulk Sediment # TM1 48.5 CAMS 74095 2030 30 -31 1980 1932 2002 48 -22 Charcoal # TM1 73 OS 23782 2810 45 -962 2911 2851 2956 60 -45 Charcoal # TM1 95 OS 16690 4580 50 -3322 5271 5069 5444 202 -173 Charcoal # TM1 157.5 CAMS 39308 4610 40 -3437 5386 5297 5448 89 -62 Charcoal # TM1 183 OS 18337 6030 95 -4932 6881 6751 6986 130 -105 Charcoal # TM1 205 CAMS 35695 7480 50 -6334 8283 8209 8345 74 -62 Charcoal # TM1 212 CAMS 35696 7380 40 -6236 8185 8053 8290 132 -105 Charcoal # TM1 243 CAMS 31601 8040 60 -6960 8909 8777 9026 132 -117 Charcoal # # Notes: "HCCB" indicates Hual Cu Cuish site # "TM1" indicates Taquitz Meadow site # Numbers after "HCCB" and "TM1" are depths in cm. # # Calibrated dates (Cols F-J) were derived from the "Calib.4.3" website at the University of Washington, http://depts.washington.edu/qil/calib.calib.html # # The age models derived from the calibrated dates in the "Median_Prob_aBP" column are documented in chapter 5 of # Wahl, E.R., 2002. Paleoecology and testing of paleoclimate hypotheses in southern California during the Holocene. Ph.D. # Dissertation, University of Minnesota, 248 pp. The results of these age models provide the ages reported in the "calyrBP" # column of the data table for this study. # #--------------------------------------- # Variables # Data variables follow that are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-longname components (9 components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, archive, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) ## ID sample identification,,,,,climate reconstructions,,,C,Site name ## depth_cm depth,,,centimeter,,climate reconstructions,,,N, ## calyrBP age,,,calendar year before present,,climate reconstructions,,,N, ## EV air temperature,,,degree Celsius,Jul,climate reconstructions; pollen,anomalized,analogue method,N,EV reference period (normative): 1961-1990 CE ## 1-sigma air temperature,,one standard deviation,degree Celsius,Jul,climate reconstructions; pollen,anomalized,analogue method,N,1-sigma reference period (normative): 1961-1990 CE #------------------------ # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing_Values: NA ID depth_cm calyrBP EV 1-sigma Taquitz Meadow 0 -25.5 NA NA Taquitz Meadow 0 -25.5 -0.41308 NA Taquitz Meadow 0 -25.5 NA NA Taquitz Meadow 10 408 -0.55022 1.113596 Taquitz Meadow 30 1225 -0.04938 1.666525 Taquitz Meadow 40 1633 -0.02923 1.195159 Taquitz Meadow 50 2037 -0.2252 1.527768 Taquitz Meadow 60 2417 -0.39886 1.05555 Taquitz Meadow 75 3126 -0.69284 1.146004 Taquitz Meadow 80 3662 -0.64365 1.120121 Taquitz Meadow 85 4198 -0.40184 1.026377 Taquitz Meadow 90 4735 -0.3557 1.23244 Taquitz Meadow 120 5317 1.355257 1.304963 Taquitz Meadow 160 5533 -0.49077 2.389736 Taquitz Meadow 175 6412 0.00067 0.0069 Taquitz Meadow 180 6705 NA NA Taquitz Meadow 185 7008 0.342096 1.195324 Taquitz Meadow 190 7327 0.298028 1.411732 Taquitz Meadow 195 7646 0.561093 1.766926 Taquitz Meadow 205 8283 0.412658 1.956464 Taquitz Meadow 230 8605 1.11195 1.17418 Taquitz Meadow 245 8982 0.373886 1.380773 Taquitz Meadow 248 9092 0.215048 1.706257 Taquitz Meadow 250 9166 0.623908 1.819357 Taquitz Meadow 253 9276 1.270752 1.30483 Hual Cu Cuish 0 -25.5 NA NA Hual Cu Cuish 0 -25.5 -0.00161 NA Hual Cu Cuish 200 10469 0.232136 0.586712 Hual Cu Cuish 206 10583 -0.00019 0.009033 Hual Cu Cuish 220 10842 -1.98949 2.134968 Hual Cu Cuish 240 11194 -0.56632 0.7868 Hual Cu Cuish 250 11363 -5.00474 1.408242 Hual Cu Cuish 255 11446 NA NA